I. Meeting called to order at 7:17pm. Members present: Ralph Gray (President), Joanne Kidd (Treasurer), Mary Ellen Finch (Secretary), Gary Gleason, William Stewart. Absent were Adriana Tansey, Chip Straley and Pat Quinn. No guests were in attendance. Michael Finch (Vice President) arrived around 8:15 after Steel Magnolia auditions.

II. Approval of October 1, 2012 minutes with changes. Moved by Gary to accept as modified, seconded by William. Motion passed. Agenda approved for 5 November 2012 with the addition of VIII B and C.

III. Treasurers Report. Nothing special to report on P&L or Balance sheets. She visited with accountant to do taxes in October. They perform a posting location review – no major changes. Albertsons shoppers’ card was approved – they will be shipping within 4-6 weeks. Received from the Community Foundation of Southern Arizona request to update their database with our information. No cost to be registered so Joanne included our information – their website is www.cfsaz.org. Received a thank you from the Regional Center for Border Health/Coalition of Breast Health (Pink Tea) for our two season ticket donation. Received the annual report from the Yuma Community Foundation – one of the featured stories was about the Brown Family participating in “The King and I”. This report is distributed all around Arizona. She shared with the members present the AACT login information and a few benefits of us being a member – MTI / Samuel French / Sherwin-Williams, etc. Our account number 6037. 403 – three show season tickets sold and 53 two show season tickets as of this meeting. Joanne was approached by an attorney representing SABO regarding the unpaid balance. No interest, no late fees – just the difference between the initial invoice and the amount we paid. After confirming the invoice amount – she paid the balance due. Motion made by Mary Ellen to accept the report, seconded by Gary. Motion passed.

IV. Presidents Report. Nothing under this topic – it will come up under standing committee reports.

V. Season Shows 2012-2013 A. It’s A Wonderful Life – Joanne. In last 30 days of rehearsals. They are off book and some are struggling a little in Act II. Lisa is working on the program insert – will be submitted camera ready by mid- November. Advertising will start soon and they have been getting lots of free advertising through Mike Ivers of the Food Bank. Potential for local artist to donate a piece of art for an auction during the run of the show and to split the proceeds between YCT Building Fund and Yuma Community Food Bank.

B. My Fair Lady – Gary. Cast is jelling and they are still looking for chorus members. Just switching choreographers yet again – schedules have been difficult for previous ones. C. Steel Magnolias – Mike. Auditions are currently being held. 11 auditioned yesterday.

VI. Standing Committee Reports A. Season Advertising – Mike/Mary Ellen Advertising is in full swing with the billboard, newspaper, radio.

B. Property Search Committee – Mary Ellen/Ralph. Call today from Pat Hodges – Mr. Sanguinetti has gifted our facility to Yuma Catholic High School. They would like to know when we can get out – they would like us out within the next 30 days. Several members visited a property location, Joanne suggested contacting them to see if we could rent. William suggested potentially renting Dancemakers old building for rehearsal space. Mary Ellen has researched some industrial locations – rental prices are fairly steep unless they are willing to give us a non- profit deal. Mike will call John Matheus to see about whether or not he was going to approach City P&Z regarding the potential of YCT turning the building on 3rd Ave into a small theater. Ralph and Mike will work on getting a visit from YCT board and key members with construction and theater outfitting knowledge. Potential to move in, rehearse and renovate at the same time. Should partner with other agencies in Yuma regarding becoming our champion – GYEDC, Elks, Moose, Chamber, etc – we should tap into our resources to fundraise and move us forward. One of Joanne’s cast members has some of this skill set.

C. New Stage Plays – Chip. Tabled due to his absence. He did email that he emailed the point of contact and he has not yet responded and that he will press on.

VII. Old Business A. Equipment purchases 2012/2013 – Pat. Tabled due to Pats absence. Ralph met with Bob – he said he is not against having YCT members in the Tech booth but they would like our Stage Manager to call the show. He was concerned that we were trying to ‘take over’- Ralph stated we aren’t but just looking to improve the quality of our show. He will confirm this with the new theater manager – Tim O’Brien. Joanne felt we need to begin training our members to begin using theater equipment – sound/light to prepare us for the eventuality of moving into our own facility.

B. NPO write up. – William. He needs stats from last year – Joanne will provide to William.

C. Auditing YCT Books – Joanne. Per the AACT website – she asked other theaters how they ‘audit’ their books. Responses were the whole range – from one individual who reviews all records to another theater which has a 500K budget and they spend 5K on an audit. Another theater group has a financial review by a CPA- approximate cost of $1K. Recommendation by Joanne is that until we have a budget of between $100-250 K annually we will stick with our current procedure.

D Christmas Shopping – Mike. He will meet with Tim at Steel Magnolia auditions to determine what we can put up. VIII. New Business A. YCT insurance quotes. Both quotes – AACT one updated to include Inland Marine and Non hired auto at $982. Statewide policy which is geared more towards a club vice theater group is $784. Discussion about advantages and challenges of each policy. William moved to go with Philadelphia (AACT) Policy, seconded by Gary. Motion passed. Joanne will contact representative to get the policy paid and emailed so we have proof for our contracts.

B. Concessions. Mike was going to talk to Bob McCain and see if he and Tish are interested in running concessions. Mike moved we only list items as ‘donation’ only going to vice setting a price schedule. Seconded by Joanne. Discussion surrounded which entity we should donate proceeds – HSOY, Food Bank. Motion amended to donate net profits from 2012- 2013 concessions to HSOY, Joanne Seconded. Motion carried with no further discussion.

C. Coffee Pots. Gary would like YCT to have some sort of coffee/tee pot for cast to drink warm beverages during show runs which are better for acting and singing than cold beverages. Discussion on whether or not Gila Ridge will allow electric devices in the dressing rooms. Mike will check with Tim to determine if they will allow us to plug in coffee pots for warm water for tea/coffee for performers. If not perhaps we can purchase an air pot which will hold warm water.

IX. Good of the Order – Next board meeting December 3, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. YCFB. Gary stated that season tickets are going well. Mike asked the board for input on his holiday newsletter. Mike and Mary Ellen presented our sponsors thank you’s this month – some in person, some via mail. Ralph is looking forward to the upcoming season – working with everyone. Meeting was adjourned at 9:25pm.