Lesson Plan by EDUC 315 Class
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Lesson Plan
Lesson: Etymology Length: 50 minutes Age or Grade Level Intended: 8
Academic Standard(s): 8.1 Students use their knowledge of word parts and word relationships, as well as context (the meaning of the text around the word), to determine the meaning of specialized vocabulary and to understand the precise meaning of grade-level-appropriate words. 8.1.3 Verify the meaning of a word in its context, even when its meaning is not directly stated, through the use of definition, restatement, example, comparison, or contrast.
Performance Objective(s): Given a list of definitions, the students will match the correct definition to its corresponding prefix or suffix with 80% accuracy.
Given a list of prefixes and suffixes and a dictionary, the students will look-up example words of the prefixes and suffixes with 90% accuracy.
Given a set of index cards, the student will make flashcards of each prefix or suffix and their definition with 100% accuracy.
Assessment: After the students are finished with the list of examples and the list of definitions, they will turn them into the teacher, who will have an answer key to grade each paper.
As the students are making the flashcards, the teacher will walk around the room to make sure the students are staying on task and to answer any questions.
Advance Preparation by Teacher: Materials needed: 1. Enough copies of the worksheet with the matching definitions and prefixes and suffixes for each student in the class. 2. Enough dictionaries for each student to use one. 3. Enough index cards to make flash cards for each student to have 10. 4. Markers or colored pencils for the students to make the prefixes and suffixes bright and easy to study. Procedure: Introduction/Motivation: “Hello class! Today we are going to talk about how to dissect words and find their meanings. Have any of you ever wondered why a random string of letters has a certain meaning? Have you ever wondered why words with the same beginning or ending have definitions in common? Did you know that so many of the words that you and I speak every day are carefully constructed to have a certain meaning? Do you want to broaden your vocabulary? Well, today we are going to learn about prefixes and suffixes and how they can be strung together to make a word have its meaning!”
Step-by-Step Plan:
1. Explain the importance of etymology a) “Students, do you remember on the I-STEP, the section about word meanings? They give you a sentence, one of the words in bold print, then they give you four choices for you to choose what the bold word means.” 1) That is etymology a) Etymology is the study of word meanings. 2) Etymology will help you to figure out what these tough words on the I- STEP, GQE, and SAT mean. a) Therefore etymology will help you score higher on these tests. b) “Do you ever talk to someone who says big words that you do not understand? 1) Etymology will help you break down those words and figure out their meaning. c) “Do you ever want to come up with bigger and better words on your papers to impress your teacher? 1) Etymology will help you figure out better words when writing you papers that are sure to impress teachers! 2) When you are able to figure out meaning s of the prefix and suffix of a word it is easier to find great words to impress you teachers. 2. Pass out the worksheets to the students. 3. Read directions orally to the students and have them follow along reading them off the top of the worksheet. 4. Tell the students that the worksheets are due next time. 5. Have the students put the worksheets in their English folder. 6. Pass out ten index cards to each student. 7. Pass out a dictionary to each student. 8. Explain the index cards. a) “Okay class, now we are going to make flashcards for each prefix or suffix this week. 1) I want each of you to pass the bucket of markers around and as it passes, take 3 cards. 2) Each color is for a different part of the card. a) Color 1 is for you to write the prefix or suffix. b) Color 2 is for you to write the definition of the prefix or suffix. c) Color 3 is for you to write the word that you will be finding for each prefix or suffix that has the prefix or suffix in it. 9. Have the students first write each prefix or suffix on the front of the cards with color 1. 10. Have the students look-up each prefix or suffix with the dictionary and write the definition with color 2 on the back side of the card. 11. Have the students pick a word from the dictionary for each prefix or suffix that will help them remember what the prefix or suffix means and write it under the definition with color 3. 12. Tell the students to keep collecting the cards as we move along to use as study tools for the tests.
Closure: “Okay class, next period we will review these flashcards and you will need to turn in your worksheet of the matching definitions and prefixes and suffixes, and examples of words with the prefixes and suffixes. Right now I want you to raise your hands and tell me the three examples of how etymology will help you. (Allow them to tell me the answers and help by telling them again if need be.) Thank you class! Have a good day!”
Adaptations/Enrichment: Student with Learning disability in reading comprehension This student will need someone to read the directions, the worksheet and the dictionary to them. Maybe there is an aid that can sit with them to do this, if not the teacher should pay close attention to them.
Student with ADHD This student will need someone to keep them on task. If there is no aid in the room to sit with them the teacher will need to remind them to stay on task.
Student with Gifts and Talents in Creativity This student will be allowed to be creative with the way they do their flashcards. They will need to pick colors that will help them make their flashcards colorful. This type of student would be beneficial to have sit beside the student with ADHD to help them keep on task. Self-Reflection:
Write out the questions that you will use to evaluate yourself.