California Digest 2014

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California Digest 2014

CALIFORNIA DIGEST 2014 A Newsletter for New Church residents and friends of California November Finding Inner Strength What would be the most precious gift you could ever A Sermon by Bishop Thomas L. Kline receive? If you could have any one thing, any one wish to be (Taken from granted; if you could change anything about your life, what "Then David was greatly distressed, for the people would you wish for? It is interesting that when people really spoke of stoning him ... But David strengthened himself in think about this, often the answer given is, "I would wish for the Lord his God" (I Samuel 30:6). inner peace. Just give me the inner peace and strength to Our subject this morning is "Inner Strength," finding deal with those things I face out there in my life." Because inner strength and peace in the Lord, and then tapping that the fact is, there are always going to be issues that we face inner strength so that we can overcome the battles and out there in the external place of our lives. There are always challenges we face in our lives. Our text is taken from the going to be strife, distress, challenges, and hurdles. We can't first book of Samuel, and it is the story of David, King David change all those life situations out there, but what we can of the Old Testament, fighting against the Amalekites. This change is what is within us to gather the strength here in our was one of the lowest points in David's life. It was a time of hearts to rise above those life situations, and to be able meet great despair, almost unthinkable despair. David was fighting those challenges out there with love, wisdom, compassion, against the Amalekites, and during the battle, David and his and spiritual strength. men had built a small city where he and his soldiers would For the parent to deal calmly, compassionately, and live. There they also brought their wives and children to live wisely with his children or teenagers, what parent doesn't with them. wish for that wisdom? For the boss to be wise, And one day disaster struck. One day, after returning understanding, fair in dealing with his employers; for us to be from the battle, David and his men found their city ravaged truly caring in human relationships; for us to be able to have by the Amalekites. The city had been burnt with fire, and all strength in times of tragedy, inner strength and inner peace the women and children had been taken captive. It says that are the source of it all. David and his men lifted up their voices and wept. And then, King Solomon, when he was asked by the Lord for to make matters worse, the men of David's army began to any one gift, chose wisdom. He could have had riches, turn against David. They turned against their leader in their wealth, fame and power, but he chose wisdom. And because grief. They spoke of stoning David because of the loss of he chose wisdom, it says that every other gift was given to their families. him as well. So here was David; he had despair over the loss of Inner peace and strength in the Lord, our message his family and now his own life was in jeopardy. And what this morning: the potential for this inner strength and peace is did David do at that moment? And here we have that key there is each of our lives. There is a chamber of your mind, sentence for this morning: "David went and strengthened an inner chamber, where you can go and strengthen yourself himself in the Lord his God." David strengthened himself in in the Lord your God. And there you can gather strength to the Lord. meet those challenges that stand out there in life. David could have gone out immediately; he could I want to list some teachings given in the Writings of have gathered his army to retrieve his women and children; the New Church, teachings about what is called our "interior he could have gone out in anger and fought against the man" your interior man, and we all have one, that inner Amalekites. But David took another path, an inner path. region of your minds where the Lord dwells. David stopped everything that he was doing, and took that Teaching number one: "The internal man is the gate moment to be with the Lord. or entrance of the Lord into man" (AC 1940). We have a It was a time of distress, and the real strength to choice. We have a choice to open that interior degree of our overcome that distress came from within. That inner strength minds to God and let His life inflow, or we can keep that then allowed David to go forth and fight the battles that lay interior degree of our mind closed, to keep it downward to before him. He went forth, and it says at the end of the story, the world. It reminds us of the words of Jesus, "Behold, I "He recovered all." He brought back the women and children stand at the door and knock; if any hear my voice, and open and he utterly defeated the Amalekites. 1 the door, I will come into him and will sup with him, and he our story we saw that David strengthened himself in the with me" (Rev. 3:20). Lord. But the question remains: how did he do this? How did Here is a second passage from the Writings that has David strengthen Himself in the Lord? Here was David in to do with inner strength during battle and temptation. We terrible distress, and it says that David went to the priest and read, "When a man perceives anything fighting and commanded that the ephod be brought to him. In the conquering [for him], he may know that it is from the influx tabernacle, the high priest would put the ephod over his heart of the Lord through the internal man" (AC 978). You find and enquire of the Lord how he should lead the people. And things working in your life; you find yourself making we are told that the Lord would answer the high priest by the progress, and where is that strength coming from? It is from flashing of the stones in the ephod. The ephod pictures the