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Alvin ISD Jr. High Band Handbook 2016-2017
Please return signature forms on:______
Please do not sign the Medical Waiver Form until you are in the presence of a Notary Public with your picture I.D. Please return the Agreement Form, Charms Information Form, Code of Conduct Form and Medical Waiver Form. All of the other materials should be read carefully, noted in a central family calendar and filed away for future reference.
1 ALVIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNIOR HIGH BAND PROGRAMS Katie Batchelor, David Richard, and Kyle Norman, Head Directors Jeremy Kitchens, Rebecca Schreiber and Jessicah Saldana, Assistant Directors August, 2016 Dear 2016-2017 Alvin ISD Band Students and Parents:
Welcome to another fantastic year for the Alvin ISD Band Program! The following handbook provides as much information as possible about the Alvin ISD Junior High Band Programs in a clear and concise format. However, it cannot possibly cover every detail of our band programs. Our doors are always open to answer any questions or alleviate any concerns that you might have throughout the year. This handbook aims to explain the following items: Band Expectations pg. 2 Step-up Instruments pg. 8 Band Grading Policies pg. 3-4 Band Fundraisers/Clinicians pg. 8 Attendance Policy pg. 4-5 Junior High Band Night pg. 9 Band Binder pg. 5 Region Band Auditions pg. 9 Parental Support pg. 5 Region Band Clinic/Concert pg. 9 Band Updates and Information pg. 6 AISD Solo Display pg. 10 Private Lesson Program pg. 7 AISD Solo Contest pg. 10 Descriptions of Ensembles pg. 7 Burgers and Bands Concert pg. 10 Section Rehearsals pg. 4 & 7 AISD Winter Band ExtravaBANDza pg. 10 Individual Listenings pg. 4 & 7 Pre-UIL Concert & Sightreading pg. 10 Band Polo and T-Shirt pg. 7 UIL Concert & Sightreading pg. 10 Formal Concert Uniform pg. 8 Band Festival/Trip pg. 10 Use of School-Owned Instruments pg. 8 Spring Concert pg. 10 Instrument Maintenance and Repair pg. 8 Parent Student Agreement Form pg. 11
Please pay close attention to the calendar. We strongly suggest that you keep a centralized family calendar to mark all of your family’s commitments. This will help prevent last minute notices of conflict. Every effort is made on our end to avoid school related conflicts. Performances/Contests are culminating activities to the long-term work we have done in the classroom to prepare for them. Together we work to achieve our successes, your presence is necessary to help us reach our potential.
Please read and save this handbook for future reference. The last few pages contain: Parent/Student Agreement Form, Code of Conduct Form, Medical Emergency Form, Private Lesson Registration Form and Safe Schools Project Consent Form. Please fill out and sign these important documents and return them to your child’s band director on or before ______. As always thank you for your continued support of the Alvin ISD Junior High Band Programs.
Katie Batchelor David Richard Kyle Norman [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Fairview Jr. High Harby Jr. High Alvin Jr. High
2 Purpose of the Band Handbook This handbook is designed to help you understand the policies, complexities and concepts of a very large and proud organization. We hope it can be used to answer questions and define the boundaries that are important in keeping the band an efficient and enjoyable organization. If utilized properly, the concepts of responsibility, teamwork and good citizenship will develop. If you need information that does not appear here, please ask the directors. We will try to assist you in whatever manner possible.
