Washington Township Supervisors s1

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Washington Township Supervisors s1

WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP SUPERVISORS Regular Monthly Meeting June 12, 2012

The Washington Township Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 12, 2012. Supervisors present: Chairman Harold Wilson, Robert Hrin, and Ronald Sunderland and Steven McClelland. Absent: Supervisor Mike McClintick. Also present: Greg Kruk, Solicitor, Colleen Pifer, Twp. Secretary/Treasurer and Daniel Whaling, Twp. Roadmaster. Visitors: Cathy Moore, Courier Express newspaper, Bernie & Linda McFall, Kyle & Joel Shingledecker from Scout Troop 35.

Chairman Harold Wilson opened the meeting at 7:00 PM with a salute to the flag.


Petition…. Linda McFall presented the Supervisors with a petition and pictures of property located at 2664 Wilson Road owned by Jeff and Jennifer Wolfe. Residents from Wilson Road and Darrell Drive signed the petition requesting the Township make them clean up their property.

The Township has no junk or garbage ordinance. Solicitor Greg Kruk will review the Township’s Zoning Ordinance. This property is located in the Agricultural zone. Mr. Kruk said two vehicles or more without a valid license is considered a junk yard in the Rural Residential zone. The Supervisors will take a look at the property.

On a MOTION by Robert Hrin, a SECOND by Ronald Sunderland, all the board voting in favor, the Solicitor was directed to write a letter to the Wolfe’s contingent upon the Supervisors review.

Flag pole… Kyle Shingledecker from Beechwood Scout Troop 35 submitted his plans for installing a flag pole at the Township Building for his scout project. He recommended at 25’ pole which will cost $435. The 30’ pole costs $200 more and he felt it would over shadow the building. He figured another $100 for 120V light, flag and cement. The secretary told him the State Representative may donate a flag for his project. Kyle also requested permission to use Township parking lot to have a yard sale to raise the money for his project. The Supervisors were pleased with his plan.

Charles Johnson, Guardian Planners… Robert Hrin invited Charles Johnson to the meeting to discuss investing Township funds. Mr. Johnson is with Guardian Planners from DuBois. Mr. Johnson suggested investing with ING Secure Index Five Annuities for 5 years. If need be the Township could pull its money out without penalty but they would lose their interest. This is a fixed annuity with a $15,000 minimum. The Supervisors will review the information.

Eric Mennor, Walsh Equipment… Dan Whaling contacted Eric Mennor about purchasing a used roller and/or paver. Mr. Mennor said the Township’s old paver doesn’t have any trade-in value. It’s too old and wore out. Walsh has a used 1999 Mauldin paver with 3000 hours on it for $9,900. 1 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP SUPERVISORS Regular Monthly Meeting June 12, 2012

Open to the Floor continued…

The Supervisors asked Mr. Mennor if he could bring it to the Township Building for Dan to try out. He said he would arrange a time with Dan.

The Township’s roller is a real safety issue. A new Roller is about $60,000. The Supervisors will continue to shop around for a Roller. Dan Whaling said Duane Brooks said he would rent his Roller to Township. The Supervisors suggested checking at Apple Tractor and other places for renting one.

On a MOTION by Steven McClelland, a SECOND by Robert Hrin, all the board voting in favor, authorization was given to Dan Whaling to rent a Roller at the best price.

On a MOTION by Ronald Sunderland, a SECOND by Steven McClelland, all the board voting in favor, Dan Whaling will try the Paver out and if the Paver meets the Township’s conditions, the Township will purchase the Paver from Walsh for $9,900.

Truck bed… Mr. Mennor also had a quote for $13,396 on a bed for the Township’s 1999 GMC. No action taken on the truck bed quote.


On a MOTION by Robert Hrin, a SECOND by Ronald Sunderland, all the board voting in favor, the minutes of the May 08, 2012, regular monthly meeting were approved as presented.


On a MOTION by Steven McClelland, a SECOND by Robert Hrin, all the board voting in favor, the vouchers due for payment and the payroll for the employees from May 09, 2012 thru June 12, 2012 were approved.


On a MOTION by Ronald Sunderland, a SECOND by Robert Hrin, all the board voting in favor, the monthly Treasurer’s report was approved as presented. A copy the Treasurer’s report will be on file.


