Dartington C E Primary School and Nursery
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Draft Minutes of a meeting of the Full Management Committee On Thursday 28 November 2013 at 4pm at the Bridge Learning Centre, Dartington
Item DRAFT MINUTES ACTIONS Procedural Matters 1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence Present: Sarah Acland (SA), Carolyn Ballard (CB), Aimee Mitchell (AM), Isobel Nash (IN), John Peart (JP), Glenn Smith (GS)
In attendance: Wendy Ohlson (WO) The meeting commenced at 4.15pm and was clerked by Lisa Keay. Wendy Ohlson was welcomed to the meeting as a prospective Community Governor. Apologies were received from Matthew Shanks (MS) and the Management Committee sanctioned this absence. 2. Declaration of Interest None declared. Governors re-signed annual declarations of business interests. Matthew Shanks to Action: MS sign at the next FMC meeting in January. 3. Minutes of the Last Meeting – Parts 1 and 2 There were no amendments to the September minutes (Parts 1 and 2) and governors approved them as a true record of the previous meeting. The minutes were signed by the Chair. 4. Matters Arising An update on actions agreed at the previous FMC meeting (ie extracted from the September Minutes) and not covered by the items below: Item 7. SA reported that the SEF is still missing some Y11 data as it is difficult to get Action results from schools of dual registered pupils. A completed SEF was circulated with completed the agenda. Item 9. The Educational Consultant working for TBG was keen to introduce a reward No further system across the Service and monitor engagement more closely. It was agreed that action needed the existing reward system was working well. Action completed Item 10. Pupil Premium information has now been updated on the Service Website: Action to be http://swdpls.devon.sch.uk/what-we-do/pupil-premium/ completed Item 25. It was agreed that the Pay Policy should be discussed at a staff meeting to next week raise awareness of its link to the Performance Management Policy. 5. Chair’s Notices and Correspondence There were no notices or items of correspondence from the Chair. Strategic Items 6. Sponsor Academy Update DCC communication was sent to governors on 12 November 2013, re: DfE have withdrawn support of TBG as the preferred sponsor for DPLS.
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Approved (Chair) ………………………………………………… Date ……………………………. Page 1 of 6 There will be a meeting in Tiverton tomorrow of Service Heads and Chairs with Sue Clarke, the Head of Service to discuss the way forward. The other potential sponsors that were considered last year are no longer appropriate candidates so the meeting will focus on exploring alternative options, including local possibilities, eg linking to a school-based academy/teaching school. It was noted that a lot of useful lessons had been learned from the sponsor conversion process and that this would help to inform decisions going forward. SA noted that there could be a potential restructuring of the DPLS before a conversion takes place. 7. Service Development Plan (SDP) The Head was invited to talk through the rag rating of the SDP so that Governors could monitor progress: Governor Challenge: Why is the additional classroom for induction build not being addressed? Answer: planning issues The timescales for particular pieces of work were queried – are they appropriate/realistic? How often are the data collection points for the Service? Answer: half termly and termly. Governors suggested using white rather than red coding if an area of work was ongoing and not currently relevant. Action: AM Do you receive ‘catch up’ money for those who fall below Level 3 in Maths or English? Answer: No. ACTION: AM to find out the source of this funding and send details to IN (funding is due Dec/Jan) South Devon College – overall range of provision available to SWDPLS this Action: SA year has been very disappointing. Experience of going to College is important for students so SA to talk to Coombe Pafford again. Action: AM Governors discussed the Schools Engagement Qualification which is funded by the DfE. ACTION: AM to link to SWDPLS and feedback to SA Attendance – very positive: 90% over first half term at Bridge. 94% at Oak Valley. THRIVE - 25% of staff team are now trained or receiving training. Which age groups are being supported? The Head confirmed thrive-based activities were taking place throughout all age groups. Governors queried deadlines for April and July being in red given that those dates have yet to be reached. SA explained that there is no money in the budget for capital projects so those issues cannot be progressed. SA Action: SA expressed continued concern about the ease of access onto the Dartington site and possible solution of locked gates and intercom. Governors suggested that SA write a letter to Chris Dyer and copy in Chair of Governors and Sue Clarke, re: the safeguarding audit, etc. SA explained that other capital projects were in red because they had depended on funding from TBG. Extended Leadership – governors suggested more middle leadership training Action: SA in staff targets/Performance Management, re: professional development. SENCO – SA to be check whether SENCO needs to be booked onto the Action: SA Babcock SENCO training. Governors praised the SDP for being a very thorough document and suggested that the rag rating had been a bit harsh/misleading. Governors thought a white rating would be more appropriate for issues beyond the
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Approved (Chair) ………………………………………………… Date ……………………………. Page 2 of 6 control of the Service. SA to send updated SDP for website? Action: SA
Pupil Voice Feedback CB distributed a summary report of this feedback – see paper file for details.
