Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF Level 5

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Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF Level 5

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5

Award Code: GG6M 22

Candidate name:

Publication code: Z0288


The National Occupational Standards which form the basis of this award were developed by Lantra. This document is for candidate use only and should not be used as a substitute for the National Occupational Standards.

Published by the Scottish Qualifications Authority The Optima Building, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow, G2 8DQ Lowden, 24 Wester Shawfair, Dalkeith, Midlothian, EH22 1FD

© Scottish Qualifications Authority 2013 Index

Section 1 — General information about SVQs 1 Introducing SVQs 1 Who offers SVQs? 1 What is the structure of an SVQ? 2 An example of an SVQ Element 3 How are SVQs achieved? 4 How are SVQs assessed? 5 Who does what in SVQs? 6 What is evidence? 7 Integration of assessment 10 Section 2 — How to compile your portfolio (with worked examples) 11 General information 11 Evidence Collection Process 11 Planning your portfolio12 Starting your portfolio 13 Contents checklist 14 Collecting your evidence 15 Presenting your evidence 16 Referencing your evidence 17 Worked examples 18 Index of evidence — Example 1 19 Unit progress record — Example 2 20 Element achievement record — Example 3 21 Personal statement — Example 4 22 Observation record — Example 5 23 Witness testimony — Example 6 24 Record of questions and candidate’s answers — Example 7 25 Section 3 — The Units and recording documents for your SVQ 26 Unit progress record 26 Glossary of terms 29 Units for the SVQ in Environmental Conservation level 2 31 Glossary35 Section 4 — Blank recording forms 203 Portfolio title page 204 Personal profile205 Contents checklist 207 Index of evidence 208 Personal statement 209 Observation Record 210 Witness testimony 211 Record of questions and candidate’s answers 212

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 © SQA 2013 Section 1 — General information about SVQs

Introducing SVQs

The qualification you are undertaking is a Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ).

SVQs are work-based qualifications which assess the skills and knowledge people have and need to perform their job role effectively. The qualifications are designed using National Occupational Standards.

For each industry sector there is a Sector Skills Council (SSC)/Standards Setting Body (SSB) which is made up of representatives from the industry or profession and it is the SSC’s/SSB’s responsibility to develop the National Occupational Standards.

These standards define what employees, or potential employees, must be able to do, how well and in what circumstances to show they are competent in their work.

The Sector Skills Council/Standards Setting Body for Environmental Conservation level 2 is Lantra.

Access to SVQs is open to all and you can be assessed either against a particular Unit(s) or against the full SVQ. There are no entry requirements, no prescribed method of delivery, and no time constraints for completion or age limits.

SVQs are available at five levels of achievement which reflect the various technical and supervisory skills, knowledge, and experience which employees should have as they progress in their industry.

Who offers SVQs?

An organisation which offers SVQs is called a centre. This may be a school, college, university, employer, training provider or a combination of these. The centre has responsibility for the quality of the qualification and is required to work within an awarding body’s policies and guidelines.

The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) is your awarding body for this SVQ. This means that we are an organisation approved by government to design qualifications and awards. An awarding body endorses candidates’ certificates so that an employer can be sure the qualification has gone through a rigorous and effective assessment process. SQA provides qualifications throughout the world and was formed by the merger of the Scottish Examinations Board (SEB) and the Scottish Vocational Education Council (SCOTVEC).

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 1 © SQA 2013 What is the structure of an SVQ?

All SVQs have a common structure and consist of standards which can be broken down into various parts:

Units and Units define the broad functions carried out in your Elements particular job and are made up of a number of Elements. Each Element describes a specific work activity which you have to perform and may relate to skills or to the demonstration of Knowledge and Understanding. Performance The level and quality of how you should carry out these Criteria activities is determined by a number of statements called Performance Criteria. Performance Criteria are used to judge your competence. Range/Scope A Range Statement tells you in what circumstances you Statements must be able to prove your competence and allows you to demonstrate that you can carry out tasks in different circumstances. Items included in the Range Statements must not be treated as optional. Range Statements are also called Scope in some National Occupational Standards. Evidence The Evidence Requirements specify the amount and Requirements type of evidence which you will need to provide to your assessor to show that you have met the standards specified in the Performance Criteria and in all the circumstances defined in the Range Statements. Knowledge and The section on Knowledge and Understanding states Understanding what you must know and understand and how this knowledge applies to your job.

If you are not yet clear about how we define standards — just remember that the standards have been developed by experts within your industry or profession and that all candidates aiming for this particular SVQ are being assessed against the same standards.

You will find an example of an SVQ Element overleaf.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 2 © SQA 2013 An example of an SVQ Element

UNIT: (1) Working safely in an engineering environment This is the UNIT title — it describes a role and task.

This is the ELEMENT title. It describes part of Element 1 Comply with statutory regulations and organisational requirements the main role and task. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA set out the Performance Criteria standard of performance you need to Evidence Requirements demonstrate consistently to claim competence You must ensure that you: in a particular Element. The things you must prove that you can do: 1 Describe your duties and obligations (as an individual) under the You need to demonstrate that you understand your duties Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. and obligations under both statutory regulations and 2 Comply with Statutory Regulations at all times. organisational requirements and you can do this by: 3 Comply with organisational safety policies and procedures at all times. 1 Giving an adequate explanation of the duties and responsibilities of every individual as described in the Range Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. 2 Ensuring that whilst carrying out your work and/or This means you need to cover: visiting other areas of the working environment you are 1 Relevant sections of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 aware of the specific safety requirements and (eg with regard to your duties to work in a safe manner, not to regulations governing your activities. interfere with remove or misuse equipment provided for the Knowledge and Understanding safety of yourself and others, not to endanger others by your acts or omissions). You must prove that you know and understand:

The RANGE defines the various circumstances in which you must 1 The roles and responsibilities of yourself and others be able to prove you are competent. under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. 2 The general regulations that apply to you being at work. You must cover all of the items in the Range Statement. 3 The specific regulations which govern your work activities. The KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING Requirements state what you must know and understand and how this knowledge applies to your job.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 3 © SQA 2013 How are SVQs achieved?

When you consistently meet the standards described in the Elements and show that you have the required skills and knowledge across the Range, you can then claim that you are competent in each Unit. You can claim certification for single Units or whole awards. Your centre will register your claim to competence through the awarding body. The awarding body you are registered with for this SVQ is the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).

The process of gaining an SVQ is flexible and depends on your needs. At the beginning of the process your assessor will review your existing competence in relation to the standards and identify the most suitable SVQ. The level you start at will depend on the type and breadth of your current job role together with your past experience, skills and any relevant prior learning.

To achieve an SVQ, or a Unit of an SVQ, you must:

 Demonstrate you meet the requirements of the Performance Criteria by collecting appropriate evidence as specified by the Evidence Requirements. This evidence is assessed against the national standards by a qualified assessor, who will be allocated to you by your centre. This will usually be someone who knows you, such as a manager or supervisor.

Evidence may come from:

 the accreditation of prior learning — where evidence relates to past experience or achievements  current practice — where evidence is generated from a current job role  a programme of development — where evidence comes from assessment opportunities built into a learning/training programme whether at or away from the workplace  a combination of these

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 4 © SQA 2013 How are SVQs assessed?

Assessment is based on what you can do and involves you, your assessor, an internal verifier and an External Verifier — see ‘Who does what in SVQs’ on the following page.

You will be asked to prove you are competent by providing evidence which shows:

 you can perform all the specified tasks consistently to the required standard (Performance Criteria)  you understand why you are doing things (Knowledge and Understanding)  you can apply the required skills in different ways (Range)

Assessment is flexible and you can be certificated for each Unit you successfully achieve, even if you do not complete the full SVQ. There is no set period of time in which you need to complete a Unit. However, you and your assessor should still set target dates for completing each Unit; otherwise your qualification could go on forever. Be realistic though, as there are many factors such as your previous experience, demands within your workplace and an availability of resources which will affect how quickly you are able to achieve the qualification.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 5 © SQA 2013 Who does what in SVQs?

A number of individuals and organisations have parts to play in SVQ assessment. Their roles have been designed to guarantee fair, accurate and consistent assessment.

Who are they? What is their role? Candidates The person who wants to Need to show they can perform to achieve the SVQ — in this National Occupational Standards case, you. in order to be awarded an SVQ or Unit(s). Assessors* An experienced person in Judge the evidence of a the same area of work as candidate’s performance, the candidate, eg supervisor. knowledge and understanding against the National Occupational Standards.

Decide whether the candidate has demonstrated competence. Provide guidance and support to the candidate. Assist with planning assessments, giving feedback and recording candidate progress. Internal Individuals appointed by an Advise assessors and maintain verifiers approved centre to ensure the quality of assessment in a the quality of assessment centre. within the centre. Systematically sample assessments to confirm the quality and consistency of assessment decisions. Approved Organisations approved by Manage assessment on a day-to- centres awarding bodies to co- day basis. ordinate assessment arrangements for SVQs. Must have effective assessment practices and internal verification procedures.

Must meet criteria laid down by awarding bodies and be able to provide sufficiently competent assessors and internal verifiers.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 6 © SQA 2013 Who are they? What is their role? External Individuals appointed by the Check the quality and Verifiers* awarding body to ensure consistency of assessments, both that standards are being within and between centres, by applied uniformly and systematic sampling. consistently across all centres offering the SVQ. Make regular visits to centres to ensure they still meet the criteria to deliver SVQs.

* Assessors and internal and External Verifiers are required to have occupational expertise in the SVQs which they are assessing/verifying. They must also have, or be working towards, an appropriate qualification in assessment and verification.

What is evidence?

To claim competence for an SVQ Unit you need to gather evidence which shows you have met the standards. It is important that your evidence is easily understood so that it can be checked against the standards, by your assessor, your centre and the awarding body.

Evidence can take many forms including:

 direct observation of your performance by your assessor  products of your work  authenticated statement — witness testimony  personal statement  outcomes from questioning  outcomes from simulation  case studies  assignments or projects  Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) — evidence from the past

It is important that your evidence is:

 valid — it relates to the SVQ standard you are trying to prove  authentic — the evidence, or an identified part of it (eg a report) was produced by you  consistent — achieved on more than one occasion  current — usually not more than two years old  sufficient — covers all the performance and knowledge requirements laid down in the standards

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 7 © SQA 2013 Your evidence may be collected through a range of sources, such as employment, voluntary work, training programmes and interests/activities which you perform outside your work. It can also be produced in various formats, eg your own reports; testimonies from colleagues, supervisors or members of the public; projects; models; audio tapes, photographs; videos.

When you first begin your SVQ, you and your assessor should identify all the Units and Elements where you can use integration of assessment. Further details about integration of assessment can be found on page 10.

Demonstrating knowledge, understanding and skills In order to meet the standards, you may also be required to prove Knowledge and Understanding. Each Unit contains a list summarising the knowledge, understanding and skills a candidate must possess. Evidence of how these have been achieved and applied could be included in the performance evidence as one or all of the following:

 descriptions of why a particular approach was used  personal reports about the learning process  reflective reports which include how a theory or principle was applied  assessment interviews  assessment tests  responses to questioning

These should be included in your portfolio.

How will my assessor check I have the knowledge and understanding listed in the standards? For some Units, it will be clear to your assessor that you have the required knowledge and understanding from how you carry out your work. This is often referred to as knowledge and understanding apparent from performance. There will be other occasions though, when your assessor will be unsure if you know why, for example, it is important to give information to clients in certain situations. This could be because your assessor has not had the opportunity to observe all the Performance Criteria during assessment. In these situations, your assessor may wish to assess your knowledge and understanding by asking you some questions. These questions can be given orally or in writing, but will be recorded in your portfolio as evidence.

Your assessor could also check you have the required level of knowledge and understanding by asking you to produce personal statements or to complete a project or assignment.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 8 © SQA 2013 What if I have previous experience and knowledge and understanding from work and other qualifications? If you have previous work experience, skills, and knowledge and understanding which you feel is relevant to your SVQ, you should tell your assessor about it. Your assessor may ask you for more proof in the form of letters from previous employers/training providers or details about any courses you have completed.

For example, you may have achieved an HNC in a relevant subject in which case your assessor may feel that you already have some of the knowledge and understanding required for the SVQ.

The process of matching your previous experience and learning is often referred to as the Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL). The purpose of this process is to try and give you some credit towards your SVQ for things you can already do to the national standard. Your assessor judges the evidence available and matches it against the requirements of the SVQ. This means that your assessor should not have to assess you for these things all over again.

However, the success of this process depends on you telling your assessor what previous work experience or knowledge and understanding you have and how you think it is relevant to your SVQ. The more information you can supply to support your claims, the easier it should be to convince your assessor that you are competent.

When can simulation be used? Throughout your SVQ, the emphasis is on you being able to carry out real work activities so assessment will normally be carried out in the workplace itself. There may be times, however, when it might not be appropriate for you to be assessed while you are working. For example your SVQ might require you to carry out emergency or contingency procedures (for safety or confidentiality reasons) or your job role may not cover all aspects of the qualification. In such instances, when you have no other means of generating evidence, simulation might be appropriate.

Simulation is any structured exercise involving a specific task which reproduces real- life situations. Care must be taken though to ensure that the conditions in which you are assessed exactly mirror the work environment, ie it is a realistic working environment.

You and your assessor should check the assessment strategy for your SVQ carefully to find out the Sector Skills Council (SSC’s)/Standards Setting Body (SSB’s) view of what constitutes a realistic working environment. Some SSCs/SSBs stipulate the specific elements which are suitable for this approach.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 9 © SQA 2013 Integration of assessment

It is not necessary for you to have each Element assessed separately — doing so could result in assessment which takes too long and places too great a burden on you and your assessor.

There will be instances when you will be able to use one piece of evidence to prove your competence across different Elements or Performance Criteria. You may even find that evidence is relevant for different Units — this is called integration of assessment.

When you first begin your SVQ, you and your assessor will spend time looking at the standards, planning how much time you are both able to devote to the qualification and drawing up an action plan.

At this stage, you should identify any activities which relate to more than one Unit or Outcome and arrange for the best way to collect a single piece of evidence which satisfactorily covers all the Performance Criteria.

If you are going to integrate assessments, make sure that the evidence is cross- referenced to the relevant Units. Details of how to cross reference your evidence can be found in Section 2 ‘How to compile your portfolio’.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 10 © SQA 2013 Section 2 — How to compile your portfolio (with worked examples)

General information

A portfolio, like a log book, is a way of recording evidence of your achievements. It is a collection of different items of evidence which indicates that you have the required skills, knowledge and understanding to support your claim to a qualification.

The production of a well organised, clearly labelled portfolio which relates each piece of evidence to the relevant Outcomes and Performance Criteria requires a careful methodical approach. When your assessor looks through your portfolio, they will find the task of making judgements about your competence much easier if the information in it is presented in a logical sequence.

You will need to present your evidence in a format that is easy to read and in which materials can be added or taken away. This section gives suggestions on how to lay out and present your evidence and includes worked examples. There are also forms and matrices which will assist you to chart your progress through the award.

You do not have to lay out your evidence in the way suggested but you may find it helpful to do so. Each portfolio will be different in content but all should include information about you (the candidate), the organisation where you are undertaking your qualification, the assessor and so on.

Evidence Collection Process

Assessment plan You and your assessor

You and your assessor if Collect evidence observation/questioning is required

Present evidence You and your assessor

Assessor will judge evidence and Reference acceptable evidence give you feedback on which evidence meets the standards

Record evidence in Element You achievement record

Store evidence in portfolio You

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 11 © SQA 2013 Planning your portfolio

Start by carefully reading through the standards and, together with your assessor, decide which Units you might like to work on first. You do not have to do the Units in order. There may be some Units that relate to tasks which you carry out on a regular basis, therefore making it easier to collect evidence right away. Alternatively, there may be activities in other Units which you only undertake now and again, these can be left until the opportunity arises for you to collect evidence.