Lord, flowing down from within. prayer. The ephod pictures our talking to God. The third teaching has to do with our relationship to We can picture David holding the ephod in his hand, our neighbor. Think of a time when you are dealing with a and it says that he "inquired of the Lord what he should do." difficult person. Every time you talk to that person you find And the Lord gave him an answer at that moment. While negative emotions rising. No matter what you do, you find David held onto the ephod, the Lord told him to pursue the that person can "pull your strings" or "push your buttons." Amalekites, and the Lord gave him the assurance that he You find yourself coming down to his level; you become would overtake the enemy and "without fail recover all who defensive; you find anger. But picture a time (and this had been lost." happens to all of us) when you are talking to that difficult How do we strengthen ourselves in the Lord our God? person and you find that you can rise above your negative Through prayer, or what the Writings call speech with God. feelings. Even when they are wrong or "off the wall," you We go into that closet of our mind, we shut the door, we pray find that you can be there for them with compassion and to our Father in secret, and our Father who will reward is understanding. What one of us wouldn't wish for that degree openly. of understanding? Listen to this passage from the Writings: And this is important: we strengthen ourselves through "When a person thinks well concerning the neighbor, prayer, both before and during times of need. Before times of wants to perform kind offices for the neighbor, and when he need that's our daily prayer and meditation. Daily, even when feels that he pities the neighbor who is in calamity and still things are going well in our lives, we go to that inner more the neighbor who is in error, then he may know that he chamber of our minds and talk with God so we can build up has the internal things in him through which the Lord inner strength before we need it daily prayer so that we can operates" (AC 1102.3). be accustomed to opening that inner door and feeling the And here we are not just talking about skills, not just inner strength that is there, and then when tragedy strikes, or some fancy listening technique, but it is a time we are truly when challenges face us, to pray that moment as well, as did there for that person. It genuinely comes from the heart. David, so that we can tap that strength to meet the challenges That's inner strength that comes from the Lord. that stand before us. A fourth teaching: We might think that going within Let us read the story again from scripture: "But David to gather inner strength is a kind of fleeing from our strengthened himself in the Lord his God. And David said to problems, but listen to this passage. It says that inner strength Abiathar the priest, `Please bring the ephod here to me.' So filters down into the external events of our lives. "When the David inquired of the Lord saying, `Shall I pursue this interiors have been formed in heaven, then the things which troop? Shall I over take them?' And the Lord answered him, are there inflow into the exteriors which are from the world `Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail and form them to correspondence, that is, that they may act recover all." as one with them" (HH 351). The potential for this inner strength and peace is there The exterior things of life begin to act as one; they in each of our lives. There is a region of your mind where we begin to change our life down here. One passage from the can go and find peace and strength in the Lord our God. It is Writings uses the word "harmony" in describing the relation a strength that we can tap so that we can overcome the battles between the internal and external man. and challenges we face in our life. And with His help, you One last teaching: the interior man is who you are for will find peace in your God. Amen. Lessons: I Samuel 30:1- eternity. "Therefore, such as a man is as to his interiors, 19; Matt. 6:1-24; AC 2535; HH 351:2 such he remains to eternity" (HH 501). Be Hopeful and Trusting I want to end with a statement about prayer, the power By Nathan Gladish of prayer. Prayer is vital to this subject of inner strength. In 2 Taken from the October 2014 Sunrise Chapel Territorial true, and instead feeling like they are relatively trivial and powerless against the dark side. This picture of a dynamic range of human states Hope, Trust reminds me I always have a choice. I am not required to Providentializing Opportunitizing maintain a bottom-of-the-chart-attitude. In fact, the Lord is Good and true things are Bad and false things continually urging me to lift my thinking. By affirming the permanent and pervasive are temporary and real power of goodness and truth and realizing that evil and “I’m optimistic and thinking specific positively” “This is just a temporary falsity are simply temporary and impotent, I can climb up “I’m in the stream of setback” into a higher perspective. I can restore a healthy attitude of providence” “This situation is unfair” hope and trust in the Lord’s influence over all the big and “All things work toward “This is an opportunity good” to adjust and learn” little things of life. “With God, all things are “With God’s help, I can possible” handle this” New Book Big Little The Joy of Spiritual Living Catastrophizing Trivializing Bad and false things Good and true things are are permanent and temporary and specific pervasive “I just happened to get “This seems lucky” insurmountable” “I’m not expecting much good to come of this” “Life is basically unfair” “Whatever…” “What’s the point?” “With God, only a few “God can’t help” things are possible”

