Advertising Management Study Guide

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Advertising Management Study Guide

Advertising Management – MKT 3220 (01) Fall 2016 Study Guide

Prepared by: Prof. Roy Philip Associate Professor of Marketing Trevecca Nazarene University Telephone: 615-248-7711 Email: [email protected] Webpage: Advertising Management Study Guide

Table of Contents

S. No. Content Page Number

1 Syllabus 3-13 Contact information and Course Details 3 Academic Policies 4

Class Policies 7

Class Schedule and End Notes 8-13

2 Chapter 1 (Advertising and IMC Today) 14

3 Chapter 2 (The Big Picture: The Evolution of IMC) 17

4 Chapter 3 (The Big Picture: Economic and Regulatory Aspects) 19

5 Chapter 4 (The Scope of Advertising: From Local to Global) 22 Chapter 5 (Marketing and Consumer Behavior: The Foundations of 6 25 Advertising) Chapter 6 (Market Segmentation and the Marketing Mix: Determinants 7 27 of Advertising Strategy) 8 Chapter 10 (Creative Strategy and the Creative Process) 29

9 Chapter 12 (Print, Electronic, and Digital Media Production) 30

10 Chapter 13 (Using Print Media) 31

11 Chapter 14 (Using Electronic Media: Television and Radio) 32

12 Chapter 17 (Introducing Social Media) 34

13 Grade Report 36

2 Advertising Management Study Guide

Advertising Management Fall 201 6 – MKT 3220 (01) Tuesday-Thursday (10.45 AM – 12.00 PM in BBB 109) 1

Professor : Roy Philip

Office : Boone Business Building Room 140

Telephone : (615) 248-7711

Email : [email protected]

Website :

Facebook : [email protected]

Twitter : @royaltalk68

COURSE DETAILS Course Description

Advertising as a function of marketing and merchandising; uses and limitations of advertising as a tool of management; fundamentals in getting a finished advertisement before potential customers; media selection; evaluation, criticism, and control of advertising. 2


Arens, W. F. & Weigold, M. F. (2017). Contemporary advertising & Integrated Marketing Communication (15th edition). New York, NY: McGraw Hill-Irwin.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to: 1. Define the various aspects of the world of advertising and assess the evolution of advertising and the factors that influence it. 2. Illustrate and interpret fundamental principles in producing ads for print, electronic, and digital media. 3. Discuss the logistics of media planning, and the use of print, electronic, and digital media, and their place in advertising strategy. 4. Analyze the ever changing dynamic advertising environment with regard to profitability, innovation, segmentation, targeting, and strategic planning in the meeting of company’s objectives by participating in a real-world consulting project with a company. 5. Restate the importance and role of ethics in the advertising strategy process.

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Attendance Policy 3

Attendance is imperative to the understanding of the subject. The university handbook states, “If class meets 2 times per week, the student may be disenrolled on the 7th absence.” That means, if you miss more than 7 classes, you will fail the course. These 7 classes include both excused and unexcused absences. Also, attendance counts from the first day of class whether students are registered or not. Registering late is an excused absence. Please read page 59-60 of the university catalog on attendance policies. Please note that attendance will be taken at the beginning of the class; if you are not in class at that time or if you walk in late you will be marked absent.

Policy on Academic Honesty 4

Academic integrity is a very serious matter. Academic Honesty is expected of all students at Trevecca. Furthermore, integrity is what is expected of each of you in the classroom and in the work place. Each student is responsible to maintain high standards of academic ethics, personal honesty, and moral integrity. Each person is to do and be responsible for his/her own work. I certainly encourage you to jointly study for the tests, midterm, and final examination outside of the classroom, but once you are inside the classroom your work should be your own. During an exam, you should keep your eyes to your paper and your paper only. Dishonest academic behavior will be dealt with fairly and firmly; that means any student found guilty of cheating or plagiarism will be disenrolled from the class with a grade of “F.” Please read the Academic Honesty policies on page 62 in the academic catalog.

Academic Services (Disability) 5

Trevecca Nazarene University complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. Students who feel an accommodation for a disability may be needed must schedule a meeting with (online students please call) and submit documentation of the disability to the Coordinator of Disability Services, whose office is located in the Center for Leadership, Calling, and Service, Room 115. Students may also call 615-248-1463 for information or to schedule an appointment.