Before you start looking for different kinds of evidence and deciding if they should be included in your portfolio, you will find it helpful to plan how you will carry out the tasks and how long they are going to take.

The plan is usually referred to as an ‘assessment plan’. It should be produced in discussion with your assessor and will set out the different stages in developing your portfolio. You will probably want to produce a plan for each Unit.

It is unlikely that you will be able to complete all of the Units straightaway and you should therefore think about starting with those Units where you have a lot of experience and in which you work well. You should also remember to identify any opportunities for integration of assessment.

We have provided you with a ‘Unit progress record’ — see Example 2. Each time you complete a Unit; your assessor should sign and date the relevant section on the form. At this stage, it might be a good idea to check that all your evidence and recording documents have been completed correctly and can easily be located. You can then circle the reference number of that Unit in the checkboxes at the top of the form so that you can see at a glance what stage you are at in your SVQ.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 12 © SQA 2013 Starting your portfolio

Make sure that you clearly label your portfolio (or disk if you are recording your evidence electronically) with your name together with the title and level of the award.

Your portfolio will need a title page and a contents page. You should also complete a Personal Profile which records details about yourself and your job as well as providing information about your employer, training provider or college. Blank samples of these forms are provided in Section 4.

We recommend that you compile your portfolio in the following order:

Title page

Contents checklist

Personal profile

Unit progress record

Completed Element achievement records

Index of evidence

Pieces of evidence

Glossary of terms


Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 13 © SQA 2013 Contents checklist

You might also find it useful to complete the following checklist as you work your way through your portfolio. This will help you to see if you have included all the relevant items. Once you have completed your portfolio, you will be able to use this checklist again as a contents page, by inserting the relevant page or section numbers in the right hand column.

Page/Section Section Completed number Title page for the portfolio

Personal profile

Your own personal details

A brief CV or career profile

A description of your job Information about your employer/training provider/college Unit assessment plans

Unit progress record Completed Element achievement records for each Unit Signed by yourself, your assessor and the internal verifier (where relevant) Evidence reference numbers included Index of evidence (with cross-referencing information completed) Evidence (with reference numbers)

Observation records

Details of witnesses (witness testimony sheets)

Personal statements

Products of performance

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 14 © SQA 2013 Collecting your evidence

All of the evidence which you collect and present for assessment must be relevant to your SVQ. Your assessor will help you choose which pieces of evidence you should include.

We have provided blank forms in Section 4 of this document, which you can photocopy to help you record and present your evidence. Although we have provided you with sample forms, your centre may have their own recording documents which they would prefer you to use.

Some of these forms, eg observation records and the record of questions and answers will be completed by your assessor. Other forms (witness testimonies) will be used by people other than your assessor to testify that they have observed you doing your job, and there is one for you to complete called a personal statement.

Explanations are given below about how and when these forms should be used.

Observation record — Example 5 The observation record is used by your assessor to record what tasks you have performed and to what standard. There is also a section for your assessor to note which other Units or Outcomes are covered by this evidence (‘integration of assessment’).

The assessor will discuss with you which Performance Criteria and Range you have successfully achieved and give you feedback. This form should then be given a reference number and included in your portfolio as part of your evidence.

Witness testimony — Example 6 There may be occasions when your assessor is not available to observe you carrying out certain aspects of your job. In such instances, it may be appropriate for another person to comment about your performance by completing a statement called a ‘witness testimony’.

Witness testimony should only be used as supporting evidence and should:

 be provided by a person, not related to you, who is in a position to make a valid comment about your performance, eg supervisor, line manager or possibly a client/customer  contain comments which specifically relate your performance to the standards  be authenticated by the inclusion of the witness’s signature, role, address, telephone number and the date

It is unlikely that your assessor would make an assessment decision based on witness testimony alone. They would normally supplement this type of evidence with questioning.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 15 © SQA 2013 Record of questions and candidate’s answers — Example 7 This form is used to record any questions which your assessor may ask, to establish whether you have the required level of Knowledge and Understanding associated with each Unit. There is also space on the form for your answers to be noted.

Personal statement — Example 4 There will be times when you need to put a piece of your evidence in context for your assessor so that they can decide if it is relevant to your SVQ. You can complete personal statements to help you do this — these can relate either to the pieces of evidence or to each Outcome or Unit.

For example, you may refer to paperwork which is often used in your organisation to help you pass on information to a colleague. It may not be clear to an assessor why you are communicating to your colleague in this way and a brief explanation of the paperwork and why it is relevant to a particular part of your SVQ may be required.

A personal statement might also be used to record your experience of something, such as, how you handled a specific situation. This can be documented in your personal statement and should be a description of what you did, how you did it and why you did it. It will also allow you to include the people who were present and either assisted you or witnessed your actions. This, in turn, might identify who you should approach for ‘witness testimony’. In your personal statement you could also refer to product evidence that you have produced (eg reports, notes, completed forms), these can also be included as evidence in your portfolio.

The personal statement can be a piece of evidence in itself and should therefore be included in your portfolio.

Presenting your evidence

It is important to present all of your evidence in a clear, consistent and legible manner. Your assessor will then find it much easier to make appropriate judgements about the quality, sufficiency and currency of the materials you are putting forward for consideration.

It is not necessary to produce all of your evidence in typewritten format — some hand-written pieces of evidence, such as notes, will be perfectly acceptable.

There may also be items of evidence which you cannot physically include in your portfolio. This might be for confidentiality reasons or it could be that something which you have produced as part of your day-to-day work is normally kept in a filing cabinet or stored electronically in a PC.

In compiling your portfolio, we suggest that anything you produce as part of your day- to-day work is kept in its normal location, but those pieces of evidence which have been produced specifically for your SVQ, eg witness testimony statements or personal statements, are filed in your portfolio.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 16 © SQA 2013 However, assessors and verifiers should be able to locate and access your evidence at all times. It is, therefore, very important that you clearly reference every item of evidence.

Referencing your evidence

Your assessor, as well as the internal and External Verifiers, will need to find their way around your portfolio, so you should give each piece of evidence a number.

Remember, that where you have used ‘integration of assessment’, you need to give details of all the Units and Elements which are linked to a specific piece of evidence. The links should be noted on the pieces of evidence themselves as well as on the index of evidence (cross-referencing).

How to complete the Index of evidence — Example 1 You should complete an index of evidence sheet and file it immediately before the actual pieces of evidence in your portfolio.

The index of evidence should be completed by:

♦ entering the evidence number in the first column ♦ giving a brief description of each piece of evidence in the second column ♦ explaining where the evidence can be found in the third column

You must make sure that the information contained in the evidence index is accurate when you give your portfolio to your assessor, particularly in relation to where the evidence can be located.

Completing the Unit achievement records — Example 3 There is an Element achievement record for every Element within this portfolio. These records have been designed to allow you to record the evidence you have gathered for each Element. Each record has boxes across it which represents the Performance Criteria, Range Statement, Evidence Requirements and Knowledge and Understanding statement, these will differ from Element to Element so it is important to make sure you are using the right one. Whilst collecting your evidence you should use these grids to display the Performance Criteria, Range, Knowledge and Understanding and Evidence Requirement that piece of evidence relates to. In the first box write the evidence index number you have given to that piece of evidence. In the second box give a brief description of the evidence, then tick against the relevant Performance Criteria, Range, Evidence Requirements and Knowledge and Understanding.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 17 © SQA 2013 Worked examples

To give you a clearer picture of how to compile your portfolio, you will find worked examples of the various forms over the next few pages. You should ask your assessor for further advice and support if you are still unsure about how to use the forms and who should complete them.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 18 © SQA 2013 Index of evidence — Example 1

SVQ title and level Using IT at level 3

Evidence Description of evidence Included Sampled by number in portfolio the IV (Yes/No) (initials and If no, date) state location 1 Action plan identifying customer Yes requirements 2 Personal statement Yes

3 Witness testimony Yes

4 Record of questions and answers Yes

5 Log of configuration details and Yes errors 6 Observation checklist Yes

7 Procedure for shutting down system Yes

8 Company media storage policy No. Can be found with General Manager.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 19 © SQA 2013 Unit progress record — Example 2

Qualification and level Using IT at level 3 Candidate’s name Anne Thomas Circle the reference numbers as To achieve the whole qualification, you must proveyou complete competence each Unit. in Youmandatory can Units and optional Units. then easily see what stage you have reached in your SVQ. Unit Checklist — circle the reference number of each Unit as you complete it.

Mandatory 206 301 302 303 308 Optional 305 306 311 312

Mandatory Units SQA SSC/SSB Title Assessor Internal Date Unit Unit Verifier number number 206 Ensure your own actions reduce risks to H&S

301 Select and enable IT for P.Jones 28/4/2000 use

302 Maintain the Software P.Jones 28/4/2000 Environment

303 Develop and maintain P.Jones 8/4/2000 the effectiveness of the IT working environment 308 Develop your own effectiveness and professionalismThis section of the form is for your assessor to sign each time you successfully achieve a Unit.

Optional Units 305 Design and produce documents using WP software 306 Design and produce spreadsheets 311 Design and use databases 312 Design and produce documents using graphics

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 20 © SQA 2013 Element achievement record — Example 3

Unit title: Select & enable IT for use

Element: 301.1 Select and configure equipment for use

Evidence Description of evidence Performance Criteria Range Knowledge and index no Understanding a b c d e f g h 1 2 3 K1 K2 K3 K4 K5

    1 Action Plan     2 Personal Statement    3 Copy of Legislation        5 Record of Questions & Answers     These6 numbers Log of Configuration Details relate to your Evidence7 Index and will allow As you collect your evidence for assessment Candidates should enter 8 your assessor to Give a brief description of the evidence you you should tick the relevant boxes. There is a which areas of Knowledge find23 your are offering for assessment against each box which represents each Performance and Understanding that evidence easily. Performance Criterion, Range and piece of Criterion and Range in the Element. piece of evidence covers. Knowledge and Understanding.

Candidate’s signature Date

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 21 © SQA 2013 Assessor’s signature Date

Internal verifier’s signature Date

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 22 © SQA 2013 Personal statement — Example 4

Date Evidence Details of statement Links to other Units, index evidence Elements, number (enter PC, and numbers) Range covered 4/4/00 1 Statement that I know and 1 301.1.a,b,e understand customer Range 1 requirements. Names of customer and software and hardware requirements in portfolio.

Statements that I understand how to set up, equipment, configure software that met customer requirements. Details of equipment and software with dates are listed in portfolio.

Candidate’s signature Anne Thomas Date 2/4/2013

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 23 © SQA 2013 Observation record — Example 5

Unit/Element(s) (301) Select and Enable IT for Use Candidate’s name Anne Thomas Evidence index number 8 Date of observation 28/4/2013

Skills/activities observed PC covered Saving and storing files Element 301.3 PC: a–f Range: materials (consumables, removable storage media), regulations (current legislation, manufacturer’s instructions, organisational procedures), system (application software, hardware, system software).

Knowledge and understanding apparent from this observation Candidate can save and organise files. She can delete unwanted files and can shut down system according to organisation’s procedures and manufacturer’s instructions.

Other Units/Elements to which this evidence may contribute 302.1.b, c Range 1, 3

Assessor comments and feedback to candidate

I can confirm the candidate’s performance was satisfactory.

Assessor’s signature Peter Jones Date 28/4/2013

Candidate’s signature Date Anne Thomas 28/4/2013

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 24 © SQA 2013 Witness testimony — Example 6

SVQ title and level Using IT level 3 Candidate’s name Anne Thomas Evidence index no 4 Where applicable, evidence number to which this testimony relates Element(s) 301.2 Range 1 Date of evidence 8/4/2000 Witness name Ian Cummings Designation/relationship to Line manager candidate Details of testimony I can attest that I observed Anne Thomas following company and national regulations in the use of software. She understands and has knowledge of these regulations and I observed her following them when selecting and configuring software.

I can confirm the candidate’s performance was satisfactory.

Witness’s signature Ian Cummings Date 8/4/2013

Witness (please tick the appropriate box):

 Holds L and D Unit 9D/9D1, A1/A2 or D32/D33 qualifications

Is familiar with the SVQ standards to which the candidate is working

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 25 © SQA 2013 Record of questions and candidate’s answers — Example 7

Unit 301 Select and enable IT for use Element(s) 1 Evidence index number 5 Circumstances of assessment As part of the staff induction scheme IT staff are regularly interviewed and asked about their knowledge and skills. Anne Thomas was interviewed on the 21 March 2011 and below is a summary of the interview where it relates to her knowledge of resources and problem solving.

List of questions and candidate’s responses If a member of staff asked you for a particular piece of equipment, what procedures would you follow? A I would ensure that a hardware requisition form has been filled out

with the rational for needing such equipment, countersigned by their

line and general managers. If approved, next step would be to ask

the member of staff if they need specific training. Pc 301.1.a, b, e

and Range 1, 2, 3. You discover that a member of staff has installed a piece of software on their workstation PC. What do you do? A If they installed it themselves then this is a serious breach of

company regulations and I would inform the IT manager. I would

then remove the software. Pc 301.1.c and Range 2, 3.

Assessor’s signature Davinder Singh Date 21/3/2013

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 26 © SQA 2013 Candidate’s signature Date Anne Thomas 21/3/2013

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 27 © SQA 2013 Section 3 — The Units and recording documents for your SVQ

Unit progress record

Qualification and level Environmental Conservation level 2 Candidate’s name

The Environmental Conservation SVQ level 2 can be achieved by successful completion of the four mandatory Units and two Units selected from the Optional Section.

Please note the table below shows the SSC/SSB identification codes listed alongside the corresponding SQA Unit numbers. It is important that the SQA Unit numbers are used in all your recording documentation and when your results are communicated to SQA. SSC/SSB identification codes are not valid in these instances.

Unit checklist — circle the reference number of each Unit as you complete it.

Mandatory CS2 CS4 EM15 EnC1 Optional EnC8 CS16 CS17 EnC3 CS21 CS20 CS18 CS19 CS23 CS24 CS36 TW61 TW8 H31 EnC25 EnC10 EnC11 EnC14 EnC16 EnC12 EnC13 EnC18 EnC19 EnC20 EnC21 EnC22

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 28 © SQA 2013 Mandatory Units — all Units should be completed SQA SSC/SSB Title Assessor Internal Date Unit Unit Verifier Number Number H466 04 CS2 Monitor and Maintain Health, Safety and Security H45M 04 CS4 Establish and Maintain Working Relationships with Others H45L 04 EM15 Develop an Awareness of Environmental Good Practice H46P 04 EnC1 Promote Responsible Public Use of Outdoor Sites

Optional Units (Group A) — Environmental Conservation SQA SSC/SSB Title Assessor Internal Date Unit Unit Verifier Number Number H45R 04 EnC8 Identify Species H45D 04 CS16 Construct Paths or Surfaces H464 04 CS17 Maintain or Repair Paths or Surfaces H46T 04 EnC3 Survey and Report on the Environment H463 04 CS21 Maintain or Repair Boundaries or Access Points H45C 04 CS20 Construct Boundaries or Access Points H45E 04 CS18 Construct Structures H462 04 CS19 Maintain and Repair Structures H45T 04 CS23 Install Site Furniture H461 04 CS24 Maintain and Repair Site Furniture H45N 04 CS36 Establish and Manage Habitats H2RG 04 TW61 Lay a Hedge H2RW 04 TW8 Plant Trees

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 29 © SQA 2013 SQA SSC/SSB Title Assessor Internal Date Unit Unit Verifier Number Number H45S 04 H31 Install Land Drainage Systems H46V 04 EnC25 Work within the Local Coastal and Marine Environments H45X 04 EnC10 Maintain and Improve Water Channel Capacity by Manual Operations H45W 04 EnC11 Maintain and Improve Water Channel Capacity by Controlling Vegetation H468 04 EnC14 Monitor and Report Water Levels H45P 04 EnC16 Identify and Respond to Incidents of Flooding H45G 04 EnC12 Control Water Levels and Water Flow by Mechanically Maintaining the Water Channel H45Y 04 EnC13 Maintain and Improve Water Levels and Water Flow by Mechanically Controlling Vegetation H460 04 EnC18 Maintain and Repair Permanent Structures for the Water Environment H465 04 EnC19 Maintain Water Level Systems H46M 04 EnC20 Prepare and Operate Water-borne Plant H46L 04 EnC21 Prepare and Maintain the Operational Condition of Work Boats H46A 04 EnC22 Operate Work Boats

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 30 © SQA 2013 Glossary of terms

Advisor A person who carries out, either singly or in combination, the functions of advising a candidate, collecting evidence of his or her competence on behalf of the assessor and authenticating the work candidates have undertaken. A mentor might also provide witness testimony.

