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WESTAR Technical Conference On Oil and Gas Development September 12 & 13, 2007 AmeriHost Inn, Pinedale, Wyoming

Audience and Objective: This conference is intended for state agency officials with responsibility for assessing and regulating oil and gas development emissions. The purpose of the conference is for states to share information about oil and gas emissions analysis activities and associated regulatory programs.

September 12

8:00-8:15 Welcome, introductions and logistics. Bob Lebens, John Coefield

8:15-9:45 Panel discussion of current activities. Cynthia Madison, WY; John Coefield, MT; Brock LeBaron, UT; Erik Aaboe, NM; Jim Semerad, ND; speaker tbd, CO; Kathleen Passer, EPA

Each representative will give a brief (10 minute) presentation on current oil and gas activities including location, type of development, numbers of permits issued by year for the last several years, permit trigger levels, emissions reported, etc.

9:45-10:00 Break

10:00-11:00 Oil and gas equipment types, controls and emission rates. Scott Archer, BLM; Mike George, NPS

Scott Archer will give a broad overview of oil and gas equipment and emissions for drill rigs, flares, tanks, pipelines and compressors.

11:00-11:45 Oil/gas inventory – control approaches. Amnon Bar-Ilan, Environ

12:00-5:00 Box lunch and field trip to Jonah field. Paul Ulrich, David Stewart, Encana

September 13

8:00-8:30 Wyoming Winter Ozone Study. Cara Keslar, WY DEQ

Cara Kessler will describe the reason for the Winter Ozone study, scope of work, study design and preliminary findings.

8:30-9:30 Southwest Wyoming Cumulative Oil and Gas Study. Ken Rairigh, WY DEQ

Ken Rairigh will report on the preliminary findings from the Southwest Wyoming Cumulative Oil and Gas Study. 9:30-10:30 Compilation and comparison of modeling by states. John Coefield, MT DEQ

John Coefield will obtain modeling files from each state that has been conducting dispersion modeling of oil and gas activities. Besides a comparison of the different approaches, a disk with model input files from each state will be handed out for future work along with any recommendations of preferred practices he can make after consultation with state and EPA regional modelers.

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-11:15 Four Corners Study. Erik Aaboe, Mark Jones, NM Air Quality Bureau

Erik Aaboe and Mark Jones will give a status report and summary of the findings to date for the Four Corners Study.

11:15-12:00 Ammonia. Erik Aaboe, NM, Mike George, NPS

The results of passive ammonia monitoring in the Four Corners Study will be presented, followed by a discussion on spatial variation of ammonia, modeling issues, implications for control strategies and other topics.

12:00-1:00 Lunch (on your own)

1:00-2:00 BLM oil and gas overview. Scott Archer, BLM

Scott Archer will discuss trends in oil and gas development on federal land in the West and the air quality analysis process.

2:00-3:00 Overview of permitting requirements for ongoing oil and gas development. Cynthia Madison, WY; Dave Klemp, MT; Tad Anderson, UT; Erik Aaboe, NM; Blue Parish, CO; Jim Semerad, ND; Kathleen Paser, EPA

Panel discussion on approaches to permitting oil and gas sources.

3:00-3:15 Break

3:15-4:45 Analysis. All

General discussion of the approaches to oil and gas emissions analysis identified during the conference.

4:45-5:00 Wrap up.

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