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Distribution of Student Learning Hours (37.5 hours x 3 credit hours = 113 hours) Session Pre-Class Hours In-Class Hours Total Hours Reading quizzes – 18 0.45 18.45 Preparation and Process Tests – Preparation and 20 3.75 23.75 Process Advertising Project and 19.30 1.00 20.30 Presentation Homework and 12.50 12.50 Reading for class Class Participation and 21 21 Discussion Final Examination 15 2 17 TOTAL 75.5 37.5 113 *These are recommended hours; if you find yourself needing more time to complete a particular assignment, please work accordingly. Grading Grade Dimensions Points Percentage Reading Quizzes 100 6% Tests 150 15% Blackboard Discussion 150 15% Advertising Project and 300 20% Presentation Finals (Comprehensive) 300 30% TOTAL 1000 100%

Letter grades will be assigned based on the following criteria:

970-1000 points = A+ 930-969 points = A 900-929 points = A- 870-899 points = B+ 830-869 points = B 800-829 points = B+ 770-779 points = C+ 730-769 points = C 700-729 points = C- 670-699 points = D+ 630-669 points = D 600-629 points = D- Below 600 points = F

5 Advertising Management Study Guide

Reading Quizzes on BLACKBOARD (100 points)

The first quiz you will take is the Syllabus quiz on Blackboard; this quiz must be completed before Monday September 5, 2016. There will be reading quizzes assigned before every chapter is taught. You are expected to read the chapter and then log on to Blackboard and take the quiz. All quizzes are timed at 150 seconds. All quizzes will work off a 24-hour format; the quiz will open exactly 24 hours before the class and close at class time. For example, when we begin a chapter on Monday at 12 PM, the quiz for that chapter will open Sunday at 12 PM and close Monday at 12 PM. If you miss any of the quizzes, you will get a “zero” on that particular quiz. However, missing online quizzes due to excused absences and emergency situations will be considered and the missed quizzes must be taken (by hand) the very next day or on a day I assign in my office. You must inform me of your absence before class (or earlier) or you will not be able to make up the missed quizzes. The quizzes will be weighted equally at 10 points.

Tests (150 points)

You will have three tests. The tests have to be taken on the assigned days, except in case of an ex cused absence or an emergency. Students who cannot take the tests because of an excused absenc e or emergency must take them the next day or on a day I assign; but you must inform me of th e absence before class (or a day in advance) or you will receive a zero. All three tests will be equally weighted at 100 points. For the sake of academic honesty, I will require all cell phones to be placed on a separate table before the start of the tests and the midterm examination. Also, sho uld you arrive late for the tests and at least one student has completed the exams, you will n ot be allowed to take the exams. Finally, you will have ONE week from the time you receive your tests results to consult me regarding any changes to your grade; if you come to me for any changes AFTER one week, you will not receive point(s).

Blackboard Discussion (150 points)

During the semester, you will be responsible for posting your thoughts on various discussion topics that I will put up. You will need to read the article or news item and then give your informed opinion regarding the topic. You will also read and respond to at least three of your classmates’ opinions. Over the course of the semester, there will be five assignments posted for which you will post your opinions. The assignments will be equally weighted at 30 points each. The Blackboard discussion will have a time limit and here are the proposed starting and finishing times for the discussion: a. Tuesday September 13, 2016 – Sunday September 17, 2016 b. Tuesday October 4, 2016 – Sunday October 7, 2016 c. Tuesday October 11, 2016 – Sunday October 15, 2016 d. Tuesday November 8, 2016 – Sunday November 12, 2016 e. Tuesday November 29, 2016 – Sunday December 3, 2016

Advertising Project ( 300 points)

6 Advertising Management Study Guide

The project for this class will require students to use their creativity and research skills in coming up with solutions to a problem. Students are to conduct research, perform data analyses, and crea te an advertisement campaign. The final output for this project will be an advertisement, either pr int, broadcast, or online. The analysis, conclusions, and recommendations for the project will be presented in two formats: written reports, which are due on Tuesday December 1 , 201 5, and oral presentations, which will be held during the last week of class.

