Chemistry College Preparatory 0421

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Chemistry College Preparatory 0421

Accelerated Science - 9 School Year: 2007/2008

Mr. Trujillo

Course Description: The topics investigated in this course include the scientific method, measurement, phases and changes of matter, atomic structure, elements, compounds and mixtures, periodic table, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, energy, forces, work, machines, heat, electricity, waves, sound, light, and optics.

Teacher Expectations: You are to come to class prepared to learn with a pencil or pen, and a notebook. To perform well in this course, you must attend all classes, take notes, participate in all laboratory experiments, study for tests and quizzes, and complete all homework assignments, reading assignments and lab reports by their due dates.

Textbook: The text - book for this course is Physical Science – Concepts in Action Each student is assigned one textbook for the school year. Keep your textbook at home to read and to complete homework assignments. At the end of the school year it is the responsibility of the student to return the textbook in its original condition to the teacher.

After School Help: Students with specific questions related to the course subject matter are welcome to attend the after school clinic on Tuesday or Thursday from 2:15 pm to 3:00 pm. Let me know when you are coming and the topic to be discussed.

Grading Point System: Grade = Points earned / Total possible points (approximate weight of each assessment)

Tests…… 50 % of total points A = 90 – 100 % Quizzes… 25 % of total points B = 80 – 89 % Labs……… 15 % of total points C = 70 – 79 % Class work & Homework. 10 % of total points D = 60 – 69 % F = Below 60 % Homework: Homework assignments will be based on a current topic, and from the textbook. Homework assignments will be given a due-date. Homework assignments turned in 1 day late will be given only ½ the credit. Quizzes: Quizzes will be given on current topics being discussed in class. Quizzes will be announced the day before the actual quiz.

Tests: Tests will be based on classroom notes, homework, quizzes, textbook reading assignments and study guides. Three – five tests worth 100 points each will be given during each quarter.

Labs: The class will be divided into groups of 2 or 3 students. Each student must turn in a lab report. Lab reports will be assigned a due date, and be worth 30 points each. Late lab reports will be reduced by one letter grade for each day they are late.

Projects: Science projects and student presentations using computer technology will be assigned during the school year.

Keep a record of all your grades and papers. We can compare your numbers with mine at the end of the marking period. If a grade is incorrect it will be changed. If you have no record, then the recorded grade will remain.

Missed Class Time & Make-up School Work If a student misses class, I recommend that he or she find a classmate to share notes with them, pick up handouts for them, and inform them of future assignments (homework, labs, quizzes, and tests). It is your responsibility to determine the school work that was missed due to an excused absence, and make it up. This make-up time starts the day after you return to school. Missed school work is to be made up within the number of days you were absent. Labs missed must be made up within one week of their original date. Missed assignments that require supervision such as labs, quizzes or tests, must be done after school Tuesday or Thursday from 2:15 pm to 3:00 pm. Let me know when you are coming after school, and the make-up work to be completed.

Class Attendance:

Students are required to attend class. If a student cuts class, he or she will receive a zero for any test, quiz, lab, or homework assignment due on that day. A student will be written up for cutting class and a parent will be contacted. Class Lateness:

Students are to arrive to class on time before the bell rings. If you are late, be sure to have a signed pass or sign in at the late book. After the third recorded warning for being late, a student will serve an after school detention in my classroom.

Materials you will need:

Needed everyday: Notebook Pen or pencil Needed frequently: Calculator Need occasionally: Textbook Ruler Very Strongly Suggested: Folder or binder for keeping papers

Classroom Rules:

1. Sit in your assigned seat after entering class 2. Remain seated in your assigned seat during class 3. Do not leave your seat prior to the dismissal bell ringing 4. Listen during lecture and refrain from talking 5. You must raise your hand to answer or ask a question 6. Stay awake and pay attention during class 7. Refrain from yelling or use of abusive language or gestures 8. Be respectful of other students 9. No use of headphones, ipods, calculator games or cell phones in class 10. No throwing of any object (pencils, pens, books, calculators)

Consequences If YOU choose to Break Classroom Rules:

1st offense = Verbal warning

2nd offence= Verbal warning, recorded in grade book

3rd offence = Written-up, removed from class for the remainder of the period, after school detention assigned and Parent will be contacted I have received, read and understand Mr. Trujillo’s expectations, course requirements and classroom rules.

______Student Signature Date

______Student Printed name

______Parent / Guardian Signature Date

Address: Phone:

______Home: Mother ( ) -

______Father ( ) -

______Guardian ( ) -

______Work : Mother ( ) -

______Father ( ) -

______Guardian ( ) -

e – mail addresses :




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