Assessment The process of generating and collecting evidence of a candidate’s performance and judging that evidence against defined criteria.

Authentication The process by which an advisor or assessor confirms that an assessment has been undertaken by a candidate and that all regulations governing the assessment have been observed.

Candidate The person enrolling for an SQA qualification.

Centre The college, training organisation or workplace where SQA qualifications are delivered and assessed.

Element of Statements which define the products of learning. The statements competence describe the activities that the candidate needs to perform in order to achieve the Unit. They contain Performance Criteria and sometimes statements on Range and evidence. (see Outcome).

Evidence Materials the candidate has to provide as proof of his or her competence against specified Performance Criteria.

Evidence Specify the evidence that must be gathered to show that the Requirements candidate has met the standards laid down in the Performance Criteria.

External The person appointed by the SQA who is responsible for the Verifier quality assurance of a centre’s provision. An External Verifier is often appointed on a subject area basis or for cognate groups of Units.

Instrument of A means of generating evidence of the candidate’s performance. Assessment

Internal The person appointed from within the centre who ensures that verifier assessors apply the standards uniformly and consistently.

Observation A means of assessment in which the candidate is observed carrying out tasks that reflect the Performance Criteria given in Outcomes.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 31 © SQA 2013 Outcome Statement which defines the products of learning. They describe the activities the candidate has to perform to achieve the Unit, and contain Performance Criteria and sometimes, statements on Range and evidence (see Elements of Competence).

Performance Statements which describe the standard to which candidates must Criteria perform the activities which are stated in the Outcome.

Portfolio A compilation of evidence which can form the basis for assessment. The portfolio is commonly used in SVQ awards and in alternative routes to assessment such as APL and credit transfer.

Product A means of assessment which enables the quality of a product evaluation produced by the candidate, rather than the process of producing it, to be evaluated.

Range/Scope A statement in the Unit which specifies the different contexts in which the activities described in the Outcome have to be demonstrated. Where they appear, Range/Scope Statements are mandatory.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 32 © SQA 2013 Units for the SVQ in Environmental Conservation level 2

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 33 © SQA 2013 Unit CS2 (H466 04) Monitor and Maintain Health, Safety and Security

Unit Summary

This standard covers the key activities that are required to monitor and maintain good Health and Safety practices in your workplace. A workplace is wherever your work activities take place.

To maintain a healthy and safe working environment, you are required to take reasonable care of the Health and Safety of yourself and others who may be affected by your work. You are also required to co-operate with your employer to help them to comply with their duties under Health and Safety legislation.

You will follow set Health and Safety procedures and be able to recognise unsafe situations within the work area, and from work activities, and take action to deal with these or bring them to the attention of an appropriate person.

You will need to be aware of the main risks to Health and Safety in your work area and any control measures or safe systems of work put in place by your employer.

You must also be able to follow appropriate procedures in the event of an accident or emergency.

It is important that in all your activities you recognise the limits of your own competence and ask for help and advice when it is needed.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 34 © SQA 2013 Unit CS2 (H466 04) Monitor and Maintain Health, Safety and Security

Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

P1 Follow set procedures and requirements (safe systems of P14 Report accidents, incidents and near misses in accordance work) relating to Health and Safety in your workplace. with instructions. P2 Identify any significant risks to Health and Safety in your P15 Record information as required. workplace. P3 Take action to control the risks where possible or seek guidance from an appropriate person. P4 Work in a way that minimises risks to your own safety and health and that of others. P5 Use safe methods of lifting and handling. P6 Use, handle and store equipment and materials correctly according to instructions and relevant legislation. P7 Use, handle and store potentially hazardous substances correctly in accordance with instructions and legislation. P8 Deal with waste safely and correctly in accordance with instructions and relevant legal requirements. P9 Wear appropriate clothing and protective equipment for the work to be undertaken. P10 Ensure a good standard of hygiene is maintained at all times. P11 Follow appropriate procedures when working alone or at risk of abuse. P12 Stop work immediately if there is a danger of accident or injury and take the appropriate action. P13 Follow procedures safely, correctly and without delay in an emergency situation.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 35 © SQA 2013 Unit CS2 (H466 04) Monitor and Maintain Health, Safety and Security

Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K1 The main legal duties of your employer for Health and K11 The importance of maintaining machinery and equipment Safety under current legislation. in good working order and operating safely in accordance K2 Your main legal duties and any additional responsibilities in with instructions. relation to Health and Safety. K12 Safe use, handling and storage of potentially hazardous K3 The effects that work-related accidents, incidents and ill substances. health can have on people and businesses. K13 How hazardous and non-hazardous waste should be dealt K4 The main areas of risk in your work environment and the with. control measures and safe systems of work put in place to K14 Appropriate clothing and protective equipment for different control these. work activities. K5 How to identify Health and Safety hazards. K15 The importance of good hygiene. K6 Who to seek guidance from with regard to Health and K16 The risks to others from your work activities including Safety. members of the public, children, visitors, contractors. K7 The range of alternative and complementary measures to K17 The risks of working in isolation or in remote locations and control risks, eg guarding machinery, personal protective the need for safe systems of work and emergency equipment, instruction and training. procedures. K8 The risks of personal injury, contracting disease or other K18 The types of accidents or injury that may occur in your health problems associated with your work and how these workplace and how these can be avoided. can be minimised. K19 The actions to take for different types of emergencies in K9 The risks of injury associated with lifting and handling and your area of work including accidents, incidents and near how these can be reduced, eg mechanical handling aids, misses. safe lifting techniques. K20 Records that need to be maintained. K10 Safe methods of using, handling and storing equipment K21 The need to communicate Health and Safety precautions and materials. to others.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 36 © SQA 2013 Unit CS2 (H466 04) Monitor and Maintain Health, Safety and Security


Hazard: Something with the potential to cause harm

Risk: Likelihood of the hazard’s potential being realised

In the land-based industry the most common risks arise from:

 Workplace transport  Working at height  Machinery or equipment  Lifting and handling  Noise and vibration  Dust, chemicals and hazardous substances including microorganisms  Confined spaces  Sources of power: gases, electricity and compressed air  Slips, trips and falls  Lone working

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 37 © SQA 2013 Unit CS2 (H466 04) Monitor and Maintain Health, Safety and Security

Performance Criteria

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Evidence

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 38 © SQA 2013 Unit CS2 (H466 04) Monitor and Maintain Health, Safety and Security

Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Evidence

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 39 © SQA 2013 Unit CS2 (H466 04) Monitor and Maintain Health, Safety and Security


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 40 © SQA 2013 Unit CS4 (H45M 04) Establish and Maintain Working Relationships with Others

Unit Summary

This standard is about working effectively with other people. This includes communicating clearly, co-operating with others and helping to improve ways of working. This could be with your own colleagues, supervisors/managers or people external to the team/department/organisation including suppliers and customers. It may include those for whom English is not their first language. You may work closely within a team or spend a significant amount of time working alone.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 41 © SQA 2013 Unit CS4 (H45M 04) Establish and Maintain Working Relationships with Others

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

What you must be able to do: What you must know and understand:

P1 Present a professional image of yourself and those you K1 The ways in which you can present a professional image of represent. yourself and those you represent. P2 Establish and maintain good working relationships with K2 The reasons why good working relationships are important. other people. K3 The ways in which good working relationships can be P3 Discuss opportunities to make improvements to ways of maintained and improved. working. K4 When conflict might occur in a work situation and how to P4 Co-operate effectively with other people to achieve results. deal with it. P5 Deal with any conflicts effectively in an appropriate way. K5 The reasons why effective communication is important. P6 Communicate with others in a way that supports effective K6 Methods of communicating effectively. working relationships. K7 The importance of good listening skills. P7 Be aware of non-verbal communication messages (eg body K8 The messages conveyed by non-verbal communication (eg language). body language). P8 Provide information clearly, tactfully and in an appropriate K9 The importance of not using derogatory statements in a manner. work situation. P9 Maintain confidentiality. K10 The importance of maintaining confidentiality. K11 The limits of your responsibility and authority.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 42 © SQA 2013 Unit CS4 (H45M 04) Establish and Maintain Working Relationships with Others

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Evidence

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 43 © SQA 2013 Unit CS4 (H45M 04) Establish and Maintain Working Relationships with Others


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 44 © SQA 2013 Unit EM15 (H45L 04) Develop an Awareness of Environmental Good Practice

Unit Summary

This standard describes the skill and knowledge requirements for individuals to develop an awareness of the impact of their activities on the environment and the importance of improving environmental performance within the work area or other activities. These impacts could include any of the following:

 Pollution (land, air, water)  Climate change  Resource depletion  Biodiversity depletion  Damage to ecosystems

It covers the understanding of environmental practices and policies that affect you, and your ability to identify where improvements could be made. It also covers knowing if activities are in line with environmental practices and encourages the development of environmental awareness in others.

This standard would be appropriate for:

 Team leaders, first line managers and workers to support the awareness and improvement of the environmental performance of the organisation.  An individual with a need to understand the impact of their activities on the environment.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 45 © SQA 2013 Unit EM15 (H45L 04) Develop an Awareness of Environmental Good Practice

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

What you must be able to do: What you must know and understand:

Review the impact of your activities on the environment K1 The key issues facing the environment. K2 The impact of your work or other activities on the P1 Identify how your practices impact on the environment. environment. P2 Identify the environmental policies and practices that are K3 The term ‘positive and negative impact’. relevant to your activities. K4 Your role, responsibility and limits of authority relating to P3 Review the positive and negative impact of your activities environmental practice. on the environment. K5 Environmental legal requirements affecting your activities. P4 Report any potential negative impact. K6 Existing workplace policies or other environmental policies. P5 Encourage others to develop and maintain environmental K7 Your social responsibilities in relation to environmental awareness. practice. K8 External and internal sources of information and guidance Develop activities that support environmental good practice on environmental performance. K9 How to recognise areas where environmental practice can P6 Undertake activities and use resources that promote be improved. environmental good practice. K10 The importance of organising activities that meet P7 Identify opportunities to reduce the negative and improve environmental policies. the positive impact on the environment. K11 The importance of selecting resources which minimise P8 Communicate the benefits of implementing and maintaining environmental impact. good environmental practice. K12 How to communicate good environmental practices to P9 Encourage feedback from others on environmental others. practice.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 46 © SQA 2013 Unit EM15 (H45L 04) Develop an Awareness of Environmental Good Practice

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Evidence

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 47 © SQA 2013 Unit EM15 (H45L 04) Develop an Awareness of Environmental Good Practice


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 48 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC1 (H46P 04) Promote Responsible Public Use of Outdoor Sites

Unit Summary

This standard covers promoting the responsible public use of outdoor sites. You must show that you can communicate effectively with visitors and look after their welfare and safety in addition to protecting the site, its character and its contents.

You should be aware of actual or potential threats, dangers or breaches of the law, both in general and those specifically related to the site in which you are working. You also need to know how to deal with breaches against environmental legislation with regard to protected species and sites. This may involve advising members of the public of dangers and being alert to suspicious behaviour.

This standard is suitable for Countryside Officers, Rangers, Wardens, Park Managers, Garden Managers, etc.


Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 49 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC1 (H46P 04) Promote Responsible Public Use of Outdoor Sites

Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

P1 Welcome visitors in accordance with the organisation's P13 Carry out all work in accordance with relevant policies. environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation, P2 Present a positive image of yourself and your organisation. Risk Assessment requirements and company policies. P3 Promote the features of the site to visitors to enhance P14 Encourage feedback from the public on their experience of enjoyment and understanding of the site. the site and communicate findings to the appropriate P4 Provide visitors with suitable opportunities to express and person. clarify their requirements. P15 Make changes in response to feedback which are within P5 Provide information clearly to visitors and encourage them your area of authority. to ask questions about the site and the organisation. P6 Ensure that the pace, style and structure of your communications are suitable for the audience. P7 Care for visitors according to their needs and any organisational requirements. P8 Provide visitors with methods of obtaining assistance if it cannot be immediately provided. P9 Encourage visitors to use the site in a way which is consistent with its purpose and condition. P10 Encourage visitors to maintain their own safety during visits to the site. P11 Encourage visitors to maximise the potential of their visit and take advantage of what the site has to offer. P12 Identify visitors and other members of the public who may cause a threat or breach of the law and take the appropriate action to minimise any damage or risk.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 50 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC1 (H46P 04) Promote Responsible Public Use of Outdoor Sites

Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K1 Organisational codes of practice and requirements for the K15 The organisational procedure for dealing with breaches of care of visitors. the law. K2 The purpose and value of presenting a positive image of K16 How to obtain and monitor feedback from the public. yourself and your organisation. K17 The limits of your authority and competence and who to K3 The features of the site and your organisation to enable refer to if you need advice or guidance. you to provide information and respond to queries. K4 How to identify the needs of visitors and when to engage/ offer advice or help. K5 The range of visitors that may be encountered. K6 Ways in which communication styles are adjusted according to the audience and location. K7 Who to refer visitors to when you are unable to provide assistance. K8 Why the organisation may have certain access policies or designated areas for public access. K9 The needs of the site and the effects that visitors may have on it. K10 The importance of balancing the needs of the site with the needs of visitors. K11 Your responsibilities under current environmental and Health and Safety legislation and codes of practice. K12 Legislation relating to offences against wildlife. K13 The threats the public may pose to sites. K14 How to handle people who cause a threat to sites in an effective, safe and courteous way.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 51 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC1 (H46P 04) Promote Responsible Public Use of Outdoor Sites


Visitors: Breaches of the law:

 Adults  Theft  Children and young people  Criminal damage  Families  Assault  General interest groups  Public order offences  Special interest groups  Trespass  Recreational users  Wildlife persecution  Those with special requirements.  Those for whom English is not the first language.


 To the site and its contents.  To flora and fauna.  To own personal health, safety or security.  To health, safety and security of others.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 52 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC1 (H46P 04) Promote Responsible Public Use of Outdoor Sites

Performance Criteria

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Evidence

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 53 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC1 (H46P 04) Promote Responsible Public Use of Outdoor Sites

Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Evidence

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The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 55 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC8 (H45R 04) Identify Species

Unit Summary

This standard is about identifying species in terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments. It can be applied to both flora and fauna (including protected, non-native and noxious species) and across a wide range of industries. Species identification is important to the conservation of biodiversity and to economic production. The standard complements those for surveys (including EnC3 and EnC4).

You are expected to work in a safe and effective way, recognising when advice or further information is required, and also to seek appropriate permissions, consents or licences for both access and species work.

