Woodford County Retired Teachers Association
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MINUTES Woodford County Retired Teachers’ Association May 20, 2016
OPENING WCRTA met at the Maple Lawn Gathering Place, Eureka, with 29 members and 4 guests which included Deb and Larry Dalton, Brian Smith, and Bill Lane, Region 7 Membership Chair.
PROGRAM Ross Green, Illinois State Trooper, gave an excellent and very informative program on the work of the troopers which range from giving citations to bringing out the SWAT teams to combat dangerous criminals. Currently, Illinois has 1,750 troopers compared to 2,800 fifteen years ago. He feels that in the last five years, the media has played a role in the public having a negative opinion of law enforcement. Green cautioned seniors who need to be aware of the phone and handy man scams. Also, technology creates various ways to compromise people’s credit cards by getting their account numbers. Concerning cell phones it is against the law to talk or text on the phone even when waiting at a stoplight. Caution needs to be taken when the arrow is flashing yellow as the driver must yield to oncoming traffic. Another escalating problem is the drivers who are overdosing on prescription medicines or “huffing” keyboard cleaner to get a “high.” Trooper Green urged drivers to drive defensively at all times of day or night. Questions were answered.
MEETING The minutes of the March 18, 2016 meeting were approved as printed. Treasurer Jane Roth clarified the March treasurer’s report concerning the IRTA Convention. Lynn Campbell received $145.59 for lodging and Carol Hughes received $108.00 for mileage. Jane reported an ending balance of $1,419.17 for May 20, 2016. The report will be filed for audit.
COMMITTEE REPORTS Membership: Judith Quiram thanked WCRTA volunteers who assembled appreciation cards with a piece of chocolate attached. In May, 780 were distributed during Teacher Appreciation Week to teachers in local schools. Judith reported that of the 18 teachers who turned in letters of intent to retire within 4 years, 6 have taken advantage of the new pipeline membership allowing them to be a free member of IRTA until they actually retire. To increase membership Judith stressed the importance of making a personal contact with someone we know who is retiring.
Legislation: Bill White said to watch for the bill on skipping a pension holiday. He also noted that Louise Barber had hip replacement.
Member Benefits: Pete Hughes gave an updated copy of Member Benefits at our meeting. The AMBA representative Nancy Kramer can be reached at 800-258-7041. Interest has increased in purchasing MASA (Medical Air Services Association) insurance as it provides lifesaving emergency assistance at home or when traveling. He added our health insurance representative will take calls at 217-524-3438.
Community Relations: Jo Crow said that the group continues to sew but can always use material and bias tape along with funds for supplies and postage for the packages.
REPORTS FROM AREA 1 MEETING (Attended by Lynn Campbell, Judith Quiram, Sara Kaufman, Pete and Carol Hughes):
IRTA Biennium Goals - Pres. Dave Davison: Sara Kaufman listed the four goals: 1) Enhance government relations, 2) Double participants in PAC, 3) Improve communication and assistance to units, and 4) Increase membership by 4,000. She added the Board is considering that area meetings be held every two years rather than every year.
Legislative Issues - Jim Bachman: Carol Hughes reported that state budget discussions include 5.4 billion of more revenue and 7 billion in cuts. More revenue might include an increase in income tax and service taxes along with a tax on retirement income for all types of pensions. Illinois sets the record of the state going the longest without having a budget. Bachman feels that there will be no budget until after the November election. But still the state is spending 38 billion and taking in 32 billion. The IRTA Defense Fund has a balance of $110,000 but will need to be increased as IRTA will probably have to fight to have the state continue to pay toward health insurance premiums.
Bill Lane, Area 7 Membership Chair, emphasized the Pipeline in getting members. He also commented on the importance of IRTAPAC as it selects and supports candidates who are favorable to the needs of education and retired teachers. Only 19 WCRTA members are donating to PAC monthly which is 8 per cent of our membership.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Nominations: The committee composed of Lynn, Tom Eckert, and Mary Tanton is seeking a president and vice president. Pres. Lynn has served two terms and will not serve again. Please contact the committee with names of members who are willing to serve as she wishes to announce the slate at the September meeting. The local organization cannot continue without a president.
Birthdays: Our local unit has a 40th birthday which we will celebrate at our September meeting. We ended the meeting by singing “Happy Birthday” to Lola Samuelson who was 90 years old on May 8.
Announcements: June 13 - Breakfast Lovers, Cornerstone Restaurant, Eureka, 8:30 am July 15 - Next meeting, Maple Lawn Gathering Place, Eureka. Program: Gary Moore will talk about Playing with the Enemy, a memoir of his father whose baseball career was interrupted by his joining the navy in World War II. Moore’s books will be available for purchase.
The meeting adjourned at 1:13 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Hughes, Secretary