Course Description s24

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Course Description s24

Introduction to Healthcare: Online HSC 101 – 3 Credits

Prerequisite/Co-requisites: none

Course Description This course introduces concepts that are fundamental to all healthcare occupations. Topics will include the structure of the healthcare system and current trends in healthcare. A variety of healthcare careers, including qualifications, educational requirements and personal characteristics will also be discussed. Finally, communication with patients and other professionals, lifestyle choices and ethical- legal issues will also be emphasized.

Required Text  Mitchell, Joyce, and Haroun, Lee, Introduction to Healthcare Second Edition Thomson/Delmar Learning, Clifton Park NY 12065

Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Assessment Methods To demonstrate an At the end of this course, students will be understanding of: able to: As measured by: The opportunities  Express understanding of how ethics Assignments/Tests/ available for shapes healthcare Projects/Discussion employment in the  Demonstrate understanding about Board Healthcare field, how the importance of the use of medical Ethics plays a role in terminology in a global healthcare healthcare and how the setting history of healthcare  Summarize and describe significant has shaped both and events in the history of healthcare how our own definition that shaped the way care is currently of wellness interacts being delivered with our own ethics  Define our own personal wellness based on history theory

The structural  List the structural organization in Assignments/Tests/ organization of the the body and will be able to Projects/Discussion Human Body including demonstrate understanding of how Board Anatomy and cell structure and function play a Physiology and Growth role and Development  Relate the anatomical features and throughout the lifespan physiological actions of each body system  Categorize the physical, cognitive and psychosocial changes that occur in each stage of life

The importance of  Express understanding of and be Assignments/Tests/ prevention within the able to explain the importance of Projects/Discussion Healthcare field in the ergonomics as it relates to injury Board subjects of Ergonomics, prevention Infection control and  Follow a proper handwashing Environmental safety procedure  Describe the chain of Infection  Define PPE and analyze how it is used in infection control  Compile a list of infectious and contagious diseases  Understand and explain the importance of environmental safety in maintaining the safety of the healthcare worker, the patients and others How healthy lifestyles,  Explain the importance of diet, Assignments/Tests/ professionalism and exercise, sleep and prevention and Projects/Discussion continuing education discover the major health risks Board can impact how we encountered by the healthcare define personal worker enrichment and success  Define and identify the in the Healthcare field characteristics and behaviors of workers who display professionalism, define “professional distance” and examine the characteristics of a leader  Express and explain the importance of education within the healthcare setting, list reasons for participating in continuing education opportunities

How Communication  Explain the philosophy of individual Assignments/Tests/ plays an integral role in worth and how it may pertain to Projects/Discussion many facets of culture, define culture and describe Board healthcare including how it influences behavior understanding culture  Explain the importance of effective and how culture can communication in healthcare and list impact communication. and describe the 6 steps of the Communication can communication process as it relates include talking, writing to patient well being or the use of  Explain why the ability to write technology. clearly and correctly is an important skill for the healthcare worker  Describe why computer literacy is important for today’s healthcare worker, describe ways that computers are used in healthcare and list precautions that the healthcare worker can take to ensure computer security That Job Skills play an  Create a Resume that highlights the Assignments/Tests/ important role post appropriate qualifications, traits and Projects/Discussion education and the skills skills that encourages employers to Board of writing a resume, schedule an interview learning how to succeed  Explain the purpose of the job at a job interview and interview and prepare for questions how to be successful that may be asked or that you should once employed are all ask during an interview skills that are an  Identify 7 behaviors associated with ongoing process professional success, discover important information that new employees should learn about the job setting. That Quality Assurance  List and explain the purposes of Assignments/Tests/ plays an important role medical documentation, Projects/Discussion in Healthcare. Two of characteristics of “good” Board the most important documentation and formats to ways in which Quality document that are accepted can be measured is  Execute the proper method for through Documentation correcting errors in a medical record and ongoing Quality  Understand and analyze the Improvement components used in determining quality of care and compare and contrast that with quality improvement

Teaching Strategies  Lectures.  Online discussion boards, assignments, and individual projects as assigned.  Tests & quizzes to demonstrate comprehension.

