Q1. (A) Explain the Various Causes of Settlement of Foundations

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Q1. (A) Explain the Various Causes of Settlement of Foundations


Maximum Marks : 100 Course Code: BCE-024 Weightage : 30% Last Date of Submission: October 31, 2013

Note : All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

Q1. (a) Explain the various causes of settlement of foundations. (b) Discuss the factors required to be considered while deciding the depth of foundation.

Q2. (a) Describe the design of Wall Footing. (b) Under what circumstances would you adopt a Raft Foundation? Explain the features of such a foundation in brief.

Q3. (a) What do you mean by Cavity Wall? Explain its advantages. (b) Explain the importance of good workmanship and quality control in masonry construction.

Q4. (a) Explain the conditions under which Reinforced Brick Work is used. State its advantages. (b) Describe briefly the different systems of building structures.

Q5. (a) Explain the essentials of termite proofing. (b) Discuss the effects of dampness in buildings.

Q6. (a) Explain the stability of an Arch. (b) Define Lintel. Explain any two types of lintels with the help of a neat sketch.

Q7. (a) Explain the various factors affecting construction of Upper Floors. (b) What type of flooring do you recommend for the libraries? Explain the construction details of such flooring.

Q8. (a) Explain the design of windows in a room. (b) What do you mean by sliding doors? Explain the features of sliding doors.

Q9. Write short notes on the following :-

(a) Pile Foundation (b) Bearing Capacity (c) Bond Stone (d) Door frames

Q10. Differentiate between the following:-

(a) Strip footing and Strap footing (b) Hinged and Pivoted window movement (c) Ground Flooring and Upper Flooring (d) Load bearing structure and Framed structure DCLE (G) TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT BCE-034 ESTIMATING AND QUANTITY SURVEYING-I

Maximum Marks : 100 Course Code : BCE-034 Weightage : 30% Last Date of Submission : October 31, 2013

Note : All questions are compulsory.

Q.1 A minor canal with a bed slope of 1 in 4500 is to be constructed over a ground profile. The necessary survey data is given as under:

Chainage (m) Ground R. L. (m) 0 100.00 The proposed bed level at chainage 2000 m is given 500 100.25 as 100.05 m with the bed slope right 1000 99.60 from chainage 0.00 onwards as mentioned above. 1500 99.65 The bed width of the canal has to be kept as 4.25 m, 2000 100.01 and the section has to maintain a full 2500 100.01 supply depth of water at 1.50 m with a free board of 0.5 m. Taking z = 1.5 3000 100.82 (both in cutting as well as filling), top width of the side 3500 100.92 banks as 2.50 m and berm = 2.75. Compute the 4000 Copying 2.5101.03 cm thick, 35 cm wideearth (1 :work 2 : 4 C.C.involved, ) both in cutting and filling. Suitable 4500 101.03 spoil banks, wherever needed may be provided. 5000 30 cm101.01 thick brickwork Assuming suitable rates of payment, make a bill of cost involved. Any minor missing 2.0 m data can be suitably assumed. Total length of Draw the L- section (over the ground profile) of the canal onthe a wall full-scale = 100.0 mgraph sheet. Also, give the cross-sectional2.5 cm DPC drawing at every chainage point. Throughout the cross sectional profile of the ground can be taken as horizontal. The earth should be30 computedcm in stages of 1.5 m from G.L. for filling work. 32.0 cm G.L. Q.2 (a) Referring to the standard codes35 cm of practice,90.0 cm give the general specifications about the earthwork in (i) hard rock and (ii) loose soil. (b) 40 cm 15 cm 50 m 15 cm L.C. (1 : 2 : 4) 25 cm thick 70 cm (Cross section of a compound wall) For the above shown compound wall, estimate the following quantities: (i) 2nd class brick work in the wall above DPC (in 1 : 6 mortar) (ii) 2nd class BW plinth above the ground (iii) L.C. (1 : 2 : 4), 25 cm thick in the foundation (iv) Earthwork in excavation in soft soil. Q.3 Take a typical form work used in an R.C.C. construction of columns, slabs and beams near your place of work. Name the work, place and give dates. Give neat and labelled isometric views, elevational views and plan of the work use drawing /graph sheets. Also, give photographs in support of your write-up. Q.4 Take the case of a school building (higher secondary). On a drawing sheet draw the following : (i) Plan/plans, if the school is two-storeyed (ii) Sections (iii) Elevations (front and side) Give (in tabular form) its bill of quantities and bill of cost. Explain your calculations. Q.5 Take a standing steel/timber truss in your vicinity. Write the name of the place and date. Estimate the quantities involved in it, explaining your calculations. Give the photograph of the work. Q.6 (a) Give the specifications about the following items of work: (i) Curing of R.C.C. works (ii) White washing of walls (iii) Painting of wood work (b) A silo for storing grains is of a triangular shape (equilateral) and is constructed of 1st class brick work (1 : 6 mortar) whose walls are 30 cm thick. Compute the quantity of brick work, if the silo is 3.25 m high from the plinth upwards.