Governing Bodies that directly affect the Alvin ISD Bands: 1. Alvin Independent School District Board of Trustees 2. Alvin Independent School District Board Policy Manual 3. Alvin High School, Junior High, and Elementary Handbooks 4. Alvin Independent School District Band Handbook 5. University Interscholastic League (Texas Education Agency-UIL) Side by Side 6. Texas Music Educators Association 7. Texas Bandmasters Association 8. Music Region 17 Rules and Regulations (Bylaws and Audition Procedures) 9. Invitational Marching Concert Contests 10. University Interscholastic League Prescribed Music List 11. Alvin Independent School District Transportation Guidelines
Alvin ISD Band Expectations Above all, an Alvin ISD Junior High Band Student member should exhibit the highest standards of character, honesty, and integrity in everything that he/she does. Every Alvin ISD Band member is expected to follow the guidelines outlined in the AISD Student Handbook and those guidelines of the Alvin ISD Junior High campuses. In addition to campus classroom guidelines, the following Band Hall guidelines apply: 1. Refrain from food, drink, gum or candy in the Band Hall unless approved by a director. 2. Respect the Band Hall furniture and electrical equipment. Defacing Band Hall equipment will not be tolerated. Classroom metronomes and tuners should not be used by Band students. 3. Only percussionists have permission to touch the percussion equipment at any time. 4. Do not touch another student’s instrument, even with his/her permission. 5. For your protection and as well as to practice, instruments are to be taken home every day. 6. Practice rooms are off-limits unless permission is given by a director. 7. Instrument slots must be kept clean. Do not leave any food items in your slot. Your slot is not to be used to stow things that you need through the school day. Teachers will not allow you to retrieve these items during the day. Items left on the floor are subject to being discarded. 8. Participate in all band functions.
Classroom Procedures 1. Enter the Band Hall calmly and quietly; get materials out quickly. Be alert to where the director is, and when the director steps on the podium, all talking should cease. There is to be no talking during class unless a class or individual response is solicited. 2. Behavior that interferes with the learning process or delays the class will not be tolerated. 3. Be in your seat immediately following the tardy bell with band binder, pencil, oils, reeds, mallets and or sticks, instrument, and whatever else you need to fully participate in class.
3 4. During class, all instrument cases need to be closed and stored in cubbies except for tubas and percussion. Small instrument cases that can be stowed safely under or beside chair will be allowed in the Band set-up. 5. When you or your section are not playing, go through fingerings, slide positions, or stickings…Be ready to play at any moment. 6. Hair should be out of the eyes during rehearsals and performances. 7. PDA (Public Display of Affection) will not be permitted in the band hall, on busses or at official band functions.
Consequences for misbehavior may include:
1. First Offense - a warning is issued 2. Second Offense - student is sent to alternate location in the room to participate in band and counseled following class as to what behavior modifications need to take place. 3. Third Offense - student is sent to alternate location in room to participate in band and parent contact will be made as soon as possible. Band Detention can be used. 4. Fourth Offense - Student/Parent Conference 5. Fifth Offense - Office Referral 6. Serious Offense - as outlined in the AISD Student Handbook, serious offenses warrant an immediate office referral with school consequences.
Rewards for good behavior: 1. Positive comment/note to the student. 2. Positive comment/note to the parent. 3. Prizes and privileges 4. Party (occurring after school hours) Through membership in the organization, an AISD Band member represents the Band program in every action that he/she takes. All Band Members are expected to behave with utmost character and as leaders in every endeavor. Band is an extracurricular activity, and it is considered to be a privilege and not a right.
AISD Junior High Band Grading Policy Band Grades will be based on the following criteria: 1. 15% Playing Grades 2. 20% Participation 3. 35% Sectionals/Listenings 4. 30% Performances
Definitions of Grading Categories: 1. Playing Grade Consists of assigned material on which students are tested in class, sectionals and listenings.
2. Daily Participation Includes: full participation in class such as having all equipment necessary (instrument, binder, reeds, sticks and mallets, etc.) and being cooperative in attempting techniques as instructed by director. This also includes taking all instruments and music home to practice every day (exceptions to this are students who may have a home practice horn i.e. tubas or baritones). Students who are unable to bring their instruments home, should make arrangements to practice daily in the Band Hall. 4 3. Sectionals/Listenings Attendance at all sectionals and listenings is mandatory. This grade will be based on attendance and participation as well as assigned materials for grades and chair tests. Sectionals will occur according to director and student schedules. Lots of specialized information will be taught in these sessions, so attendance is imperative. Listenings are 15-minute individual “mini-sessions” that are set up after school based on the students’ schedules. Listenings are viewed as weekly appointments with the student’s director to help with building individual skills on music currently being played by the band, scales/techniques, solo and ensemble literature, region audition music.