The standard is for a wide range of staff, including Rangers, Gamekeepers, Ecologists, Landscapers, Grounds Maintenance, Construction Workers, Farmers, Growers, and Professional Advisers.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 56 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC8 (H45R 04) Identify Species

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

What you must be able to do: What you must know and understand:

P1 Clarify the purpose and requirements of the site inspection. K1 The purpose and requirements of the site inspection. P2 Prepare the equipment and resources required for the K2 The equipment and resources required for species identification of various species. identification. P3 Ensure you have access to relevant sources of information K3 The possible sources of information which can be used to to aid identification. aid identification and how to use them. P4 Clarify any relevant site restrictions or designations in K4 The implications of relevant site restrictions or designations place. in place. P5 Identify and obtain any necessary permissions, consents K5 How to obtain any relevant permissions, consents or and licences. licenses. P6 Establish the current or previous use of the site to help K6 The species likely to be found in different types of habitat, indicate likely species to be found. their tracks, trails and signs. P7 Identify habitat types to help indicate likely species to be K7 How to record appropriate details to support species found. identification. P8 Identify indicator species, tracks, trails or signs. K8 The limits of your own authority and expertise and P9 Record details to support species identification, eg alternative sources of advice. photograph, notes, measurements. K9 The potential impact of your activities on the environment P10 Use appropriate sources of information to identify and and how to minimise this. name species. K10 Protocols, codes of conduct and legislation relevant to the P11 Recognise the limits of your own authority and expertise collection of wildlife data. and seek advice or confirmation where necessary. K11 Legislation and restrictions which apply to surveying and P12 Carry out activities in a manner which causes minimal recording data. disturbance to the surrounding environment. K12 Your responsibilities under current environmental P13 Follow protocols, codes of conduct and legislation relevant legislation, Health and Safety legislation, codes of practice to the collection of wildlife data. and company policies. P14 Follow appropriate Health and Safety procedures when carrying out a site inspection.

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Various species:

 Plants (including lower order plants and trees)  Insects  Reptiles and amphibians  Fish (marine, freshwater and molluscs)  Birds  Mammals  Protected species  Non-native species  Noxious weeds

Tracks, Trails and Signs

 Tracks, trails and signs are commonly used to help identify or confirm the presence of animals, particularly mammals, in the absence of physical sightings. They include footprints, runs, habitat disturbance, shelter (eg burrow), dead animals (including prey), sounds, smells, droppings, and skeletal remains and their sources (eg owl pellets).

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Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Evidence

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The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 60 © SQA 2013 Unit CS16 (H45D 04) Construct Paths or Surfaces

Unit Summary

This standard covers the construction of paths or surfaces.

Construction is defined as creating a new, or replacing an existing, path or surface.

If you are working with chemicals or machinery you need to be appropriately trained or certificated in line with current legislation.

This standard is for those who undertake the construction of paths or surfaces.

You must carry out your work in a way which will minimise any impact on the natural environment and enhance its nature, conservation and recreational value.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 61 © SQA 2013 Unit CS16 (H45D 04) Construct Paths or Surfaces

Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

P1 Carry out all work in accordance with relevant environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation, Risk Assessment requirements and company policies P2 Assess the site prior to operation to identify any restrictions on the planned work. P3 Select, prepare and use equipment and machinery in accordance with specifications. P4 Select materials to meet specifications. P5 Prepare the site in accordance with specifications. P6 Construct paths or surfaces in accordance with specifications. P7 Provide foundations and drainage in accordance with specifications where required. P8 Carry out work in a manner which prevents damage to the surrounding area. P9 Ensure that other site users are not put at risk by your work. P10 Ensure the appearance and condition of the path or surface meets specifications. P11 Handle and transport materials and equipment in accordance with regulations. P12 Deal with waste safely and correctly in accordance with instructions. P13 Restore the site to an appropriate condition following completion of the work.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 62 © SQA 2013 Unit CS16 (H45D 04) Construct Paths or Surfaces

Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K1 Your responsibilities under current environmental K13 The potential impact of your work on the surrounding area legislation, Health and Safety legislation, codes of practice and how to minimise this. and company policies. K14 How to handle, transport and dispose of waste in K2 The importance of examining the site prior to commencing accordance with legal and organisational requirements. work with regards to hazards, assessment of risk and K15 Why it is important to keep working areas clean and tidy potential restrictions. during operation and to restore the site following K3 The restrictions affecting the work, eg presence of listed completion of the work. structures, wildlife, non-native invasive or protected species, etc. K4 The hazards presented by services on site and how to avoid these. K5 How to select, prepare and use tools, equipment and materials relevant to the agreed specifications. K6 Suitable methods for preparing the site. K7 The methods of construction for different types of paths or surfaces. K8 The purpose of the path or surface. K9 The relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of surface or paths and situations in which they are appropriate. K10 The types of foundations which are required. K11 The principles of drainage for paths or surfaces and how to ensure its effectiveness. K12 The qualities of the finished product that make it fit for purpose.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 63 © SQA 2013 Unit CS16 (H45D 04) Construct Paths or Surfaces


Paths and surfaces could include dirt tracks, bark paths, flagstone, standing areas, aggregate paths, stone-pitched paths and boardwalk paths.

Specifications include drawings, schedules, method statements, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), manufacturers' guidelines, legislation and tolerances.

Instructions can be verbal or written.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 64 © SQA 2013 Unit CS16 (H45D 04) Construct Paths or Surfaces

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Evidence

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 65 © SQA 2013 Unit CS16 (H45D 04) Construct Paths or Surfaces


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 66 © SQA 2013 Unit CS17 (H464 04) Maintain or Repair Paths or Surfaces

Unit Summary

This standard covers the maintenance and repair of paths or surfaces.

Maintenance and repair includes the treatment of weeds, ensuring level and safe surfaces, clearing and cleaning, and replacing and fixing damaged material.

If you are working with chemicals or machinery you need to be appropriately trained or certificated in line with current legislation.

This standard is for those who undertake the maintenance and repair of paths and surfaces.

You must carry out your work in a way which will minimise any impact on the natural environment and enhance its nature, conservation and recreational value.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 67 © SQA 2013 Unit CS17 (H464 04) Maintain or Repair Paths or Surfaces

Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

P1 Carry out all work in accordance with relevant environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation, Risk Assessment requirements and company policies. P2 Carry out all work in accordance with instructions and specifications. P3 Assess the site prior to operation to clarify maintenance requirements. P4 Select, prepare and use equipment and machinery to carry out required maintenance. P5 Select materials to meet specifications. P6 Prepare the site and carry out work in a manner which prevents damage to the surrounding area. P7 Restore the site to an appropriate condition following completion of the work. P8 Handle and transport materials and equipment in accordance with regulations. P9 Ensure that other site users are not put at risk by your work. P10 Deal with waste safely and correctly in accordance with instructions. P11 Complete records as appropriate.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 68 © SQA 2013 Unit CS17 (H464 04) Maintain or Repair Paths or Surfaces

Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K1 Your responsibilities under current environmental K12 Why it is important to keep working areas clean and tidy legislation, Health and Safety legislation, codes of practice during operations and to restore the site following and company policies. completion of the work. K2 The importance of examining the site prior to commencing K13 The legal and organisational requirements for the handling, work with regards to hazards, assessment of risk and transporting and disposal of waste. potential restrictions. K3 The restrictions affecting the work, eg presence of listed structures, wildlife, non-native invasive or protected species, etc. K4 The hazards presented by services on site and how to avoid these. K5 The maintenance techniques required for maintaining paths or surfaces. K6 How to select, prepare and use tools, equipment and machinery relevant to the agreed specifications. K7 Suitable methods for preparing the site. K8 Why paths and surfaces must be maintained and repaired and the potential problems if this is not carried out. K9 The purpose of the path or surface and how this relates to the specifications and operations. K10 The potential impact of your work on the surrounding area and how to minimise this. K11 Problems which may occur during operations and how these should be dealt with.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 69 © SQA 2013 Unit CS17 (H464 04) Maintain or Repair Paths or Surfaces


Paths and surfaces could include dirt tracks, bark paths, flagstone, standing areas, aggregate paths, stone-pitched paths and boardwalk paths.

Specifications include drawings, schedules, method statements, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), manufacturers' guidelines, legislation and tolerances.

Instructions can be verbal or written.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 70 © SQA 2013 Unit CS17 (H464 04) Maintain or Repair Paths or Surfaces

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Evidence

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 71 © SQA 2013 Unit CS17 (H464 04) Maintain or Repair Paths or Surfaces


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 72 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC3 (H46T 04) Survey and Report on the Environment

Unit Summary

This standard is concerned with carrying out basic survey work following the planning process. The survey will be related to the natural environment (on land or at sea) including biodiversity and public access. It can involve hands-on measurement in the field, remote measurement using sensing equipment (such as aerial photography) or the collection of samples for analysis. The concepts of space (mapping) and changes through time (monitoring) are fundamental to the type of work undertaken. This addresses the ability to undertake a survey and to make a report on the condition of the environment.

Although you are not expected to have extensive identification skills, you should be familiar with the use of keys and field guides, and have a broad understanding of the methodologies used for each of the subjects listed within the standard. In most surveys you will be expected to use both primary and secondary sources of data, for example using existing (secondary) data to inform your survey to collect new (primary) data.

This standard also covers reporting on the findings of surveys that you have carried out.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 73 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC3 (H46T 04) Survey and Report on the Environment

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

What you must be able to do: What you must know and understand:

P1 Clearly establish your role in the survey activity. K1 Your responsibilities in relation to survey activity. P2 Use survey techniques in accordance with the survey K2 The range of survey techniques available, their advantages specifications. and disadvantages and principles of use. P3 Collect data that meets the requirements of the survey K3 The objectives of the survey, potential sources of data and specifications. their value. P4 Record all data legibly, fully and in the format specified. K4 Effective methods of recording data collected. P5 Take the appropriate prompt action where data cannot be K5 How to assess the quality and usefulness of data collected obtained in accordance with the specifications. and the actions to take if the survey aims are P6 Carry out all work in accordance with relevant compromised. environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation, K6 Your responsibilities under current environmental Risk Assessment requirements, codes of practice and legislation, Health and Safety legislation, codes of practice company policies, including wildlife and access legislation. and company policies including wildlife and access P7 Ensure that the effects of your work and access do not legislation. adversely affect the environment. K7 The intended purpose and required content of the reports. P8 Complete accurate reports which contain the necessary K8 Ways of presenting information clearly and in a manner supporting data. appropriate to the intended user. P9 Respond to requests for further clarification and K9 Methods of communicating clearly and accurately. explanation of reports. K10 The timescales within which reporting must take place and P10 Report within the required timescale and in accordance the reasons for this. with organisational procedures.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 74 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC3 (H46T 04) Survey and Report on the Environment

This standard covers:

Collect and record data for surveys on: Use the following survey techniques:

 Plants  Mapping/aerial photographs  Animals  Use of GPS equipment and GIS software.  People  Counting  Pollution or accidental damage.  Trapping  Habitat  Ecological surveys  Access networks or zoning in conservation areas.  Archaeology

Collect the following types of data:

 Quantitative  Qualitative

Investigate the following sources of data:

 Primary  Secondary

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 75 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC3 (H46T 04) Survey and Report on the Environment

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Evidence

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 76 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC3 (H46T 04) Survey and Report on the Environment


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 77 © SQA 2013 Unit CS21 (H463 04) Maintain or Repair Boundaries or Access Points

Unit Summary

This standard covers the maintenance and repair of boundaries or access points. You will need to ensure that the work is carried out in accordance with specifications, legislation and organisational policy.

Maintenance and repair is defined as mending or restoring to a sound and safe condition. Maintenance could be preventative (prevention of major repair work at a later date) or reactive.

Local custom and materials should encourage the use of a wide range of styles and techniques.

If you are working with chemicals or machinery you need to be appropriately trained or certificated in line with current legislation.

This standard is for those who are responsible for the maintenance and repair of boundaries or access points.

You must carry out your work in a way which will minimise any impact on the natural environment and enhance its nature, conservation and recreational value.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 78 © SQA 2013 Unit CS21 (H463 04) Maintain or Repair Boundaries or Access Points

Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

P1 Carry out all work in accordance with relevant environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation, Risk Assessment requirements and company policies. P2 Assess the site prior to operation to identify any restrictions on the planned work. P3 Select, prepare and use equipment and machinery which meet the agreed specifications. P4 Select materials to meet specifications. P5 Carry out all work in accordance with instructions and specifications. P6 Prepare the site and carry out work in a manner which prevents damage to the surrounding area. P7 Ensure completed work meets the specifications and is fit for purpose. P8 Handle and transport material and equipment in accordance with regulations. P9 Carry out work tidily and safely with due regard to users of the site. P10 Restore the site to an appropriate condition following completion of the work. P11 Deal with waste safely and correctly in accordance with instructions. P12 Complete records as appropriate.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 79 © SQA 2013 Unit CS21 (H463 04) Maintain or Repair Boundaries or Access Points

Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K1 Your responsibilities under current environmental K13 The potential impact of your work on the surrounding area legislation, Health and Safety legislation, codes of practice and how to minimise this. and company policies. K14 Problems which may occur during operations and how K2 The importance of examining the site prior to commencing these should be dealt with. work with regards to hazards, assessment of risk and K15 Why it is important to keep working areas clean and tidy potential restrictions. during operations and to restore the site following K3 The restrictions affecting the work, eg presence of listed completion of the work. structures, wildlife, non-native invasive or protected K16 How to handle, transport and dispose of waste in species, designated sites, etc. accordance with legal and organisational requirements. K4 The hazards presented by services on site and how to K17 The records which need to be completed. avoid these. K5 The maintenance techniques required for maintaining boundaries and access points. K6 How to select, prepare and use tools, equipment and machinery relevant to the agreed specifications. K7 The purpose of boundaries or access points and how this relates to the specifications and operations. K8 Suitable methods for preparing the site. K9 How to interpret and use relevant specifications. K10 Why boundaries and access points must be maintained and repaired and the potential problems if not carried out. K11 Methods of testing the safety, stability and durability of the boundaries or access points and their fitness for purpose. K12 How to evaluate the completed work against the specifications.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 80 © SQA 2013 Unit CS21 (H463 04) Maintain or Repair Boundaries or Access Points



 Walls  Fences  Banks

Access points:

 Gates  Stiles  Steps


 Drawings  Schedules  Method statements  Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)  Manufacturers' guidelines

Instructions can be verbal or written.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 81 © SQA 2013 Unit CS21 (H463 04) Maintain or Repair Boundaries or Access Points

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Evidence

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 82 © SQA 2013 Unit CS21 (H463 04) Maintain or Repair Boundaries or Access Points


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 83 © SQA 2013 Unit CS20 (H45C 04) Construct Boundaries or Access Points

Unit Summary

This standard covers how to construct boundaries or access points.

This standard is for employees and volunteers working in the land-based and environmental sector.

Local custom and materials should encourage the use of a wide range of styles and techniques.

Construction is defined as creating a new boundary or access point, or completely replacing a boundary or access point.

You must carry out your work in a way which will minimise any impact on the natural environment and enhance its nature, conservation and recreational value.

The construction of drystone walls/drystone dykes is covered in VR567 build drystone structures from CSC.

This does not include safety, high security or electric fencing.

