Celestial Announcement Over the Loud-Speaker

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Celestial Announcement Over the Loud-Speaker

Scene I

[Celestial announcement over the loud-speaker] [Michael’s assistant carries clipboard and follows Michael]

Michael: All right angels, fall in.

[angels line up across stage in formation standing at-ease attention with arms behind them. – only quasi military]

MICHAEL: Now, I guess you’re all wondering why I’ve called this meeting.


CHER: Cherubs at your service, sir.

MICHAEL: Well, it’s true. This is a special mission. Because… this is THE biggest assignment, ever.

Gabriel: You mean, it’s … THE BIG EVENT?

MICHAEL: Yes, Gabriel. It is!

ANGELS: (wow, cool)

HOPE: God is finally sending His Son to earth?

MICHAEL: That’s right, Hope. Very soon.

SERAPHINA: Yeah, we’ve been waiting so long.

MICHAEL: All I know is that someone among you will be chosen to go to earth to take the message about the arrival of God’s Son.

ANGELS: (me, pick me, etc)

GABRIEL: So, Michael, when and where and to whom?

MICHAEL: I don’t know that yet. But you’ll be updated as soon as I know. So … just be ready angels. Dismissed!

[Michael exits. Gabriel crosses upstage to other angels. Speaking angels form a small group down stage. SCENE II

[Celestial announcement over the loud-speaker]

MICHAEL: All right, angels. Listen up. Here’s the scoop. There are several messages you’ll take to earth about God’s Son.

LIBBY: Several?

MICHAEL: Yes, the same basic “Fear Not” message, but to different people. The first message will go to a poor, young girl in Nazareth. Her name is Mary. This is very important, too. This girl… will be the mother of God’s Son.

ANGELS: (cool, awesome)

MICHAEL: The messenger has to be someone who’s bold, [all angels try to look brave] But tender. [all angels go into a mock tender stance] Someone with style, [angels try to look like runway models] But with great compassion. [angels go back to mock compassion look] It has to be done right.

Angels: Oh, me…me…me… pick me! (raising hands)

MICHAEL: Mary may be afraid at first, but the messenger’s job is to help her understand that God has chosen her and He’ll make everything all right. So… I choose [walks in front of troops, finally stops in front of Gabriel] Gabriel. [hands him paper]

GABRIEL: Me? Oh wow. Thank you, sir. I’ll do my best. [takes paper & exits]

MICHAEL: All right, angels. Stay ready. I’ll call you again very soon for the next message.

(Angels chatting) ARIEL: That could happen.

CHLOE: So… I wonder who he’ll pick next time.

[Michael enters crossing stage looking at his clipboard. They notice. ]

SERAPHINA: I don’t know… uh… well guys, I’ll be seeing you around. (Crosses to Michael tries to get him to pick him for assignment) Scene IV

[Celestial announcement over the loud-speaker]

[angels in rank – Michael has Gabriel in front handing him another message to deliver. Assistant hands M the envelope.]

GABRIEL: Yes sir. I know the drill, sir. Joseph, the carpenter, in Nazareth, sir. Right away.

MICHAEL: Do a good job, Gabriel. The Father is counting on you.

GABRIEL: Yes sir! [Exits and goes over to pose over Joseph, asleep on the cot]


Scene V (no song)

[Celestial announcement over the loud-speaker]

HOPE: (sadly) Yeah. I guess.

[Enter Michael] MICHAEL: Listen up, angels. It’s time! On my cue, you will spill into the sky in a field outside of Bethlehem. Wings on!

RAPHAEL: Bethlehem?

MICHAEL: Yes. [hands out pieces of paper] Here’s the script.

SAMUEL: We get lines?

MICHAEL: Pardon me?

HOPE: We get to say “fear not”?

MICHAEL: Oh no. Gabriel says that. He’s all set in place. This is what I want you to say. All right angels- Line Up. Ready? Wait for it… wait for it…

Gabriel ELLIE: That’s what he said.

[Michael gets the angels into position to jump a la paratroopers.]

MICHAEL: All right…. Now angels…. GO! GO! GO! [etc – each time he says go another angels jumps off platform and runs back up the stairs to get into a choir formation to sing. Scene VI

ANGELICA: (still a little disappointed) Yeah, I guess.

HOPE: (disappointed) Sure. So, I guess that’s it. Oh well….

[Enter Michael. As he calls the angels’ names, they step forward to a line and snap to attention. Assistant has 4 swords in hand and passes them to Michael who gives them to each as assigns.]

MICHAEL: Eleanor.

ELLIE: Here.


HOPE: Right here. (maybe the angels all should say Sir! Yes sir!)


FAITH: Present.

MICHAEL: And Charity.


MICHAEL: I have an assignment for you.

HOPE: Another message?

CHARITY: This time we go to the whole world?

FAITH: Yeah, which one of us gets to be the “Fear Not Factor”?

MICHAEL: This isn’t a message assignment. This is a different kind of mission.

ELLIE: Yeah? What?

MICHAEL: I’m sending you all to Bethlehem.

FAITH: Back there, again?

MICHAEL: This time I need you to… guard the Child.

HOPE: Guard Jesus? [underscore music starts] ELLIE: Us?

MICHAEL: Surround Him with protection, minister to His needs, and worship Him. And then bring Him back here when the Father says it’s time.

[Michael hands them swords as he walks to each them and puts his hand on their shoulder]

CHARITY: I don’t know what to say.

MICHAEL: That’s just it. You don’t say anything.

HOPE: This is such an honor.

MICHAEL: The Father believes in you. This is your place in His plan.

ELLIE: Michael, we have a confession.

HOPE: Yeah, we were sort of disappointed because we didn’t get to be the “Fear Not Factor”.

MICHAEL: I know, but you’ve gotta understand that Jesus Himself will be the “Fear Not Factor”. He’ll calm fears, comfort sorrows, wipe away tears. After all He’s the Prince of Peace.

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