Grading Policy

Comprehension and methods used for evaluation will be demonstrated in examinations, class participation/discussions, group projects and final evaluations

 Discussion Board 25%  Final Exam 25%  Tests 25%  Assignments/Papers 25% Goodwin College uses the following Grading System:

Grade Points Explanation Grade Points Explanation A (93-100) 4.0 Excellent C (73-76) 2.0 Satisfactory A- (90-92) 3.7 Excellent C- (70-72) 1.7 Below Average B+ (87-89) 3.3 Good D+ (67-69) 1.3 Poor B (83-86) 3.0 Good D (63-66) 1.0 Poor B- (80-82) 2.7 Good D- (60-62) 0.7 Poor C+ (77-79) 2.3 Satisfactory F (below 60) 0.0 Fail

Assignments/Exercises: Papers/Reflections (25%): Weekly assignments and Papers/Reflections are made to develop your reading, writing, and critical thinking skills in accordance with the course objectives. Papers are assigned to further assist in the exploration of the topics discussed during the week.

Final Exam (25%): The Final Exam is used to assess the student’s overall knowledge of the material covered in class. It includes but it not limited to information in the Discussion Board, Textbook and Class Assignments

Weekly Tests (25%) Weekly exams are used to assess the student’s knowledge of the material covered in class Quizzes may also be utilized to assess the student’s knowledge of material.

Discussion Board (25%)

This course requires participation in the discussion board, a minimum of three separate days. You are required to post no later than Tuesday of the current week The standards below will be used to evaluate the quality of your discussion posts.

Each post should be "value added." In other words, your posts should further the thread topics; show that you have learned something from our readings or outside research; bring anecdotal, life experiences to the threaded issues; ask relevant and forward moving questions; or otherwise promote the course objectives for the week. Posts like "I agree" or "Great post" are nice, goodwill posts, but they will not receive credit. Please review the following quality standards; use them as you formulate your responses:

High: Your contributions to each topic indicate your mastery of the materials assigned. Your responses integrate multiple views and present a seed for reflection for other participants. Your posts provide evidence that you are reading, comprehending, and giving thoughtful consideration to the assigned materials and other student postings. You know the facts and are able to analyze them and handle conceptual ideas. Typical High quality posts are at least 100-200 words and are often several paragraphs long.

Medium: Your responses build on the ideas of another participant (or more) and dig deeper into assignment questions or issues. You make intelligent posts during the week, including some good critique of the course material, which demonstrates that you have an understanding of the material, are reading posts of your colleagues, and are contributing to the class. Your posts demonstrate confidence with the materials, but they may be just a bit off target in one area or another. Typical Medium quality posts are approximately 100 words in length. They may or may not be several paragraphs in length.

Low: You have meaningful interaction with other participants' postings. Posts that state “I agree” or “I disagree” include an explanation of what is disagreed or agreed upon and why, or introduce an argument that adds to the discussion. However, you may have rambling, lengthy posts that show no sign of having been re-read and refined before posting, and your writing suffers a lack of clarity and/or suggests a lack of comprehension. These posts are typically 1-2 sentences in length.

Unsatisfactory: You will receive little credit in the week's discussion by just showing up and making trivial comments without adding any new thought to the discussion. At the low end of the spectrum, no participation gets a “0”. That is, if you are not in the discussion, you do not earn any points.

In addition to the above quality standards (high, medium, low, and unsatisfactory), your discussion grade will be determined by your:

Frequency: You must post to each graded discussion a minimum of three days each week. You must submit your first post of the week, no later than Tuesday.

Quantity: In order to meet the quality requirements, a post will be at least a paragraph in length. You will find that some topics call for lengthier responses. A paragraph, contrary to popular opinion, can be anywhere from four to ten (or more) sentences in length.

Accuracy: Because this is a writing course, your posts must be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Please use the Spell Check provided by Blackboard.

