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West Coast Baptist College

PT 401 – Pastoral Counseling Spring 2015 - Syllabus Instructor Gary Spaeth

I. Course Description

This will be an in-depth look at the counseling responsibilities of the pastor. The class will include a study of the techniques to be used to provide biblical counsel to those who are hurting and in need of guidance. It will also discuss the precautions that need to be taken by a pastor and staff when counseling.

II. Course Objectives

The student who successfully completes this course will be able Institutional Program Course Objectives* Objectives Requirement to: * (Assignment)

Articulate the role of the pastor as a shepherd, and his care for 1 1, 2, 4 1, 3 A, B1, B2 the flock during times of need.

Describe the various methods for counseling and demonstrate 2 1, 2 1, 3, 4 B1 the necessity for biblically based counseling.

Provide a detailed explanation of the biblical foundation for 3 1 1 A, B3 counseling.

Identify the need for a church counseling policy and the areas 4 1, 2 4 B1 that should be addressed by it.

Explain proper guidelines for conducting various types of 5 1, 2 A, B1, B3 counseling sessions.

Demonstrate the Biblical counseling process, and list the various areas of questions that should be asked in order to detect the 6 1, 2, 4 1, 2 A, B2, B3, B4 problem and develop a strategy for the counselee to overcome the problem.

Conduct counseling sessions, as required for a pastor or 7 1, 2, 4 4 A, B2, B3, B4 Missionary.

Examine the need for pre-marital counseling, and discuss the 8 1, 2 1, 4 A, B1 content that should be addressed to the engaged couple.

Recognize the importance of the pastor’s help in the grieving 9 1, 2 1, 3, 4 A, B2 process, and identify the procedures for conducting a funeral. PT 401 – Pastoral Counseling – Fall 2014 Page 2 Course Syllabus

III. Course Requirements

A. Reading

Read carefully the following books and turn in the Required Reading Evaluation form. The form can be downloaded from my web site.

o A Maze of Grace, Dr. Paul Chappell - Due February 3rd

o Living in an Imperfect World, R.B. Ouellette - Due February 12th

o A Firm Foundation, Dr. Paul Chappell - Due February 24th

o Emotional Victory, Bud Calvert – Due March 10th

B. Projects:

1. Church Counseling Policy - Due March 19th

For this project the student will create a well thought-out policy manual to govern counseling conducted at a local church. The policy MUST be at least four (4) pages long and include everything necessary to safeguard the counselee, counselor, and the church.

The policy Must contain these four sections in order to receive full credit for the project:  General counseling guidelines  Pre-marital counseling guidelines  Policies when counseling children  Counseling agreement to be signed by counselee

The document should identify the specific procedures for counseling along with the reason counseling is to be conducted in this manner. The policies should address, but not be limited to the following issues:

 Who you will and will not counsel  How will children be counseled  What are your guidelines for conducting wedding ceremonies  What counseling will you require for those you will marry  Where can the counseling be conducted  Who will conduct counseling in your church  How long will you counsel a person

** Project should be started only after the section on The Policy for Counseling is covered.

2. Funeral Service (Two Options) PT 401 – Pastoral Counseling – Fall 2014 Page 3 Course Syllabus

Option One - Date to be announced

Attend the field trip to Joshua Memorial Park and Mortuary and write up a summary of things you learned from the staff. Each student will also write a thank you note to the staff in order to receive full credit for this assignment.

Option Two - Due April 2nd

Plan the details of a funeral service including the following:

 A list of questions you would ask the family to prepare for funeral service  A detailed order of services (both funeral and graveside), including hymns, special music, testimonies, Scriptures, etc.  Funeral sermon outline (At least 500 words)

** Project should be started only after the section on Bereavement Counseling is covered.

3. Genogram - Due April 14th

The Student is to create a detailed Genogram identifying your family tree going back three generation if possible. Details of the Genogram will be given in class.