The advertising project will be done for the organization, Urban Housing Solutions in Nashville, TN. Urban Housing Solutions is Nashville’s largest non-profit provider of affordable housing. According to their website, their mission is “to provide new opportunities for people with unique housing needs and to help revitalize and enhance Nashville’s neighborhoods.”9 You will be divided into teams of three/four to work on this project. Your job will be to research Urban Housing Solutions, its services, its competitors, the comfort and relaxation market, and ev entually create an advertising campaign for them. For more information, please visit their webpage at

The project will be divided into three phases: the first phase will be a presentation by Mr. Rusty Lawrence, executive director, Urban Housing Solutions. At this meeting, you will have the opportunity to ask questions so as to facilitate your research; in the second phase you will make a presentation of your ideas and your plans for the campaign to Mr. Rusty Lawrence. At this meeting, both Mr. Rusty Lawrence and I will have the chance to make sure you are all on the right track – ideas and plans at this point may be discarded by us and/or Mr. Lawrence as seen fit); the final phase will be the presentation of your portfolio – the advertisement campaign for Urban Housing Solutions.

Final Examination (300 points)

The final exam will be comprehensive; it will include all the chapters covered in the course. For the sake of academic honesty, I will require all cell phones to be placed on a separate table before the start of the final exam. Also, should you arrive late for the finals and at least one student has completed the finals, you will not be allowed to take the finals. It is the university’s policy that no early exams be given; there will be no exceptions in this regard. Therefore, please arrange your travel schedule around the final exams. Also, the professor is under no obligation to grant late exams simply because a student has three finals in one day unless in case of an emergency or there is a disability involved.


Communication Policy

To make sure that there is a smooth flow of communication pertaining to this class, all students must use their Trevecca email ID. You can access your Trevecca email through this URL: In the event of a class cancellation, an email will be sent to all students on their Trevecca email.

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Please make sure you log on to Blackboard and familiarize yourself with the site. You will be responsible for taking all your online quizzes; I will not be reminding you of this in class. Please look at the schedule on pages 8-11 to know when your quizzes need to be taken. You can log on to Blackboard by going through and signing in with your Trevecca username and password.

Nashville American Marketing Association (NAMA) Monthly Luncheon

During the semester we will attend the NAMA monthly luncheon held at the Hilton Garden Inn. All students are expected to attend this luncheon. There will be a student fee of $15.00, for a great lunch, listen to a talk on marketing by an industry professional, and a fruitful time of networking with Nashville’s top marketing and sales people.

Online Chapter PowerPoint Teaching Videos

There are a few chapters in this course that are pre-recorded and put online on my website. Students are to watch the PowerPoint teaching videos, take notes, and come prepared to class for discussion and case study analyses.

Teaching Philosophy

Teaching is my passion! I will do my best to help you comprehend advertising and its uses as applicable to your life, both in the business world and in your personal life. In my drive to help you learn, I will refer to many sources to bring information that will help you understand, learn, and apply advertising concepts. It is also my ardent desire to integrate my Christian faith within the discipline of advertising so that you may learn, as I will too, how to serve Christ using the concepts learned in this class. Above all, I believe every class period we spend together is spent in the presence of God. This is an awesome responsibility for me to teach all of you and train you, and hopefully, guide you to understand God. Your responsibility will be to give your best, remembering the God who wanted you to be here in the first place. Coming to class regularly, participating in the discussion, completing assignments on time, and having a Christ-like attitude should be important to all of you.

Notice of Acceptance

You are required to sign the “Notice of Acceptance” form. By signing this form, you are agreeing to take full responsibility for your actions in relation to this class as per the university’s handbook and this syllabus.