A few helpful tips for Discussion:

 Post high-value posts; if your posts are less than high-value, you will need to post more frequently to get full credit.  Post responses to other students, to answer my questions, and/or to ask questions.  Use text references, web research, and life experiences that are relevant to our topics.  Avoid writing just "I agree" without elaborating to explain why you agree or disagree with a statement.  You will need to answer each Discussion Board Question. Once you have made an initial response you pick the ones that most interest you, ask a follow-up question, or respond to other student posts.  Debate with your classmates! We don't all have to have the same spin on issues. Debates help us learn, especially when we maintain a healthy respect for others and a tolerance for opinions that differ from our own.

Quality posts include:

 Providing additional information to the discussion;  Elaborating on previous comments from others;  Presenting explanations of concepts or methods to help fellow students;  Presenting reasons for or against a topic in a persuasive fashion;  Sharing your own personal experiences that relate to the topic; and  Providing a resource reference or URL to support comments Note: The Internet is great for information sharing, but you must always be skeptical (use those critical thinking skills!) when researching a topic on the Internet and always make sure that you cite appropriately.

Late Work Policy: Late work poses a serious threat to a student’s ability to keep up with the pace of the course. All assignments must be turned in no later than the last day of each assignment week (Sunday)

As a rule, late work will not be accepted. I do realize that unforeseen circumstances may prevent a student from completing his/her work on time. In the event of a verifiable emergency (serious illness, accident, natural disaster), please contact me immediately. Unless we have negotiated and mutually agreed upon an alternative submission date in advance, assignments must be submitted on or prior to the due date.

Note: a computer crash is not a valid excuse. Be sure to back up your work in several places and budget your time according to the 11:59 PM deadline each Sunday

Attendance Policy

Your participation in the discussion board is vital to the learning process and attendance is a key ingredient of your success.

Peer-Tutoring Tutoring services are available in the Learning Resource Center. Any student seeking tutoring assistance should fill out a request form in the Academic Office.

E-tutoring Tutoring is available online at any time through the Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium. If you would like to use this form of tutoring, contact Ms. Castello-Butler, Assistant Dean of Student Services, in the Academic Office for further information.

Writing Center Students may receive assistance with writing in any course or academic discipline through the Goodwin College Writing Center. The Writing Center is open on Monday through Thursday from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM and Fridays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The Writing Center is located in the Learning Center, Room 209. Appointments are available outside regularly scheduled hours to accommodate students whose work or school schedule do not allow them to attend during regular times. To schedule an appointment or speak with the coordinator of the Writing Center, students may call 860.913.2064, e-mail [email protected] or send a text message to 860.816.1848.

Course Outline:

Date Topic(s) Assignments/Reading to Assessment Schedule Covered be completed before class Week 1 Introduction: Assignments: Assessments:  Chapters 1-4  Test #1  Multimedia  Personal Wellness Lectures Chapters Paper 1-4  Reflection of an  Videos Ethical Dilemma  Discussion Board  Kaiser Exercise Paper  Quia Web  Kaiser Family Foundation Week 2 The Human Assignments Assessments: Body and  Chapters 6-8, 20  Test #2 Development  Multimedia  Cell Labeling Lectures Chapters  Developmental Stage 6-8, 20 Reflection  Videos  Discussion Board Week 3 Safety Assignments: Assessments:  Chapters 9-11  Test #3  Multimedia  Personal Ergonomics Lectures Chapters Paper 9-11  Handwashing  Videos Procedure  Discussion Board  List of Do’s and Don’ts for Workplace Safety

Week 4 Personal Assignments: Assessments: Enrichment  Chapters 12-14  Test #4  Multimedia  Reflection on Lectures Chapters Professionalism/Behav 12-14 iors  Videos  Paper: Burnout/Stress  Discussion Board Week 5 Communication Assignments: Assessments: and Technology  Chapters 15-18  Test #5  Multimedia  Health Literacy Paper Chapters 15-18  Cultural Reflection  Videos  Discussion Board

Week 6 The Job Assignments: Assessments:  Chapters 24-26  Test #6  Multimedia  Resume Creation Chapters 15-18 Paper  Videos  Job Behaviors List  Discussion Board  Reflection on the Interview Process and Questions that cannot be asked. Week 7 Quality Assignments: Assessments: Assurance  Chapters 19, 23  Test #7  Multimedia  Simulation of proper Chapters 19-23 correction in the  Videos Medical Record  Discussion Board  “Good” Documentation Paper  Reflection of QA in Medicare

Week FINAL EXAM FINAL EXAM FINAL EXAM RELEASED 7.5 Friday – Sunday.Must be submitted NO LATER than 11:59 pm Sunday.