** Project should be started only after the section on The Process for Counseling is covered.

4. Mock Counseling Sessions - Due April 21st

The purpose of this project is to familiarize the student with the counseling process. The student will conduct two (2) counseling sessions, each at least twenty (20) minutes in length with two different people. The counseling method learned in class must be utilized in each of the sessions.

After the two sessions, write a 150 word summary for each session. The summary should include the first name of the persons you met with, the location, the date and time of the session, and an evaluation of the session in general.

** Project should be started only after the section on The Process for Counseling is covered.

Guidelines for submitting assignments

All assignments must follow these guidelines or they may be returned ungraded.

 First page must be a Cover Page (A sample is included with this syllabus)  Margins set to one (1) inch  Page numbers on the bottom right of every page except for the cover page  Times New Romans or equivalent twelve (12) point font PT 401 – Pastoral Counseling – Fall 2014 Page 4 Course Syllabus

 All papers and projects must be the student’s own work. No student is permitted to work with another person on any paper or project unless the instructor has given his permission. All papers should be emailed using either Microsoft Word or PDF format by 5:00 PM of the date due. The class code PT 401 and the title of the assignment MUST appear in the subject line of the email for you to get credit for your work.

Once submitted, you should receive a confirmation email from me verifying I received the assignment. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours of sending, please contact me immediately so you do not loose credit for the assignment.

Late Project policy:

All class requirements are to be turned in by 5:00 PM the day they are due – Any assignment turned in after 5:00 PM will receive a grade of 0%. Absolutely no late assignments will be accepted, as per the policy of West Coast Baptist College.

If you have a question or an emergency comes up, please talk with your instructor for a possible solution before the due date. No excuses will be accepted after the due date.


C. Exams:

o Midterm examination March 12th

o Final examination April 28th

IV. Grading

Your grade will consist of the following:

Reading------35% A Maze of Grace------5% Living in an Imperfect World------10% A Firm Foundation------10% Emotional Victory------10%

Projects------35% Funeral Service------5% Church Counseling Policy------15% Create Genogram------5% Mock counseling sessions------10%

Tests------30% Midterm Exam------15% Final Exam------15% PT 401 – Pastoral Counseling – Fall 2014 Page 5 Course Syllabus

V. Spiritual and Academic Integrity

Classroom Behavior:

A. Arrive on time!! If you arrive late, it is your responsibility to see the instructor after class to ensure your attendance has been recorded. Failure to do so will result in being marked absent for class. Please see instructor prior to the start of class if you need to leave early.

B. No Sleeping during class! If you find yourself starting to fall asleep, you may stand in the back of the room until you are alert.

C. No texting or use of mobile phone allowed, except for the purpose of taking notes.

D. The use of the internet is not permitted during class, except by direction of the instructor.

E. Each student must participate in class discussions.

F. Bring notebook or computer to class to take notes.

Attendance Policy

If you are anywhere from 1 to 9 minutes late, you will be counted as late; if you are 10 minutes or more late, you will be counted as absent. If you leave class 10 minutes or more early, you will be counted as absent. You are responsible to get the class notes from other students.

In your student portal, you are able to track your attendance. If you miss more than fifteen (15) percent of this class (3.5 days), you will be automatically dropped from the roster and receive an “F” for the course. The amount missed contains the accumulation of tardies, cuts, and any other absences.

If you are absent on a quiz or test day, it is your responsibility to know what you have missed. Each student will have 48 hours (excluding weekends) from the end of class to make up the missed test or quiz. If these are not made up within that time frame, they will be recorded as a 0.

Make-up times for quizzes and exams: 6:45-7:20 Tuesday-Friday mornings 1:00-2:00 Monday-Friday afternoons

Academic Honesty:

West Coast Baptist College stresses excellence of character along with excellence in achievement and therefore does not tolerate cheating in any form. Second Corinthians 8:21clearly admonishes us to be honest: "Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men."

