Capen Hall Government Constitution As of September 15, 2015

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Capen Hall Government Constitution As of September 15, 2015

Capen Hall Government Constitution Revised September 15, 2015

We the People of Capen, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Capen Hall Government.

Article 1: General Information

I. Name: Capen Hall Government

II. Mission: To promote a feeling of community in our residence hall by putting on programs either by ourselves or in conjunction with the RAs, and by promoting RHSA activities.

III. Hall Colors: Blue and white

IV. Hall Mascot: Cobras

Article 2: Positions

I. President: The president is in charge of running the hall meeting every week. The president must find an appropriate meeting time and make an agenda outlining what will take place during the meeting. They are the driving force behind hall government; once a program has been thought up they must figure out how it will work and delegate tasks to other hall government members and make sure it is all carried out. They must meet with the RD at least twice a month during the RD's office hours to discuss hall government and any other issues concerning Capen. Must attend an RHSA meetings at least twice a semester just to stay in touch with what's happening in RHSA.

II. Vice President: The vice president is in charge of running hall meetings in the absence of the president, and as such would have to do all the things mentioned above that the president would have to do. The vice president is expected to assist the president in their administrative duties. He/she must also overlook the performance of the E-board and report to the President if a problem occurs. Must attend at least one RHSA meeting a semester

III. Secretary: The secretary is in charge of taking minutes at every meeting. Minutes are basically writing down all the major points of the meeting while the meeting is going on. After each meeting the secretary has 48 hours to type up the minutes and e-mail them to everyone in hall government. The secretary is also in charge of recording attendance. Must attend one

RHSA meeting throughout the semester.

IV. Treasurer: The treasurer is in charge of managing the funds of Capen Hall's government, which includes getting money in advance from CAS as well as turning in receipts to CAS in order to secure refund checks for any money laid out in order to put on programs. Must attend one RHSA meeting per semester.

V. Historian: We have added this position under these conditions: the individual must take pictures of and document every program, must make a scrapbook at the end of the year, and must send photos regularly of our Hall Gov to the RHSA historian.

VI. Public Relations: There can be up to two people who can have this position. Duties include creating and hanging up posters for hall government events, as well as being in charge of the hall government bulletin board. The bulletin board must be redone once a month, and it should include information about hall government members, how to contact them with concerns or questions, when hall government meets, any upcoming events that are hall government or

RHSA related, or anything else they feel should be included. Must attend one RHSA meeting per semester.

VII. RHSA Representatives: There are two RHSA reps, and their duty is to go to all of the

RHSA meetings. They have to report on what went on at those meetings, and hang up and distribute any fliers given to them at the RHSA meetings. They must also bring up any concerns of the Capen Hall Government during open floor. RHSA representatives will keep track of E-

Board members who have attended RHSA meetings during the semester.

VIII. House Representatives: Anyone can be a house rep, they will be assigned a floor or hallway by the president in which they are supposed to find out what the residents of that hall want from hall government, as well as getting those residents to come to hall government events.

IX: E-board Members: The term of duty for an e-board member is two semesters, with the option to leave after one semester. All members of the e-board must sit office hours for one hour per week, with positions that hold more than one individual being allowed to sit those hours together. E-board members must attend all of the following: programs, office hours, and the entirety of Spirit Weekend, with the potential of disciplinary action if they fail to do so. PUP sheets should be filled out by the e-board member running the program, unless it is a program run by the entire e-board, in which case the president should fill out the PUP sheet.

Article 3: Elections and Voting Procedure

Elections are to be held once a semester at the beginning of each semester. Elections will be held during the night of the General Interest meeting. Each candidate who is interested will have a 2-3 minute speech. Each Capen Resident in the General Interest meeting will vote via the new method of closed-eyes/raised-hands. The candidate with the most votes wins the position. Article 4: Attendance

Attendance is mandatory for all hall government members holding positions, and if a member misses more than three meetings without a reasonable excuse (illness, family obligations, etc) then disciplinary action can be taken. If there is a conflict, such as another organization having the same meeting time that cannot be worked around, then a compromise may be worked out as long as the person holding the position can still keep their other obligations to hall government.

Attendance must be taken every meeting and included in the minutes.

Article 5: Disciplinary Action

If someone is blatantly not putting forth effort to fulfill their obligations to hall government, or has attendance issues then the president is allowed to put this person on probation. This entails actually telling the person that they are on probation and that if they do not put more effort into fulfilling their hall government obligations then they could lose their position. It's essentially a warning. If the person still does not step up and do their job then the other hall government members can put it to a vote (secret ballot), and decide whether or not the person should lose their position. A person may also resign from their position if they are having that much difficulty participating in hall government and are already on probation.

Article 6: Resignation

Any E-Board member who wants to resign must give a two week notice of resignation to the E-

Board and also must continue their designated responsibilities until they officially resign. Article 7: Funding Request

The person requesting funding will do the a three minute speech and answer questions from the

E-Board members. After the speech, the presenter must leave the room and then the E-Board members will discuss and vote for amount of funding. Voting will be written closed ballot.

Article 8: Amendments

The purpose of the constitution is to establish a set of guidelines for the members of hall government to follow, but new issues may come up that are not properly addressed in the most current form of the Capen Hall Constitution. To remedy having a constitution that is irrelevant to current hall government issues, amendments are allowed to be added to the constitution or certain things are allowed to be changed. This change will occur during an open meeting advertised by Hall Government. Whatever decision the majority of the votes go towards is what will be done.

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