2 1) Exco – Lougee Pipeline permit notification; 2) Environmental Recovery – Fuel Oil Spill

on Anderson Drive; 3) Dep – Diesel Fuel Spill on I-80 – Final summary report; 4)

EQT- permit for well on Game School Road in Polk Twp. 5) Strishock Coal Company

requested bond release for surface mine permit at the James Rosio mine.

WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP SUPERVISORS Regular Monthly Meeting June 12, 2012

SOLICITOR’S REPORT Greg Kruk had nothing to report but the Supervisors had a Cable TV complaint to report.

A resident called Zito to complain about an outage and Zito told the resident they had to have at least 3 outages before they would come out and investigate the problem. Greg Kruk said the Township could tell Zito to get their lines out of the Township’s right of ways since at this time we do not have a contract with them. This may get their attention.

On a MOTION by Robert Hrin, a SECOND by Steven McClelland, all the board voting in favor, the Solicitor was directed to send Zito a letter concerning this issue.

3 The resident with this issue will be asked to forward an email to the Township explaining exactly what happened and when.

NEW BUSINESS Robert Hrin attend the Mengle Library open house. He said the Township was recognized for their contribution.

Steven McClelland suggested getting quotes to get Cooper Road paved from White Road down 4/tenths. It’s a school route and paving will make it easier to treat for winter maintenance. Steve got a new quote from Hawbaker’s for $72,000 and the older quote from a prior year was $101,000. New Enterprise… New Enterprise requested permission to access off the Rails to Trails behind Triangle Tech from Tannery Road. The Supervisors weren’t sure if they had the authority to give them permission. The Solicitor will check to see if Headwaters should be the one to grant permission.

On a MOTION by Robert Hrin, a SECOND by Ronald Sunderland, all the board voting in favor, if the Township is authorized to give New Enterprise permission after the Solicitor reviews the lease, then so be it.

RR Crossing Complaint… Harold Wilson said he had a complaint on site distance at the RR Crossing on Old Grade Road. Someone almost got hit. Dan Whaling will get in touch with the Rail Road Company and see if the Township can have permission to cut the hill back to the creek.


TCC - Steven McClelland said the TCC did not meet this month. COG - Dan Whaling reported that he picked up 114 stop signs and 50 posts that the Township got through the Cog. WASHINGTON SUPERVISORS Regular Monthly Meeting June 12, 2012

ROAD REPORT Road Bond Release… On a MOTION by Robert Hrin, a SECOND by Steven McClelland, all the board voting in favor, the road bond Paul Fremer on Lundberg Road was released upon the Roadmaster’s recommendation. DanWhaling said RC Logging asked about getting an Occasional permit for Daugherty, Beechwoods and Rockdale, instead of a road bond. Supervisor said to get a road bond. Tires for Loader…

4 Dan Whaling presented 2 quotes for tires for the Loader. One quote from Purcell for $ 3700 and the quote from Goods Tire (Michelin) didn’t come in yet. On a MOTION by Ron Sunderland, a SECOND by Steven McClelland, all the board voting in favor, Dan Whaling was given authorization to purchase new tires and get the best price. Garbage complaint… Dan Whaling said Brice Zimmerman reported people were dumping garbage on the Rails to Trails toward Route 219 behind the bar. Brice has been mowing at the Trail. Dan Whaling suggested placing “no dumping” signs up. Bob Hrin suggested putting a gate up or a cable across the trail. Dan will get some prices on signs.


Ron Sunderland said they are putting a pipeline in for Frano well. Steve McClelland said he had a complaint from Joanne Snyder at 101 Hill Street about her ditch. He asked Dan to check it out. Dan Whaling said he had another complaint about the milk truck driver on Woodbury Road. Dan checked the mileage and it’s not much further for him to use state roads. Bob Hrin asked the Solicitor to send him a letter requesting he use another route. Robert Hrin asked Greg Kruk to review some garbage ordinances that would be suitable for our Township.

ADJOURNMENT On a MOTION by Robert Hrin, a SECOND by Steven McClelland, as there was no other business or discussion, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Colleen Pifer, Secretary/Treasurer


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