____ 1. When a Root Takes in Water and Minerals from the Soil, the Function Is ____

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____ 1. When a Root Takes in Water and Minerals from the Soil, the Function Is ____


Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. When a root takes in water and minerals from the soil, the function is ____. a. anchorage b. absorption c. storage d. conduction e. production ____ 2. The function of securing a root system in the soil is ____. a. anchorage b. absorption c. storage d. conduction e. production ____ 3. The function of roots involving accumulation of food is ____. a. anchorage b. absorption c. storage d. conduction e. production ____ 4. The function of roots associated with moving food and water from the soil and storage reserves is ____. a. anchorage b. absorption c. storage d. conduction e. production ____ 5. Roots are involved in all the following activities except ____. a. support b. food storage c. food production d. anchorage e. absorption and conduction ____ 6. The rhizosphere is the ____. a. area within the soil where all root growth is found b. area where the roots of one plant contact the roots of adjacent plants c. area on the entire Earth where plant roots may be found d. contact zone between the root surface and the soil e. internal portion of a root ____ 7. Four of the five answers listed below are associated with root crops. Select the exception. a. carrots b. beets c. squashes d. turnips e. radishes ____ 8. Grasses have a(n) ____ type of root system. a. taproot b. adventitious c. fibrous d. lateral e. aerial ____ 9. Carrots exhibit a(n) ____ type of root system. a. tap root b. adventitious c. fibrous d. seminal e. embryonic ____ 10. Grass embryos have a radicle, but in addition, several other embryonic roots form just above the radicle, the ____ roots. a. primary b. lateral c. prop d. aerial e. seminal ____ 11. In a comparison of the surface areas of a single rye plant, the root surface area is ____. a. the same amount of surface area as the shoot system b. slightly less than the surface area of the shoot system c. many times more than the surface area of the shoot system d. slightly more than the surface area of the shoot system e. many times less than the surface area of the root system ____ 12. Select the mismatch. a. mandrake root: an infusion may help control coughing b. ginseng root: tapioca c. cassava root: farina d. soap weed: used in popular shampoos e. yucca root: glues feathers to arrows ____ 13. The embryonic root is the ____. a. primary root b. lateral root c. seminal root d. radicle e. prop root ____ 14. Which are not adventitious roots? a. prop roots of corn b. seminal roots of grasses c. aerial roots of the banyan tree d. pneumatophores of mangrove trees e. climbing roots of figs ____ 15. Which is not a way roots of different plants growing in proximity reduce competition? a. Blue grama grass has a very shallow root system within the top 15 cm of soil. b. Banyan trees have aerial roots that prop up the stem. c. Buffalo grass has a spreading fibrous root system, sometimes as deep as 1.5 m in the soil. d. Locoweed has a taproot system. e. Trees and shrubs have shallow roots that extend well beyond the expansion of overhead branches. ____ 16. The ____ at the tip of the root apex protects the RAM. a. root cap b. root apical meristem c. quiescent center d. region of elongation e. region of maturation ____ 17. The ____ is a group of small, regularly shaped cells, most of which are dividing. a. root cap b. root apical meristem c. quiescent center d. region of elongation e. region of maturation ____ 18. A small, centrally located part of the RAM whose cells divide slowly, is called the ____. a. root cap b. root apical meristem c. quiescent center d. region of elongation e. region of maturation ____ 19. Just basal to the meristem region, toward the body of the root, is the ____. a. root cap b. root apical meristem c. quiescent center d. region of elongation e. region of maturation ____ 20. The ____ is the site of root hair formation and the maturation of other cell types. a. root cap b. root apical meristem c. quiescent center d. region of elongation e. region of maturation ____ 21. The correct order of the regions of a root tip, beginning at the apex, are ____. a. root apical meristem, root cap, region of maturation, region of elongation b. region of maturation, region of elongation, root apical meristem, root cap c. root cap, region of maturation, root apical meristem, region of elongation d. root cap, root apical meristem, region of elongation, region of maturation e. region of maturation, region of elongation, root cap, root apical meristem ____ 22. Cells just apical to the QC divide produce cells to form the ____. a. region of elongation b. root cap c. region of maturation d. additional QC cells e. RAM ____ 23. The root cap ____. a. is the site of gravity perception b. cells are constantly sloughed off at the very tip c. sloughed-off cells remain in the soil to provide nutrients for bacteria and fungi in the rhizosphere d. cells protect the RAM