4. Performances Performances are culminating events to work done in and outside of the classroom by the students and teachers together. It is imperative that all students attend these important activities. Performances include: Fall Concert/Open House, Jr. High Band Night, Winter Concert and Spring Concert. We also participate in Pre-UIL and UIL Concert and Sightreading followed by a Festival Contest. Other required performances include: Pep Rallies, Region Tryouts, Solo and Ensemble Contests and other events that the band may be asked to perform for.
Attendance Policy In order to maximize our rehearsal time, a strict attendance policy must be in place. As a member of the Band YOU HAVE AN OBLIGATION TO YOUR FELLOW BAND MEMBERS to be at all rehearsals on time, to be prepared, and to have all necessary equipment and materials. Student grades will be determined based on evaluations of class attendance, attitude and performance as set by the Alvin ISD Band Calendar. (See also grading procedure)
1. All band students must abide by the Alvin ISD attendance policies 2. Attendance is required at all rehearsals, sectionals, and performances. 3. Absences and tardies will be excused in the following cases: (please notify the directors) a. Medical emergency or personal injury b. Death in the Family c. Religious holiday d. Conflict with another school activity documented in advance.
4. Examples of UNEXCUSED absences and tardies include, but are not limited to: a. Work b. Oversleeping c. Transportation not arranged d. Anything deemed unexcused by Alvin ISD Administration
A major part of the music curriculum is the development of performance skills. Therefore, “unexcused” absences from a sectional, rehearsal or performance, which are integral to developing these skills, will lower a student’s grade as follows:
A. Sectionals, listenings and rehearsals are course requirements that involve interaction from members of the group. Therefore “unexcused” absences from a before or after school sectional or rehearsal will lower a student’s grade.
5 B. Performances are the culmination of group course requirements and cannot be made up. Therefore, an “unexcused” absence from a scheduled performance will reflect a grade of “0” to be averaged in the student’s performance grade, and the student “may” be subject to removal from the course. The student will be removed from extracurricular events for the remainder of the semester. C. Absences whether excused or unexcused, must be made up prior to the next scheduled performance. Extenuating circumstances will be worked out between directors, guardians and students.
Other absences and tardies, excused or unexcused, may be made up in accordance with the school/teacher grading guidelines.
Academic Requirements (No Pass, No Play) Excerpted from TEA-UIL Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities Handbook A student who receives, at the end of any grading period (after the first six weeks of the school year), a grade below 70 in an academic class or a student with disabilities who fails to meet the standards in the Individual Education Plan (IEP) may not participate in extracurricular activities for a least three school weeks. An ineligible student may practice or rehearse, however. The student regains eligibility when the principal and teachers determine that he or she has: 1) earned a passing grade (70 or above) in all academic classes, and 2) completed the three school weeks of ineligibility.
All schools must check grades for all participants at the end of the first nine weeks of the school year. From that point, grades are checked at the end of the grading period, whether it is six, nine, or twelve weeks in length. Students who pass remain eligible until the end of the next grading period.
Co-curricular Activities
All rehearsals, sectionals, listenings and most performances before and after school are considered Co- curricular Activities. Co-curricular Activities are activities that all students participate in, even students who are having academic difficulties. Grading will occur for all of these obligations.
Band Binder The Band Binder consists of: 1. A hard-sided 1 ½” three ring hard-sided binder with pockets 2. Approximately 50 clear, plastic cover protective sheets (page protectors) 3. A pencil and an ultra fine point clicker blue, black or red Sharpie EVERYDAY! Band binders should be labeled with the student’s name, band locker number, instrument and band class/period. Please ensure that your child has a functional band notebook to help protect his/her music and keep it organized.
Parental Support Parental support is crucial to any successful child. Therefore, it is equally crucial to any successful band program. The AISD Junior High Band program prides itself on the extensive support of the band parents. There are numerous opportunities throughout the year to become actively involved in your child’s band experience. Parent volunteers are absolutely necessary and always welcome. Parent volunteers are welcome on concerts, trips, and activities. If you would like to volunteer or chaperone any band event or function throughout the year, you must fill out the Safe Schools Project Consent Form. If you have completed this form within the last 5 years it is not necessary to resubmit. 6 Band Updates and Information You will receive important information concerning the Band program three ways this year! Letters and notes sent home via your student, email and Remind notifications. Please fill out the information form completely so that we have all of the necessary email addresses to use for contact. You will also be able to retrieve information via your school’s Band website—more detailed information will be available through your Band Director.