15 m 30 cm

Plan of the brick (c) List the types of openingswork for which no deductions are made in any brick work. Q.7 (a) On the basis of prevailing market rates, analyse the rates of the following items of work: (i) 10 m3 of 1 : 2 : 4 R.C.C work in 4 m high column (including form work cost) (ii) 10 m3 of 1st class B.W. in 1 : 6 cement mortar for ground floor (b) Give the general specifications for 1st class and 2nd class brick work in buildings. (c) Write a detail on curing of brick work and R.C.C. Q.8 Write short notes on the following : (i) Plastering of walls and ceiling (ii) Rate analysis of wooden chowkats and different types of wooden doors and windows. Give sketches (iii) General specifications of steel items executed in a building (iv) Measurement of cement, bajri and lime

Q.9 Explain the fundamentals of : (i) Technical sanction (ii) Settling of disputes in a contracted work (iii) Accounting of works (iv) Storing of materials at site.

Q.10 In the given construction work compute the following in a proper manner (assume any missing data suitably) : (i) Earthwork in excavation (ii) Earthwork in filling (iii) R.C.C. items (all) (iv) Brickwork in superstructure and at other locations in proper order. (v) L.C. items in proper order (vi) DPC, 2.5 cm thick (vii) 3 cm thick C.C. (1 : 2 : 4) flooring (viii) Chowkat work (4 piece item) (ix) Plastering (cement-sand, 1 : 6) inside and outside wall surfaces, respectively.

x W

x 6.0 m 5.0 cm

W = window = 1 m  1 m D = open door = 1 m  2m 4.50 m

30.0 cm


Plan of a store room ̶ at window level

10 cm thick RCC (1 : 2 : 4) roof slab

DPC = 2.5 thick 10 cm 1 : 2 : 4 RCC, 5 cm thick lintel with 5 cm bearing on either side W 2.5 m

3 cm thick C.C. (1 : 2 : 4) 5 cm thick L.C. (1 : 3 : 6) 15 cm G.L G.L . 40 cm 25 cm . earth filling 5 cm 50 cm 1 : 3 : 6 L.C.,15 cm thick 55 cm Section at X-X DCLE (G) TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT BCE-041 THEORY OF STRUCTURES-II

Maximum Marks : 100 Course Code : BCE-041 Weightage : 30% Last Date of Submission : October 31, 2013

Note : All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

Q.1 Determine area of tensile reinforcement in terms of  25 of Fe415, having cross section b x D = 300 x 600 mm to resist a moment of 225 kN-m. Take concrete of grade M30, nominal cover 50 mm and shear reinforcement of diameter  10. Q.2 Determine moment of resistance of a doubly reinforced section b x D = 375 x 500 mm.

