Vol. 15 Issue 32 – 23rd May 2013 School Website: Twitter: @ClythaPrimary Open Day Thank you to all our families for attending our Open Day last week, the children thoroughly enjoyed showing their families their learning - some to more than two visitors! I would like to say a special thank you to our team of parent helpers and volunteers on the refreshment and book stalls – many of whom are Clytha Friends Association members – it really made a difference on the day, allowing school support staff to do just that – support the children. We have fantastic families at Clytha and we really appreciate all you do in support of the school.

Tennis Tournament Last Thursday, Mrs Reynolds took several teams to the NISV for the Newport Schools Tennis Tournament. “The mini green (Y6 boys) team played on the outdoor courts in the sunshine. There was a terrific team spirit and we really enjoyed the day.” Ben Y6 “The mini orange boys’ team (Y4 and Y5) got through to the semi-final but we lost by two points, so didn’t quite make it to the final. We were still very proud of ourselves and we are already thinking about how to improve, ready for next year!” Jamie Y4 “The mini red team (mixed Y3) were excited, but nervous. We played some good teams and got through to the final by two points. We were determined and only just missed out at the final against Glasllwch.” Carys and Daniel Y3 Mrs Reynolds was extremely proud of the children and would like to thank the parents who attended for their patience and support.

Clytha Friends Association News

Clytha Friends Association presents: Coming soon in June!! We have a fun filled month planned for children when they return to school after half term. We will be having Ice Cream Fridays which we know are very popular with children (and parents too!) so please make sure you bring some change with you. There will be a Family Cricket Day on Sunday 9th June at Newport Fugitives Cricket Ground, High Cross. Come along and play in a team (no experience needed!) or support your family and friends. Bring a picnic and join in what promises to be a great day! And of course we have fun day on Saturday 29th June, another popular day for children, teachers and parents. There will be fantastic food and entertainment as well as a host of stalls to keep you busy. After half term we will be sending out letters with children for bottles and cakes as well as sweetie bags to be decorated and any sweets you would like to put in them! VOLUNTEERS WANTED - to make fun day a success we need your help - please e mail us at [email protected] to let us know if you are able to help. Thank you! Parent Information Internet Safety Seminar – This is a 2 hour presentation for parents and carers on the dangers posed by the internet, where the risks lie, how to protect your children and where to go for advice and information. Tuesday 4th June 10.00am – 12.00pm at the Newport Centre. Please email [email protected] to confirm your free space. Training by Stop it Now! Wales

Special Mentions from Assembly on Thursday 16th May 2013 Reception – Sakina for being such a lovely friend to everyone in her class. Thomas for trying so hard with everything that he does – always! Year 1 – Seth for a brilliant independent maths investigation – making 6p and 7p using different coins. You are a mathemagician! Daniel for his fabulous ‘giant impression’ during shared reading of Jack and the Beanstalk. Year 2 – Ruby L. for designing a fabulous hand puppet. Asher for showing such enthusiasm when making his hand puppet. Year 3 – All of Y3 for superb behaviour and involvement during our class trip to the Roman fortress and museum at Caerleon. Brandon for writing extended diary entries as Mr Monroe! Year 4 – Mishma for putting 100% into everything that you do – keep it up! Amâl for being so helpful in the classroom – I don’t even need to ask! Thank you! Year 5 – Elana for a fantastic use of oxymorons in her writing! Wow! Farhaan for using such powerful metaphorical language in his writing. Attendance – Week Ending th Year 6 – Carlo for writing a wonderful ‘Dam buster’ explanation. Well done! 17 May 2013 Bethan for such superb effort in everything and for being such a wonderful Y6 pupil. REC –99.3% Y1 – 97.3% Dates for your Diary (new dates will be highlighted) Y2 – 93.6% 2013 Y3 –97.9% 23rd May Parents evening for new EYU intake 5.30pm Y4 – 98.7% 27th – 31st May Half Term Y5 – 100% 5th June Malpas Fire Brigade to visit Reception Class Y6 – 96.4% 6th June Bag 2 School Collection Winner –Y5 – 100% wow! 7th June Year 1 trip to Porthcawl 9th June Family Cricket Day on Sunday 9th June at 3rd Sept Y1-Y6 children to return to school today Newport Fugitives Cricket Ground, High 4th Sept EYU & Reception children to start today Cross 11th June Y4 Class Assembly at 9.15am 12th – 14th June Year 6 at Gilwern Outdoor Education Centre 20th June Y4 visit to Llancaiach Fawr 20th June Y1 Class Assembly at 9.15am 21st June Primary Schools Athletics at Newport Stadium School Meals for Week Commencing th 25 June Y3 & Y4 Multi-skills Festival at Newport 10th June need to be ordered by Tennis Centre Monday 3rd June 26th June Y5 visit to Big Pit 26th June Y6 Class Assembly 9.15am 27th June Y3 Class Assembly 9.15am 29th June Clytha Friends Association Fun Day 3rd July Y3 & Y4 Multi-Skills Festival at Duffryn High School 3rd July Last week for Clubs 4th July Y2 Class Assembly at 9.15am 18th July Leavers’ Concert 22nd July INSET Day – School closed to pupils 2nd Sept INSET Day – School closed to pupils