Band Supplies Woodwind students should have on hand: 1. LaVoz Reed Guard 2. At least 3 or 4 working reeds 3. Cork grease 4. Silk swab designed for your instrument 5. Metronome and tuner 6. A container to soak reeds in (Double reeds) 7. Tuning /Cleaning rod along with cloth to swab (Flutes) Brass students should have on hand: 1. Al Cass, Blue Juice, or Hetman Oils (Valved instruments) 2. Trombotine or Yamaha Trombone Slide Lubricant and a small squirt bottle (Trombones) 3. Schilke tuning slide grease 4. Mouthpiece brush and snake to clean instrument (to be kept at home) 5. Metronome and tuner 6. Soft cloth to wipe away any grease and grime 7. B.E.R.P. Buzz Extension Resistance Piece
Resources for Band Services and Supplies:
Band Central Station is now Music and Arts! 2101 North By-Pass 35 Alvin, TX 77511 Store: 281-585-6731 Email: [email protected] Our District Sales Representative Cell: 713-907-7205
H and H Music located near Ellington Field 11902 Galveston Rd. Houston, TX 77034 281-481-2991
Internet Sites that provide reduced prices on reeds, supplies and sheet music are:
When purchasing from these sites, please make sure that you are ordering our recommended brands and strengths of reeds as well as our recommended supplies.
7 Private Lessons Alvin ISD is proud to offer a private lesson program for your child. Private lessons are highly recommended for all students regardless of their band placement. If enrolled the AISD private lesson program, your child will receive weekly, thirty-minute lessons of individualized instruction by a specialist on your child’s instrument. Private lessons are offered on all of the instruments in the band. You can request a Private Lesson Form if you are interested.
Ensembles at the Junior High Level
Symphonic I 1. Symphonic I is comprised of the most musically and technically advanced students. 2. Audition/overall performance history and citizenship are all taken into consideration. 3. Symphonic I performs at least three concerts and competes in UIL Concert and Sightreading Contest. Additional performances may include one or more festivals, Pep Rallies and Awards Ceremonies. 4. Members of the Symphonic I are required to participate in All-Region tryouts and perform a solo at the Solo Contest. Performing an Ensemble at the Chamber Music Event later in the year will be an option. Members are also strongly encouraged to aggressively participate in the private lesson program! 5. Sectionals will be held all year and are mandatory. 6. Each student will have a 15-minute listening with his or her assigned director on a weekly basis during the school year.
Symphonic II 1. The Symphonic II is comprised of students with above-average musical and technical skills. 2. Audition and overall performance history determine membership. 3. The Symphonic Symphonic II performs at least three concerts and competes in UIL Concert and Sightreading Contest. Additional performances include school performances as well as the Fall Concert, Winter Concert and Spring Concert. 4. Members of the Symphonic II are required to participate in Solo Contest. While solos are required, students are encouraged, but not required to participate in an ensemble as well as All- Region tryouts. Members are also strongly encouraged to aggressively participate in the private lesson program! 5. Sectionals will be held all year and are mandatory. 6. Each student will have a 15-minute listening with his or her assigned director on a weekly basis all year.
Band Polo, Band T-Shirt /Informal Uniform Each Junior High Band will have a Band Polo shirt as a part of their informal band uniform. The polo shirt will have an embroidered school band logo. The informal uniform will consist of the Band Polo and Black long pants with solid black shoes or tennis shoes depending on the occasion. All band students will need to order/have the Band Polo. The fee for the polo shirt will be $23.00. In addition to the Band Polo students will need to have Falcon Band T-Shirt, the fee for this shirt is $16.00. The Band Polo and T-shirt design will not change from year to year-but the size of your student might! Checks should be made out to your student's junior high. More specific details as to timelines and cost will be given at a later date.
