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COURSE TITLE: Art GRADE LEVEL: Grade 5 CREATION DATE: June, 2004 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: Production, Performance, and Exhibition Approx. Time Allotment: PA Standards: 9.1.5 A, B, C, F, H (See Addendum A – Kid Friendly Language) Aligned Materials/ Benchmark/Skills Assessment Instructional Strategies Resources/Technology Students will: Materials Learning Activities Use line to create a sense Products: Paintings, Participate in teacher led discussions of movement drawings, sculptures, Paints: tempera, watercolor Observe resources provided by the Manipulative shapes to collages Papers: tissue, construction, foil teacher give illusion of depth Performances: Exhibits paper Observe teacher demonstrations of Draw and paint to create a Assessments: Reflective Pencils, crayons, markers, oil pastels technique Learn safety considerations and good value scale Journal, Questions, Fabric, felt, clay work habits Add texture to a three- Discussions, Games Glue Work on assigned projects for the dimensional surface allotted time Transform shapes into Resources three-dimensional form Art Books, Artifacts, and Games Instructional Strategies Reproductions – Including but not Gather resource materials: books, Vary the value and change prints the size of an object to limited to: Prepare display boards and visual determine its position in Copley, Boy with a Squirrel aids for classroom use space Mexican, Figure of an Old Man Post standards, objectives, and steps Depict three-dimensional Stuart, George Washington Discuss with students their prior space on a two- Trumbull, Signing of the knowledge of the unit Discuss vocabulary and artists as dimensional surface Declaration of Independence they relate to the unit Illustrate movement Peale Family, Assorted Works Note safety consideration for use of through color and line Durer, Assorted Works materials and tools Use formative evaluation Technology - Including but not limited individually Using assigned seating for studio to: work sessions CD-rom Assign student roles in the Internet distribution and clean-up of art TV to PC connection materials Evaluate the project for future use Prepare art work for display in the school as well as in the community
Grade 5 Art Page 2 - 2 - June, 2004 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: Production, Performance, and Exhibition Approx. Time Allotment: PA Standards: 9.1.5 A, B, C, F, H (See Addendum A – Kid Friendly Language) Multicultural/Interdisciplinary Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques Enrichment Strategies Remediation Strategies Connection
Preferential seating Books Parent volunteer Interdisciplinary Connections Peer assistance Video assistance Individual aides Behind the Peer assistance Science – Life Cycles, and Weather Modified expectations Scenes – Teacher’s aide Social Studies – Indigenous People of Modify tools perspective Individual help from Ancient North and South America, Special adaptations as specified in IEP Frederick teacher Remington Western Explorations, Colonization, Auditory and visual cues American Revolution, Westward Music Expansion
Language Arts – Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson – China/Baseball, Mixed up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
Grade 5 Art Page 3 - 3 - June, 2004 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: Historical and Cultural Context Approx. Time Allotment: PA Standards: 9.2.5 A; 9.2.5 A, C, D, E, F, G, I, J, K, L (See Addendum A – Kid Friendly Language) Aligned Materials/ Benchmark/Skills Assessment Instructional Strategies Resources/Technology Students will: Materials Learning Activities Be exposed to Pre- Products: Paintings, Participate in teacher led discussions Columbian through early drawings, sculptures, Paints: tempera, watercolor Observe resources provided by the 19th century Art and collages Papers: tissue, construction, foil teacher Artists (Including Age of Performances: Exhibits paper Observe teacher demonstrations of Explorers, Colonial and Assessments: Reflective Pencils, crayons, markers, oil pastels technique Revolutionary Periods in Learn safety considerations and good Journal, Questions, Fabric, felt, clay work habits America Discussions, Games Glue Work on assigned projects for the Understand that works of allotted time art can serve different Resources purposes Art Books, Artifacts, and Games Instructional Strategies Will relate art to historic Reproductions – Including but not Gather resource materials: books, events in America prints limited to: Prepare display boards and visual Copley, Boy with a Squirrel aids for classroom use Mexican, Figure of an Old Man Post standards, objectives, and steps Stuart, George Washington Discuss with students their prior Trumbull, Signing of the knowledge of the unit Discuss vocabulary and artists as Declaration of Independence they relate to the unit Peale Family, Assorted Works Note safety consideration for use of Durer, Assorted Works materials and tools Michelangelo – Pieta Use formative evaluation individually Asian Collection Using assigned seating for studio work sessions Technology - Including but not limited Assign student roles in the to: distribution and clean-up of art CD-rom materials Evaluate the project for future use Internet Prepare art work for display in the TV to PC connection school as well as in the community
Grade 5 Art Page 4 - 4 - June, 2004 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: Historical and Cultural Context Approx. Time Allotment: PA Standards: 9.2.5 A; 9.2.5 A, C, D, E, F, G, I, J, K, L (See Addendum A – Kid Friendly Language) Multicultural/Interdisciplinary Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques Enrichment Strategies Remediation Strategies Connection
Preferential seating Books Parent volunteer Interdisciplinary Connections Peer assistance Video assistance Individual aides Music Peer assistance Science – Life Cycles, and Weather Modified expectations Teacher’s aide Social Studies – Indigenous People of Modify tools Individual help from Ancient North and South America, Special adaptations as specified in IEP teacher Western Explorations, Colonization, Auditory and visual cues American Revolution, Westward Expansion, Central America, Asia
Language Arts – Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler – Michelangelo/Art Museum/Statues, Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson – China/Baseball
Grade 5 Art Page 5 - 5 - June, 2004 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: Critical Response Approx. Time Allotment: PA Standards: 9.3 A, B, C, D, F (See Addendum A – Kid Friendly Language) Aligned Materials/ Benchmark/Skills Assessment Instructional Strategies Resources/Technology Students will: Materials Learning Activities Describe use of space in a Products: Paintings, Participate in teacher led discussions work of art drawings, sculptures, Paints: tempera, watercolor Observe resources provided by the Use the critical analysis collages Papers: tissue, construction, foil teacher skills: describe, analyze, Performances: Exhibits paper Observe teacher demonstrations of interpret, and judge Assessments: Reflective Pencils, crayons, markers, oil technique pastels Learn safety considerations and good Look at elements of art Journal, Questions, work habits and describe how different Discussions, Games Fabric, felt, clay Work on assigned projects for the artists use them differently Glue allotted time Use broad, descriptive Work individually using self directed vocabulary Resources critical analysis Art Books, Artifacts, and Games Instructional Strategies Reproductions – Including but Gather resource materials: books, prints not limited to: Prepare display boards and visual aids Copley, Boy with a Squirrel for classroom use Mexican, Figure of an Old Man Post standards, objectives, and steps Stuart, George Washington Discuss with students their prior knowledge of the unit Trumbull, Signing of the Discuss vocabulary and artists as they Declaration of Independence relate to the unit Peale Family, Assorted Works Note safety consideration for use of Durer, Assorted Works materials and tools Use formative evaluation individually Using assigned seating for studio work Technology - Including but not sessions limited to: Assign student roles in the distribution CD-rom and clean-up of art materials Internet Evaluate the project for future use TV to PC connection Prepare art work for display in the school as well as in the community Use sorting and matching games using reproductions
Grade 5 Art Page 6 - 6 - June, 2004 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: Critical Response Approx. Time Allotment: PA Standards: 9.3 A, B, C, D, F (See Addendum A – Kid Friendly Language) Multicultural/Interdisciplinary Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques Enrichment Strategies Remediation Strategies Connection
Preferential seating Books Parent volunteer Interdisciplinary Connections Peer assistance Video assistance Individual aides Music Peer assistance Science Modified expectations Teacher’s aide Social Studies – Indigenous People of Modify tools Individual help from Ancient North and South America, Special adaptations as specified in IEP teacher Western Explorations, Colonization, Auditory and visual cues American Revolution, Westward Expansion
Grade 5 Art Page 7 - 7 - June, 2004 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: Aesthetic Response Approx. Time Allotment: PA Standards: 9.4 A, B (See Addendum A – Kid Friendly Language) Aligned Materials/ Benchmark/Skills Assessment Instructional Strategies Resources/Technology Students will: Materials Learning Activities Understand the five major Products: Paintings, Participate in teacher led discussions uses of art: religious, drawings, sculptures, Paints: tempera, watercolor Observe resources provided by the utilitarian, documentation, collages Papers: tissue, construction, foil teacher ornamentation, and self- Performances: Exhibits paper Observe teacher demonstrations of expression Assessments: Reflective Pencils, crayons, markers, oil pastels technique Learn safety considerations and good Examine the concept of Journal, Questions, Fabric, felt, clay work habits beauty Discussions, Games Glue Work on assigned projects for the Understand why some allotted time works of art and artists are Resources “important” and others not Art Books, Artifacts, and Games Instructional Strategies Reproductions – Including but not Gather resource materials: books, prints limited to: Prepare display boards and visual Copley, Boy with a Squirrel aids for classroom use Mexican, Figure of an Old Man Post standards, objectives, and steps Stuart, George Washington Discuss with students their prior Trumbull, Signing of the knowledge of the unit Discuss vocabulary and artists as Declaration of Independence they relate to the unit Peale Family, Assorted Works Note safety consideration for use of Durer, Assorted Works materials and tools Use formative evaluation Technology - Including but not limited individually Using assigned seating for studio to: work sessions CD-rom Assign student roles in the Internet distribution and clean-up of art TV to PC connection materials Evaluate the project for future use Prepare art work for display in the school as well as in the community
Grade 5 Art Page 8 - 8 - June, 2004 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: Aesthetic Response Approx. Time Allotment: PA Standards: 9.4 A, B (See Addendum A – Kid Friendly Language) Multicultural/Interdisciplinary Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques Enrichment Strategies Remediation Strategies Connection
Preferential seating Books Parent volunteer Interdisciplinary Connections Peer assistance Video assistance Individual aides Music Peer assistance Social Studies – Indigenous People of Modified expectations Teacher’s aide Ancient North and South America, Western Explorations, Colonization, Modify tools Individual help from American Revolution, Westward Special adaptations as specified in IEP teacher Expansion Auditory and visual cues Language Arts – Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler – Michelangelo/Art Museum/Statues,
Grade 5 Art Page 9 - 9 - June, 2004