Hello Seller Performance,

I am writing to appeal the suspension of my seller account [enter your account number here] which was suspended for [state the reason for the suspension, an example follows]. We had an initial suspension in February due to a high return rate (something brought on by Christmas, and a slow down in sales afterwards). At the time were testing and trying to see what the best merchandise mix would be for us on Amazon. At that time we had set a March 1st launch date to put our full line onto Amazon using ChannelAdvisor. We then pushed that date to April 1st, due to us moving into a new warehouse the first week of March. Our feedback rating was going up, and our return rate had gone down, and it looked as though everything was heading in the correct direction. Then, we received two A-Z claims in a 24 hour period and we were permanently removed from Amazon. Even though we had POD’s on both shoes, we gave instant refunds, and in one case sent out a second pair, and that was before we knew of the removal from the Amazon Marketplace. We suspended the Amazon launch at that time to further fix any problems there might be.

Some of our key improvements we made:

1.) Since January, we have hired two customer service representatives to answer phone calls and email. We now answer all emails within an hour, during business hours, and before 12pm EST for emails received over night. We also answer emails on weekends.

2.) We further increased our buying power, acquiring a $200,000 line of credit to keep more merchandise in stock. This will enable us to carry more sizes, enabling us to do more exchanges, as opposed to having to refund an order if the shoes do not fit.

3.) We streamlined our inventory system by creating a new database, and now take a monthly inventory. Our cancellation rate is now under ½ of 1% for our sales, and we are continuing to improve upon this number ever week.

4.) We have invested further in technology. As mentioned, we created a new database and inventory system that allows us better control over our merchandise, and a better integration with the ChannelAdvisor platform. By investing in a more automated system, there is much less room for human error. We also have a better data entry system, allowing us to enter all of our data into ChannelAdvisor, and only ChannelAdvisor, as opposed to entering our inventory into each marketplace separately. This should eliminate any and all the inventory problems that came up when we were selling in the Amazon Market place.

We have had tremendous success and a high feedback rating on eBay (store id: xxxxxxxx), and think that we can have the same or greater success on Amazon. I personally have had great success in Amazon in the past, successfully launching [company x], an online division of the brick and mortar store I ran for 12 years , and setting up the systems they currently use. I left [company x] to form a new, independent company to sell across several marketplaces and sell more inline merchandise. Since starting in July, we have had tremendous growth and have made tremendous improvements in all aspects of our business, with our main snafu being Amazon. We should have not opened with Amazon until this Spring, and I apologize for the mistakes that we made due to us jumping the gun. I was anxious to get started on Amazon due to my success with [Shoeflake], and so I started selling before our integration with the ChannelAdvisor platform. This was a tough lesson for us to learn and I understand this was a great error of judgment on my part. With the improvements we have made, we feel we can still be an asset to the Amazon Marketplace, and we are pleading for a final chance.

Thank you for your attention,