Governor Challenge: Governors asked what planning should be put in place for next year in re- sponse to the issues raised, including in future provisions re: Academy plans. Actions: SA Governors asked whether there were any ‘quick wins’ to be had? Eg a water cooler. Governors suggested bolting some of these ideas onto the SDP. Governors agreed that SA should take these issues back to the Student Council for further discussion and decisions. SA added that the Student Council was very active at the moment, that it had formal- ised its proceedings and had a high (voluntary) participation.rate. 8. Receive Head’s Report Governors received the Head’s Report with the agenda. It is filed with these minutes and provides contextual information for the agenda items below. Monitoring and Accountability Role 9. Budget Update/Monitoring Governors received the 6 month monitor in advance of the meeting and were invited to ask questions. It was noted that there was likely to be am overspend in the next monitor, due to the exceptional circumstances and needs of a number of children. See items 10 for details. Governor Challenge: Governors confirmed detailed notes were very helpful. What’s the plan if you overspend? o It was noted that the SWDPLS was the only one of the three DPLS currently working within budget. o More access to income figures in advance meant that the SWDPLS was able to budget more accurately than before. o Medical referrals – impossible to budget ahead, if home based. o Trading – unknown: down this year. Not same year on year. SA explained that in the past high tariff pupils had been funded from CSET but that this funding was no longer allocated by pupil need. Instead this funding had been di- Action: SA vided equally between the three centres within DPLS. It was agreed that this funding should be ring fenced and rationalised, re: how it is distributed. SA: to investigate fur- ther. 10. Review Pupil Numbers See Head’s Report. SA noted that there were 51 pupils on roll on 19 November but that this figure was rising rapidly. Permanent exclusions are quite low, but there has been a significant increase in medical referrals from CAMHS. A personalised package offsite for addressing exceptional circumstances with very complex needs could exceed £1K a week for an individual, yet there is no additional funding available for this. 11 pupils have left the Service since September. However, Special Schools are now full (except one) and this will make it more difficult to cater for pupils in the remainder of the year.
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Approved (Chair) ………………………………………………… Date ……………………………. Page 3 of 6 Governor Challenge: Governors checked the current capacity of the Service and SA confirmed that the Dartington site could provide for up to 30 pupils and Oak Valley could provide for up to 10 or 12. Some of these would be part-timers. 11. Review Pupil Attendance Data As indicated in item 7, attendance is very good. SA explained that there is a group of chronic non-attenders - individual case studies were being kept for each. Governor Challenge: Governors asked whether pupil attendance was improving compared to previous pupil setting and SA confirmed that it was. Behaviour – SA reported that this is good at both sites but that this can be upset by the addition of new pupils. Fixed term exclusions – very low as pupils are supported at an alternative site. Progress – very positive data. English and Science progress is higher than Maths. Extra maths booster class are being provided to address this. Governor Challenge: How is progress measured? Two sub-levels progress from SWDPLS baseline. 12. Targets KS1, 2, 3 & 4 targets have been agreed with SIP. SA to send to Clerk for circulation Action: SA to governors. Action: Clerk 13. Staff Welfare and Attendance See Head’s Report. Three members of staff are leaving at the end of this term. There were good quality applicants in the latest recruitment round with a number being ap- pointed to the SWDPLS supply bank. 169 days have been lost this term due to staff absence – most of these days are due to two staff being off long term. Of 55 staff, 16 have been off for ½ a day or more this term. In comparison to other years, staff attendance is much better. 14. Performance Management of Staff SA confirmed that targets are tracked and that generally there is a very positive pat- tern of performance - any issues have been addressed. Governor Challenge: Are there any staff that have not met their targets? Yes Are staff aware of the implications, re: moving up the pay scale next year. Yes. AM confirmed that the Headteacher’s Performance Management had taken place. SA Action: SA to email AM to forward details to Deborah Booth. and AM 15. Health and Safety The annual health and safety report was received at the meeting and is filed with these minutes. SA confirmed that a safeguarding audit was currently taking place and that there would be a meeting with AM next week. Risk assessments are also being undertaken as part of the annual review process. SA noted that the Lone Working Policy needed to be updated - bring forward to next Action: SA FMC meeting. and Clerk
