Monocay Elementary School

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Monocay Elementary School

Our mission is to provide a rigorous instructional program in a respectful, nurturing environment. Monocacy Elementary School Expectations and Discipline Policy 2017-2018 Philosophy We believe that the most important function of our school is learning. It is our vision to provide a high quality education where parents, staff and students demonstrate persistence, resiliency and strong character. All stakeholders respectfully support one another to facilitate rigorous learning and high standards for behavior. The Student Expectations and Discipline Policy has been divided to reflect behavioral expectations and academic expectations which will support this vision.

The Student Expectations and Discipline Policy provides the structure for maintaining a safe, caring, and orderly environment that promotes student success. It is designed to reflect the balance between the responsibilities and rights of students (behaviorally and academically) and to inform parents, staff, and students of expectations and disciplinary actions or consequences.

The charts found on the next pages summarize behavioral expectations, proactive and responsive strategies staff and parents may use, and the range of disciplinary actions or consequences that will be implemented. Contents  Academic Expectations  Behavioral Expectations  Stop and Think Process (A Behavioral Support Program)  Computer Rules  Bus Rules  Cafeteria Rules  Playground Rules  Reminders  Bully, Harassment, or Intimidation Reporting Form (MCPS Form 230-35)  Signature Form (must be returned to be kept on file)

STOP AND THINK A Behavior Support Program

The Stop and Think process is designed to help students and teachers work through minor behavior issues which when left unaddressed can interfere with instruction and learning. It is our expectation that this process should not need to progress beyond level one. (*Note: Serious incidents will not be addressed through the Stop and Think process.)

Level One: Stop and Think

 Student is directed to the Stop and Think desk in the classroom to think about actions and ways to correct behavior. (This gift of time is designed to help students reflect, calm down, etc. Students may also choose to go there on their own.)

Level Two: Transition

 Student is directed to go to the Stop and Think desk to reflect and complete a Transition Reflection Form.  The teacher and student will review the Transition Reflection Form. This will provide the opportunity for the student to learn from their behavior and restore any relationships affected.  The form should be signed by a parent/guardian and returned the next school day. If the form is not returned, the teacher will meet with the student/call the parent.

Level Three: Office Referral

 The teacher completes the office referral form and sends this form and the transition form (if applicable) to the office with the student.  Principal assigns additional consequence as warranted. This form must be signed by parent or guardian and returned to school the next day.

*Serious incidents including, but not limited to those listed here will be handled by the principal according to MCPS guidelines. (theft, destruction of property, sexual harassment, fighting, bullying or possession of drugs or weapons.) ACADEMIC EXPECTATIONS

Expected Behavior Proactive Strategies Responsive Possible Strategies Consequences

Students will demonstrate their  Teachers provide  Restate expectations  Loss of privileges academic responsibilities by students with agenda  Visual cues (recess, school thoroughly completing books/homework sheets  Student-teacher event) assigned tasks (homework, to record assignments conference  Student-teacher class work, projects, etc.) and resources for  Parent notification conference within the time frame allotted. completing assignments  Student/teacher/pare  Parent-teacher (study guides, etc.) nt contract conference  Teachers model and  Parent conference  Refer to principal practice recording  Possible detention assignments in (parent must appropriate places. provide  Parents will review transportation) student assignments in agenda books or homework sheets  Staff/parents will review time-management and study skill strategies with students to help them organize and plan efficient use of time at school and at home  Teachers and parents will communicate regularly regarding issues with work completion BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS

Expected Behavior Proactive Strategies Responsive Strategies* (used to address all expected behaviors)

Students will show respect for  State and review rules school rules and authority.  Define respect  Model respect  Restate expectations  Refer to posted rules  Verbal praise  Positive reinforcement  Planned ignoring  Class meeting  Proximity control  Signaling or verbal reminder

* In addition to the responsive Students will show respect the  Define personal space strategies listed above, the Stop personal space and belongings of  Social skills instruction and Think process is used to others by keeping their hands, feet  Refer to posted rules address behaviors that interfere and objects to themselves.  Positive reinforcement with learning. This process is  Class meetings outlined on the following page.