If you are working with chemicals or machinery you need to be appropriately trained or certificated in line with current legislation.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 84 © SQA 2013 Unit CS20 (H45C 04) Construct Boundaries or Access Points

Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

P1 Carry out all work in accordance with relevant environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation, Risk Assessment requirements and company policies. P2 Assess the site prior to operation to identify any restrictions on the planned work. P3 Select, prepare and use equipment and machinery in accordance with specifications. P4 Select materials and resources to meet specifications. P5 Prepare the site in accordance with specifications. P6 Identify the proposed line for the boundary in accordance with specifications. P7 Carry out all work in accordance with instructions and specifications. P8 Carry out work in a manner which prevents damage to the surrounding area. P9 Ensure the appearance and condition of boundaries and access points meets specifications. P10 Deal with waste safely and correctly in accordance with instructions/legislation. P11 Restore the site to an appropriate condition following completion of the work.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 85 © SQA 2013 Unit CS20 (H45C 04) Construct Boundaries or Access Points

Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K1 Your responsibilities under current environmental K12 The potential impact of your work on the surrounding area legislation, Health and Safety legislation, codes of practice and how to minimise this. and company policies. K13 Problems which may occur during operations and how K2 The importance of examining the site prior to commencing these should be dealt with. work with regards to hazards, assessment of risk and K14 How to evaluate the success of the completed work against potential restrictions. the specifications. K3 The restrictions affecting the work, eg designated sites, K15 Methods of protecting materials and structures during presence of listed structures, wildlife, non-native invasive or construction. protected species, etc. K16 How to handle, transport and dispose of waste in K4 The hazards presented by services on site and how to accordance with legal and organisational requirements. avoid these. K17 The importance of restoring the site to a clean and tidy K5 How to select, prepare and use tools, equipment and condition. machinery relevant to the agreed specifications. K6 Suitable methods for preparing the site. K7 The construction regulations and standards pertinent to the construction of boundaries or access points. K8 The construction techniques appropriate to the boundary, access points and surrounding environment. K9 The types of ground preparation appropriate to the construction of the work. K10 The context within which the boundary or access point is set and how this relates to the specifications. K11 The relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of boundaries or access points and the appropriate situations in which to use them.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 86 © SQA 2013 Unit CS20 (H45C 04) Construct Boundaries or Access Points


Boundaries could be:

 Fences  Walls  Banks

Access points through such boundaries could be:

 Stiles  Gates  Steps

Specifications include:

 Drawings  Schedules  Method statements  Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)  Manufacturers’ guidelines

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 87 © SQA 2013 Unit CS20 (H45C 04) Construct Boundaries or Access Points

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Evidence

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 88 © SQA 2013 Unit CS20 (H45C 04) Construct Boundaries or Access Points


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 89 © SQA 2013 Unit CS18 (H45E 04) Construct Structures

Unit Summary

This standard covers the construction of structures on land-based and environmental sites.

This standard is for those who undertake the construction of structures.

Structures may be permanent or temporary and could include animal holding pens, polytunnels, bridges, hides and screens.

You must carry out your work in a way which will minimise any impact on the natural environment and enhance its nature, conservation and recreational value.

During both preparation and construction, you may have to deal with unexpected events such as accidental damage, or difficulty in conforming to the specifications.

If you are working with chemicals or machinery you need to be appropriately trained or certificated in line with current legislation.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 90 © SQA 2013 Unit CS18 (H45E 04) Construct Structures

Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

P1 Carry out all work in accordance with relevant P12 Restore the site to an appropriate condition following environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation, completion of the work. Risk Assessment requirements and company policies. P13 Deal with waste safely and correctly in accordance with P2 Assess the site prior to operation to identify any restrictions instructions. on the planned work. P14 Handle and transport materials and equipment in P3 Select, prepare and use equipment and machinery which accordance with regulations. meets the agreed specifications. P4 Select materials which meet specifications. P5 Prepare the site in accordance with specifications. P6 Ensure the preparation of structures is consistent with the specifications. P7 Ensure any required foundations for the structure are in accordance with specifications. P8 Construct the structure in accordance with the specifications. P9 Carry out work in a manner which prevents damage to the surrounding area. P10 Ensure that other site users are not put at risk by your work. P11 Ensure the appearance and condition of the structure meets specifications.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 91 © SQA 2013 Unit CS18 (H45E 04) Construct Structures

Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K1 Your responsibilities under current environmental K13 How to use materials correctly. legislation, Health and Safety legislation, codes of practice K14 Problems which may occur during operations and how and company policies. these should be dealt with. K2 The importance of examining the site prior to commencing K15 How to handle, transport and dispose of waste in work with regards to hazards, assessment of risk and accordance with legal and organisational requirements. potential restrictions. K16 The importance of restoring the site to a clean and tidy K3 The restrictions affecting the work, eg designated sites, condition. presence of listed structures, wildlife (non-native, invasive or protected species, etc). K4 Preparation for the construction of structures. K5 The purposes the structures are designed to meet. K6 How to select, prepare and use tools, equipment and machinery relevant to the agreed specifications. K7 How to interpret specifications and the importance of following the specifications. K8 Correct preparation methods for different structures and how these are related to timing and scheduling. K9 The potential impact of your work on the surrounding area and how to minimise this. K10 The potential conflicts between constructing structures and conserving and protecting the natural environment. K11 Methods of constructing the structure and the relationship of this to its planned use. K12 The context within which the structure is set, and how this relates to the specifications.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 92 © SQA 2013 Unit CS18 (H45E 04) Construct Structures



 Simple bridges  Fords  Steps  Holding pens  Sheds  Polytunnels  Screens  Hides


 Drawings  Schedules  Method statements  Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)  Manufacturers’ guidelines

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 93 © SQA 2013 Unit CS18 (H45E 04) Construct Structures

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evidence

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 94 © SQA 2013 Unit CS18 (H45E 04) Construct Structures


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 95 © SQA 2013 Unit CS19 (H462 04) Maintain and Repair Structures

Unit Summary

This standard covers how to maintain and repair structures.

Maintenance and repair is defined as mending or restoring something to a sound and safe condition.

This standard is for those responsible for the maintenance and repair of structures.

If you are working with chemicals or machinery you need to be appropriately trained or certificated in line with current legislation.

You must carry out your work in a way which will minimise any impact on the natural environment and enhance its nature, conservation and recreational value.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 96 © SQA 2013 Unit CS19 (H462 04) Maintain and Repair Structures

Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

P1 Carry out all work in accordance with relevant environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation, Risk Assessment requirements and company policies. P2 Assess the site prior to operation to identify any restrictions on the planned work. P3 Select, prepare and use equipment and machinery which meets the agreed specifications. P4 Prepare the site and carry out work in a manner which prevents damage to the surrounding area. P5 Carry out all work in accordance with instructions and specifications. P6 Ensure maintenance and repair takes place at an appropriate time. P7 Ensure completed work meets the specifications and is fit for purpose. P8 Ensure that other site users are not put at risk by your work. P9 Restore the site to an appropriate condition following completion of the work. P10 Deal with waste safely and correctly in accordance with instructions. P11 Handle and transport materials and equipment in accordance with regulations. P12 Complete records as appropriate.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 97 © SQA 2013 Unit CS19 (H462 04) Maintain and Repair Structures

Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K1 Your responsibilities under current environmental K12 The potential impact of your work on the surrounding area legislation, Health and Safety legislation, codes of practice and how to minimise this. and company policies. K13 Problems which may occur during operations and how K2 The importance of examining the site prior to commencing these should be dealt with. work with regards to hazards, assessment of risk and K14 The importance of restoring the site to a clean and tidy potential restrictions. condition. K3 The restrictions affecting the work, eg presence of listed K15 How to handle, transport and dispose of waste in structures, wildlife, non-native invasive or protected species accordance with legal and organisational requirements. designated sites, etc. K16 The records which need to be completed. K4 The hazards presented by services on site and how to avoid these. K5 The maintenance techniques required for maintaining structures. K6 How to select, prepare and use tools, equipment and machinery relevant to the agreed specifications. K7 Suitable methods for preparing the site. K8 Why the structure must be maintained and repaired and the potential problems if this is not carried out. K9 The purpose of the structure and how this relates to the specifications and operations. K10 Methods for testing the safety, stability and durability of structures and their fitness for purpose. K11 How to evaluate the completed work against the specifications.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 98 © SQA 2013 Unit CS19 (H462 04) Maintain and Repair Structures



 Holding pens  Hides  Screens  Sheds  Polytunnels  Bridges  Fords  Steps


 Drawings  Schedules  Method statements  Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)  Manufacturers’ guidelines

Instructions can be verbal or written.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 99 © SQA 2013 Unit CS19 (H462 04) Maintain and Repair Structures

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evidence

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 100 © SQA 2013 Unit CS19 (H462 04) Maintain and Repair Structures


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 101 © SQA 2013 Unit CS23 (H45T 04) Install Site Furniture

Unit Summary

This standard covers how to install site furniture. This includes, for example, signboards, waymarkers, benches and bins. It also includes more unusual items such as sculptures. Many of these will be prefabricated and your role is therefore to accurately site and install the structure.

This standard is for those responsible for the installation of site furniture.

If you are working with chemicals or machinery you need to be appropriately trained or certificated in line with current legislation.

You must carry out your work in a way which will minimise any impact on the natural environment and enhance its nature, conservation and recreational value.

This does not include sports and play equipment as these are covered by the Skills Active National Occupational Standards.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 102 © SQA 2013 Unit CS23 (H45T 04) Install Site Furniture

Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

P1 Carry out all work in accordance with relevant P13 Deal with waste safely and correctly in accordance with environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation, instructions. Risk Assessment requirements and company policies. P14 Restore the site to an appropriate condition following P2 Assess the site prior to operation to identify any restrictions completion of the work. on the planned work. P3 Select, prepare and use equipment and machinery which meets the agreed specifications. P4 Select materials which meet agreed specifications. P5 Prepare the site and carry out work in a manner which prevents damage to the surrounding area. P6 Select the most appropriate place to site the item in line with specifications and site conditions. P7 Install the item in line with specifications. P8 Ensure that other site users are not put at risk by your work. P9 Where problems arise in meeting the specifications take the appropriate action without delay. P10 Ensure that the item is safe, secure and fit for purpose before leaving the site. P11 Use appropriate methods to reduce the impact of erosion on areas around the item. P12 Handle and transport material and equipment in accordance with regulations.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 103 © SQA 2013 Unit CS23 (H45T 04) Install Site Furniture

Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K1 Your responsibilities under current environmental K14 The potential impact of your work on the surrounding area legislation, Health and Safety legislation, codes of practice and how to minimise this. and company policies. K15 The importance of restoring the site to a clean and tidy K2 The importance of examining the site prior to commencing condition. work with regards to hazards, assessment of risk and K16 How to handle, transport and dispose of waste in potential restrictions. accordance with legal and organisational requirements. K3 The restrictions affecting the work, eg presence of listed structures, wildlife, non-native invasive or protected species, etc. K4 How to recognise the environmental value of sites. K5 How to select, prepare and use equipment and machinery relevant to the agreed specifications. K6 How to select materials relevant to the agreed specifications. K7 Suitable methods for preparing the site. K8 How to interpret and use relevant specifications. K9 The factors which determine where an item should be sited. K10 The purpose of the item. K11 The context within which the item is to be set, and how this relates to the specifications. K12 Methods for installing different items of site furniture. K13 Problems which may occur during operations and how these should be dealt with.

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 Drawings  Schedules  Method statements  Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)  Manufacturers’ guidelines

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Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evidence

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The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 107 © SQA 2013 Unit CS24 (H461 04) Maintain and Repair Site Furniture

Unit Summary

This standard covers how to maintain and repair site furniture. This includes, for example, signboards, waymarkers, benches and bins. It also includes more unusual items such as sculptures. Many of these will be prefabricated and your role is therefore to carry out maintenance and repair.

This standard is for those responsible for the maintenance and repair of site furniture.

If you are working with chemicals or machinery you need to be appropriately trained or certificated in line with current legislation.

You must carry out your work in a way which will minimise any impact on the natural environment and enhance its nature, conservation and recreational value.

This does not include sports and play equipment as these are covered by the Skills Active National Occupational Standards.

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Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

P1 Carry out all work in accordance with relevant P13 Deal with waste safely and correctly in accordance with environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation, instructions. Risk Assessment requirements and company policies. P14 Restore the site to an appropriate condition following P2 Assess the site prior to operation to identify any restrictions completion of the work. on the planned work. P15 Complete records as appropriate. P3 Select, prepare and use equipment and machinery which meet the agreed specifications. P4 Select materials which meet agreed specifications. P5 Prepare the site and carry out work in a manner which prevents damage to the surrounding area. P6 Maintain or repair the item to specifications. P7 Carry out work tidily and safely with due regard to users of the site. P8 Where problems arise in meeting the specifications take the appropriate action without delay. P9 Inform your line manager of any potential improvements to the work specifications which you identify. P10 Ensure the structure is safe, secure and fit for purpose before leaving the site. P11 Use appropriate methods to reduce the impact of erosion on areas around the item. P12 Handle and transport material and equipment in accordance with regulations.

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Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K1 Your responsibilities under current environmental K13 How to handle, transport and dispose of waste in legislation, Health and Safety legislation, codes of practice accordance with legal and organisational requirements. and company policies. K14 The records which need to be completed. K2 The importance of examining the site prior to commencing work with regards to hazards, assessment of risk and potential restrictions. K3 The restrictions affecting the work, eg presence of listed structures, wildlife, non-native invasive or protected species, etc. K4 How to recognise the environmental value of sites. K5 How to select, prepare and use equipment and machinery relevant to the agreed specifications. K6 How to select materials relevant to the agreed specifications. K7 Suitable methods for preparing the site. K8 How to interpret and use relevant specifications. K9 Methods for maintaining and repairing different items of site furniture. K10 Problems that may occur during operations and how these should be dealt with. K11 Why site furniture must be maintained and repaired and the potential problems if not carried out. K12 Why it is important to keep working areas clean and tidy during operations and to restore the site following completion of the work.

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 Drawings  Schedules  Method statements  Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)  Manufacturers’ guidelines

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 111 © SQA 2013 Unit CS24 (H461 04) Maintain and Repair Site Furniture

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Evidence

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The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 113 © SQA 2013 Unit CS36 (H45N 04) Establish and Manage Habitats

Unit Summary

This standard is about the creation and management of a range of habitats. This involves the establishment of suitable site conditions and appropriate vegetation.

You are expected to carry out these activities following specifications based upon site management plans within the context of Biodiversity Action Plans (local, UK, species and habitat action plans). It is essential that you understand the basic ecology of the habitat you are working in and the effects that your work will have on it.

You must carry out this work in a way which minimises the impact on the natural environment and enhances its nature, conservation and recreational value.

The use of power tools and application of chemicals must only be undertaken if you have the appropriate certification.

You must carry out your work in line with appropriate permissions and licences. Permissions and licences may relate to work on designated sites (sites of scientific interest, nature reserves, conservation areas, etc), to specific types of work (tree felling, etc) or to the presence of protected species within that site.

This standard applies to employees or volunteers who are involved in the conservation of habitats and species.

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Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

P1 Carry out all work in accordance with environmental legislation, relevant Health and Safety legislation, Risk Assessment requirements and company policies. P2 Use and maintain tools and equipment in a clean and serviceable condition throughout the work. P3 Keep the site clear of any unnecessary obstacles and waste material. P4 Carry out work in a manner which causes minimal disturbance to the surrounding environment. P5 Carry out your work in line with relevant legal and organisational requirements. P6 Prepare the site for habitat management work. P7 Select vegetation according to the site management plan and any prevailing constraints. P8 Use the correct techniques to manage the habitat in line with site specifications. P9 Create or maintain the required conditions to protect or establish the habitat in line with site specifications. P10 Dispose of waste and excess materials safely to minimise environmental risk and in accordance with legal requirements. P11 Where incidental damage occurs take appropriate action.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 115 © SQA 2013 Unit CS36 (H45N 04) Establish and Manage Habitats

Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K1 How to identify hazards and assess risks. K15 Correct methods of disposing of waste and excess K2 How to interpret and act on Risk Assessments. material. K3 How to select, use and maintain tools and equipment. K4 How to interpret site specifications and management plans. K5 Your responsibilities under current environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation and codes of practice. K6 The effect that site conditions will have on the growth of vegetation, habitat quality and landscape value. K7 The environmental value (in terms of biodiversity, public access and of historic/archaeological value) of work sites, the potential effects of your work on the environment and how to control these. K8 The effect that the positioning, mix and density of vegetation establishment will have on the habitat and landscape quality. K9 Ways of encouraging natural regeneration. K10 The potential courses of damage to vegetation and the ways in which vegetation can be protected. K11 How to recognise age, state and type of vegetation. K12 Habitat management techniques and how to carry them out. K13 How your work fits into local biodiversity action plans. K14 The implications of the legislation that affects your work, including any permissions or licences that are required.

