Cmrs Board Meeting Minutes
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CMRS BOARD MEETING MINUTES July 11, 2006 Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Office Building 200 Mero Street. Frankfort, KY 40622
Board Members Present: Dee Hopper, Richard Guittar, Jamey Spears, Lt. John Bradley, Forest Skaggs and Ken Mitchell
Board Members Absent: Rob South
Staff Present: Tandy Hubbard, Jennifer Jackson
I. Welcome: Chairman Richard Guittar called the meeting to order at 1pm and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Richard reported that Rob South sends good wishes to everyone. Richard also expressed the Board’s appreciation for Rob’s efforts with the wireless community as well as the CMRS Board.
II. Approval of Minutes: Dee motioned to accept the April 11, 2006 meeting minutes as submitted, Richard second and all were in favor of the motion.
III. Administrator’s Report: Ken Mitchell turned the floor over to Roy Hunter of Carpenter, Mountjoy and Bressler to discuss the 2002-2004 audit report. Mr. Hunter reported that 26 PSAPs were audited and 1/3 of carriers were tested. The CMRS Board administrative fund was also audited.
Richard asked what the CMRS Board should do to deal with discrepancies. Mr. Hunter explained that each audited PSAP and carrier will receive a written response highlighting their audit report. Richard suggested the auditing firm CC: the Board and asked the Board to follow up with an additional copy of the letter attached to a cover letter giving each audited entity 30 days to explain discrepancies. Forest also asked the Board to send congratulatory emails to Bluegrass and Ntelos for their outstanding audit reports.
Ken reported that HB656 would be effective July 12, 2006 and new Board members will not be appointed until every seat is filled. Current Board members will be active until they are reappointed or replaced. The effective date for HB656 should also be the date the Board begins collecting from prepaid carriers. Jennifer Jackson has begun preliminary work on the new apportionment percentages of the funds. The new grant fund will start at $0 and will begin collecting money July 12 as well. Ken said he had started work on grant program materials and described them to be reflective of the grant program that the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security currently employs.
Ken reported that the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security grant notices will be sent out August 1, 2006.
Ken explained that HB656 allowed for a new GIS position but allotted no new monies to provide for that position.
Ken also reported that Breckinridge County and Greenup County went from Basic 911 to Enhanced 911. Both have also sent in Phase I and II applications.
IV. Financial Report: Jennifer Jackson said the Financial Report was in the meeting packet. June was not included in the packet due to end of fiscal year issues.
V. PSAP Committee: Committee Chairman Forest Skaggs reported that the PSAP Committee met the morning prior to the Board meeting. Forest motioned to release the PSAP jurisdictional boundary data to COT without restrictions, and send notice of the release and the data map to each PSAP. Dee seconded the motion and all were in favor.
Forest motioned to distribute the street and center line data of certified PSAPs to all PSAPs. Richard seconded the motion and all were in favor.
Forest motioned to release the street and center line data of certified PSAPs to COT without restrictions. Dee seconded the motioned but after much discussion, the motion was withdrawn.
Forest motioned to approve Bracken County for full Phase II compliance due to the satisfactory completion of Bracken County’s CMRS application. Lt. John Bradley seconded the motion and all were in favor.
Forest motioned to approve the following PSAPs for full Phase II certification:
Campbellsville/Taylor County E911 Hardin County E911 Center Hopkinsville/Christian County EOC Kenton County Police Communications Center KSP Post 1 – Mayfield KSP Post 14 – Ashland KSP Post 16 – Henderson Maysville Police Department E911 Center Pennyrile Emergency Assistance Center Perry County E911 Center Shelby County E911 Communications Webster County 911 Services
Ken Mitchell seconded the motion and all were in favor.
Forest motioned to give written notice to all PSAPs with outstanding data requests for Phase II certification to submit the information by August 15 or Phase I decertification procedures will begin. Dee seconded the motion and all were in favor.
Forest also reported that Breckinridge County, Lincoln County, Greenup County and Bath County have all submitted Phase I and II applications.
VI. Cost Recovery Committee: Committee Chairman Richard Guittar motioned the Board to approve Cost Recovery amendments for Sprint/Nextel, Bluegrass, Alltel and Nextel Partners. Dee seconded the motioned and all were in favor.
VII. Cost Recovery Invoices: Committee Chairman Richard Guittar motioned the Board to approve plans from Verizon, Alltel, Bluegrass, EKN, and Sprint totaling $749,180.75. Forest seconded the motioned and all were in favor.
VIII. Education Update: Education Coordinator Tandy Hubbard showed the Board the training manual designed and printed by DOCJT and said the volunteer presenter’s training would begin at the end of the month. Tandy also reported that the office had 10,000 goody bags stocked and ready to mail out as needed.
IX. Comments From the Floor: Mark Freeman for Bluegrass asked about the possibility of using the Kentucky Information Highway as a means to transfer calls. In response, Richard Guittar requested a presentation on KIH as well as Indiana’s 911 system.
Dee Hopper reported that the Bellsouth Project covering tandem to tandem transfer was up and working Rory Cunningham asked if a PSAP could use CMRS money for clothing allowances and repeater sites. Dee responded by explaining that purchases such as those could be made by rerouting CMRS money to pay for qualified things that CMRS money is not currently being used for.
Shane New reported that he had received several requests from PSAPs for the next mapping deadline.
X. Adjournment: Ken motioned to adjourn the meeting at 4:15 pm, Dee seconded and all were in favor. The next meeting will be September 7th, 2006 at 2:40 pm CST at the Executive Inn in Owensboro and in conjunction with the KENA/APCO Conference.