* A Bully, Harassment, or Intimidation Reporting Form is enclosed to report alleged Students will show respect for the  Define respect and culture incidents. (MCPS Form 230-35) feelings, beliefs, culture and property  Positive reinforcement of others.  Refer to posted rules  Modeling class meetings

** Reminder: No toys or games should be brought to school unless directed by the teacher for use in the classroom. Student Computer Rules

(In addition to the behavioral expectations listed on the chart, the following rules apply to this specific environment.) 1. Remember that school computers are to be used for educational purposes only. 2. Food and drinks are not allowed in the computer lab or at any other workstation. 3. Log in using only your own login ID and password. 4. Keep your password confidential. 5. Remember that scheduled classes have priority in the computer lab and media research hub. 6. Limit your use to programs on the desktop. 7. Students may not access the hard drive or change settings. 8. Students are to use only staff approved websites. 9. Students may not use email at school. 10. Students must be under the direct supervision of a staff member when using the Internet. 11. A staff member needs to be present when using a CD or thumb drive from home. 12. Always select Print Preview before printing. This allows you to see what you have selected to print and will prevent the printing of unwanted pages. Ask a staff member for permission to print. 13. Logoff computer when finished. Make sure volume controls are turned all the way down, work areas are clean, headsets are properly stored and chairs are pushed in. 14. Inappropriate use of the Internet, other programs, or printers will result in a temporary or permanent loss of computer privileges.

Bus Rules

(In addition to the behavioral expectations listed on the chart, the following rules apply to this specific environment.) 1. Use a quiet voice and appropriate language. 2. Keep aisle clear of belongings. 3. Stay seated, facing forward, with feet and arms out of the aisle. 4. Keep emergency exits clear. 5. Keep arms, feet and head inside the window. 6. Take all belongings and trash with you when you exit the bus. 7. Keep food and drink in lunch boxes or backpacks. 8. Treat others as you would like to be treated. 9. Do not use any electronic devices on the bus or play games on the bus.


(In addition to the behavioral expectations listed on the chart, the following rules apply to this specific environment.) 1. Enter the cafeteria quietly when told by a lunchroom supervisor. 2. Stand in line quietly when purchasing your lunch. 3. Go directly to your grade level tables with your lunch. 4. Walk at all times in the cafeteria. 5. Talk in an appropriate, quiet manner. No shouting. 6. Use good table manners. Eat your own lunch. Do not share food. 7. Clean up your space and throw away your trash as directed. 8. Raise your hand if you need help or want to ask permission to leave your seat. 9. When the lights are turned off, stop talking and give your attention to the adults. 10. Follow signals for leaving the cafeteria. Playground Rules

(In addition to the behavioral expectations listed on the chart, the following rules apply to this specific environment.) 1. Play in designated areas only. 2. Use equipment properly. 3. Use appropriate language. 4. Always play in a safe manner. 5. Ask permission to enter the building and make sure you take someone with you. 6. When your grade level is signaled, stop playing, return equipment, and line up immediately. 7. Students are expected to immediately seek the assistance of a supervising adult when a problem arises for which they need assistance, or when they are physically or verbally attacked. 8. Remember, no toys or games should be brought out to recess. Reminders

1. It is illegal for students to bring weapons or tobacco and alcohol products to school for any reason. 2. Electronics, including cell phones, are prohibited in school. If there is a need for students to have a cell phone, please contact the principal. 3. If students need to have medication at school, parents must contact the school health room to be sure MCPS procedures are followed. Parents must deliver medication to the health room; students may not bring medication on the school bus. Signature Form 2017-2018

Please complete this form and return this page only to your child’s teacher. Keep the Monocacy Elementary School Student Expectation and Discipline Policy and the MCPS Code of Conduct for your reference.

______Print name of student Grade/Teacher


I have received the 2017-2018 MCPS Code of Conduct and will talk to my child about appropriate conduct at school.

______Signature of parent or guardian Date

I have read and discussed the Monocacy Elementary School Student Expectation and Discipline Policy with my child. I will do my part as a parent to ensure that my child will meet the academic and behavioral expectations outlined in this policy.

______Signature of parent or guardian Date

I have read the Student Expectation and Discipline Policy. I agree to meet the expectations in this policy so that my classmates and I will have a successful school year.

______Signature of student Date Office Referral Form


Referred By______Time______


____physically aggressive ____not following directions

____disrupting instruction ____inappropriate language




____classroom ____art/music rm. ____field trip

____hallway ____playground ____bus

____cafeteria ____gym ____other______

Action Taken (completed by principal or designee):

____conference with student ____after school detention

____parent contacted (letter / phone) ____exclusion from class/activity

____parent conference ____suspension from school bus

____in school suspension ____lunch/recess detention

____suspension ____other______

Principal/Designee Signature ______

Student Signature ______

Signature of Parent or Guardian______Transition Reflection Form


My behavior was: (circle one) unkind impatient impolite irresponsible disrespectful when I ______

Think about these three questions:

What was happening in and around you when you behaved this way?



How did your actions affect others?



What needs to be done to make things right?



Raise your hand when you are ready to complete this form with your teacher. ************************************************************* Student Signature: ______

Staff Signature: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date______

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