Typescript Form for Miscue Analysis
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Typescript Form for Miscue Analysis
Book Title: Nightmare Hour Author: R.L. Stine
1.______1. “Halloween is ruined!” Mike declared.
2.______2. “It’s no fun trick-or-treating while it’s still light out!
3.______3. Why do we have to be home by eight o’clock?”
4.______4. Mom rolled her eyes.
5.______5. “Get in the car,” she told him.
6.______6. “And stop complaining.
7.______7. You know why there’s a curfew this year.”
8.______8. “Because parents are stupid,” Mike grumbled.
9.______9. “Because those kids disappeared last Halloween,” I said.
10.______10. “And the Halloween before.” 11. Mike shrugged. 11.______
12. “What’s that got to do with us?” 12.______
13. “Come on, Mike,” I said. 13.______
14. “Get in the car. 14.______
15. Liz and I want to get going.” 15.______
16. “But I don’t want to pick pumpkins. 16.______
17. It’s bor-ring.” 17.______
18. Mike crossed his skinny arms over his chest and made his pouty 18.______face.
19. “Why do we have to go?” 19.______
20. “Because we do it every year,” Mom replied patiently. 20.______
21. She is used to Mike’s tantrums. 21.______22. “Let’s skip it and pretend we went,” Mike said. 22.______
23. He’s a real wise guy. 23.______
24. Mike is ten, two years younger than me, and he’s angry all the 24.______time.
25. Mom says he can’t help it because he’s a redhead. 25.______
26. “Redheads have tempers,” she says. 26.______
27. I don’t know what red hair has to do with it. 27.______
28. Mike is always growling and complaining and shaking his fists 28.______and looking for trouble.
29. He got into a fight in school last week and had two of his teeth 29.______knocked out.
30. Luckily, they were already loose. 30.______
31. He looked like a jack-o’-lantern with those two teeth out. 31.______32. But when I made a joke about it, he punched me really hard in the 32.______stomach and I almost puked up my whole dinner.
33. “Come on, Mike. 33.______
34. Let’s go,” I said. 34.______
35. I gave him a playful bump from behind to get him moving. 35.______
36. He spun around and swung a fist at me. 36.______
37. “Watch it, Andrew!” 37.______
38. “Hey!” I laughed. 38.______
39. “It was an accident!” 39.______
40. “Your face is an accident!” Mike snapped. 40.______
41. “Come on, Mike,” my friend Liz chimed in. 41.______
42. “I’ve never picked pumpkins before. 42.______43. You can help me find a good one.” 43.______
44. Mike likes Liz. 44.______
45. He’s usually on pretty good behavior when she’s around. 45.______
46. Sill pouting, he climbed into the front seat of the car. 46.______
47. Liz and I rolled our eyes, relieved that we were finally on our 47.______way.
48.______48. We climbed into the backseat and buckled our seatbelts.
49. Liz is twelve like me, and she lives across the street. 49.______
50. But her parents both work till late every day, so Liz spends a lot 50.______of time at our house.
51. We both gazed out the window, watching the trees whir past. 51.______
52. Autumn leaves fell all around, like red and yellow rain. 52.______
53. Soon the trees ended, and we zoomed past farms and field plowed 53.______over for winter. 54. “Well, are you going to help me pick a pumpkin, Mike?” Liz 54.______asked.
55. “Yeah. 55.______
56. Just don’t let Andrew help you,” Mike replied. 56.______
57. “Andrew’s pumpkins are always rotten inside. 57.______
58. Just like him.” 58.______
59. “Whatever,” I said. 59.______
60. I knew he was just looking for a fight, but I really hate arguing 60.______with him all the time.
61. Why does he always have to be so wired? 61.______
62. I peered out the window and saw an orange, pumpkin-shaped sign 62.______on the side of the road.
63. It said: PALMER’S PUMPKIN FARM, 1 MILE. 63.______64. I pictured Mr. Palmer, the owner of the pumpkin farm. 64.______
65. What a scary guy. 65.______
66. He reminded me of one of his scarecrows: tall and skinny, 66.______wearing overalls that were way too big for him.
67. He always walked so stiffly, patrolling his fields, staring at 67.______everyone with frightening, blank eyes that looked like deep, dark holes in his face.
68. “Here we are,” Mom said brightly. 68.______
69. She turned into the long gravel driveway and followed it to the 69.______parking lot.
70. Four or five cars were parked near the ragged wooden fence. 70.______
71. I climbed out of the car and stretched my arms over my head. 71.______
72. It was a sunny day, cold for October. 72.______
73. I could see my breath steam in front of me. 73.______74. The farm air smelled fresh and sweet. 74.______
75. A young woman in an orange parka and orange wool ski cap 75.______greeted us at the gate.
76. “The pumpkins on the first hill are a little too ripe,” she told us. 76.______
77. “And the ones near this gate have already been picked over. 77.______
78. Try the next field.” 78.______
79. We thanked her and started through the gate. 79.______
80. “Oh – one more thing…” she called after us. 80.______
81. She pointed to the left. 81.______
82. “See that tall, green wooden fence over there? 82.______
83. Mr. Palmer doesn’t want anyone near that fence, okay?” 83.______
84. “Why not?” Mike asked. 84.______85. “What’s over there?” 85.______
86. Typical Mike. 86.______
87. “That’s Mr. Palmer’s private pumpkin patch,” the young woman 87.______answered.
88. We made our way through the gate. 88.______
89. The pumpkin fields stretched on forever, uphill then down, as far 89.______as I could see.
90. Slender, green vines unfurled like long snakes over the dirt. 90.______
91. At the ends of the vines sat pumpkins – all different sizes, 91.______hundreds and hundreds of them, like orange balloons tethered to the ground.
92. Scarecrows on tall poles tilted over the pumpkins. 92.______
93. They were just old coats stuffed with straw. 93.______
94. But from a distance they looked like tired old men leaning against 94.______the wind. 95. “Hey, Andrew,” Mike whispered, trotting to keep up with Liz and 95.______me.
96. “Let’s check out Palmer’s private patch. 96.______
97. I’ll bet he keeps the best pumpkins there.” 97.______
98. “No way!” I said. 98.______
99. “Try not to get us in trouble today. 99.______
100. Okay?” 100.______
101. “Wimp,” Mike muttered. 101.______
102. I ignored him. 102.______
103. I really didn’t want to fight. 103.______
104. My sneakers scraped over the hard dirt as I led the way to the 104.______rows of pumpkins.
105. Peering into the glare of afternoon sunlight, I saw two kids at the 105.______top of the first hill. 106. They came staggering down, struggling to carry an enormous 106.______pumpkin between them.
107. Mike laughed. 107.______
108. “Look at those geeks. 108.______
109. They’ll never make it.” 109.______
110. He bent and scooped up a softball-sized pumpkin from the dirt. 110.______
111. “Think fast, Andrew!” 111.______
112. He tossed it at me. 112.______
113. Startled, I raised my hands too late. 113.______
114. The pumpkin sailed over my shoulder and landed on the ground 114.______with a splat.
115. “Ooh – a ripe on!” Mike shouted, laughing. 115.______
116. He ducked as I heaved one at his head. 116.______117. He laughed again. 117.______
118. “Missed me, Andrew! 118.______
119. You throw like a girl!” 119.______
120. “Watch it, Mike!” Liz warned playfully. 120.______
121. “I’ll show you how a girl throws!” 121.______
122. She bent and grabbed a half-rotted pumpkin to toss at him. 122.______