1. Which of the Following Is a Raw Material for the Chemical Industry?

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1. Which of the Following Is a Raw Material for the Chemical Industry?

Unit 3 Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is a raw material 6. Which of the following is the best description for the chemical industry? of a 0.1moll-1 solution of ethanoic acid? A. benzene A. dilute solution of a weak acid B. methane B. dilute solution of a strong acid C. aluminium C. concentrated solution of a weak D. iron acid D. concentrated solution of a strong 2. What is the relationship between acid enthalpies p, q, r and s? 7. The concentration of OH- (aq) ions in a -2 -1 S(s) + H2(g) H2S(g) H=p solution is 1 x 10 moll . What is the + -1 H2(g) + ½ O2(g) H2O(l) H=q concentration of H (aq) ions, in moll ? A. -2 S(s) + O2(g) SO2(g) H=r 1 x 10 B. 1 x 10-5 H2S(g) + 1½ O2(g) H2O(l) + SO2(g) H=s C. 1 x 10-9 D. -12 A. p = q + r – s 1 x 10 B. p = s – q – r C. p = q – r – s 8. When a certain aqueous solution is diluted, its D. p = s + r – q conductivity decreases but its pH remains constant. The solution could be 3. A catalyst is added to a reaction at A. ethanoic acid equilibrium. Which of the following does B. sodium chloride not apply? C. sodium hydroxide A. the rate of the forward reaction D. nitric acid increases B. the rate of the reverse reaction 9. The ion-electron equations for a redox increases reaction are

C. the position of equilibrium - - 2I (aq) I2(aq) + 2e remains unchanged - + - 2+ MnO4 (aq) + 8H (aq) + 5e Mn (aq) + 4H2O(l) D. the position of equilibrium shifts to the right How many moles of iodide ions are oxidised by one mole of permanganate 4. ICl(l) + Cl2(g) ICl3(s) H= -106 ions? kJmol-1 A. 0.2 Which line in the table identifies correctly B. 0.4 the changes that will cause the greatest C. 2 increase in the proportion of solid in the D. 5 above equilibrium? 10. In which of the following reactions is Temperature Pressure hydrogen gas acting as an oxidising A Decrease Decrease agent? B Decrease Increase A. H2 + C2H4 C2H6 C Increase Decrease B. H2 + Cl2 2HCl D Increase Increase C. H2 + 2Na 2NaH D H2 + CuO H2O + Cu 5. 11. 12. When 10g of lead pellets containing 17. Which of the following is likely to apply to radioactive lead are placed in a solution the use of a catalyst in a chemical reaction? containing 10g of lead nitrate, radioactivity Position of Effect on soon appears in the solution. Compared to equilibrium value ofH the pellets the solution will show A Moved to right Decreased A. different intensity of radiation and B Unaffected Increased different half life C Moved to left Unaffected B. the same intensity of radiation but D Unaffected unaffected different half-life C. different intensity of radiation but the same half-life 18. A fully dissociated acid is progressively D. the same intensity of radiation diluted by the addition of water. Which of and the same half-life the following would increase with increasing dilution? 13. Which line in the table describes correctly A. the pH value the result of an atom losing a beta-particle? B. the electrical conductivity C. the rate of its reaction with chalk Atomic number Mass number D. the volume of alkali which it will A Increased No change neutralise B Decreased No change C No change Increased 19. Which of the following is a redox reaction?

D No change decreased A. NaOH + HCl NaCl + H2O

B. Zn + 2HCl ZnCl2 + H2

C. NiO + 2HCl NiCl2 + H2O 2 3 4 1 14. H + H He + n D. CuCO3 + 2HCl CuCl2 + H2O + CO2 The above process represents A. nuclear fission 20. If 96,500C of electricity are passed through B. nuclear fusion separate solutions of copper(II)chloride and C. proton capture nickel(II) chloride, then D. neutron capture A. equal masses of copper and nickel will be deposited 15. Consider the reaction pathway shown. B. the same number of atoms of each metal will be deposited H = -210 kJmol-1 C. the metals will be plated on the W Z positive electrode D. different numbers of moles of each metal will be deposited H = -50 kJmol-1 21. Strontium-90 is a radioisotope. H = -86kJmol-1 What is the neutron to proton ratio in an X Y atom of this isotope? A. 2.37 According to Hess’ Law, the H value, in B. 1.00 kJmol-1 for reaction Z to Y is C. 0.73 A. +74 D. 1.37 B. –74 C. +346 22. D. –346

16. 23. Which compound is not a raw material in the 25. Two 1g samples of radium and radium oxide chemical industry? both contain the same radioisotope of A. benzene radium. The intensity of radiation and the B. water half-life of the radioisotope in each sample C. iron oxide are compared. Which entry in the table is a D. sodium chloride correct comparision?