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Class Schedule 6 (subject to change)

Month Date Class Assignments

August 30 Introductory Class In Class Plan: Attendance; Devotion; Introductions; Syllabus Review; Information slip. September 1 Chapter 1* (Advertising and Pre-Class Work: Take Reading IMC Today) Quiz 1 on BLACKBOARD; In Class Plan: Devotions; Chapter 1 review; Homework: Questions 2, 3, and 4 on page 31 in your textbook. Syllabus Quiz Syllabus Quiz 6 Chapter 1* (Advertising and Pre-Class Work: Prepare for IMC Today /Exercises exercises; In Class Plan: Devotions; Chapter 1 review; Questions 2, 3, and 4 on page 31 of your textbook. 8 Advertising Project Phase I – In Class Plan: Presentation by Rusty Lawrence, Executive Rusty Lawrence; Special 9/11 Director, Urban Housing Devotions. Solutions Blackboard Posting Week Blackboard Posting Week 13 Chapter 2* (The Big Picture: Pre-Class Work: Take Reading The Evolution of IMC) Quiz 2 on BLACKBOARD; In Class Plan: Devotions; Chapter 2 review; Homework: Read ethics article on page 45; Prepare an ad exercise. 15 Chapter 2* (The Big Picture: Pre-Class Work: Prepare for The Evolution of exercises; In Class Plan: IMC)/Exercises Devotions; Chapter 2 review; Ethics article on page 45; Ad exercise. Spiritual Deepening Week Spiritual Deepening Week 20 Chapter 3* (The Big Picture: Pre-Class Work: Take Reading Economic and Regulatory Quiz 3 on BLACKBOARD; In Aspects) Class Plan: Chapter 3 review; Test 1 Review; Homework: Read ethical issues article on page 76;

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read article on page 94 (Ad Lab 3-C); Questions 4, 5, and 6 on page 101 in your textbook. SPIRITUAL 22 Chapter 3* (The Big Picture: Pre-Class Work: Come prepared DEEPENING Economic and Regulatory with exercises; In Class Plan: WEEK Aspects)/Exercises Ethical issues article on page 76; article on page 94 (Ad Lab 3-C); Questions 4, 5, and 6 on page 101 in your textbook; Test 1 Review. Test 1 Week Test 1 Week 27 Test 1 Pre-Class Work: Prepare for (Chapters 1, 2, and 3) Test 1; In Class Plan: Please switch off cell phones and place them on teacher’s station; Please sit with a seat in between; Test 1. 29 Test 1 Review In Class Plan: Devotions; Return Test 1 results; Test 1 review. Blackboard Posting Week Blackboard Posting Week October 4 Chapter 4* (The Scope of Pre-Class Work: Take Reading Advertising: From Local to Quiz 4 on BLACKBOARD; In Global) Class Plan: Follow directions from Email regarding class activity to be completed and emailed before 12 PM. 6 Chapter 5 *(Marketing and Pre-Class Work: Take Reading Consumer Behavior: The Quiz 5 on BLACKBOARD; In Foundations of Advertising) Class Plan: Follow directions from Email regarding class activity to be completed and emailed before 12 PM; Homework: Read Ad Lab 6-B, 6- C, and 6-C on pages on pages 189, 200, and 203 in your textbook. FALL BREAK/Blackboard FALL BREAK/Blackboard Posting Week Posting Week 11 FALL BREAK FALL BREAK 13 NO CLASS FREE MARKET CONFERENCE Spring Advising Spring Advising 18 Chapter 6* (Marketing Pre-Class Work: Take Reading Segmentation and the Quiz 6 on BLACKBOARD; Marketing Mix: Determinants prepare for exercise; In Class of Advertising Plan: Devotions; Chapter 6 Strategy)/Exercises review; Discussion on Ad Lab 6- B, 6-C, and 6-D; Test 2 review.