Goodwin College Policies This general policy page must be attached to each syllabus as it gives students information about college policies and procedures.

Academic Integrity The Academic Integrity Code prohibits cheating, fabrication or falsification of information, multiple submissions of academic work, plagiarism, abuse of academic materials, and complicity in academic dishonesty as well as other forms of fraudulence. It is the students’ responsibility to know and observe the requirements of the Goodwin College Code of Academic Integrity. The entire policy is located in the Academic Dean’s Office.

Special Needs/Disabilities Students with documented disabilities are eligible to receive accommodations as mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students may request accommodations by contacting the Disabilities Coordinator, Joe Cary. Mr. Cary’s office is located in the Academic Advising Suite.

Incompletes Satisfactory progress is computed for all courses taken for credit. An incomplete is a temporary grade assigned by the faculty member. Course Incompletes are counted as credit hours attempted but not earned. Generally, if a student receives an "Incomplete," (s)he has two (2) weeks from the end of the course to complete all course requirements in order to receive a grade for that course. If requirements are not met, the incomplete will be converted to an "F". Academic standing will be recomputed after the "INC" is replaced with a grade. In both cases the final grade will then be included in calculating the student's GPA and count as credits attempted. In cases where the Incomplete has been issued for a pre-requisite course, the student may not be allowed to move on to the higher level course if the Incomplete has not been replaced with a satisfactory grade.

Withdrawals and Leaves Students may officially drop this course by the end of the second week. The dropped course will not appear on the transcript, will not count as credits attempted, and will not count in the GPA. Students may officially withdraw from this course by the end of the 5th week, if it is a 7 ½ week course, and by the end of the 13th week, if it is a 15 week course. The course will appear on the transcript, will count as credits attempted, but will not affect the GPA. Official course withdrawal forms are located in the Academic Advising Office. Students needing to Withdraw from the college or take a Leave of Absence must fill out official paperwork in the Registrar’s Office located in the Academic Office. All such requests must be signed by the student as well as a representative of the Registrar’s Office and a Financial Aid Officer.

Technology Policy Access to all computer systems, networks and electronic devices owned by Goodwin College imposes certain responsibilities and obligations to all faculty, staff and students. The college’s technology policy outlines the acceptable usage for all computers and peripherals, network resources, telephones and all other electronic devices owned and maintained by Goodwin College. Users failing to adhere to this policy may face disciplinary actions by Goodwin College and/or local and federal law enforcement agencies. The complete technology policy is located on the Goodwin website and in the student handbook.

School Closings Unscheduled school closings, late openings, and early dismissals due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances will be announced on the following stations no later than 6:30 am for day classes and 3 pm for evening classes. WTIC 96.5 FM Channel 3 WFSB-TV WTIC 1080 AM Channel 30 WVIT-TV WRCH 100.5 FM Channel 8 WTNH-TV WZMX 93.7 FM Students may also access school closing information by calling 860 528-4111 or by checking the College website (

How to Access Grades and Unofficial Transcripts Grades and unofficial transcripts are available on the Goodwin website ( Semester course grades will be posted on the intranet within three days of the semester end date.

Registration for next semester The Official Registration Period for the subsequent semester is Week 10 of the current semester. Students must complete all registration activities by the end of the 10th week of the semester to avoid the late registration fee which is $100.00. Information concerning registration is available at both the Academic Office and the Academic Advising Office.

This course adheres to all policies outlined in the Goodwin College catalog. For further information, see Academic Regulations as stated in the catalog.

Rev: 7/2010

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