Hopelessness, Distrust I want to share an informative chart with you, because it has been significantly helpful to me. First, a question: Do you want to experience consistently strong feelings of hope and trust? I do. The problem is that I inevitably notice a certain amount of Many people think of spiritual growth as solitary hopelessness and distrust creeping in from time to time, work that happens outside of everyday life. But through disturbing my otherwise positive frame of mind. The decades of group work, authors Frank Rose and Bob Maginel perspective of this chart helps remind me how to get back on have developed a program of spiritual growth that works best track. Imagine a vertical continuum of possible human states in the midst of daily living. from healthy on the top to unhealthy on the bottom. Now Through a series of eight exercises, readers learn add a horizontal continuum of possible states from “big how to raise their awareness and their spirits to a higher deals” to “little things.” These big and little experiences can level, to connect more readily with their Higher Power, and seem healthy or unhealthy depending on how we respond to to unlock authentic spiritual joy even at life’s most them. I’ve attempted to generalize the range of these human challenging moments. For people working in groups, the states with four one-word titles, one for each category. authors include suggestions for structuring spiritual growth The top of the chart represents a range of healthy, meetings and tools for discussion facilitators. For individuals positive states of mind and heart. “Providentializing” is my using the book alone, Rose and Maginel provide transcripts word for affirmatively acknowledging the overarching work of their own group’s discussions, challenges, and “Aha!” of the Lord’s providence. This is a good thing to do! moments, so the reader can share in the group experience. “Opportunitizing” is taking the positive attitude that negative Building on their previous book, The Joy of Spiritual experiences are opportunities for growth, steps in our Growth, Rose and Maginel offer more of the gentle wisdom progress. Also a good perspective. and practical techniques that have made their spiritual growth The bottom of the chart represents a range of program an enduring success. unhealthy, negative states of mind. “Catastrophizing” is For more info, go to falling prey to the notion that life is nothing but a series of bad experiences driven by the forces of evil and falsity. Philippines News “Trivializing” is not giving enough credit to what is good and New Christian Church School Foundation Day/UN Day

3 Church School in Lalawigan. I also mentioned to them that Bishops Ian Arnold and Trevor Moffat donated funds from Australia for the foods and drinks and the cake we were about to eat. The candle flame of the cake was blown by a Kinder and a Prep student. Then I asked everybody what would they want to say to the Bishops, and they answered in one loud voice, "Thank you Bishop Ian and Bishop Trevor". Teacher Veron advised me not to invite the parents inside the classrooms while the affair was held because she wanted to keep it part of a learning experience, and the children might not behave properly for the occasion once they saw their parents. The school will have a one week break starting this The Philippine Department of Education asked coming Monday. The classes will resume on November 3. schools to voluntarily suspend excursions until new My warm regards and respect. guidelines could be formulated for such trips. This action God Bless. was taken because of an accident where two high school Pareng Septhan students were killed by their tour bus. NCCS Head Teacher, Veronica Cayabyab, decided to Palo Alto News cancel our planned educational excursion and conduct a It was a delight to welcome Reverend Walter combined NCCS Foundation Day and UN Day on October Orthwein to the pulpit a few weeks ago, including getting an 24th at the school in Lalawigan, Samal, Bataan. There was a update on the movie "Bokeh", which was co-written, co- lesson with questions, then songs. Food was then distributed directed (on location in Iceland) and is being edited by his by the teaching staff, the school administrator and his wife. son, Geoff Orthwein. It is expected to debut at film festivals Our Kindergarten and Preparatory children were eager next year. 'Til then, I'm sure it means lots of nights of little participants in the celebration. sleep for Geoff. Check it out on Facebook or Google. School Administrator Rev. Septhan Baltazar gave this Our church schedule is: report to Bishop Ian Arnold on this year’s observation. Mark Perry - Nov 16, 2014 Thanksgiving Festival Service -Franklin Rogers Jean Atta - Nov 28, 2014 Jean Atta - Dec 7, 2014 October 25, 2014 Mark Perry - Dec 21, 2014 Christmas Festival Service Dear Pareng Ian, The next service for Central California is scheduled The simple celebration of the NCCS founding day for November 30th, at home of Sheila Whitt in Stockton. was done inside the new school building. The weather was We look forward to seeing you at Church! good, but hot. The divider of the two classrooms was folded -Hannah & Jonathan to make the place one spacious room to accommodate students from all classes in one setting. The first thing we Los Angeles New did was thank God for a wonderful day and we also asked L.A. News & Travels: Him to guide us always. In October we welcomed several visitors: neighbors To decorate the rooms for the UN Day part of the Larry and Alicia, who had attended for Jean’s ordination, occasion, it is good we still had stored some flags that were have come back to celebrate with us again before departing used in the past in celebrating the UN Day because I could for a 3-week cruise. Several new friends from Los Angeles’ not find new ones in Balanga City. Ivorian community have frequented church services and have I gave a short talk and explained to the students in a shared culinary treats from their native Ivory Coast – it was simple Tagalog language about the existence of the school. wonderful