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20 Advertising Project Phase II – In Class Plan: Devotions; Team Rusty Lawrence presentations and response by Rusty Lawrence. Spring Advising/Test 2 Wk. Spring Advising/Test 2 Wk. 25 Test 2 Pre-Class Work: Prepare for (Chapters 4, 5, & 6) Test 2; In Class Plan: Please sit with a seat in between and place your cell phones on the teacher’s station; Prayer; Test 2. 27 Test 2 Review In Class Plan: Devotions; Return Test 2 results; Test 2 review; Homework: ‘Ad of Yourself’ exercise; Read Ethical Issues article on page 322 in your textbook. NAMA/Homecoming Week NAMA/Homecoming Week November 1 URBAN HOUSING SOLUTIONS SITE VISIT 3 NAMA Power Lunch from Pre-Class Work: Come 11 AM –1 PM professionally dressed; In Class Plan: Leave campus around 10.30 AM; return to campus around 1.15 PM. Blackboard Posting Blackboard Posting Week/Chapel Talk Week/Chapel Talk 8 Chapter 10* (Creative Pre-Class Work: Take Reading Strategy and the Creative Quiz 7 (Chapter 10) on Process)/Exercises BLACKBOARD; Prepare for exercises; In Class Plan: Devotions; Chapter 10 review; ‘Ad of Yourself’ exercise; Discussion on Ethical Issues article; Homework: Question 3 (The Advertising Experience) on page 398 in your textbook. 10** Chapter 12* (Print, Electronic, Pre-Class Work: Take Reading and Digital Media Quiz 8 (Chapter 12) on Production)/Exercises BLACKBOARD; Prepare for Exercise; In Class Plan: Devotions; Chapter 12 review; Question 3 (The Advertising Experience); Homework: Question 1 (The Advertising Experience) on page 427 in your textbook. Intl. Education/Test 3 Week Intl. Education/Test 3 Week

11 Advertising Management Study Guide

15 Chapter 13* (Using Print Pre-Class Work: Take Reading Media)/Exercises Quiz 9 (Chapter 13) on BLACKBOARD; Prepare for Exercise; In Class Plan: Devotions; Chapter 13 review; Question 1 (The Advertising Experience); Test 3 review. 17 Test 3 Pre-Class Work: Prepare for (Chapters 10, 12, & 13) Test 3; In Class Plan: Please switch off cell phones and place them on teacher’s station; please sit wherever there is a scantron; Prayer; Test 3. 18 BOLLYWOOD MOVIE 7 PM IN BOONE NIGHT CONVOCATION CENTER THANKSGIVING WEEK THANKSGIVING WEEK 22 Test 3 Review In Class Plan: Devotions; Return Test 3 results; Test 3 review; Special Thanksgiving Devotion. 24 Thanksgiving Holiday Thanksgiving Holiday Blackboard Posting Week Blackboard Posting Week 29 Chapter 14* (Using Electronic Pre-Class Work: Take Reading Media: Television and Radio)/ Quiz 10 (Chapter 14) on Advertising Project Portfolio BLACKBOARD; Bring Due completed Advertising Project Portfolio to class; In Class Plan: Devotions; Chapter 14 review; Homework: Read Ethical Issues on pages 500-501 in your textbook. December 1 Chapter 16* (Social Pre-Class Work: Take Reading Media)/Exercise Quiz 11 (Chapter 16) on BLACKBOARD; Prepare for Exercise; In Class Plan: Chapter 17 review; Ethical Issues discussion. Project Presentations Wk Project Presentations Wk 6 Project Presentations Homework: Prepare for Presentations; In Class Plan: Teams will present their portfolios to me and Rusty Lawrence. 8 Final Round-up Class In Class Plan: Devotions; Final Examination Review. Finals Week Finals Week Tuesday 13 Final Examination (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12,

12 Advertising Management Study Guide

(10.00 AM – 12.00 PM) 13, 14, and 16) *watch PowerPoint videos **I will be speaking in Chapel; class will start a few minutes late.

End Notes:

1. TNU4U at title=Class+Roster&pid=ST-WESTS015. 2. Trevecca Nazarene University Catalog (2016-2017) at Marketing/3000/MKT-3220. 3. Trevecca Nazarene University Catalog (2016-2017) at Policies/Course-Policies. 4. Trevecca Nazarene University Catalog (2016-2017) at Policies/Student-Rights-and-Responsibilities-in-the-Academic-Area/Academic- Honesty. 5. Trevecca Nazarene University Catalog (2016-2017) at Life/Center-for-Leadership-Calling-and-Service. 6. The class schedule is subject to change at my discretion.

Chapter 1 Advertising and IMC Today

13 Advertising Management Study Guide

1. Define Relationship Marketing.

2. Why is it important for organizations to build relationships?

3. What are the five levels of relationships?

4. What are the four sources of brand messages?

5. Define Advertising

6. What are the four kinds of advertising medium?

14 Advertising Management Study Guide

7. What are the various elements in the human communication process?

8. What three literary forms are used in advertising messages?

9. Who are the sources and receivers in a message according to the Stern model?

10. How are the 4Ps related to advertising strategy?

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Chapter 2 The Big Picture: The Evolution of IMC

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1. What are four principles of Free-Market Economics?