8 Formal Concert Uniform Symphonic I and Symphonic II students require a formal uniform for concert performances. The formal concert uniform consists of: Boys: tuxedo shirt with black stud buttons, black “Docker-style” pants, black socks, and solid black dress shoes-no tennis shoes. Girls: tuxedo shirt with black stud buttons, nice black pants, long black skirt (reaching well below the knees) or gauchos, black hose (no patterns or variations), and solid black dress shoes (flats). Denim of any color is not appropriate for concert performances. The AISD Junior High Bands provide bow ties and cummerbunds. All Symphonic I and II students will be measured and fitted for tuxedo shirts in October. The price of the tuxedo shirt will be approximately $20.00. Payment for the tuxedo shirts will be due at the time of measurement. Checks should be made out to your student’s school.
Use of School-Owned Instruments We are very lucky in Alvin ISD to have professional grade instruments for our band programs. When a student is issued one of these instruments, they are to handle and use it with the utmost care. There is a nominal usage fee of $50.00 assessed at the beginning of the school year. Any wear and tear beyond normal use conditions will be the financial responsibility of the student. Students who would like to have their instrument over the summer will need to pay $25.00.
Instrument Maintenance and Repair Regular cleaning and maintenance of the instrument by the student will prevent many common problems and repairs. However, in the event that a repair must be done, do not attempt to fix the instrument on your own! Contact the band director immediately. If your child’s band director cannot fix the problem, then he/she will send it in to Band Central Station, Music and Arts or H and H Music Co. for repair. Instruments are usually sent-in and returned once per week. For emergency repairs, please drive to any one of these businesses to take care of these matters quickly.
Step-up Instruments In many cases, students are ready for a step-up (professional) model instrument after the first or second year of Band. As a general rule, if your child is placed in either the Wind Ensemble or Symphonic Bands, then he/she is ready for a step-up instrument. The following instruments require a step-up model for advanced students: flute, clarinet, saxophone, cornet/trumpet, and trombone. Please contact your child’s band director for a list of district-approved step-up models. Many times, used models of the district-approved instruments can be found for a reasonable price. If you are leasing or purchasing an instrument from Music and Arts you have an option to upgrade to a Step-up Instrument with value from your payments applying to the Step-up. If you are interested in purchasing a nicely used, guaranteed step-up instrument—a local company offers another option: You can visit this site to see what they have-contact them and they will bring any of the instruments you would like to “test drive” to your student’s campus.
Band Fundraisers The AISD Junior High Bands will participate in several fundraisers throughout the school year. These fundraisers will help defray the costs of running the band program by purchasing items needed by the program. These fundraisers also help with the costs of the trips/activities we have at the end of the year. 9 8 th Grade Band Night/Junior High Band Night 8th Grade Band Night occurs annually at an Alvin HS Varsity Home Football Game. The Alvin ISD Junior High 8th Grade band students are guests of the HS Band. All students will be provided a meal following a HS Band field rehearsal for the game. The band kids will then “march” into the HS Stadium with their HS counterparts, sit and perform with the HS Band during the game. 8th Grade Band Night will occur on October 14, 2016 Students will wear their Band T-shirt, jeans, or school-approved shorts and tennis shoes.
Region Band Auditions On Saturday, October 29, 2016 AISD Junior High Band Students will participate in auditioning for the Region 17 All-Region Band. All Symphonic I students as well as selected students from Symphonic II will audition for membership in this elite group (Symphonic II students are strongly encouraged to prepare the material). Students can attain four levels of membership: Symphonic Band, Concert Band, and District Band. This audition involves every student involved to memorize assigned scales and perfect two musical exercises that they will perform portions of for a panel. The students are evaluated by a panel of area band directors who will use the students’ scores to place them in these elite groups. The attire for the tryout is the band polo, blue jeans, belt and tennis shoes. More information will be distributed before these dates.
Region Band Clinic & Concert Students who gain membership in the top three organizations will get together Friday evening and Saturday, November 11 & 12, 2016 to prepare for the Region Band Clinic & Concert. Students rehearse an entire concert program of music during the day with a guest clinician and perform a concert that same afternoon! The attire for the concert is the formal concert uniform (tuxedo shirts, etc.). The concert begins at 4:00 PM all parents are highly encouraged to attend. More specific information will be given to participants. Students who place high enough in the Region Band will also participate in Region Orchestra. Region Orchestra’s Clinic/Concert will take place on November 4 & 5, 2016.Students who earn this distinction will have more information given to them.
