Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide
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Date of Report: Chapter Name: Geographic Name of State Organization (e.g. Texas, Alberta, Sweden) Name of Chapter President: Chapter President E-mail Address: Number of Chapter Number of Chapter Meetings Held Per Year Members:
December 2016
To: Chapter Presidents
From: Carolyn Pittman, international president Sandra Smith Bull, executive director
The purpose of this survey is to assess the effectiveness of the connection of your members and chapter to your state organization and to the international Society. Your candid responses will help Society leaders make decisions and take actions that impact the DKG organization. We are cognizant that you have been chapter president only a short time and may not have knowledge of some of the information requested. Our intention is NOT to overwhelm you and make your leadership seem onerous. Instead, we are hopeful that in completing the survey, you can assess for yourself what you do know and what you want to know. The important result is that you know what you can learn about DKG and your own leadership and that the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International supports you in your leadership role.
You will send your responses to your state president no later than February 1, and she will compile the responses from all the chapters in her state in her report to international. Your meeting the deadline allows her to meet her deadline March 1.
Please be candid in your responses.
1. Do Yes No you read your state organi zation newsl etter? Rate the following about your state organization newsletter: Frequency of publication Excellent Good Fair Poor NA
Interest of content Excellent Good Fair Poor NA Usefulness of information Excellent Good Fair Poor NA
2. Do Yes No you read the DKG NEW S? Rate the following about DKG NEWS: Frequency of publication Excellent Good Fair Poor NA
Interest of content Excellent Good Fair Poor NA
Usefulness of information Excellent Good Fair Poor NA
3. Do Yes No you read The JOU RNA L? Rate the following about The JOURNAL: Frequency of publication Excellent Good Fair Poor NA
Interest of content Excellent Good Fair Poor NA
Usefulness of information Excellent Good Fair Poor NA
4. Do Yes No you read the COL LEG IAL EXC HAN GE Rate the following about the COLLEGIAL EXCHANGE: Frequency of publication Excellent Good Fair Poor NA
Interest of content Excellent Good Fair Poor NA
Usefulness of information Excellent Good Fair Poor NA 5 Do you mention information in or about Society publications to your chapter? Yes No .
6 Do you use your state organization website to find current information? Yes No .
7 Do you refer to the international website (www.dkg.org) to find current Yes No . information? Check any of the information you have accessed on the international website. Leadership resources Membership resources Downloadable Constitution and International Standing Rules Applications/Forms My DKG/DKG Communities Ideas for Projects
8 Have you encouraged or helped your chapter members register under My Yes No . DKG/Member Profile?
9 Do you know about CTAUN? (Conference on Teaching about the United Yes No . Nations)
10 Do you encourage members to apply for international scholarships and Yes No . international DKG Educational Foundation project and professional development grants?
11 Does your chapter have both business and social meetings? Yes No .
12 Do you have a strategy for keeping in touch with members who do not Yes No . attend your meetings?
13 Does your chapter use the Membership Recruitment Plan? Yes No .
14 Has your chapter had initiation ceremonies in the biennium Yes No . How many? 1 2 More
15. Does your chapter vary meeting dates and times? Yes No
16 Does your chapter have a planned succession of leadership? Yes No .
17. Did you attend a chapter president training or a state leadership event? Yes No
18 Do you financially assist members to encourage them to attend state, Yes No . regional, and international conferences and conventions? 19 Did you and/or chapter members attend the most recent state organization Yes No . meeting?
20 Have you evaluated the demographics of your chapter membership for Yes No . diversity (e.g., ethnicity, age, multiple teaching grades and areas, different schools, length of Society membership, number of years in education, retired/active members)?
21. Does your chapter have at least two executive board meetings each year? Yes No
22. Do you know about the 2017 GoAhead Tour to Spain and Portugal? Yes No
23. Are you aware of the insurance benefits available through DKG? Yes No
24 What are your chapter projects? . Support for Early Career Educators
Schools for Africa
25 Do you have adequate information and support from your state Yes No . organization? If not, what is your most significant need?
26 Do you have adequate information and support from the international Yes No . Society? If not, what is your most significant need?
Thank you for your service to education Thank you for your leadership in Delta Kappa Gamma Society International