2. What are the various functions and effects of advertising in a free economy?

3. Outline the evolution of advertising.

4. What are the effects of ethics on advertising?

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Chapter 3 The Big Picture: Economic and Regulatory Aspects

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1. What is the impact of economics on advertising?

2. What are the two aspects of the “abundance principle?”

3. What are the aspects of the social impact of advertising?

4. What are the components of the short-term manipulative arguments?

5. What are the components of the long-term macro arguments?

6. Define Ethical Advertising.

19 Advertising Management Study Guide

7. Define Social Responsibility.

8. What are the levels of ethical responsibility?

9. How does the government regulate advertising?

10. What are the various federal advertising regulatory agencies?

11. What are the various nongovernmental advertising regulatory agencies?

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Chapter 4 The Scope of Advertising: From Local to Global

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1. What are the four distinct groups in the advertising business?

2. What is Local Advertising?

3. What are the four types of Local Advertisers?

4. What are the three types of Local Advertising?

5. What are the two kinds of Cooperative Advertising?

6. Define Regional Advertisers and National Advertisers.

7. What are the differences between Regional and National Advertisers?

8. Define an Advertising Agency.

9. What are the different types of agencies?

22 Advertising Management Study Guide

10. What are the various departments in an agency?

11. What is the compensation structure in an ad agency?

12. How do agencies get clients?

13. What are the stages in the Client/Agency relationship?

14. Who are some of the suppliers in advertising?

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15. What are the various categories of media?

Chapter 5 Marketing and Consumer Behavior: The Foundations of Advertising

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1. What are the key concepts in Marketing?

2. Who are the participants in the Marketing process?

3. What are the steps in the decision making process?

4. What are the three components of the Personal Process in consumer behavior?

5. Define Perception.

6. What are the key elements in the perception process?

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7. Define Learning.

8. What are the two theories in Learning?

9. What are the effects of learning?

10. What are the five stages in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

11. What are the interpersonal influences on consumer behavior?

12. What are the nonpersonal influences on consumer behavior?

Chapter 6 Market Segmentation and the Marketing Mix: Determinants of Advertising Strategy

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1. Define Market Segmentation.

2. What are the four bases for segmenting markets?

3. Define the Product concept.

4. Explain the relationship between advertising and the Product element of the marketing mix.

5. Explain the relationship between advertising and the Price element of the marketing mix.

6. Explain the relationship between advertising and the Place element of the marketing mix.

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7. Explain the relationship between advertising and the Promotion element of the marketing mix.

Chapter 10 Creative Strategy and the Creative Process

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1. What are the two dimensions on which advertisements are measured?

2. What are the components of an advertising strategy?

3. What are the three components of the message strategy?

4. How does creativity help advertising?

5. What are the steps in the creative process?

Chapter 12 Print, Electronic, and Digital Media Production

29 Advertising Management Study Guide

1. What is the Production Manager’s (Producer) role in the advertising production process?

2. What are the four phases of the Print Production Process?

3. What are the ways to proof print production?

4. What do production mangers need to look for in proofs?

Chapter 13 Using Print Media

30 Advertising Management Study Guide

1. What are the roles of the Print Media Buyer?

2. What are the pros and cons of magazine advertising?

3. What are the ways of using magazines in the creative mix?

4. What are the components of the magazine space buying process?

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5. What are the pros and cons of Newspaper advertising?

6. How are newspapers used in the creative mix?

7. What are the types of newspaper advertising?

8. What are the components of the newspaper space buying process?

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Chapter 14 Using Electronic Media: Television and Radio

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1. What are the various TV audience trends?

2. What are the pros and cons of TV advertising?

3. What are the pros and cons of Cable TV advertising?

4. How do advertisers buy time on TV?

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5. How do advertisers measure their audience?

6. What are the pros and cons of Radio advertising?

7. How do Radio advertisers buy time?

Chapter 17 Introducing Social Media

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1. Define Social Media.

2. What are the types of social media?

3. What are the common uses of social media?


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