to welcome the two Elizabeths, Nina, Francoise While the teachers were holding the pictures of Bishop King and young Kimora. We look forward to many more and his wife Freya, I explained to the students that the couple opportunities to worship and dine together! Susan Matchett were the instrumental figures why there is a New Christian traveled back to Sarver, PA to celebrate her Aunt Kate’s 4 100th birthday on October 20th. What a grand occasion! One of the joys of life is learning something new! John and Greta Davidson are looking forward to an extended When out on a walk with Rahele, who originates from Iran, visit with their son, George, and his wife as they welcome and is one of the newest members of our congregation, we their first child mid-December. Patrick and Gabrielle were discussing religion when she asked me if I’d ever heard Reynolds are off to Bali, Indonesia for a month at the end of of Zoroastrianism. My curiosity aroused, I rushed home to November. find out more about this ancient religion that was practiced in Schedule: Upcoming services are scheduled for 10 Iran before the Muslim conquest in the 600’s that banned the am on Sunday November 9th, with a doctrinal study to follow religion and persecuted its adherents. worship. November 23rd will be our annual Thanksgiving Zoroastrianism teaches of the eternal struggle service, followed by a pot luck feast with all the traditional between powers of light and darkness or good and evil, and foods (and maybe some African additions this year!). In teaches that man must enlist in this cosmic struggle because December, worship services are on the 7th, 21st and 28th, of his capacity for free choice and humans are free to choose and a special Christmas Eve service at 5:30 pm on the 24th, between right and wrong, truth and lies, light and dark and followed by soup/sandwiches and carol singing. January 4th that their choices would affect their eternal destiny. It sounds is the New Year’s service, with a Holy Supper service on very similar to what we believe! January 11th. The teachings of Zarathustra, the founder of -Gabrielle Reynolds Zoroastrianism, have been used to explain the three major San Diego News monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Rahele told me that Zoroastrianism had been for centuries Iran’s State religion. Today about 27% of the population still practice this religion, and one seat only, is allowed and held by a Zoroastrian in the Iranian parliament. Lastly, I learned that there seems to be a fascinating link between the Magi of old and Zoroastrianism! ‘Magi’ the Latin plural of magnus, the ancient Greek word ‘Magos’, and the old Persian word ‘Magnus’ was a term used since at least the 4th century to denote the followers of Zoroaster, and people who had the ability to read the stars and manipulate the fate that the stars foretold. With Christmas around the corner one recalls the ancient text; “Behold there came wise men form the East to Jerusalem saying ‘Where is he that is born King of the Jews for we have seen his star in the East Journey; Lesson 2 -‘Water’ and have come to worship Him’”? I came to understood We are having fun with the Journey program in our anew how Rahele encouraged by her Mother in Iran, has Sunday school! Our second lesson entitled ‘I was thirsty and embraced Christianity and finds such joy in the Writings of you gave me to drink’ tells the story of the Samaritan woman the New Church. at the well! The kids each drank a glass of water and soaked -Lyn Perry and squeezed sponges to have a hands-on experience with the Editorial amount of water their sponges could absorb. Later we I hope you enjoy a plentiful and rejuvenating gathered on the Manse lawn where a ‘well of water’ (the Thanksgiving this year! I’d love pics and stories from Lord’s truth) had been set up. With a pitcher apiece each California members! child filled their own container (their minds) with water or God Bless, Truth from the well. It was a wonderful lesson that showed Catie Jungé the difference between actual water that satiates for a short California Digest while and ‘Living water’, which are the truths that we get Editor from the Lord’s Word which brings Eternal satisfaction. -Lyn Perry *Please go to for updated Zoroastrianism information on the Boynton Beach retreat. The retreat is from Jan 18-22nd, 2015. -Bob Brickman 561-278-6037 5 California Digest Los Angeles New Church San Diego New Church Publisher: California New Church Board (CNCB) Services temporarily held at the 2701 Meadowlark Drive Editor: Catie Jungé Manse: 5022 Carolyn Way San Diego, CA 92123 Tel: 949-285-3626 La Crescenta, CA 91214 Sunday Filipino Service 9:15 a.m. (email: [email protected]) Tel. 818-249-9163 (Tagalog) Donations: in US: $15; other countries $22 USD Website: Sunday 10:30 a.m. (English) Editorial Content: articles, letters, comments Joint service first Sunday each welcome. month at 10:30 a.m. Please submit to editor by 25th of the month. Pastor: Rev. Mark Perry Contributions printed as space permits. Tel: 858-610-WORD Classified advertisements: please call for rates. (e: [email protected]) Palo Alto New Church Central California New Church Sunday services are held at the First Baptist Church, NE corner of Bryant and California in Palo Alto, CA God The next service for Central California is scheduled for Thanksgiving Service: November 16th Is November 30th, at home of Sheila Christmas Service: December 21st Good! Whitt in Stockton. Children's class at 3:30 pm; worship at 4:00 p.m. Discussion/class at 5:00; Dinner/Social at 6:00 pm Contact: Jonathan & Hannah Cranch T: 650-327-2788 (e: [email protected] "[The Lord] gives those who are performing useful functions a love for being useful, and also a reward for being useful, which is inner bliss; and this inner bliss is eternal happiness."

True Christian Religion 736:3 Emanuel Swedenborg


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