Constitution and by Laws s1

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Constitution and by Laws s1

Elgin FFA Constitution and By Laws (Voted on and Accepted September 18, 2000)

Article 1: Name and Purpose

Section A: The name of this organization shall be the Elgin FFA. Members are hereby referred to as Elgin FFA members.

Section B: The purpose of the Elgin FFA is as follows: 1. To encourage competent leadership skills 2. To create a love of country life 3. To strengthen the confidence of young men and women 4. To create an interest in agricultural careers and occupations 5. To encourage members to develop agricultural programs 6. To encourage members to improve their home environment 7. To participate in activities for the improvement of agriculture 8. To develop character, citizenship, leadership, and patriotism 9. To participate in a cooperative effort 10. To encourage and practice thrift 11. To encourage scholarship attainments in academics 12. To encourage recreational and cooperative activities 13. To encourage students to engage in healthy competition 14. To encourage students to strive to obtain their individual goals

Article 2: Organization

Section A: The Elgin FFA Organization is a member of the Cen-Tex District, Area VII, Texas FFA Association which is chartered by the National FFA Organization.

Section B: The Elgin FFA accepts in full, the provisions in the constitution and By-laws of the Texas FFA Association, as well as those of the National FFA Organization.

Section C: The Elgin FFA will be under the supervision of the current agriscience teacher(s) serving as the advisors of the Elgin FFA.

Article 3: Membership

Section A: Membership to the Elgin FFA is open to any student currently enrolled in an agriscience class, or has the intention of enrolling in an agriscience class the following semester, or was an Elgin FFA member the previous year.

Section B: Junior membership will be allowed only for the purpose of exhibiting animals under the Elgin FFA organization.

Article 4 Emblem

Page 1 Section A: The emblem of the National FFA Organization shall be the emblem of the Elgin FFA

Article 5: Meetings

Section A: Regular meetings will include fall and spring meetings and the Elgin FFA Banquet. The dates of meetings will be designated by the Chapter Officers and the Elgin agriscience teachers.

Section B: Standard meeting paraphernalia and will be used at each meeting. Standard ceremonies and Jarrell Gray’s Parliamentary Procedures will be used.

Section C: The attendance of members at meetings will constitute a quorum. Transactions of business by vote will be standard procedure at these meetings with those members present constituting a quorum.

Article 6: Dues

Section A: Dues for membership in the Elgin FFA shall be set by the current officers. Membership shall be for a one year period from October 1 thru September 30 each year. Junior members will pay the same dues as regular FFA members.

Section B: By-Laws may be adopted or changed to fit the needs of the Elgin FFA at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote provided 30 days notice has been given. Such changes must not conflict with the State or National FFA Organizations.


Article 1: Fiscal year

Section A: Regular FFA membership and Junior FFA membership year will be from Oct 1 to Sept 30 of the following year.

Article 2: Program of Activities

Section A: Elgin FFA Officers will develop a program of activities listing official district functions, to include fall and spring meetings, banquet, and other activities. Other functions officers may decide on should also be included.

Article 3: Executive Committee

Section A: The Executive Committee will consist of the Chapter officers and the current agriscience teachers.

Page 2 Section B: The Executive Committee will have full power to act as necessary for the chapter in accordance with actions taken at meetings and various regulations or by-laws adopted from time to time.

Article 4: Elgin FFA Officers

Section A: Elgin FFA officers will consist of the President, Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and Sentinel. The current agriscience teachers will serve as Elgin FFA Chapter advisors.

Section B: Officers will be elected annually by a majority of delegates present at the spring meeting. The election process is as follows:

1. Only Junior or Senior members will be eligible for the office of President and 1st Vice-President. Other officers will be elected from the general membership.

2. Officers will be elected by majority vote.

3. Officer candidates will complete an application for the office they desire before being considered an applicant.

4. New Officers will assume their duties upon officer installation at the Elgin FFA Banquet.

Section C: Elgin FFA Officers must have met the qualifications for the Greenhand FFA Degree and must be enrolled in high school for the duration of their office.

Section D: Elgin FFA Officers will be subject to disqualification of their office upon recommendation by the Executive Committee.

Article 5: Contests

Section A: Leadership Development Events will be conducted in accordance to State and National rules at the Cen-Tex District contest in the fall.

Section B: Talent Contest will be held at the Cen-Tex District banquet.

Leadership Development Events 1. Jr. Chapter Conduction 7. Radio 2. Sr. Chapter Conduction 8. Public Relations 3. Jr. Skills 9. Public Speaking 4. Sr. Skills 10. Extemporaneous Speaking 5. Creed 11. Talent 5. Quiz

Career Development Events

Page 3 1, Land 9. Horse 2. Range 10. Horticulture I 3. Ag. Mechanics 11. Horticulture II 4. Meats 12. Ag. Sales 5. Poultry 13. Farm Business Mgmt. 6. Livestock 14. Forestry 6. Dairy Cattle 7. Dairy Products

Article 6: Elgin FFA Property

Section A: Approximately two acres of land located on south Hwy 95 near the Elgin VFW Hall are deeded to the Elgin FFA.

1. The purpose of this property is to enhance student leadership and education and in the exhibiting of student projects; hand- on educational activities and recreational activities of the Elgin FFA or for use of other activities approved by the trustees.

Section B: This property will be under the supervision of the current agriscience teacher(s) employed by Elgin ISD. The current agriscience teacher(s) shall be named as legal trustees of this property.

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