PCS PTO meeting minutes for May 2013

Meeting led by Grade 1 representative Rachel May

Treasurer Report: Available thru google forum - June meeting to have entire school year’s summary

Panther Run: Diane Rocha, Run Organizer, commended the volunteers and com- munity involvement, sponsors to be thanked by hand written cards from commit- tee. Over $9000 earned AFTER expenses. Diane moved to spend $300 to buy 3 battery packs that will provide safety communication between the Paxton Police and PCS. This is our way of thanking the community volunteers for helping us. Kathi added that she has approached WRSD to provide monies to do this but has been denied. Members present all voted in favor of this gift.

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon: Staff present at meeting thanked the PTO for a great event. Flowers and food were appreciated. It was suggested the PTO start planning earlier for this event to ensure a head count for the luncheon so paper goods, and food will not run out next year. Next year we will start planning in March.

Field Day: Date is June 11, raindate June 13. K-4 attending 8:45-11:20 5-8 attendind 12:20- 2:20, cafeteria manager hopes to provide hotdog grilling for kids this day. Kathi has asked for PTO to assist in getting volunteers for the vari- ous stations at field day. Leslie Hynes agreed to set up signupgenius.com for the event, Mr Sullivan and Ms McCollumn to be the PCS contacts. PTO will provide freeze pops, 10 swim “noodles”, squirters, and 2 PTO water jugs for the event. Eileen Martin agreed to assist the set up of water game station.

PTO Feedback/Responses for Rachel’s email: Rachel sent out email prior to meeting to get feedback on how this year’s PTO ran. Highlights include continu- ing with 3 reps from each grade, having each grade lead meeting each month - with one rep leading meeting and one rep recording notes.

One suggestion was to have a secretary position to ensure consistency - after dis- cussion it was decided to keep things as they are currently but to incorportate a note taking template. Meaghan Puglisi offered to have this ready for June’s meeting.

Many agreed that better communication between PTO members itself and the PTO with the school community would be helpful. Leslie, Rachel and Sue Horton all volunteered to look into starting a webpage. Yammer.com was another sug- gestion to interact between members.

We need to find out which reps are not returning next year and fill their spots as well as recruit for the incoming Kindergarten class.

Consensus was to continue with a parent coordinator (held by Julie McDonald this year) and a teacher coordinator (held by Amy Norton this year), and a trea- surer. June meeting will address voting for these positions... (I think....)

Also discussed mapping out the PTO year’s events early in September to make sure we allow enough planning and to get various PTO members to participate. Perhaps have a “chart” mapped out and have members sign up.

June Meeting: Hope to have ideas from members for new or additional things we would like to do for events or fundraising. Members are very interested in doing Community Reading day in the Fall, continuing with Holiday Marketplace - (we need a volun- teer to take this event over, it raised $3000 last year!!!!), and continuing with the Panther Run.

Members present: Rachel May, Kathi McCollumn, Stacia Smith, Deb Pillsbury, Leslie Hynes, Eileen Martin, Meaghan Puglisi, Diane Rocha, Lisa Reece, Janet Huechis, Katie Siemen, Susan Horton, Nicole Lawler, Amy Norton

Submitted by Leslie Hynes