Shared lectio divina

A walk-through process for doing lectio divina as a group (these steps can be revised to fit the situation)

Have everyone sit in a group, preferably a circle. It is best if everyone has a copy of the biblical passage that will be used, but not strictly necessary.

1. For five minutes. After all make the sign of the cross, someone reads the passage aloud and after a pause it is read aloud again by the same or another person. During this step, everyone asks oneself, “What word or phrase catches my attention?” Spend the rest of the five minutes in silence thinking about the passage and what word or phrase jumps out.

2. For ten minutes. Someone reads the passage aloud a third time. Go around the circle, one by one, having everyone share the word or phrase with the group (if someone rather not share, respect that and pass the person by). Spend of the rest of the ten minutes in silent meditation on the word or phrase, with everyone asking oneself, “Why is the word or phrase meaningful to me?”

3. For five minutes. Someone reads the passage aloud a fourth time. Go around the circle, one by one, having everyone share in a few words only why the word or phrase is meaningful to him or her (again, if someone rather not share, respect that). Spend the rest of the five minutes in silence, with everyone formulating a prayer to God that arises from your meditation on the word or phrase.

4. To end the shared lectio divina, two things may be done. a. First option (shorter): a group leader offers aloud a closing prayer based on the reading. b. Second option (longer): go around the circle, one by one, having everyone offer aloud a prayer based on one’s meditation (again, if someone rather not share, respect that).