24. Which of the following is produced by a Intensity of Half-life batch process? radiation A. sulphuric acid from sulphur and A Same Different oxygen B Same Same B. aspirin from salicylic acid C Different Same C. iron from iron ore D Different different D. ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen 26. The costs in the industrial production of a chemical are made up of fixed costs and - - + 21. Cl2(g) + H2O(l) Cl -(aq) + ClO -(aq) + 2H (aq) variable costs. Which of the following is most likely to be classified as a variable cost? The addition of which substance would A. land rental move the above equilibrium to the right? B. plant construction A. hydrogen C. labour B. hydrogen chloride D. raw materials C. sodium hydroxide 27. Chemical reactions are in a state of dynamic + 22. The concentration of H (aq) ions in a equilibrium only when -4 -1 solution is 1 x 10 moll . What is the A. the rate of the forward reaction - -1 concentration of OH (aq) ions, in moll ? equals that of the backward A. -4 1 x 10 reaction B. -7 1 x 10 B. the concentrations of reactants C. -10 1 x 10 and products are equal D. -14 1 x 10 C. the activation energies of the forward and backward reactions l-1 23. Equal volumes of 1 mol solutions of are equal ethanoic acid and hydrochloric acid are D. the reaction involves zero compared. In which of the following cases enthalpy change does the ethanoic acid give the higher value? A. pH of solution 28. A trout fishery owner added limestone to his B. conductivity of solution loch to combat the effects of acid rain. He C. rate of reaction with magnesium managed to raise the pH of the water from 4 D. volume of sodium hydroxide to 6. The concentration of the H+(aq) ions solution neutralised A. increased by a factor of 2 B. increased by a factor of 100 24. C. decreased by a factor of 2 D. decreased by a factor of 100

29. 30. Which of the following is the same for equal 36. The pH of a solution of hydrochloric acid volumes of 0.1 moll-1 solutions of sodium was found to be 2.5. The concentration, in hydroxide and ammonia? moll-1, of the H+(aq) ions must be A. pH of solution A. greater than 0.1 B. mass of solute present B. between 0.1 and 0.01 C. conductivity of solution C. between 0.01 and 0.001 D. number of moles of hydrochloric D. less than 0.001 acid needed for neutralisation 34. Ethanoic acid is referred to as a weak 31. The reduction of copper ions during acid because in water electroplating can be represented as: A. there is partial ionisation of the O-H bond Cu2+(aq) + 2e- Cu(s) B. it has a pH of about 4 C. it is not very soluble What is the quantity of electricity needed D. it produces only one H+(aq) ion to produce 0.25 moles of copper? per molecule A. 24 125 C B. 48 250 C 35. When a certain solution is diluted, its C. 96 500 C conductivity decreases but its pH remains D. 193 000 C constant. The solution could be A. ethanoic acid 32. A radioactive atom of a group 4 element B. sodium chloride emits one B-particle. The decay product will C. sodium hydroxide be an atom of an element in D. nitric acid A. Group 3 B. Group 4 36. Which of the following has an electrical C. Group 5 charge? D. Group 6 A. -particles B. X-rays 33. The half-life of the isotope 210Pb is 21 years. C. Neutrons What fraction of the original 210Pb atoms will D. -rays be present in 63 years? A. 0.5 37. Which of the following needs to be B. 0.25 known to calculate the relative atomic C. 0.125 mass of an element? D. 0.0625 A. the number of protons and the number of neutrons in each 34. The decomposition of magnesium carbonate isotope can be prevented from going to completion B. the identities of the isotopes by present and their relative A. absorbing the carbon dioxide abundance produced C. the number of neutrons in each B. removing magnesium oxide as it isotope is formed D. the number of protons, neutrons C. carrying out the reaction in a and electrons in each isotope small, closed container D. reducing the pressure