as the root elongates and pushes through the soil e. all of the above ____ 24. Protoderm, ground meristem, and procambium are referred to as ____. a. the QM b. the RAM c. root cap cells d. primary meristems e. none of the above ____ 25. Select the mismatch. a. protoderm: epidermis b. ground meristem: cortex c. ground meristem: protophloem and metaphloem d. procambium: protoxylem and metaxylem e. protoderm: root hairs ____ 26. A root hair is a(n) ____. a. cell attached to an epidermal cell b. very small root c. many-celled attachment to an epidermal cell d. extension of an epidermal cell wall into the soil e. structure arising from ground meristem ____ 27. The absorbing surface of a root is increased mostly by ____. a. the root cap b. the root epidermis c. root hairs d. secondary growth e. the region of elongation ____ 28. Which of the following is not true? a. Cell walls of root hairs are thin. b. Root hairs tend to be sticky. c. New root hairs constantly form at the apical end of the root-hair zone. d. In rye plants, root hairs develop at an average rate of over 100 million per day. e. Root hairs have very long lives. ____ 29. Casparian strips are located ____. a. on the radial and transverse walls of all cortex cells b. on the radial and transverse walls of endodermal cells c. on the radial and transverse walls of pericycle cells d. on the radial and transverse walls of xylem cells e. on the radial and transverse walls of phloem cells ____ 30. Casparian strips function to ____. a. control mineral accumulation by the root b. protect the endodermal cells c. prevent materials from entering cortex cells d. protect the exodermal cells e. divide and produce parenchyma cells for the cortex ____ 31. Which is not a method whereby minerals move from plant cell to plant cell? a. through porous cell walls b. osmosis c. diffusion d. through special membrane proteins e. cross plasma membranes ____ 32. Select the mismatch. a. protoxylem: first xylem element to mature, develops at outer points b. metaxylem: last primary xylem to mature, differentiates at outer points c. protophloem: cells formed at the periphery of the phloem d. metaphloem: develops toward the inside of the vascular cylinder e. pericycle: outer boundary of the vascular cylinder ____ 33. What is the first part of the vascular system to become functional in primary growth? a. protoxylem b. metaxylem c. protophloem d. metaphloem e. pericycle ____ 34. Which statement is not true? a. Protoxylem is capable of transporting water while root elongation occurs. b. Metaxylem cells mature in regions of the root where cell elongation has been completed. c. Protophloem cells function primarily during root elongation. d. Metaphloem functions during the plant's young life. e. Pericycle remains capable of dividing for a long time. ____ 35. The pericycle ____. a. remains capable of dividing for a long time b. is the site where the development of lateral roots is initiated c. contributes to the formation of vascular cambium d. contributes to the formation of cork cambium e. all of the above ____ 36. During the secondary growth of roots, which of the following is true? a. Pericycle cells and leftover residual procambium cells between the arcs of xylem and phloem divide. b. Secondary xylem is formed to the inside and secondary phloem forms to the outside. c. A pith forms in the middle of the root. d. Continued growth expands the root and finally causes the splitting, sloughing off, and destruction of the cortex and epidermis. e. Primary xylem occupies the middle of the root. ____ 37. Parasitic plants like dodder anchor themselves by sinking ____ into the vascular tissue of a host stem and thus tap the host's water and nutrient supply. a. root nodules b. mycorrhizae c. contractile roots d. haustorial roots e. none of the above ____ 38. Select the mismatch. a. root nodules: on legume plants, contain bacteria that fix nitrogen b. ectotrophic mycorrhizae: a fungus does not penetrate root cells c. endotrophic mycorrhizae: a fungus forms a mantle over the root d. contractile roots: maintain plant parts aboveground e. haustorial roots: host plants provide water and nutrients


39. Describe taproot penetration of the soil versus fibrous root system penetration and the relative advantage and disadvantage of each. 40. Describe the various features of root development at the root tip. 41. What are the functions performed by the root cap and how does is accomplish them? 42. What is the mechanism(s) for the absorption of water by the roots and its transport to the vascular system? 43. What functions do roots have in addition to anchoring the plant and absorbing water and minerals? 44. What kinds of cooperation do roots have with other organisms? 45. Why are the endodermis and its Casparian strip important? 46. Describe the origin of lateral roots. 47. What is different about the origin and development of a tap root versus a fibrous root system? 48. What is the difference between monocot and dicot root structure, and what might be the reason(s) for this?

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