AISD Solo Display The Alvin ISD Band Staff invites RBC Music Company to set-up a solo display in the Alvin High School Band Hall. Students may purchase or order their solos for the AISD Solo & Ensemble Contest at this time. Before purchasing a solo please see a director at the event to see if the solo if it is appropriate for your abilities. Date will be sometime in November.
AISD Solo Contest AISD Junior High School Bands will host the annual AISD Junior High Solo & Ensemble Contest on Saturday, January 21, 2017. All Symphonic I and Symphonic II members are required to prepare and perform a solo. Most solos require a piano accompaniment. The Band Department will hire accompanists to practice and perform with the soloists. The accompanist fee for solos is as follows: Class 3 solo $15, Class 2 solo $20, and Class I solo $25. Details on how to pay for accompanists will be distributed closer to the event.
Performances and Contests
10 Participation at each of the following events is required for all members of Symphonic I and most will include the members of Symphonic II. Notification of who is involved will be given well in advance of the activity. Burgers and Bands Performance This is our first Fundraiser of the school year as well as our first Public performance. Ticket sales for this event will begin in September and end in late September. The dinner and concerts will take place at Alvin HS Stadium on October 8, 2016. More specific details will be distributed closer to this event. Only Symphonic I students are involved with this performance.
Winter Concert/Alvin ISD ExtravaBANDza The Winter Concert is a time to get in to the Holiday spirit. All AISD Junior High Bands will perform at our Annual Alvin ExtravaBANDza on Sunday, December 11, 2016. These concerts will take place in the Manvel HS Auditorium/Cafeteria. Students will wear their formal concert uniform. Specific details will be distributed closer to this event.
Pre-UIL Concert & Sightreading In preparation the UIL Concert & Sightreading Contest the AISD Band Program hosts a Pre-UIL event to simulate the real contest experience. The AISD Junior High Bands will be involved with this activity during the school day on Thursday, March 9, 2017 for Symphonic II and Symphonic I. Students will wear their formal concert uniform for this event. Our bands will be evaluated by some of the area’s finest band directors. These directors will give us constructive criticism to help on our quest to do our best at UIL.
UIL Concert & Sightreading Contest This is our biggest competition of the year! The AISD Junior High Bands will perform at the UIL Concert and Sightreading Contest at the McAdams Jr. High Auditorium in Dickinson. Non-Varsity and Varsity Groups perform April 20th - 22nd. Exact performance times will be announced closer to this event. The uniform for this event is our formal concert uniform. All parents are highly encouraged to attend both the Concert and Sightreading portions of these contests.
Band Festivals/Trips The AISD Junior High Performing Ensembles will perform at a local festival hosted at McAdams Jr. High on April 27th or 28th. Then the students who have fulfilled their obligations to the band program will travel to Six Flags-TBA. This fun-filled day will take place on Saturday, April 29, 2017. This is not an overnight trip but will involve a very early departure and very late arrival to facilitate this trip. Many more details will be distributed throughout the year concerning this event.
Spring Concert
All of the AISD Junior High Bands will have a Spring Concert. Most of these concerts will take place at the Alvin HS Auditorium. This is the final performance for the year, and all parents are highly encouraged to attend. This will not be an extravaganza event, so please see your Band Calendar for the date of your campus event.
11 Parent/Student Agreement Form
Alvin ISD Bands
Please read and sign below as indicated:
I have read the Alvin ISD Junior High Band Handbook and agree to abide by all of the policies stated therein. I realize that it takes cooperation, a willingness to make sacrifices and dedication from 100% of the students to make our bands great. I further realize that failure to follow stated policies or directions from our band directors and the Alvin ISD administration will result in disciplinary action which could jeopardize my performance status, my grades or membership in band.
______Signature of Student Date
I have read the Alvin ISD Junior High Band Handbook and agree to support all of the policies stated therein.
______Signature of Parent/Guardian Date