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Habitat types: Habitat-specific work (continued):

 Natural and semi-natural areas such as:  Scrub control in reed beds, grasslands or heathlands. — dunes and dune slacks  Site amelioration and habitat creation in urban or post- — reed beds and wetlands industrial sites. — woodlands  Creation of open areas in woodland through selective felling. — moorland  Management of marine habitats improving marsh, wetland, — lowland heath seagrass or riparian communities through re-vegetation and natural re-contouring of landscapes.  Areas of sympathetically managed farmland such as:  Improving shellfish beds through seeding juvenile shellfish, — hedgerows creating adult spawner sanctuaries, introducing appropriate — water meadows and hay meadows substrates, etc. — amenity areas and areas of urban regeneration  Working with coastal and marine authorities to develop ecologically compatible dredging, shoreline protection and Habitat-specific work: recreational activities.  Control of grazing animals.  Opening up of woodland canopy or coppicing to promote woodland wildflowers. Site conditions:  Management to encourage the growth of food plants for specific insects.  Soil  Improving native species through re-introductions.  Water  Control of invasive, non-native plant and animal species.  Drainage  Manipulation of water levels.  Slopes and levels  Erosion control.  Containers/planters

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Glossary (continued)

Protection from:

 Unwanted competing growth  Prevailing environmental conditions  Humans  Animals

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Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Evidence

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 119 © SQA 2013 Unit CS36 (H45N 04) Establish and Manage Habitats


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 120 © SQA 2013 Unit TW61 (H2RG 04) Lay a Hedge

Unit Summary

This standard describes the requirements for laying a hedge.

This standard involves identifying the species of the plant that you are working with and determining the purpose of the hedge. You must also have knowledge of other species and the characteristics of those species and suitability for hedging.

You must determine the style of hedge to be laid and the effect this will have on the way in which you work. Whilst you may work predominately with one style you must also be aware of other regional styles.

This standard is for those involved with hedge laying.

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Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

P1 Assess the risks associated with the site and the proposed P15 Remove all waste and surplus materials and dispose of works. them as specified. P2 Identify the main purpose and species of the hedge. P16 Carry out work in a way which minimises environmental P3 Determine the style in which the hedge laying will take damage. place taking account of regional variances. P17 Maintain the Health and Safety of yourself and others at all P4 Measure the length of the hedge to be laid and estimate times in accordance with current legislation. materials required. P5 Check for the presence of utility cables and fencing. P6 Identify and agree which hedgerow trees are to be retained and if any special protection measures exist. P7 Estimate the number of plants required to restock the gaps. P8 Identify the direction in which the hedge will be laid and where laying will commence. P9 Select, prepare, maintain and store tools appropriate to the work. P10 Prepare hedge for laying. P11 Remove dead wood and other unwanted materials. P12 Select, cut and lay pleachers at the correct angle, maintaining viable hinges and reduce stumps appropriately. P13 Fill gaps as appropriate. P14 Sharpen and install stakes at determined spacing, bind hedge and trim off stakes in accordance with the style of hedging.

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Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K1 How to identify hazards and assess risks. Scope/range related to Knowledge and Understanding K2 How to interpret Risk Assessments. K3 The most appropriate time of year to carry out hedge Reasons for hedge laying include biodiversity, stock proofing, laying, depending on local climate and the effect of frost on maintaining landscape, etc. the pleachers. K4 The effect of your work on wildlife habitat, eg bird nesting season. K5 The reasons for laying hedges. K6 Who to contact regarding the presence of utility cables. K7 Different styles of hedge laying and regional variances. K8 Different tools and methods to undertake hedge laying. K9 The appropriate length and diameter of stems to use as pleachers. K10 The types and sources of binders and stakes available. K11 Hedgerow species and their characteristics. K12 The potential impacts of your work on the environment and how these can be minimised. K13 Your responsibilities under current environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation and codes of practice.

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Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Evidence

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The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 125 © SQA 2013 Unit TW8 (H2RW 04) Plant Trees

Unit Summary

This standard is about planting trees to a given specification.

It is suitable for those involved in planting whips through to large root-balled trees.

This standard covers planting and providing after care to trees once planted.

This standard is for anyone involved in the planting of trees.

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Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

What you must be able to do: What you must know and understand:

P1 Assess the risks associated with the site and the proposed K1 How to identify hazards and assess risks. works. K2 How to interpret Risk Assessments. P2 Select and implement appropriate working method in K3 The types of tools and equipment required and how to accordance with the assessed risks. maintain and use these safely and effectively. P3 Ensure the bio-security and the condition of the tree before K4 Why it is important to maintain safety and security of transporting and establishment. equipment and vehicles when on site. P4 Check condition and species of tree in line with planting K5 How to choose the right quality, compatibility, size and specification. species of stock. P5 Handle plant material to minimise damage and optimise K6 How to recognise healthy planting stock. growth. K7 Planting support and protection methods for a variety of P6 Transport planting stock and materials in accordance with trees. the planting specification. K8 How to select suitable support systems where required. P7 Plant trees in line with the planting specification. K9 How to handle and plant different types of plant material to P8 Provide support and protection to trees, as per the maintain stock in good condition. specification and size of stock. K10 How to check the condition and bio-security of these trees P9 Where appropriate provide after care. to ensure they are fit for establishment. P10 Remove all waste and surplus materials and dispose of K11 The problems and aftercare requirements of newly planted them as specified. trees to ensure successful establishment. P11 Maintain the Health and Safety of yourself and others at all K12 Correct methods of disposing of surplus materials and/or times in accordance with current legislation. waste. K13 Why planting records should be kept. K14 The responsibilities of the landowner. K15 Your responsibilities under current environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation and codes of practice.

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Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Evidence

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The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 129 © SQA 2013 Unit H31 (H45S 04) Install Land Drainage Systems

Unit Summary

This standard covers the installation of land drainage systems.

This standard is for those responsible for the installation of land drainage systems.

The typical activities you would carry out include - ensuring reference marks and setting out are accurate according to specifications, locating and protecting underground and overground services, using concrete, bricks, pipe materials, masonry and aggregates, clearing up and disposing of debris.

You must carry out your work in a way which will minimise any impact on the natural environment and enhance its nature, conservation and recreational value.

If you are working with chemicals or machinery you need to be appropriately trained or certificated in line with current legislation.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 130 © SQA 2013 Unit H31 (H45S 04) Install Land Drainage Systems

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

What you must be able to do: What you must know and understand:

P1 Carry out an environmental assessment of the site before K1 The importance of carrying out an environmental starting work. assessment of the site before starting work and the findings P2 Assess the risks associated with the site and the proposed which must be reported. work. K2 How to identify hazards and assess risks. P3 Select, prepare, use and maintain equipment and K3 How to interpret Risk Assessments. machinery that is appropriate for the work, safely and K4 How to select, prepare, use and maintain equipment and effectively. machinery in a safe and effective condition. P4 Use working methods that are safe and efficient. K5 Why it is important to position reference marks correctly P5 Position reference marks in accordance with specifications. according to specifications and how to do so. P6 Install drainage systems in accordance with specifications. K6 How to ensure that the installation of the drainage is correct P7 Minimise damage to existing structures and services. according to specifications. P8 Keep working areas clean and tidy. K7 How to work efficiently and minimise wastage of materials P9 Restore the site to an appropriate condition following and time. completion of the work. K8 Why it is important to clear debris and keep working areas P10 Complete work to the agreed time schedule. clean and tidy. P11 Complete records as appropriate. K9 Deal with waste safely and correctly in accordance with P12 Carry out all work in accordance with relevant instructions. environmental legislation, Health and safety legislation, K10 The type of damage that is likely to occur to services and Risk Assessment requirements, codes of practice and surroundings and how to keep this to a minimum. company policies. K11 Why it is important to complete work to the agreed time schedule. K12 The records which need to be completed. K13 Your responsibilities under current environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation, codes of practice and company policies.

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 Drawings  Schedules  Method statements  Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)  Manufacturers’ guidelines

Instructions can be verbal or written.

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Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Evidence

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 133 © SQA 2013 Unit H31 (H45S 04) Install Land Drainage Systems


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 134 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC25 (H46V 04) Work within the Local Coastal and Marine Environments

Unit Summary

This standard covers how to work within coastal and marine environments. This could be monitoring and reporting on physical and biological marine environments and/or marine developments (marinas, wind farms, dredging). It could also be assisting with or running dune restoration and/or manage retreat marine projects and/or working to reduce disturbance to marine habitat.

The standard addresses the skills needed to survey, monitor and manage marine habitats, including the identification of habitats and species in order to carry out marine conservation in the context of UK coastal zone management.

This standard is suitable for Environmental Policy Officers, Conservation Officers and Marine Ecologists.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 135 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC25 (H46V 04) Work within the Local Coastal and Marine Environments

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

What you must be able to do: What you must know and understand:

P1 Identify the range of coastal and marine environments. K1 How to recognise the range of coastal and marine P2 Identify marine zonation. environments. P3 Identify the range of marine and coastal habitats located in K2 How to identify different zones within the coastal and a defined geographical area. marine environments. P4 Identify coastal and marine flora and fauna within those K3 How to recognise coastal and marine habitats. habitats. K4 How to identify coastal and marine flora and fauna. P5 Investigate uses of the coastal and marine environments in K5 How to find out about and monitor tides, waves and storm a defined geographical area. conditions and how they affect the local coastline and P6 Monitor and report on tides, waves and storm conditions. marine environments. P7 Monitor and report on physical and biological K6 How the coastal and marine environment is used. environments. K7 A range of techniques for monitoring physical and P8 Identify and report on the range of pollution risks and biological environments. sources. K8 Types of pollution sources, potential risks and impacts. P9 Work with organisations involved in managing coastal and K9 The organisations involved in coastal and marine marine environments. managements, their role and scope. P10 Identify historical and potential changes to the local coastal K10 How coastal and marine environments have changed and and marine environments. will change over time. P11 Work within statutory legislation and organisational policies. K11 Legislation and policy. P12 Assess the risks associated with the site and the proposed K12 Your responsibilities under current environmental works. legislation, Health and Safety legislation and codes of P13 Maintain the Health and Safety of yourself and others at all practice. times in accordance with current legislation. K13 How to interpret Risk Assessments. K14 How to identify hazards and assess risks.

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Habitats: Pollution risks and sources:

 Land  Contamination  Intertidal  Outfalls  Underwater  Waste

Uses of the coastal and marine environments: Changes to the environment:

 Recreational  Natural  Conservation  Man-made  Economic  Industrial  Military

Physical and biological environments:

 Water  Erosion  Damage  Habitats  Flora  Fauna

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 137 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC25 (H46V 04) Work within the Local Coastal and Marine Environments

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Evidence

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 138 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC25 (H46V 04) Work within the Local Coastal and Marine Environments


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 139 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC10 (H45X 04) Maintain and Improve Water Channel Capacity by Manual Operations

Unit Summary

This standard covers the maintenance of water channel capacity by manual operations.

Manual operations will involve the removal of debris, bank reforming, desilting and controlling water transfer.

You must carry out this work in a way which minimises the impact on the natural environment and enhances its nature, conservation and recreational value.

This standard is designed for employees or volunteers who are maintaining and improving the channel capacity through manual operations. It applies to work carried out on rivers, coasts and waterways.

Where operations require the use of machinery (such as chainsaws) you must hold a relevant qualification.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 140 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC10 (H45X 04) Maintain and Improve Water Channel Capacity by Manual Operations

Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

P1 Access the site and carry out maintenance operations in accordance with instructions and specifications. P2 Prepare and use tools and equipment, that are appropriate to the work, safely and effectively. P3 Remove debris and obstructions securely and safely from the water, with minimal damage to the surrounding environment and to nearby structures. P4 Where accidental damage or pollution occurs, take immediate action to minimise the effects and inform the appropriate person(s). P5 Ensure that your working methods meet any statutory restrictions on operations due to the status of the site. P6 Deal with waste and excess materials safely to minimise environmental risks, according to legal requirements. P7 Carry out all work in accordance with relevant environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation, Risk Assessment requirements and company policies. P8 Improve the channel capacity through the completion of maintenance operations within the required timescales. P9 Recognise circumstances which impact your work. P10 Recognise opportunities to enhance wildlife habitats through modifications to working procedures and report them to the appropriate person. P11 Complete records as appropriate.

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Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K1 The instructions and specifications on how to carry out your K14 How to deal with waste and excess material generated by work. your work. K2 How to safely and correctly access sites. K15 Your responsibilities under current environmental K3 The damage which would occur if the water channel was legislation, Health and Safety legislation and codes of not maintained in accordance with instructions. practice. K4 How to maintain and improve channel capacity. K16 Opportunities which may arise to enhance wildlife habitats K5 How to safely and correctly use and maintain equipment and to whom these should be reported. and materials. K6 Why it is important to maintain safety and security of equipment and vehicles when on site. K7 How to remove debris and obstructions from the water. K8 The circumstances which may impact on your work: environmental conditions, wildlife habitat, protected status of site, water flow, access and recreational use of the water environment. K9 The appropriate action to take in response to changing circumstances (eg halt operations, report to appropriate person). K10 Accidental damage or pollution which may occur during operations and the action which must be taken. K11 How to implement emergency procedures. K12 Relevant legislation and organisational requirements for maintenance of the water channel. K13 The potential impact of your work on the surrounding area and how to minimise this.

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Maintenance operations:

 Removal of debris and obstructions  Bank reforming  Desilting  Controlling water transfer


 Handheld tools  Handheld power tools  Manual winching equipment  Manually operated water control systems (eg paddles, sluice gates, weirs)

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Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evidence

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The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 145 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC11 (H45W 04) Maintain and Improve Water Channel Capacity by Controlling Vegetation

Unit Summary

This standard is about controlling vegetation in order to improve and maintain the capacity of the water channel. You must be able to control bankside, overhanging and aquatic vegetation. Where operations require the use of machinery (such as chainsaws) you must hold a relevant qualification.

You must carry out this work in a way which minimises the impact on the natural environment and enhances its nature, conservation and recreational value.

This standard is designed for employees or volunteers who are maintaining and improving the channel capacity through controlling vegetation. It applies to work carried out on rivers, coasts and waterways.

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Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

P1 Access the site and carry out maintenance operations in accordance with instructions and specifications. P2 Prepare and use tools and equipment, that are appropriate to the work, safely and effectively. P3 Recognise and remove vegetation which impacts the water channel using the correct methods. P4 Remove vegetation safely and correctly leaving the remaining plants in a state which maintains and conserves the habitat. P5 Ensure that your working methods meet any statutory restrictions on operations due to the status of the site. P6 Carry out all work in accordance with relevant environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation, Risk Assessment requirements and company policies. P7 Deal with waste and excess materials safely to minimise environmental risks in accordance with legal requirements. P8 Recognise circumstances which impact on your work. P9 Recognise opportunities to enhance wildlife habitats through modifications to working procedures and report them to the appropriate person. P10 Complete records as appropriate.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 147 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC11 (H45W 04) Maintain and Improve Water Channel Capacity by Controlling Vegetation

Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K1 Types of waste vegetation which must be disposed of in an K14 How to maintain environmental good practice during work appropriate manner. activities. K2 The instructions and specifications on how to carry out your K15 Opportunities that may arise to enhance wildlife habitats work. and to whom these should be reported. K3 How to safely and correctly access sites. K4 The damage which would occur if the water channel was not maintained in accordance with instructions. K5 How to safely and correctly use and maintain equipment and materials. K6 Types of vegetation and methods for removal. K7 The circumstances which may impact on operations, environmental conditions, wildlife habitat, protected status of site, water flow, access and recreational use of the water environment. K8 The appropriate action to take in response to changing circumstances (eg halt operations, report to appropriate person). K9 Accidental damage or pollution which may occur during operations and the action which must be taken. K10 Procedures for reporting and recording information. K11 Relevant legislation and organisational requirements associated with controlling the water channel. K12 How to safely dispose of organic and inorganic waste. K13 How to implement emergency procedures.

