1.) What Are the Two Factors Used to Evaluate Health?

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1.) What Are the Two Factors Used to Evaluate Health?

Review for Post Test

1.) What are the two factors used to evaluate health? Life expectancy and quality of life

2.) What is the Health Continuum Model and what is it always at? It is always at constant change

3.) When someone is caring and sensitive to your feelings they are displaying what quality? empathy

4.) Define goal. A result that a person aims for and works hard to reach

5.) Always wanting your own way is an example of what type of behavior? Aggressive

6.) Active listening to another person is what type of behavior? Assertive

7.) What are the three types of health and give three examples for each. Physical health- sleep; Emotional/Mental health-relax; Social Health- how well you get along with others

8.) If you want to have good social health you should? Work at it, get involved with others in school or in the community

9.) What are the three types of assertiveness? Aggressive, Assertive, Passive

10.) What two factors are important in a relationship? Trust and Respect

11.) Define active listening: Focusing your full attention on what the other person is saying and letting that person know you understand and care

12.) What is the difference between close and casual friendships? Close- friends who have strong emotional ties, share thoughts, feelings and experiences Casual- peers who share something in common

13.) Define communication: The process of sharing information thoughts or feelings 14.) Habits are behaviors that are repeated so often they often become ______. Automatic

15.) Define peer pressure. The influence that people your age have on you

16.) What are the stages in the cycle of violence? Tension building, violent episodes, calm/honeymoon stage

17.) Most acts of violence are committed by: People they may know

18.) Define Discrimination Unfair mistreatment of a person or group based on prejudices

19.) What are the three leading causes of death for people aged 15-24? Accidents, homicide, suicide

20.) When injuries are less serious, they can still cause what two factors? Physical pain and emotional scars

21.) Risk factors for violence included poverty, family violence, availability to weapons as well as? Media violence

22.) What is the most effective way to stop bullying is to: Get bystanders involved

23.) What are the 4 types of pathogens? Bacteria, virus, protozoan, fungi

24.) What is the bodies line of defenses against pathogens? Physical and chemical barriers

25.) List four ways in which pathogens can spread. Contact with an infected person, infected animal, contaminated objects, contaminated food, soil or water 26.) Name 4 bacterial diseases. Strep throat, lyme disease, tuberculosis, bacterial meningitis

27.) Name 4 viral diseases. Common cold, influenza, pneumonia, hepatitis 28.) STI stands for: Sexually transmitted infection

29.) The best and only way to avoid an STI is by: Practice abstinence

30.) Name an STI(s) that there is no known cure for: Herpes

31.) Chlamydia is the most common: Bacterial STI

32.) The three most common STI’s in the United States are? Trichomoniasis, HPV, Chlamydia

33.) HIV attacks your ______system. Immune

34.) HIV can be transmitted through? Sexual contact, needles, breast feeding

35.) Over the Counter Drugs are? Legal

36.) What classification of drug is marijuana? Stimulant, Hallucinogen, Depressant

37.) Why did club drugs get there name? They first gained popularity at dance clubs and raves

38.) What does a depressant do to the body? Slows down body functions

39.) Hallucinogens are drugs that distort? Perception, thought and mood

40.) What is the organism that causes AIDS? HIV

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