Beam is reinforced with 5  20 in tension and 2  20 in compression. Assume fck=25

MPa, fy=415 MPa; and effective cover of 50 mm both for tensile as well as compressive reinforcement. Q.3 Design longitudinal as well as transverse reinforcement for a rectangular beam having cross section b x D = 300 x 500 mm; Vu = 125 kN; Mu = 125 kN-m; Tu = 12 kN-m; fck = 30MPa; fy = 415 MPa; Clear cover = 50 mm. Q.4 Design a roof slab, simply supported on all its four edges of effective spans 4 m x 9 m. The top of slab is covered with 100 mm lime terrace. Imposed load may be taken as 2 2 2 2.0 kN/m . Design parameters are: fck = 20 N/mm , fy =415 N/mm and nominal cover = 20 mm. Q.5 Design longitudinal reinforcement for a circular column of diameter 500 mm with lateral ties for a factored load of 2700 kN having effective length 3.0 m for the following design parameters fy = 415 N/mm2 ; and fck = 20 N/mm2 . Q.6 Design a RC footing for a masonary wall 400 mm thick carrying a superimposed load 2 2 of 225 kN/m. The bearing capacity of soil is 175 kN/m . Assume: fck = 20 N/mm , fy =415 N/mm2 and nominal cover = 50 mm. Q.7 Design a staircase having cantilevering steps for office building where floor to floor height is 3.25 m and the staircase size is 3.25 m x 4.50 m. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Q.8 Design a reinforced concrete cantilever retaining wall of height 5.25 m above base to retain a level earth fill. Water table may rise up to 1.75 m below the top surface of the retained earth. Angle of repose of earth is 32° and 25° for submerged soil and unit weight of soil is 17.6 kN/m3. The safe bearing pressure of soil is 150 kN/m2. Assume 2 2 fck = 25 N/mm and fy = 415 N/mm . Coefficient of friction between soil and concrete = 0.35. Q.9 A column has cross sectional area of 400 x 400 mm as well as length 4.8 m and is reinforced with 5  25. Determine permissible load if effectively held in position at both ends, but not restrained against rotation. Use M 25 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Use working stress method of design.

Q.10 Design a circular water tank with dome as top cover and lying underground for a capacity of 250,000 liters. Depth of tank is to be 3.50 m including 0.20 m free board. Angle of repose of soil = 250 and soil density is 17 kN/m2. Bearing capacity of soil = 250 kN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. DCLE (G) TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT BCE-044 CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY

Maximum Marks : 100 Course Code : BCE-044 Weightage : 30% Last Date of Submission : October 31, 2013

Note : All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. Part (a) and (b) carry 3 marks each and part (c) carries 4 marks.

Q.1 (a) Define characteristic Strength of concrete. What are the four groups of concrete as per IS:456-2000 and their range in terms of characteristic strength? (b) Explain the function of ribs present on steel. (c) What is creep of concrete? Briefly explain the factors affecting rate of creep. Q.2 (a) What do you know about strength of concrete? Define bond strength and shear strength of concrete. (b) What are the physical parameters upon which dimensional changes of concrete depends? (c) What is batching? Differentiate between volume batching and weigh batching. Q.3 (a) Why is the presence of flaky or elongated aggregates harmful for concrete? (b) Describe the hydration of cement compounds. Discuss the requirement of water for hydration of cement. (c) What is the significance of water cement ratio? Discuss Abrams’ water cement ratio law and its limitation. Q.4 (a) What precautions need to be observed during storing of cement in stacks? (b) Determine the exact quantity of water to be mixed for one bag of cement to prepare a mix of 1:1.5:3 proportion by weight, take water cement ratio as 0.5. The water content of FA is 2.5% and the CA are in dry state. Assume that water required to make the coarse and fine aggregate in SSD condition is 0.5% and 1.1%, respectively. (c) Determine the quantities of coarse aggregate and FA for one bag of cement to prepare a mix of 1:1.5:3 proportion by volume (in dry state). Consider the bulking of FA as 18%. Q.5 (a) What precaution should be taken during transportation of concrete. (b) What are the precautions to be taken while placing the concrete? (c) Why concrete is required to be compacted? What are different methods of compaction of concrete? Q.6 (a) How surface should be prepared before placing of concrete? (b) What steps should be observed in order to obtain good results in compacting concrete with vibrators? (c) Describe various situations where different types of vibrator are selected.

