Modify the Table in the Following Clause
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January 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0107r0
IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs
Dwell Time In Probe Request Text
Date: 2016-01-18
Author(s): Name Company Address Phone email 350 West Java Drive, Peter Khoury Ruckus Wireless +1 415 517-8715 peter.khoury@ruckuswirel Sunnyvale, CA 94089, USA
Submission page 2 Peter Khoury, Ruckus Wireless
Modify the table in the following clause: Probe Request frame format
T able 9 -3 3 Probe Re quest f rame b ody
O rder I nforma ti on N otes
1 SSID I fdot11Me shAc ti vate di st rue, the SSID el em ent is t he wi ldcard value as described i n8.4.2.2.
… .. . …
1 9 E x te nded R e quest T he E x te nded R equest el em ent i soptionall ypresent i fdot11R a dioM easureme ntA ct ivat edi st rue.
2 0 Dw Tel l im e
L ast V endor Speci fi c On eor mo revendor- s peci fi ce le me nts a re optionall ypresent. T h ese el em ents foll ow a ll other el em ents .
Modify the table in the following clause: 9.4.2 Elements General Tabl e 9- 76 Ele me ntI D s
E lem ent E l eme ntI D E lem ent ID E xtensi on E x te nsible
S SID ( see ( SSID el em ent) ) 0 N/A
… . .. …
N/A Y es F ine T im ing Me asurem ent Parame te rs (s ee ( Fine T iming Me asurem ent Param et ers e le me nt)) 206
UP SIM (s ee ( UP SIM el em ent) ) N/A Y es
Dw Tel l im e 207 N/A
R e served 208-220 January 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0107r0
Ve ndor Specif ic ( see (V endor Speci fi c el em ent) ) 221 N/A
… … … …
Add the following new subclause
9.4.2 Elements Dwell Time element
The Dwell Time element is used in the Probe Request frame. It indicates bounds on the length of time that the client will be on channel listening for a Probe Response. The MinChannelTime element indicates the length of time that a client guarantees that it will be listening for a Probe Response. The MaxChannelTime indicates the length of time that a client may be listening for a Probe Response.
These channel times are conceptually the same channel times used in sections and
Both times are specified through a 16 bit unsigned integer. Specifically
Element ID Length MinChannelTime MaxChannelTime Octets: 1 1 2 2 Figure 8-402 Dwell Time element format
Modify the following step in the following subclause Active scanning procedure for a non-DMG STA c) Send a probe request to the broadcast destination address. The probe request is sent with the SSID and BSSID from the received MLME-SCAN.request primitive. Optionally include MinChannelTime and MaxChannelTime in the information elements contained in the Probe Request.
Submission page 2 Peter Khoury, Ruckus Wireless