TMG Cheat Sheet, Version 7.0 (Variables, Navigation, and Editing)

Variables - Principals Function Keys Surety [P] Current Principal F1 Help 1 2 D P M [P+] Name always, no he/she F2 Picklist/Search P1 P2 Event Event Memo [PO] Other Principal F3 Repeat ID ID Date Place Info [P1] Principal #1 ^ F3 List Repeat Values Surety Values [P2] Principal #2 F4 Add 3 primary, contemporary source ..G Given names (Robert Joseph) F5 Edit 2 reliable secondary source ..F First name (Robert) F6 Delete 1 less reliable secondary source ..S Possessive full name 0 guess or assumption (Robert Joseph Velke’s) ^ F6 Cycle Windows - disproven ..GS Possessive of given names F7 Expand Memo blank = no info from source (Robert Joseph’s) F9 OK/Close ..FS Possessive of first name F10 Menu Codes (in precedence order) (Robert’s) F11 Calendar [UND:]text[:UND] Underline [FATH(O)] Father of [P] (or [PO]) F12 Research Log [BOLD:]… Bold [MOTH(O)] Mother of [P] (or [PO]) ^ F12 Exhibits [ITAL:]… Italics [PAR] Parents of [P] (or PO/1/2) [SUP:]… Superscript (1) [N] Current name of [P] Navigation (Jumps) [SUB:]… Subscript (1) [PP] his/her ^ P Person View [HTML:]… HTML code [OBJ] him/her ^ Y Family View [SCAP:]… SMALL CAPS ^ T Tree View [CAP:]… ALL CAPS Variables - Roles ^ L Last Subject & View [FCAP:]… Cap First Letter [R:role] Full name ^ I Jump to ID number [HID:]… Hidden text [R+:role] Full name always, no he/she ^ K Bookmark Manager [RG:role] Given name ^ S Last bookmark [FONT:]… T=text [RF:role] First name [:FONT] S=surnames ^ [Enter] Jump to current name [RP:role] he/she G=given [RS:role] his/her ^  Previous in Explorer (e.g. [FONTG:]) D=dates [RM:role] him/her ^  Next in Explorer L=place [RA:role] Age Tags B=labels [RE:role] Exact age ^ V Name-Var M=memos E=exponents [RPAR:role] “son/daughter of [PAR]” ^ B Birth I=titles ^ M Marriage P=page #s Other Variables ^ D Death [SIZE:]#;text[:SIZE] Point size for [W] Current witness ^ U Burial scalable fonts [W+] “ Name always, no he/she ^ H History [INDEX:]name of Send to index as [WO] Other witnesses (comma index:level 1; defined. (Commas separated list with “and”) level 2[:INDEX] for no line break.) [D] Date of event [:CR:] Carriage return Other Windows/Functions [DD] Day & date of event [:NB:] Non-breaking [Y] Year of event ^ A Accent space [L1], [LA] [ADDRESSEE] ^ R Relationship Calc. [:NP:] Suppress ending [L2], [LD] [DETAIL] ^ O Open Project punctuation [L3], [LCI] [CITY] ^ N New Project [:TAB:] Tab [L4], [LCN] [COUNTY] ^ \ Timelines on/off [+] Concatenate with [L5], [LS] [STATE] ^ E Start GenSmarts previous [L6], [LCR] [COUNTRY] sentence. [A(O|1|2)] Age of [P] (or PO, P1, P2) \ Escape character [AE(O|1|2)] Exact age of [P] (or PO/1/2) e.g. \[1850\] prints [Mn] Memo segments 1-9 [1850] instead of <[M0]> Null memo looking for a [M] Same as M1 variable by that name. [WM] Witness memo [WMn] Witness memo segments 1-9 < > Conditional x|x 1 [P] known | both [P] known x||x Living=N || Living=Y or ? - Exclude (selectively hide) -- Exclude always (always hide) { } Sensitive (selectively hide)

Note: This list is based on my own most common usage, and as such does not contain all variables (e.g. I almost never use L1, L7-10). TMG Cheat Sheet, Version 7.0 (Source Elements & Sort Dates)

Common Source Elements (not a complete list) Grp# Element Group Standard Elements Custom Elements Manipulating Sort Dates (with thanks (eponymous elements are to Michael Hannah for spelling it not listed, to save space) all out) 1 Title [Bible Title] Sort dates will sort in this order: [Book Title] [Journal Title] Before 21 Jul 2007 [Newspaper Title] Before 21 Jul 2007? 2 Short Title [Short Title] 3 Subtitle [Article Title] Say 21 Jul 2007 [Chapter Title] Say 21 Jul 2007? 4 Short Subtitle [Short Article Title] Circa 21 Jul 2007 [Short Chapter Title] Circa 21 Jul 2007? 5 Record Type [Record Type] 6 Author [Agency] 21 Jul 2007 [Informant] 21 Jul 2007? [Speaker] 7 Subject [Household] After 21 Jul 207 [Name of Person] After 21 Jul 2007? [Testator] 8 Compiler [Compiler] 21 Jul 2007-22 Jul 2007 21 Jul 2007-23 Jul 2007 9 Editor [Editor] 21 Jul 2007-24 Jul 2007 --- etc. 10 Second Person [Interviewer] [Recipient] 21 Jul 2007 or 22 Jul 2007 [Ship Name] 21 Jul 2007 or 23 Jul 2007 11 Date [Compile Date] 21 Jul 2007 or 24 Jul 2007 --- etc. [Interview Date] [Printout Date] 21 Jul 2007 to 22 Jul 2007 [Publish Date] 21 Jul 2007 to 23 Jul 2007 12 Second Date [Original Date] 21 Jul 2007 to 24 Jul 2007 --- etc. 13 Location [Address] [Author Address] [Jurisdiction] [Listserve] 14 Second Location [Author E-Mail] [URL] 15 Publisher [Publisher] 16 Publisher Location [Publisher Address] 17 Series [Series] 18 Edition [Record Group] 19 Version [Roll] 20 Volumes [Volume] 21 Pages [Document] [Page] 22 Repository [Repository] 23 Repository Info [Repository Address] 24 Repository Reference [Repository Reference] 25 File Reference [File Name] 26 Record Number [Call Number] [Manuscript Info] [Register] 27 Film Number [Film] 28 Comments [M] or [Mn] (source comments) 29 Citation Detail [CD] or [CDn] 30 Citation Reference [CRef] 31 Citation Memo [CM] or [CMn] 32 Repository Memo [RM] or [RMn]

Note: This list is based on my own most common usage, and as such does not contain all elements. See TMG Help under Tools Menu -> Master Source List -> Source Element Groups for a complete list.