CHALLENGE: To build an **effective** bug catcher using a minimum of two simple machines. Process: This will be a two part project, with each part graded separately. Grades will be based primarily on thoroughness, creativity and the competent use of the scientific method. “Bugs” must be present in local area in which you will test the effectiveness of your bug catcher. Students are to examine their local area for bugs and submit the name of the bug they are going to research on Wednesday, May 10.

Part 1 A 3 minute presentation of research, diagram, effectiveness goal and proposed bug catcher will be given on Monday, May 22, 2006. 1. Students must research the “bug” they will be attempting to catch. Research should include, but not be limited too; scientific name (through genus and species) and description of the bug, daily habits of the bug, preferred habitats of the bug, hours of the day/night the bug is most likely to be active, type of locomotion employed by the bug, natural predators and prey of the bug, reproduction and over wintering strategies of the bug. Research paper must be typed (double-spaced, 12 font), a minimum of two pages in length and include a bibliography of sources utilized. Students must also draw or provide a picture of the bug. Possible websites to begin your identification process and research follow: (Excellent site to first identify your insect) (Scroll down to find a key to the order of insects) (Information and 3d pictures) (Just for fun and some information) (The index lists most insects and provides information on them.

2. A diagram of the student’s proposed bug catcher. The diagram should clearly show the two, or more, simple machines to be used in the bug catcher and include an explanation of how the bug catcher works. Possible websites to explore what simple machines are and how they work follow:

3. The number of research bugs required to be caught to reach an effectiveness goal of 95% . ****To measure the effectiveness of you bug catcher, the following method will be utilized to determine how many bugs you will need to catch in a one week period.**** 1. Select the site where you will test your bug catcher. For crawling bugs, your site should be at least 1 square meter in area. For flying bugs, you will need to include a larger area of observation.

2. Observe site for 15 minutes and count the number of research bugs you see in that time. Count must be at least 5 individual bugs in order for site to be valid. Record number of bugs counted on data sheet. 3. Multiply the number of bugs counted by 4, to obtain how many research bugs occur in your site per hour.

4. Based on your research paper, multiply the number of bugs/hour by the number of hours, in a 24 hour period, that your bug is normally active. This will give you how many bugs per day normally occupy your site. Record this number on your data sheet.

5. Determine what 95% of your bugs/day is. This will be the number of individuals your bug catcher will need to catch to reach a 95% effectiveness goal.

Bug catcher must be built and presented in class. Requirements for bug catcher are: 1. Must include at least two simple machines. 2. Must be designed and built by student to catch research bug only. 3. No “kit’s or adhesives, like tape, allowed. 4. Should not harm the environment. 5. Should have no sharp corners or other parts that could harm people. 6. Do not use toxic or flammable chemicals. 7. If your trap will use electricity, it will have to be powered by batteries. 8. Bug catchers will need to withstand local weather conditions during the one week period they are being utilized. All the above is due on Monday, May 22, 2006

Part 2 Due Wednesday, May 31, 2006. Report of results from “testing” of bug catcher. Students will test their bug catchers in their chosen sites for 7 days, from the afternoon of May 22nd through the afternoon of May 29th. During this time, data will be taken on a daily basis (weekends included) to determine the number of individual bugs captured by the student’s bug catcher. Parents will need to sign data sheets daily, to verify that the data is correct. Data should include the daily number of hours the bug catcher is utilized, the daily number of individual bugs captured, a daily record of weather conditions (temperature, precipitation etc.) at your site and any other pertinent information that could affect your bug catcher test.

Data sheets, a graph showing daily bug counts, a percent effectiveness rating (based on your testing and prior research) and at least a two paragraph, typed, essay on how you would improve your bug catcher to make it more effective and why you feel these changes will improve your bug catcher, should be included in your report.

A brief presentation of test results and suggested improvements will take place May 31st. Grading Rubric Research On a first Has a passing The bug is a The bug Bug? What paper name basis knowledge of mere knows more bug? with their their bug acquaintance about you bug than you about it Topics All topics All topics Some topics Many topics What topics? listed and any listed, with listed missing listed other few details missing pertinent information Drawing Drawing is Drawing is Drawing gives Drawing I don’t draw excellent good general shape could be bug representation representation of bug but no of bug of bug details Bibliography All sources Most sources Few sources Sources My sources listed listed listed or few listed are secret correctly correctly sources listed incorrectly or incorrectly not at all Format Followed Followed Followed Followed I’m a format in format most format when it format when nonconformi every way of the time seemed handy I felt like it st Language Could write a Can write but Needs to Needs a I no I dint do usage book without needs a little proofread ghostwriter my best an error help with the another time editing

Bug Catcher A future A future Natural Nature just isn’t natural scientist natural scientist scientist future my thing of world known on the in question renown local level Diagram of bug Diagram is Diagram is Diagram is Diagram shows catcher complete from complete from minimal with a little detail and all angles and one angle and few labels no labels labeled clearly labeled clearly 2 simple Included Included Included Only one machines Bug catcher Clear, thorough Fairly clear, Not very clear or Minimal explanation and to the point thorough and to not very explanation the point thorough leaving much to the imagination of the reader Bug catcher Built according Built fairly close Built fairly close Put together to diagram in to diagram in to diagram but using as little appropriate appropriate material used not time and effort material for 1 material for 1 appropriate for 1 as possible. week usage week usage week usage Research and Wow! Good Work! You tried but With little effort results don’t give up there is little your day job. success Effectiveness Required # of Not required # of Not required # of Bugs? What rating bugs in time bugs in time bugs in time bugs? allotted, shows allotted, shows allotted, or does calculations and calculations and not show # of total bugs # of total bugs calculations and needed needed # of total bugs needed Data sheets Data taken for 1 Data taken for Data taken Data taken on week and signed most of 1 week intermittently or occasion, not by parents. Data and signed by not signed by signed by parents table logically parents. Data parents or data and data table arranged. table logically table needs help. not well arranged. organized or complete. Graph Utilizes proper Daily bug counts Improper Improper graph graphing method graphed but graphing and difficult to and shows daily doesn’t use methods read bug counts. proper graphing method Actual percent Calculations Calculations Calculations Answer given effectiveness shown, based on shown and done but answer with no actual data, and answer given is difficult to calculations or answer clearly interpret or not based on given calculations actual data don’t take into account actual data Reflection Paper Typed, well Typed, well Typed, needs Not typed, not 2 on how to written and well written but little help in writing, paragraphs, improve bug thought out thought grammar or many errors catcher thought and/or does not demonstrate much thought