Q.7 (a) What are the advantages and limitations of pre-stressed concrete? (b) What is colcrete? What are its properties? (c) What is gunite? What are its properties? Q.8 (a) What are the precautions required to be observed while concreting in cold weather condition? (b) What are the stages of quality control of concrete? (c) What are the steps of mix design? Q.9 (a) What are the guidelines of quality control of concrete? (b) Describe the procedure step-wise for trial and error method of designing a concrete mix. (c) What is cement factor and yield of concrete? State the relation between yield of concrete and cement factor. Q.10 (a) Why is control of heat of hydration important in mass concrete? (b) State the advantages and limitations of ferro-cement. (c) Briefly describe problems encountered in hot weather concreting? DCLE (G) TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT BCE-046 SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING

Maximum Marks : 100 Course Code : BCE-046 Weightage : 30% Last Date of Submission : October 31, 2013

Note : All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

Q.1 (a) Derive

Gw 1 w  sat  1 e (b) The mass of wet soil when compacted in the Proctor’s mould was 1.932 kg. The water content of the soil was 15.5 %. If the volume of the mould is 950 CC, determine the percentage air voids and degree of saturation Q.2 (a) What are the corrections applied to the hydrometer reading. Explain the demerits of sedimentation analysis. (b) A test for the determination for the liquid limit was carried on a soil sample. The following sets of observations were taken.

No. of blows 40 30 20 15 10 Water Content (%) 45.0 50.0 53.0 54.0 55.5 Determine liquid limit and flow index. If the plastic limit is found to be 20%. Classify the soil as per BIS. Q.3 (a) Discuss the falling head permeability test for fine grained soil. Derive the relation used. (b) A sand deposit is 12 m thick and overlies a bed of clay. The location of ground water is 3.5 m below the ground level. If the sand above the water table has degree of saturation 40% and void ratio of sand is 0.65. Draw the stress diagram. Q.4 (a) What do you mean by drainage conditions in shear test. Discuss the limitations of direct shear test. (b) A direct shear test was conducted on a 60 mm  60 mm sample of dry sand. The normal load was 360 N. The failure occurred at a shear load of 200 N. Draw the Mohr’s envelope and determine angle of shearing resistance and principal stresses at failure. Assume the soil is cohesionless. Q.5 (a) Discuss the static method for estimating the load carrying capacity of pole driven in sand. (b) A concrete pile of weight 50 kN is driven by a drop hammer weighing 65 kN and having an effective fall of 1.0 m. The average set per blow is 15 mm. The total elastic compression is 22 mm. Determine the allowable load for pile using Hiley’s formula. Take e = 0.40 and factor of safety as 2.5.

Q.6 (a) Explain the compaction process for cohesion less soils and cohesive soils. What methods of compaction is adopted for these soils in field. (b) Following are the results of standard Proctor’s test performed on a soil sample.

Water Content (%) 7.5 8.8 11.2 13.8 16.1 18.2 20.2 22.0 Mass of wet soil (kg) 1.80 1.85 1.90 2.10 1.98 1.96 1.94 1.90

If the volume of mould used was 950 CC, Draw the compaction curve to determine OMC and MDD. Q.7 (a) Explain the following methods of Compaction- Stone columns and Dynamic Compaction (b) Explain the following methods of soil exploration- Wash boring and Percursion drilling. Q.8 (a) What are the various types of samplers. Explain each with neat sketch (b) How the subsoil investigation report is prepared. Explain with a suitable example. Q.9 (a) What are the assumptions made by Terzaghi while estimating the bearing capacity of shallow foundation. Justify each. (b) Compute the ultimate bearing capacity of a strip footing of width 2.0 m and depth 1.5 m. The soil is having cohesion 18 kN/m2 and angle of shearing resistance 24°. The bulk density of the soil is 18 kN/m3. Assume local shear failure. Q.10 (a) Discuss the factors affecting ultimate bearing capacity as per BIS Code. (b) What are the limitations of plate load test. Discuss the effect of size of the plate on bearing capacity and settlement.

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