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Approved (Chair) ………………………………………………… Date ……………………………. Page 4 of 6 SA confirmed that the barn is going to be removed pending the ‘signing off’ of a bat li- cence. This removal will probably take place at the end of December. Governor Challenge: Who undertook Health and Safety Audit? SA confirmed that it was DCC Health and Safety and not the site provider, NPS. 16. Annual summary of reintegration/destination data Definitive data on all Y11s was still being collated in September so this item was carried over from the previous meeting, see: http://swdpls.devon.sch.uk/students/future-plans-careers/ for details. Action: SA reported that there was only two NEETs and one unknown in the data. SA to send SA/Clerk details to the Clerk to distribute. Policy Review 17 The following policies were reviewed: 17.1 Admissions Policy – SA explained that this was currently being reviewed by County especially, re: medical referrals. 17.2 Attendance Policy – Targets have been changed to be more realistic. Approved. 17.3 Assessment, Monitoring and Reporting Policy – SA outlined the main changes. Governors approved the changes and the revised policy. 17.4 Safeguarding Policy and Procedures – Governors adopted the model policy from DCC – AM noted that the Devon phone numbers need to be changed and agreed to Action: AM send to SA. 17.5 Anti-Bullying Policy – No substantial changes. Amendments and policy were ap- proved. 17.6 Intimate Care Policy – No substantial changes. Amendments and policy were ap- proved. 17.7 Physical Contact and Restraint Policy – Small change approved as was the policy. 17.8 Health & Safety and Wellbeing Policy (DCC) – Latest DCC version adopted. 17.9 Risk Assessments (H & S) – See item 15 above. Housekeeping 18. Election of Chair and Vice Chair In advance of the meeting Glenn Smith was nominated as Chair and Aimee Mitchell was nominated as Vice Chair. A secret ballot took place at the meeting and both candidates were unanimously re- appointed to these positions. As the Chair’s term of office was due to end in May 2014 it was agreed that it would be prudent to re-appoint Glenn Smith as a Community Governor. This decision was made whilst the candidate was absent from the room. Governors reviewed and re-adopted the process for the election of Chair and Vice Chair. 19. Delegated Responsibilities of the Management Committee Governors formally re-adopted their delegated responsibilities as a Management Committee. 20. Governor Code of Conduct Governors reviewed and re-adopted their code of conduct. 21. Governor Visits Statement and Governor Visits Monitoring Form Governors reviewed and re-adopted the governor visit statement and the monitoring
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Approved (Chair) ………………………………………………… Date ……………………………. Page 5 of 6 form. Action: AM/ AM to arrange a visit with SA, re: pupil premium. To include WO, pending her SA/WO appointment as a Community Governor. WO agreed that, if appointed she would take responsibility for the Governor Visit focusing on SEN and vulnerable groups, pupil premium and FSM. This visit is scheduled to take place in February. Action: GS to provide dates for a governor visit to SA, re: quality of teaching. GS/SA 22. Management Committee Vacancies Parent Governor Vacancy – SA reported that there was no parental response to an Action: CB invitation that went out in July. CB to phone some new parents, re: this vacancy. Community Governor Vacancies – Governors unanimously appointed Wendy Ohlson as a new Community Governor. (Wendy was asked to leave the room whilst this decision took place). Following this appointment, three Community Governor vacancies remain. Governors agreed that: IN to invite school business managers to put their names forward for Action: IN consideration. Clerk to email Transition Town Totnes, re: suitable candidates. Action: Clerk 23. OfSTED Governors discussed their planned involvement, re: the next Ofsted visit and agreed to prioritise their availability whenever possible. SA agreed to draft an A4 prompt sheet for Governors to support them in this role. Action: SA 24. Governor Training Record Clerk to update training record in accordance with information provided by governors Action at the meeting. Completed The Clerk reminded governors that E-learning is available via GEL: www.elc-gel.org The Clerk was unable to distribute a copy of the ‘Devon Governor’ magazine at this Action meeting and will notify Babcock that it has still has not been delivered. Completed Babcock LDP courses are listed in this magazine. Please let the Clerk know if you would like to be booked onto one. 25. Calendar of Meetings Governors discussed adopting the pattern of meetings that was used last year, ie Tuesdays and Thursdays to ensure all governors can attend FMC meetings at least once a term. (Matthew Shanks cannot make meetings on Thursdays but is available on all other days of the week.) Governors approved a revised calendar of meetings – Clerk to circulate. Action Completed CB restated that she would be unable to attend meetings on a Tuesday. GS noted that he would not be able to attend the meeting scheduled on 20 May. AM agreed to chair this meeting. 26. Next Meeting Tuesday 28 January, 4-6pm All
The meeting closed at 6.15pm.
SWDPLS – FMC Minutes, Thursday 28 November 2013
Approved (Chair) ………………………………………………… Date ……………………………. Page 6 of 6