Name Date Period The Scarlet Letter Chapter 1-6

1. The “black flower of civilized society” is a metaphor for ______.

2. In what historical/time period does this story take place? Include a year.

3. What types of people commonly received public punishment?

4. In the text, civil law is “almost identical” to ______.

5. What was the most extreme punishment suggested by one of the “goodwives?”

6. Who walked out of the prison besides the town beadle- name(s) and brief description?

7. What was particularly striking about the apparel of the main character upon exiting the prison? What makes it so striking?

8. Why is the punishment made public?

9. Who is the stranger that arrives in town- name and brief description?

10. What crime did the main character commit?

11. During the stranger’s “interview” with the prisoner, he makes the comment, “Between thee and me, the scale hangs fairly balanced.” To what is he referring?

12. What secret does the stranger ask the prisoner to keep?

13. What is the one thing the stranger pledges to learn?

14. How does the main character make her living?

15. How do this character’s “creative” and specialized skills fill a need in the community?

16. Where does the main character now reside?

17. What is the meaning of the child’s name to the main character?

18. List at least three text-based strong adjectives describing the “character” of the child.

19. Causing great pain to the main character, this child constantly noticed and brought attention to what physical element?

20. How does this child get along with other children? The Scarlet Letter Chapter 7-9

1. Other than delivering gloves, what is the main reason the protagonist went to Governor Bellingham’s house?

2. What does the child symbolize to the protagonist?

3. What is the purpose of Mr. Wilson’s examination of the child? What are he and the other men trying to find out?

4. Which of the men at Governor Bellingham’s house defended the protagonist?

5. Mistress Hibbins, the Governor’s sister, invites the protagonist to …

6. The elder ministers of Boston and the deacons of his church essentially decree that Mr. Dimmesdale is to…

7. To what does Roger Chillingworth attribute Mr. Dimmesdale’s condition?

8. Why is Roger Chillingworth trying to befriend Mr. Dimmesdale instead of just maintaining a professional relation?

9. One group of people in the community believed that Roger was sent to Mr. Dimmesdale by providence, another group believed he was sent by…

10. Describe the appearance of Mr. Dimmesdale’s at the height of his condition as you know it.

The Scarlet Letter Chapter 9-12

1. The elder ministers of Boston and the deacons of his church essentially decree that Mr. Dimmesdale is to…

2. To what does Roger Chillingworth attribute Mr. Dimmesdale’s condition? 3. Why is Roger Chillingworth trying to befriend Mr. Dimmesdale instead of just maintaining a professional relation?

4. One group of people in the community believed that Roger was sent to Mr. Dimmesdale by Providence, another group believed he was sent by…

5. Describe the appearance of Mr. Dimmesdale at the height of his condition as you know it.

6. Describe the changes in Roger Chillingworth’s appearance that occurred over the course of his relationship with Arthur Dimmesdale. Use text-based adjectives.

7. Why doesn’t Reverend Dimmesdale want to publically disclose the nature and specifics of his condition?

8. Why does Chillingworth want to exact revenge on Dimmesdale?

9. How does Reverend Dimmesdale’s attempt to inform his congregation of the nature and specifics of his condition? What is their response?

10. By what means does Dimmesdale punish himself?

11. Where does Mr. Dimmesdale go to on his vigil?

12. What was Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale’s goal for screaming out in the night?

13. What was Pearl’s request of Mr. Dimmesdale?

14. What did Roger Chillingworth do when he saw Dimmesdale, Hester, and Pearl together? Answer in terms of sequence of events.

15. What anomaly occurred in the night sky during Dimmesdale’s vigil, which he believed to be a product of his imagination, but which was seen by members of his community? Provide details.

The Scarlet Letter Chapter 13-15

1. In what way does Hester feel she has a responsibility to help Arthur Dimmesdale?

2. At this point in the story, what is the public perception of Hester? What affected this change?

3. What is Hester’s response to the talk that she may no longer have to wear the letter “A”?

4. Why does Hester resolve to speak with the physician?

5. At this point in the story, how does Roger Chillingworth perceive himself?

6. Roger notes a distinct difference between Hester and Arthur in regards to their sin. What is that difference? 7. Whom does Hester hate and why?

8. Pearl continuously asks her mother a question about Mr. Dimmesdale’s mannerisms. What does she particularly notice about him?

The Scarlet Letter Chapter 16-18

1. Sunshine plays a symbolic role in chapter 16. Describe its relationship to Pearl, Hester, and tell if there are any changes in the behavior of the sunshine from the chapter 16 to the end of chapter 18.

2. What is the main purpose of Hester’s discussion with Arthur?

The Scarlet Letter 18-20

1. What is the significance of the title of Chapter 18: “A Flood of Sunshine?”

2. What happens to the scarlet letter? (Two part answer)

3. What is the outcome of Hester and Arthur’s discussion? Be specific and detailed.

4. How does Pearl respond to Mr. Dimmesdale when her mother finally got her across the brook? What are the potential factors contributing to her behavior.

5. What is the significance and symbolism of the brook as characterized by Hester and Pearl?

6. Why does Rev. Dimmesdale think it fortunate that the vessel will depart on the “fourth day from the present?”

7. Describe at least two of the “strange, wild, wicked thing[s]” Mr. Dimmesdale was incited to do on his way back home from his encounter with Hester?

8. What does Arthur Dimmesdale think Mistress Hibbins notices in him?

9. How do Roger and Arthur interact upon Arthur’s return home? What sort of things do they talk about?

10. What dramatic physical/mental changes occur in Arthur since his departing from Hester in the forest?