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 Waterside  Aquatic  Overhanging

Impacts on the water environment:

 Channel capacity  Wildlife habitat  Recreational use of the water environment


 Handheld tools  Handheld power tools  Chipper/shredder


 Clearance  Thinning

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 149 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC11 (H45W 04) Maintain and Improve Water Channel Capacity by Controlling Vegetation

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Evidence

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The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 151 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC14 (H468 04) Monitor and Report Water Levels

Unit Summary

This standard is about monitoring and reporting water levels. You are most likely to carry out this work as part of other work activities such as adjusting water level systems or maintaining the water channel.

You will need to be able to take accurate readings using a suitable method.

Throughout the standard, there is an emphasis on working effectively, in a healthy and safe way, and with due regard for environmental good practice.

This standard is designed for employees or volunteers who are involved in monitoring and reporting water levels.

You must carry out your work in a way which will minimise any impact on the natural environment and enhance its nature, conservation and recreational value.

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Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

What you must be able to do: What you must know and understand:

P1 Identify the appropriate location(s) from which to obtain K1 Where water level readings can be obtained. readings in accordance with instructions, the nature of the K2 The instructions for obtaining information on water levels. terrain and access requirements. K3 How to access locations where water levels can be P2 Obtain accurate and complete readings at the appropriate obtained. times. K4 The reasons for taking readings. P3 Take the correct actions to resolve the situation where K5 The reasons why it may not be possible to obtain accurate accurate readings cannot readily be obtained. readings. P4 Carry out all work in accordance with environmental K6 How to obtain and estimate levels and read water gauges. legislation, Health and Safety legislation, Risk Assessment K7 Relevant legislation and organisational requirements requirements and company policies. associated with monitoring and reporting water levels. P5 Report water levels within the required timescales. K8 The importance of complying with environmental P6 Ensure the reports are accurate and include all the relevant legislation, Health and Safety legislation, Risk Assessment information in accordance with legislation and requirements and company policies when working on or organisational requirements. near water. P7 Where damage to the environment is identified take K9 How to maintain environmental good practice while immediate action and inform the appropriate person. obtaining water levels. P8 Communicate effectively with others throughout your work, K10 Wildlife habitats which may be present and how to adjust in accordance with organisational requirements. procedures accordingly. P9 Implement the correct emergency procedure immediately K11 How to assess and interpret water levels. where actual or potential flooding or loss of water is K12 Procedures for reporting water levels. identified and report your actions to the appropriate person. K13 What environmental damage may be encountered and how P10 Obtain any additional information accurately and promptly. this must be reported. P11 Store reports in line with the organisation's requirements. K14 Relevant emergency procedures and their implementation.

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 Automated  Manual  Using gauge boards  By sighting


 Estimate levels  Inform others  Record the problem

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Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Evidence

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The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 156 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC16 (H45P 04) Identify and Respond to Incidents of Flooding

Unit Summary

This standard is about identifying and responding to incidents of flooding. It covers both actual and potential flooding, and concerns work that is carried out alone or as part of a team.

This standard requires you to be able to assess the scale and potential development of the flooding and assist in formulating and implementing a plan of action.

You will need to liaise and work with people from other organisations such as the emergency services and other enforcing authorities.

You must carry out your work in a way which will minimise any impact on the natural environment and enhance its nature, conservation and recreational value.

This standard is designed for employees and volunteers who are identifying and responding to incidents of flooding.

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Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

P1 Accurately assess and record the scale of the incident and P9 Monitor the effect of the methods used to deal with the its likely rate of development. incident. P2 Carry out accurate and complete inspections of the area. P10 Report promptly on the effectiveness of the response to the P3 Ensure that environmental policies, Health and Safety incident and the effect this may have on the area at risk. policies and Risk Assessment requirements are put into practice across your area of responsibility. P4 Ensure your methods for dealing with the incident take into account all relevant factors, instructions, organisational requirements and the changing circumstances of the incident, impact on the environment, humans and the economy, as well as on the Health and Safety of all persons and the rate of response. P5 Take action to implement the appropriate methods for dealing with the incident and complete operations within the required timescales. P6 Communicate sensitively and appropriately with members of the public, colleagues and professional partners. P7 Select, prepare and use tools, equipment and materials that meet the agreed specifications to deal with the incident. P8 Monitor the extent and impact of the incident against the organised response and make any necessary modifications to the plan.

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Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K1 The types of incidents which may occur in the locality and K12 How to communicate effectively with emergency services the necessary response to such incidents. and members of other enforcing authorities. K2 The methods for inspecting the site and interpreting site K13 How to give advice to the public sensitively and information. sympathetically. K3 The ways in which incidents can change and the required K14 Your lines of communication with colleagues and response to such changes. professional partners.K15 How to maintain K4 The ways in which plans are produced to cover equipment environmental good practice during work activities. needed, safety and welfare considerations, access routes, K16 How to select, prepare and use tools, equipment and necessary actions, flood alert levels and emergency plans. materials relevant to the agreed specifications. K5 The limits of responsibility in relation to dealing with the K17 The uses, limitations and inspection regimes of temporary incident. defences. K6 The levels of flood warning and the relevant response. K18 Reasons why the incident must be monitored and types of K7 Ensure that environmental policies, Health and Safety modifications which may be required. policies and Risk Assessment requirements are put into K19 Types of obstructions and blockages which may occur. practice across your area of responsibility. K8 The ways in which the response to the flooding may impact on the environment and how to modify plans to take into account the environmental considerations. K9 The health risks associated with polluted water in spate and associated decontamination and personal health precautions. K10 How to recognise and report potential pollution problems. K11 The relevant legislation and organisational requirements associated with incidents of flooding.

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 Actual flooding  Potential flooding

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Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Evidence

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The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 162 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC12 (H45G 04) Control Water Levels and Water Flow by Mechanically Maintaining the Water Channel

Unit Summary

This Unit is about constructing, maintaining and repairing boundaries (such as post and wire fences, stone walls and hedge banks) and access points through such boundaries (such as stiles and gates). You will need to ensure that the work is carried out in accordance with specifications, legislation and organisational policy. Local custom and materials should encourage the use of a wide range of styles and techniques for all features in this Unit.

Work could be carried out using hand tools or hand-held power tools. There is no requirement to use specialist equipment or heavy machinery, although this would be possible if you hold the appropriate Certificate of Competence. In all cases where heavy equipment is used you should be aware of the associated Health and Safety risks.

It is essential that environmental good practice (fitting into the landscape, minimum disturbance to wildlife, disposal of waste, etc) is considered at all stages of the work to be carried out. During all the activities carried out within this Unit some damage or disturbance will inevitably be caused to sites and habitats. You must be aware of the effects of your work and must actively endeavour to keep any damage or disturbance to a minimum.

'Construction' is defined as creating a new boundary or completely replacing a boundary or other structure. 'Maintenance and repair' is defined as mending or restoring to a sound condition after dilapidation or wear. It may be undertaken for safety, to maintain the effectiveness of the boundary or structure or to increase its lifespan. Repairs may be temporary or long-term.

'Stone walls' include drystone walls/drystone dykes in keeping with local traditions; mortared rough stone walls and stone retaining walls (including ha-has). Stiles may be timber or stone construction but should fit the landscape and their proposed use.

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Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

P1 Access the site and carry out maintenance operations in P10 Restore the site to a safe condition which is consistent with accordance with specifications. the surrounding environment, clear of unwanted materials P2 Assess the risks associated with the site and proposed and maintain the appropriate access. work. P11 Complete records as appropriate. P3 Select and prepare tools and equipment, that are appropriate to the work, safely and effectively. P4 Where accidental damage or pollution occurs, take immediate action to minimise the effects and inform the appropriate person. P5 Carry out all work in accordance with relevant environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation, Risk Assessment requirements and company policies. P6 Provide accurate and up-to-date information regarding your whereabouts in accordance with organisational requirements. P7 Recognise opportunities to enhance wildlife habitats through modifications to working procedures, and report this to the appropriate person. P8 Recognise circumstances which affect the operations and take the appropriate action. P9 Deal with waste and excess materials safely to minimise the environmental risk in accordance with legal requirements.

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Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K1 The instructions and specifications on how to carry out your K13 How to deal with waste and excess material generated by work. your work. K2 The damage which would occur if the water channel was K14 The importance of restoring the site to an appropriate not maintained in accordance with instructions. condition. K3 Methods and reasons for maintaining the water channel. K4 How to safely and correctly use and maintain equipment and materials. K5 Accidental damage or pollution which may occur during operations and the action which must be taken. K6 Your responsibilities under current environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation and codes of practice. K7 The reasons why information on the worker’s whereabouts must be accurate and the correct procedures for achieving this. K8 How to interpret Risk Assessments. K9 The circumstances which may impact on operations. K10 The appropriate action to take in response to changing circumstances (eg halt operations, report to appropriate person). K11 Opportunities which may arise to enhance wildlife habitats and to whom these should be reported. K12 The correct methods for dealing with waste and debris.

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Equipment such as digging buckets, water-borne plant and mechanical plant.

Maintenance operations:

 Removal of debris and obstructions  Bank reforming  Desilting  Dredging

Impacting circumstances:

 Changing ground conditions  Wildlife habitat  Pollution due to maintenance  Damage to services  Access

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 166 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC12 (H45G 04) Control Water Levels and Water Flow by Mechanically Maintaining the Water Channel

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Evidence

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The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 168 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC13 (H45Y 04) Maintain and Improve Water Levels and Water Flow by Mechanically Controlling Vegetation

Unit Summary

This standard covers the control and removal of vegetation. The purpose of removing such vegetation is to maintain and improve water levels and water flow.

This standard is designed for employees or volunteers who are maintaining and improving the channel capacity by controlling vegetation. It applies to work carried out on rivers, coasts and waterways.

You must carry out your work in a way which will minimise any impact on the natural environment and enhance its nature, conservation and recreational value.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 169 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC13 (H45Y 04) Maintain and Improve Water Levels and Water Flow by Mechanically Controlling Vegetation

Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

P1 Access the site and carry out maintenance operations in accordance with specifications. P2 Assess risks to the site and proposed work. P3 Select and use tools, equipment and attachments that are appropriate to the work safely and effectively. P4 Recognise and remove vegetation which impacts on the water environment using the correct methods. P5 Restore the site to a safe condition which is consistent with the surrounding environment, clear of unwanted materials and maintains the appropriate access. P6 Carry out all work in accordance with environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation, Risk Assessment requirements and company policies. P7 Recognise opportunities to enhance wildlife habitats through modifications to working procedures, and report this to the appropriate authority. P8 Dispose of waste and excess materials safely to minimise environmental risks in accordance with legal requirements. P9 Recognise circumstances which affect operations and take the appropriate action.

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Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K1 How to select, use and maintain tools, equipment and K11 Relevant legislation and organisational requirements attachments. associated with controlling vegetation. K2 Types of vegetation and their removal methods. K12 Correct methods of disposing of waste and excess K3 Your responsibilities under current environmental material. legislation, Health and Safety legislation and codes of K13 Methods for maintaining environmental good practice practice. during work activities. K4 The instructions and specifications on how to carry out your K14 Methods for conserving habitats. work. K15 Opportunities which may arise to enhance wildlife habitats K5 How to interpret Risk Assessments. and to whom these should be reported. K6 Types of habitats where the control of vegetation is required. K7 When cut vegetation should be removed and the reasons why (eg rotten vegetation reduces oxygen levels in fresh water). K8 Correct methods of disposing of waste and excess material. K9 The circumstances which may impact on operations such as environmental conditions, wildlife habitat, changing ground conditions, pollution due to maintenance, damage to services and recreational and economic use of the water environment. K10 The appropriate action to take in response to changing circumstances (eg halt operations and report to the appropriate person).

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Vegetation: Impacts:

 Bankside vegetation  Water levels  Non-native species  Water flow  Fallen trees  Wildlife  Vegetative debris  Recreational and economic use of the water environment  Aquatic vegetation  Vegetation which is subject to disposal controls Methods:

Attachments:  Clearance  Thinning  Winches  Flailmower  Chipper  Reinstatement equipment  Rake  Weed bucket  Front-end loader

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 172 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC13 (H45Y 04) Maintain and Improve Water Levels and Water Flow by Mechanically Controlling Vegetation

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Evidence

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The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 174 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC18 (H460 04) Maintain and Repair Permanent Structures for the Water Environment

Unit Summary

This standard is about the maintenance and repair of permanent structures within the water environment. Structures may include bridges, culverts, weirs, revetments, concrete fencing and coastal defences. It may be undertaken to maintain the effectiveness of the structure, to increase its lifespan or for safety purposes. Repairs may be temporary or long-term.

You must carry out your work in a way which minimises any impact on the natural environment and enhances the nature, conservation, recreational and economic value of the natural environment.

Where you are required to use machinery you must hold the relevant qualification.

This standard is designed for those employees and volunteers working on the maintenance and repair of permanent structures applicable to rivers, coastal areas and waterways.

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Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

P1 Assess the risk associated with the operation. P14 Keep accurate and up-to-date records as required by P2 Confirm the planned work is relevant to the condition of the relevant legislation and the organisation. structure. P15 Maintain environmental legislation, Health and Safety P3 Recognise any circumstances which affect the planned legislation and codes of practice. operations and take the appropriate action. P16 Recognise opportunities to minimise impact to wildlife and P4 Access the site in accordance with instructions, habitats through modifications to working procedures, and specifications and legal requirements. discuss these with your line manager. P5 Select, prepare and use tools, equipment and materials P17 Maintain and repair the structure in accordance with the that are appropriate to the work safely and effectively. specifications and within the appropriate timescales. P6 Ensure the appropriate quantity and type of materials are P18 Ensure the structure is maintained and repaired to meet available and ready for use. line and level tolerances. P7 Carry out consultation where relevant, with agencies, P19 Ensure your work takes into account relevant statutory advisors and documents related to historic structures. requirements for the structure. P8 Prepare the site in a way which is appropriate for the P20 Ensure your use of methods, materials and equipment maintenance and repair to be carried out. causes minimal disturbance to the site’s environment. P9 Place warning signs and barriers in the appropriate P21 Ensure the structure meets the specifications when you locations. have finished the work. P10 Ensure temporary works comply with design specifications, P22 Restore the site to safe conditions which are consistent statutory requirements, and are safe, secure and ready for with the surrounding environment, clear of unwanted use. materials and maintains the appropriate access. P11 Prepare the structure in accordance with the specifications. P23 Dispose of waste and excess materials safely to minimise P12 Where accidental damage occurs to the environment take environmental risk and in accordance with legal the appropriate action. requirements. P13 Report any unexpected findings to the relevant body or P24 Communicate completion of site operations clearly and person. accurately to the appropriate person.

