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Center for Comparative Medicine / IACUC Animal Care & Use Questionnaire
Please fill out completely. Incomplete forms will be returned and training will not be scheduled.
CONTACT INFORMATION First name Last name Gender Job Title Highest degree Department Office location Phone number Email address PI’s name Employee ID / or Date of training last 4 ssn requested Date of Birth Position name
1. Have you had any previous training in the use of laboratory animals? No Yes Please complete table on page 2
2. What species are you going to use? Birds Cats Chinchillas Fish Gerbils Guinea pigs Hamsters Mice Rats Nonhuman primates Unknown Other: ______
3. What procedures are you likely to use on animals? Handling Injections Euthanasia Survival surgery Husbandry Non-survival surgery Post-procedural monitoring Use of restraints Other: ______
4. Will you be using hazardous substances when working with animals? No Yes (list): ______
PERSONNEL AGREEMENT Please read and initial each statement INITIAL I will perform my duties in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act, the USDA regulations, the PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, the current AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia, and the current Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals I will review the protocol(s) under which I will be performing work and will be responsible for conducting this work as it is stated in the IACUC approved protocol. I will ensure that IACUC approval has been received before conducting any procedures not listed in the original protocol(s). I will immediately notify the attending veterinarian, my PI, and the IACUC when any unanticipated anima pain/distress or unexpected morbidity/mortality occurs within any of my studies.
ACC USE ONLY Initial Training Date: Topaz/Granite OHS Enrollment: Username: Profile entry date: Password: SharePoint set: Notification for EHS:
Center for Comparative Medicine / IACUC Animal Care & Use Questionnaire
Topic/ Technique Months/ Species Institution where trained (circle methods or routes) Years and approximate date Experience training was completed Handling and Restraint
Animal Identification Methods
Ear punch, Ear tag, Chip implant, tattoo, toe clip, branding Dosing
IV, IM, SC, IP, PO FP, IC Blood Collection
IV, Saphenous, RO, Tail Nick, Cardiac Puncture Anesthesia
Injectible, Inhalation Euthanasia
CO2, Cervical Dislocation, Decapitation, Injectible, Pithing (if other, name):
Aseptic Surgery Technique
Surgical Procedure
Name surgical procedure:
Surgical Procedure
Name surgical procedure:
Surgical Procedure
Name surgical procedure:
ACC USE ONLY Initial Training Date: Topaz/Granite OHS Enrollment: Username: Profile entry date: Password: SharePoint set: Notification for EHS: