IT’S THE LAW! Donald R. Fox

On occasions, we have heard concerning women’s right to abortion, the statement. It's the law. What this statement means is that the law of the land authorizes the abortions of innocent babies, the killing of babies. To me this sounds very familiar when one looks at past world history.

Let’s go back to the early years of the rise of Nazi Germany with Hitler as its leader. Note the following laws of the land in Nazi Germany:

July 14, 1933: Law passed to force the sterilization of Gypsies, mentally and physically disabled, African-Germans and others considered inferior or unfit.

August 7, 1933: Law was passed to exclude non-Aryans from government jobs, etc.

September 10, 1935: The Nuremberg Laws, the third law in part, “to clarify the position of Jews in the Reich”. This law led to the “final solution”, the extermination of Jews, the killing of the innocent people. See:

The Nuremberg Trials after World War II brought all these “laws” to light. Notice the defense of Adolf Eichmann, a Nazi war criminal, paraphrased: “I was just following orders--I was obeying my country’s law. I have nothing personally against the Jews.” Alas, it was the law of the land to kill Jews and other innocent humans. Yes, Nazi’s said," It’s the law."

Here in the United States of America we have a law on the books that mirrors Nazi Germany in the 1930’s. Abortion, killing of the innocent must be stopped. This present law is infanticide. If killing Jews and others by law are wrong, then killing babies by law is also wrong.

May our conscience be pricked as a people! We the people must overthrow a law that is immoral, inhumane, and offensive to God and to God-fearing people. The above Nazi laws were wrong, and the right to abortion law is also very wrong. “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34) Can we learn from history?

NOTE: For further study on this subject see “BARBARITY” and “ELIMATION OF UNDESIRABLES."