35. 38. 6g of ammonium chloride crystals were 42. Hydrogen and iodine at 500oC react added to 200cm3 of water, at a according to the equation temperature of 25oC. The enthalpy of solution of ammonium chloride is +13.6 H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g) kJmol-1. After dissolving the crystals, the temperature of the solution would most Vessel X contains 1 mol H2 and 1 mol I2. likely be Vessel Y contains 2 mols HI A. 23oC X and Y are left at 500oC until no further B. 25oC change occurs. C. 27oC D. 30oC Which statement is true? A. X will contain more hydrogen than Y 39. Induced nuclear reactions can be described in B. X will contain less iodine than Y a shortened form C. X and Y will contain the same amount of HI. T (x,y) P D. Y will contain 1 mol of iodine The participants are, the target nucleus (T), the bombarding particle (x), the 42. Which particle will be formed when an ejected particle (y) and the product atom of 211Bi loses an alpha particle and nucleus (P). Which nuclear reaction the decay product then loses a beta would not give the product nucleus particle? indicated A. 210Au A. 14N (, p) 17O B. 209Hg B. 242Cf (n, ) 239Pu C. 208Tl C. 10B (, n) 13N D. 207Pb D. 236Np (p, ) 238U 43. In which of the following systems will 40. Which of the following dissolves in water to the equilibrium be unaffected by a give an alkaline solution? change in pressure? A. sodium nitrate A. 2NO(g) + O2(g) 2NO2(g) B. potassium ethanoate B. 2NO2(g) N2O4(g) C. ammonium chloride C. H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g) D. lithium sulphate D. N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g)

41. 44. Which of the following equations represents the first ionisation energy of fluorine? A. F(g) + e F-(g) B. F(g) F+(g) + e C. F-(g) F(g) + e D. F+ + e F(g) 49. Radioactive uranium is present in rocks in 45. The enthalpies of combustion of C(s), H2(g) the form of compounds like -1 and C4H9OH(l) (in kJmol ) are as follows uranium(IV)oxide. When the rock is

C(s) + O2(g) CO2(g) H=a processed, a large amount of the uranium can

H2(g) + ½O2(g) H2O(l) H=b be recovered as pure metal. Compared to the C4H9OH(l) + 6O2(g) 4CO2(g) + 5H2O(l) original rock, the half-life of the pure metal H=c will be What is the enthalpy change for the A. shorter reaction shown below? B. the same 4C(g) + 5H2(l) + ½O2(g) C4H9OH(l) C. longer D. depend upon the amount that is A. 4a + 5b – c recovered B. 2a + 10b – c C. c – 4a – 5b 50. How many atoms will be present in 11.2 D. 2a + 5b + c litres of gaseous fluorine (molar volume =22.4lmol-1)? 46. Chemists use microwave ovens to speed up A. 1.505 x 1023 the synthesis of drugs that contain a B. 3.01 x 1023 radioactive atom, such as 18F. These labelled C. 6.02 x 1023 drugs are called radio-pharmaceuticals and D. 1.204 x 1024 they must have a very short shelf-life. Indeed, they must be used within an hour of 51. From the information given below, which of synthesis. The drugs are introduced into a the following elements is most likely to form volunteer subject, where they are used in the an ion of the type X2+? body in the same way as similar non- st nd rd radioactive compounds. The progress of the 1 ionisation 2 3 energy ionisation ionisation drug through the organ can be easily (kJmol-1) energy energy monitored. (kJmol-1) (kJmol-1) What conclusion can reasonably be A 1690 3380 6060 drawn from the information in the B 500 4560 6920 passage? C 600 1160 4930 A. Labelled drugs are prone to D 580 1830 2760 oxidation B. Microwaves increase the shelf life of a labelled drug C. The labelling atom is an alpha emitter D. 18F has a very short half-life

47. 14C has a half-life of 5600 years. An analysis of charcoal from a wood fire shows that its 14C content is 25% that of living wood. How many years have passed since the wood for the fire was cut? A. 1400 B. 4200 C. 11200 D. 16800


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