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This standard covers:

A Structure: i Large ii Small

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 177 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC18 (H460 04) Maintain and Repair Permanent Structures for the Water Environment

Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K1 How to interpret plans and specifications for the K13 How to acquire related historic reference material. maintenance and repair of structures. K14 The procedures for recording and reporting information. K2 The indications that maintenance is required. K15 The procedures for reporting discoveries of historic interest. K3 Circumstances which may impact on the operation: site K16 The correct ways to access the site. hazards, working conditions, plant break downs, wildlife K17 How to maintain environmental good practice during work habitats and the recreational and economic use of the activities. water environment and historical features. K18 The opportunities which may arise to minimise impact K4 The correct action to take in response to unforeseen and/or enhance wildlife habitat and to whom these should circumstances. be reported. K5 How to prepare the site and the structure for maintenance. K19 The instructions and specifications for maintenance and K6 Your responsibilities under current environmental repair. legislation, Health and Safety legislation and codes of K20 The methods and techniques for maintaining and repairing practice. structures. K7 How to interpret Risk Assessments. K21 The safe use of temporary works. K8 The importance of identifying underground and overhead K22 The necessary condition of the site and equipment on services and how to do this. completion of work activities. K9 How to select, prepare and use tools, equipment and K23 Correct methods of disposing of waste and excess materials relevant to the agreed specifications. material. K10 The types and quantity of materials which are needed and K24 The ways in which temporary works must be safely and the methods for preparing such materials. correctly dismantled. K11 The methods and statutory requirements for setting up and K25 The procedures for communication and recording the using temporary works. completion of work activities. K12 The implications for your work of relevant legislation and K26 How to protect and conserve habitats and historic features organisational requirements. during clearing-up activities.

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Performance Criteria

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Evidence

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Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Evidence

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The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 181 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC19 (H465 04) Maintain Water Level Systems

Unit Summary

This standard covers operating and maintaining water level systems. It is applicable to any controlled water system where a level or flow control regime is in operation.

You are required to operate a variety of machinery and equipment to maintain water level systems.

This standard is designed for employees who are involved in maintaining water level systems relevant to rivers, coasts and waterways.

You must carry out your work in a way which will minimise any impact on the natural environment and enhance its nature, conservation and recreational value.

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Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

P1 Assess the risks associated with the site and the proposed works. P2 Operate and maintain water level systems according to instructions and water level conditions. P3 Operate equipment safely and in accordance with flow control procedures. P4 Where equipment failure occurs use the appropriate methods to rectify the problem and report to the appropriate person. P5 Remove any obstructions and debris, or refer them to the appropriate person for further action. P6 Communicate effectively with others throughout your work. P7 Monitor water levels using the correct methods. P8 Recognise and respond to the need to alter water level systems in accordance with organisational requirements. P9 Recognise opportunities to enhance wildlife habitats through modifications to work, and report these opportunities to the appropriate authority. P10 Maintain environmental legislation, Health and safety legislation and codes of practice. P11 Wear personal protective equipment in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and organisational requirements. P12 Maintain records as appropriate.

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Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K1 How to interpret Risk Assessments. K14 How to maintain environmental good practice during work K2 The instructions for operating and maintaining water level activities. systems. K15 The appropriate use of personal and protective equipment. K3 The purpose and function of the water level system. K4 How to select, prepare and use tools, equipment and materials relevant to the agreed specifications. K5 The types of equipment failure which may occur and how to recognise and deal with such faults. K6 The limits of responsibility in relation to dealing with equipment failure. K7 The types of obstructions which may occur and how to recognise and deal with them safely. K8 How to monitor and estimate water levels. K9 The procedures for communicating and reporting information. K10 The relevant legislation and organisational requirements associated with water level systems. K11 The environmental legislation, Health and Safety legislation and codes of practice relevant to operating and maintaining water level systems. K12 The environmental considerations which must be taken into account. K13 The opportunities which may arise to enhance wildlife habitats and to whom these should be reported.

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Water level systems:

 Flap valve  Pumping station  Locks and weirs  Gates  Ground paddles  Stop logs


 Mechanical  Manual  Electrical  Hydraulic

Level conditions:

 High  Normal  Low

Instructions can be verbal or written.

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Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Evidence

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The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 187 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC20 (H46M 04) Prepare and Operate Water-borne Plant

Unit Summary

This standard covers the operation of water-borne plant. It applies to the use of waterborne plant for maintenance activities within the water environment.

You must carry out this work in a way which minimises the impact on the natural environment and enhances its nature, conservation and recreational value.

The standard is relevant to river, coastal and waterways workers who are using water-borne plant.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 188 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC20 (H46M 04) Prepare and Operate Water-borne Plant

Performance Criteria

What you must be able to do:

Prepare Water-borne Plant for Use Operate Water-borne Plant

P1 Assess the risks associated with the site and proposed P9 Conduct all movements of the water-borne plant safely and works. in accordance with organisational requirements. P2 Select the appropriate water-borne plant in accordance P10 Maintain the stability of the water-borne plant correctly. with work requirements. P11 Modify operations appropriately to take into account P3 Confirm that the water-borne plant is stable, securely weather, relevant water conditions, other water users and moored and ready for use. wildlife habitats. P4 Ensure that faults are accurately identified, rectified and P12 Carry out activities safely and in accordance with recorded, or referred to the appropriate person. organisation requirements. P5 Use the appropriate warning signals prior to starting P13 Optimise the consumption of fuel and lubricants through operations. the appropriate handling and use of the water-borne plant. P6 Maintain environmental legislation, Health and Safety P14 Ensure when you have finished using the water-borne plant legislation and codes of practice during your work. it is left in a safe, secure and suitable condition for P7 Recognise circumstances which affect operations and take subsequent use. the appropriate action. P8 Keep accurate and up-to-date records as required by relevant legislation and the organisation.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 189 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC20 (H46M 04) Prepare and Operate Water-borne Plant

Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

Prepare Water-borne Plant for Use K12 The implications for your work with regards to relevant legislation and organisational requirements. K1 How to interpret Risk Assessment. K13 The importance of complying with environmental K2 The types of water-borne plant and their use. legislation, Health and Safety legislation, Risk Assessment K3 The instructions for using a water-borne plant for carrying requirements and company policies. out the planned work activity. K14 How to maintain environmental good practice. K4 Manufacturers' specifications for the preparation and use of K15 Appropriate use of personal and protective equipment. the water-borne plant. K5 How to moor the water-borne plant in relation to the Operate Water-borne Plant planned work activity. K6 The faults which may occur and how these may be K16 How to maintain the stability of the water-borne plant. rectified. K17 The ways in which operations must be modified to take into K7 The circumstances which may impact on the activity such account weather, relevant water conditions, other water as safety hazards, health concerns, plant breakdowns, users and wildlife habitats. wildlife habitats and the recreational use of the water K18 How to deal with the following hazards: overhead and environment. underground services, changes in water flow, other water K8 Appropriate action to take in response to changes in users and failed moorings. circumstances including reporting the circumstances and K19 The efficient use of the water-borne plant. resolving the situation. K20 The conditions in which the water-borne plant should be left K9 The limits of responsibility in relation to unforeseen after use. circumstances which may be encountered. K10 How and why to use warning signals during operation of the water-borne plant. K11 Appropriate records to be kept and their significance.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 190 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC20 (H46M 04) Prepare and Operate Water-borne Plant


Water-borne Plant:

 Barge-mounted  Platform-mounted

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 191 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC20 (H46M 04) Prepare and Operate Water-borne Plant

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Evidence

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 192 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC20 (H46M 04) Prepare and Operate Water-borne Plant


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 193 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC21 (H46L 04) Prepare and Maintain the Operational Condition of Work Boats

Unit Summary

This standard is about the preparation and maintenance of work boats.

You must carry out the necessary checks and maintenance, as well as ensuring that the work boat is safe and ready for use. In addition, you must recognise and deal with any faults or problems that arise prior to operation of the work boat.

The standard is relevant to all river, coast and waterway workers who use work boats for carrying out activities such as maintenance, inspection and transportation.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 194 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC21 (H46L 04) Prepare and Maintain the Operational Condition of Work Boats

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

What you must be able to do: What you must know and understand:

P1 Carry out checks and maintenance procedures correctly, in K1 The required pre-start checks, routine checks and accordance with statutory, manufacturers' and maintenance procedures. organisational requirements. K2 The manufacturers' instructions for engine and equipment P2 Ensure on-board equipment is safe, in good working order maintenance, and specifications of the work boat. and accessible. K3 The types of faults which may occur, including engine P3 Identify any faults in the operational condition of the work faults, damage to the vessel and missing equipment, and boat accurately, and report them to the appropriate person. the appropriate action in relation to these faults. P4 Ensure, where appropriate, you rectify faults in the K4 The limits of your responsibility for rectifying faults and operational condition of the work boat safely and correctly. other problems. P5 Carry out all work in accordance with environmental K5 The reasons and procedures for reporting faults. legislation, Health and Safety legislation, Risk Assessment K6 How to safely handle and store fuel and lubricants. requirements and company policies. K7 The types of problems which may be encountered and how P6 Ensure problems and conditions that are outside your these should be dealt with. responsibility are identified and referred promptly to the K8 The relevant legislation and organisational requirements appropriate person. associated with the use of work boats. P7 Keep accurate and up-to-date records as required by K9 The importance of complying with environmental relevant legislation and the organisation. legislation, Health and Safety legislation, Risk Assessment requirements and company policies. K10 The appropriate records to be kept and their significance. K11 How to maintain environmental good practice during work activities.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 195 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC21 (H46L 04) Prepare and Maintain the Operational Condition of Work Boats



 Navigatable water  Lakes  Canals  Reservoirs  Locks

Checks and maintenance procedures:

 Safety checks  Engine checks  Engine maintenance  Condition of vessel


 Safety equipment  Operational equipment

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 196 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC21 (H46L 04) Prepare and Maintain the Operational Condition of Work Boats

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Evidence

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 197 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC21 (H46L 04) Prepare and Maintain the Operational Condition of Work Boats


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 198 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC22 (H46A 04) Operate Work Boats

Unit Summary

This standard is about the operation of work boats. You must possess the appropriate certification or approvals to operate the relevant class of boat.

You must operate work boats in a way which minimises any impact on the natural environment and enhances its nature, conservation and recreational value. You must also take into account the impact work boats will have on the water environment as a whole, for example, the impact of work boats on the recreational use of the water environment and natural habitats.

This standard is relevant to all river, coast and waterway workers who use work boats for carrying out activities such as maintenance, inspection and transportation.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 199 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC22 (H46A 04) Operate Work Boats

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

What you must be able to do: What you must know and understand:

P1 Ensure boat manoeuvres are conducted safely and in K1 How to plot positions and use GPS when required. accordance with statutory and organisational requirements. K2 The safe and correct methods for handling and using work P2 Operate the work boat controls in accordance with boats, including mooring. manufacturer’s instructions, the nature of the operations K3 The operational limitations of the work boat. and with regard to the prevailing environmental conditions, K4 The types of operations which are carried out using work wildlife habitats and other water users. boats. P3 Ensure boat manoeuvres are carried out without damage to K5 The ways in which weather, water conditions and tides the work boat and within the necessary timescales. must be taken into account during operations. P4 Recognise any hazards and obstacles and take the K6 The types of hazards which may occur, including floating appropriate action to minimise the risks during work boat debris, submerged obstacles and fixed structures. manoeuvres. K7 How to respond to hazards during work boat manoeuvres. P5 Report any difficulties in carrying out operations promptly to K8 The potential damage which may occur during operations the relevant person. and the correct action to take. P6 Ensure your communications with crew members and K9 The difficulties which may occur and to whom these should others are accurate and clear at all times, and adhere to be reported. organisational requirements. K10 The limits of your responsibility in relation to the operation P7 Respond to changes in environmental conditions of work boats. appropriately and in accordance with organisational K11 The types of emergencies which can occur, including fire, requirements. sinking, engine failure, collision, person overboard, leak of P8 Maintain health, safety and environmental good practice flammable or hazardous substances. during your work according to relevant legislation and K12 The correct methods for implementing safety and organisational requirements. emergency procedures. P9 Identify the need for emergency procedures accurately and K13 The implications for your work of relevant legislation and take the appropriate prompt actions. organisational requirements. K14 The procedures for command of vessel and communicating with crew members and others.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 200 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC22 (H46A 04) Operate Work Boats

Knowledge and Understanding

What you must know and understand:

K15 The Health and Safety requirements in relation to the use of work boats. K16 The recreational and economic use of the water environment and how such use relates to work activities. K17 The environmental considerations which must be taken into account during operations. K18 How to maintain environmental good practice during work activities.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 201 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC22 (H46A 04) Operate Work Boats



 Maintenance  Inspection  Transportation

Environmental conditions:

 Prevailing weather  Water flow  Water depth  Tidal information


 Verbal  Written  Sound

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 202 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC22 (H46A 04) Operate Work Boats

Performance Criteria Knowledge and Understanding

No Description of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Evidence

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 203 © SQA 2013 Unit EnC22 (H46A 04) Operate Work Boats


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence has been met.

Candidate: Date:

Assessor: Date:

Internal verifier: Date:

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 204 © SQA 2013 Section 4 — Blank recording forms

This section consists of the blank forms referred to in Section 2 for you to photocopy. You may find these useful when compiling your portfolio.

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 205 © SQA 2013 Portfolio title page

Your name Job title Name of employer/ training provider/ college Their address

Telephone number SVQ Level Units submitted for assessment Mentor’s name (Please provide details of mentor’s experience)

Assessor’s signature Date

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 206 © SQA 2013 Personal profile

Name Address

Postcode Home telephone Work telephone Job title

Relevant experience Description of your current job

Previous work experience

Qualifications and training

Voluntary work/interests

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 207 © SQA 2013 Personal profile (cont)

Name of employer/training provider/college


Postcode Telephone number

Type of business

Number of staff Structure of organisation (include chart or diagram if available)

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 208 © SQA 2013 Contents checklist

You might also find it useful to complete the following checklist as you work your way through your portfolio. This will help you to see if you have included all the relevant items. Once you have completed your portfolio, you will be able to use this checklist again as a contents page, by inserting the relevant page or section numbers in the right hand column.

Section Completed Page/Section number Title page for the portfolio

Personal profile

Your own personal details

A brief CV or career profile

A description of your job Information about your employer/training provider/college Unit assessment plans

Unit progress record Completed Element achievement records for each Unit Signed by yourself, your assessor and the internal verifier (where relevant) Evidence reference numbers included Index of evidence (with cross- referencing information completed) Evidence (with reference numbers)

Observation records Details of witnesses (witness testimony sheets) Personal statements

Products of performance

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 209 © SQA 2013 Index of evidence

SVQ title and level

Evidence Description of evidence Included Sampled by number in portfolio the IV (Yes/No) (initials and If no, date) state location

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 210 © SQA 2013 Personal statement

Date Evidence Details of statement Links to other Units, Elements, index evidence PC, and Range number (enter covered numbers)

Candidate’s signature Date

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 211 © SQA 2013 Observation Record

Unit/Element(s) Candidate’s name Date of observation Evidence index number

Skills/activities observed PC and Range covered

Knowledge and Understanding apparent from this observation

Other Units/Elements to which this evidence may contribute

Assessor comments and feedback to candidate

I can confirm the candidate’s performance was satisfactory.

Assessor’s signature Date

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 212 © SQA 2013 Witness testimony

SVQ title and level Candidate’s name Evidence index no Where applicable, evidence number to which this testimony relates Element(s) Range Date of evidence Witness name Designation/relationship to candidate Details of testimony

I can confirm the candidate’s performance was satisfactory.

Witness signature Date

Witness (please tick the appropriate box):

Holds L and D Unit 9D/9D1, A1/A2 or D32/D33 qualifications

Is familiar with the SVQ standards to which the candidate is working

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 213 © SQA 2013 Record of questions and candidate’s answers

Unit Element(s) Evidence index number Circumstances of assessment

List of questions and candidate’s responses Q










Assessor’s signature Date

Candidate’s signature Date

Candidate Guidance and Portfolio for the SVQ 2 in Environmental Conservation at SCQF level 5 (GG6M 22) 214 © SQA 2013

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