Because cheating is a violation of God's Word, its occurrence may warrant expulsion from the college, automatic failure of the course, or other significant academic penalties imposed by the individual instructor. Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to the following: PT 401 – Pastoral Counseling – Fall 2014 Page 6 Course Syllabus

1. Cheating on a test or assignment. Cheating is defined as knowingly giving or receiving information relative to written assignments, tests, quizzes, or exams in an unauthorized fashion.

2. Handing in the same paper or substituting a similar paper in more than one class without the written permission of all instructors involved.

3. Sharing or receiving advance information regarding the content or answers for a quiz, test, or exam.

4. Plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined as: a) representing as the student's own the words or unique thoughts of another; or b) failing to differentiate accurately material original with the student from that obtained from other sources. Submitting the work of someone else as the student's own work, whether intentionally or not, will be viewed and treated as plagiarism. Plagiarism is a form of cheating. There is no good reason for failing to properly document original sources. Pleading ignorance of what constitutes plagiarism, therefore, is not an acceptable defense for the act of plagiarism.

5. Submitting as the student's own work (papers or projects) materials unethically or inappropriately enhanced by another student or typist without the specific written permission of the instructor. Typists or proofreaders must be careful to avoid making corrections or alterations which change the creative or intellectual content or quality of the work.

6. Cyber-plagiarism. Cyber-plagiarism is defined as downloading from the Internet or other electronic sources information or term papers that are submitted as the student's own work. Downloading papers for submission as one's own work or for the purpose of assisting another student is a breach of academic honesty, which may result in class failure or expulsion from the college.

7. Cyber-collaboration. Cyber-collaboration is defined as unauthorized transmittal by electronic means work produced by another student. Unless the instructor gives specific permission, students are not authorized to send copies of homework, quizzes, tests, exams, or projects to other students via email or any other means for any reason.

Another author’s specific words must be placed within quotation marks with an appropriate reference given. Another author’s ideas must include an appropriate reference. You may choose to use appropriate footnotes, endnotes, or parenthetical references. Any student caught plagiarizing will receive a 0 for the assignment and may receive a 0 for the class.

VI. Bibliography

Berkley, James D. Vol. 18, Called into Crisis: The Nine Greatest Challenges of Pastoral Care. The Leadership Library. Carol Stream, IL; Dallas, TX: Christianity Today; Word Books, 1989. PT 401 – Pastoral Counseling – Fall 2014 Page 7 Course Syllabus Bolinder, Garth, Tom McKee and John R. Cionca. Vol. 6, What Every Pastor Needs to Know About Music, Youth, and Education. The Leadership Library. Carol Stream, IL; Waco, TX: Christianity Today, Inc.; Word Books, 1986.

Chappell, Dr. Paul. Grace for Godly Living: Allowing God's Grace To Produce a Godly Life. Lancaster, CA: Striving together Publications, 2012.

Chappell, Dr. Paul. Living Beyond Your Capacity: Understanding the Spirit-Filled Life. Lancaster, CA: Striving together Publications, 2012.

Collins, Gary R. Christian Counseling: A Comprehensive Guide. 3rd ed. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2006.

Kruis, John G. Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling. electronic ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1994.

MacArthur, John F., Jr. MacArthur Pastor’s Library on Counseling. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2005.

MacArthur, John, F., Jr, Wayne A. Mack and Master’s College. Introduction to Biblical Counseling: Basic Guide to the Principles and Practice of Counseling. Electronic ed. Dallas, TX: Word Pub., 1997.

Schmidt, Cary. Passionate Parenting: Enjoying The Journey Of Parenting Teens. Lancaster, CA: Striving together Publications.

A Final Word:

I am looking forward to teaching this class and prayerfully asking God to use this class to equip you in preparation for your ministry through the mighty working of the Holy Spirit, both in your life and mine. If there is any way I can be of assistance, please email me or stop by my office on the second floor of the North Building.

Contact points: In person: Office hours are Monday – Friday, 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Office: 946-4663, ext. 3146 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site http://spaeth.wcbc.edu Cover page Example 1 inch margins 4 lines down WEST COAST BAPTIST COLLEGE

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