Formal Meeting Agenda s4
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b) Meeting Notes May 1, 2017
7:00 PM a) c) d) Type of Meeting: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting
Meeting Facilitator: Richard Conley
Invitees: Ron Cardillo, Stacy Caron, Karen Grace, Brian Akashian, Glenn Bock, Ann Marie Duross, John Haley, Tom Jackson, Melanie Nangle, Dana Vigeant, Joe Wilkie, Ginger Brea, Christine MacPhearson
1. Acceptance of Meeting Minutes (no feedback)
2. Officer Reports
a. President (R.Conley)
a.i. 2017-18 Team Rosters and Review of Process
a.i.1. Kids were placed on teams after review of scores as well as a lot of discussion with coaches - a couple of parents were unhappy with where their kids were placed
a.i.2. Thoughts were to create a tryout committee vs. having the executive board pick teams
a.i.3. Create a tryout process that is published
a.i.4. PW/Squirts – 1 or 2 open spots
a.i.5. Bantams – maybe 1 spot, along with midgets who have 1 open spot; kids will be pulled up frequently for the midgets due to HS
a.ii. VHL Entries for next year – completed, requested divisions shared with the board
a.ii.1. John Haley reached out to VL to inquire to what the deadline may be to add a team if our #’s spiked – Per Valley, End of July. b. Vice President (R.Cardillo)
c. Treasurer (K.Grace)
c.i. Review Financials – all bills are paid, money is coming in
c.ii. Budget approval needed
c.ii.1. Sibling discounts are up, goalie discounts are down, expected tuition is down due to loss of 14 players (or so), late fees are helping to offset c/c fees
c.ii.2. Tsongas ice – same time slot on Thursdays as the 2016-17 season.
c.ii.3. 13 hours of ice at Janas to start, drops to 12 once LTP begins in Oct and then 10 hours once HS starts (end of Nov). Do we need ice time at BIC in the fall? We have 10 teams to share the ice, less than 2016-17. Decision was made to drop hours at BIC (pre H/S).
c.ii.4. We have no plans to follow the recommended USA Hockey guideline for ice time by age level at this time.
c.ii.5. We are adding a line item for 2 sets of goalie pads for Mites
c.ii.6. TO DO: Summer Skills – GLYSA blast needed to remind people to sign up by June 1st for the discounted rate – INCLUDE Golf tournament as well
c.ii.7. John Haley motioned to approve budget, Brian Akashian seconded it. Unanimous
d. Coaching Director (B.Akashian) – Brian coordinated with Roger Grillo to come out and talk to the coaches.
d.i. Brian suggested we rent a hall so parents can attend as well and hear about the ADM model.
3. Director and Committee Reports
a. Apparel – R.Conley
a.i. Review Store --
a.i.1. Site is not live yet – plan is to have it go live soon – latest would be early summer. a.i.2. Description of items online would be helpful.
a.i.3. Pictures of items online should match the product families receive.
a.ii. Uniforms
a.ii.1. TO DO: Joe & Tom will coordinate conflicting player #’s and reach out to parents of players to talk to them as well as choose a new #. This needs to be completed in the next month. $50/jersey, $100/set, Midgets are only $50 as they only receive the black ones.
b. Fundraising – A.Duross
b.i. GLYSA Golf Tournament 2017 – September 28 (Thursday)
b.i.1. $9600 in hole sponsors last year – look for new sponsors
b.i.2. TO DO: Open up link on the website so people can register online
b.i.3. Giveaway ideas needed - $20 limit (Brian to research)
c. Equipment – B.Akashian
c.i. New socks – going with fancier socks
c.ii. TO DO: Brian to obtain pricing to purchase 2 sets of socks (black and white)
d. Summer Skills – K.Grace and B.Akashian
d.i. Facebook blast about summer skills – Coaches to email all their players asking them to sign up – text/email blast all current and prior members.
4. Open Business
a. Banners for Janas Rink (B.Akashian) – Brian researched all championships back to 2008. Banner would cost $240 – 5x7. Brian to talk to Janas about hanging the banner in the lobby.
b. Bobby Ware contract – Christine spoke with Bobby 5/1/17 – he will fwd. the contract within the next week or 2. b.i. Brian suggested we have someone with goalie experience as well. TO DO: John Haley to talk to Bruce Irving to see if he has a goalie program.
5. New Business
a. Ice scheduling – can we set a fixed schedule by team? Karen suggested we talk to the coaches to see what night they prefer.
6. Adjournment