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Room 327 Phone: 841-8643 Room 512 Phone: 841-8657


Director: Michelle Huerta Director: Leslie Zimmerman Room 327 Phone: 841-8643 Room 512 Phone: 841-8657 Email: Email: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: Web page:


Director: Michelle Huerta Director: Leslie Zimmerman Room 327 Phone: 841-8643 Room 512 Phone: 841-8657 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web page: Web page:

PHILOSOPHY SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST The purpose of theatre arts is to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for creative Composition Notebook and critical thinking, communication and collaboration while developing an appreciation of theatre and the fine arts. Theatre Arts Production only Production fee of $75.00 COURSES Student makeup kit ($25.00)

Theatre 6 (Beginning) a semester or full year course All theatre students are expected to bring with a focus on creating original scenes from stories their composition notebookplanner, spiral, and poems while developing imagination and and a pencil, and to class every day. problem solving skills. Projects include storytelling, black light puppetry, and hand puppetry. Students in the full year class will participate in a class Here’s what we will do in theatre this year: production. Theatre Arts 7/8 (Intermediate) a full year course Read plays aloud, discuss them, and with a focus on developing acting and directing skills. learn about their writers Projects include monologues, duet acting scenes, Learn about stage movement (blocking) musical mime and a class production. Students will and parts of the stage be expected to perform in after school performances Develop your imagination, concentration, as a requirement of the class. observation, relaxation and motivation Intro to Technical Theatre 7/8 a semester course Perform improvisations to build acting introducing students to the basics of light, sound, set skills and costume design through a hands-on project Learn ways to analyze and develop a approach. character Technical Theatre (Advanced) an advanced full year Work in your seat and on your feet course with a focus on producing scenes and plays. Develop vocal clarity, physical control, Students will apply technical theatre skills to and self confidence productions. Students are expected to participate in Discuss and write about people, the AISD One Act Play Festival, the AISD All City relationships, and societal issues Drama Festival and commit to after school rehearsals. Express yourself in comedic and dramatic Selection is by an audition process. Prerequisite: One performances full year of theatre arts. Read articles about famous performers Theatre Arts Production (Advanced) an advanced full and theatre technicians year course with a focus on producing scenes and Watch professional stage productions on plays. Students will apply theatre skills to video productions. Students are expected to participate in Perform scenes the AISD One Act Play Festival, the Renaissance Festival, the AISD All City Drama Festival and commit to after school rehearsals. Selection is by an audition process. Prerequisite: One full year of theatre arts.

2 GRADING POLICY All class and homework assignments receive a DAILY WORK PROCEDURES numeric grade. Participation Late and incomplete assignments may be completed In drama you must participate to learn. Know and for partial credit with the exception of scheduled respect that we are in different places performances. Incomplete and late work will be in our learning. Excellent participation accepted for a penalty of –20 points. Scheduled looks like a willingness to try new performances will not be accepted late unless the things, jumping right in even if you student is absent. Students are not penalized for late make a mistake, willingness to work due to an absence if work is turned in within a volunteer, putting 100% energy and week of the absence. All late work and makeup work focus into each activity, and showing is due 2 class days before the end of the six weeks improvement with each activity. grading period to allow time for the teacher to grade the assignment. Turning in assignments 1. Students are expected to place assignments in the 40% Daily work-class and homework assignments appropriate period tray before they leave the class 20% Active participation in class activities period. 20% Bell Work/Prepared for class 2. Late work will receive a penalty of –20 points. 20% Audience etiquette 3. Assignments turned in without a name shall be hung on the board marked “NO NAME” and will not CLASSROOM RULES receive a grade unless you retrieve it and turn it in Work Hard with a name. Be Nice 4. Assignments must be able to be read without too much effort or they will be returned as “Incomplete”. If a student chooses to break a rule 5. Assignments not meeting minimum standards will Learning in theatre can only take place through be returned as “Incomplete”. appropriate participation. It is our goal to keep all 6. To receive credit for an “Incomplete”, you must students motivated and engaged in the activities. complete the assignment and turn it in. There are times, however, when students have 7. “Incomplete” assignments are accepted for a difficulty participating appropriately. They need time penalty of -20 points when turned in completed. to cool off or refocus their behavior. The “Refocus” 8. You may write on the front and back of your center allows the teacher an opportunity to assist papers. students in redirecting their behavior. The center also allows students the opportunity to self-monitor “MSG” their behavior by giving them a space to take a All assignments missing at the time grades are breather or clear their head. Other consequences for entered are entered as “MSG” and averaged as a zero behavior include detention and parent contact. until the work is turned in or completed.

Teacher assigned refocus “ABS” 1. When the teacher asks you to go to the center, Students missing an assignment due to being absent you are expected to go quietly. the day an assignment is due are entered as “ABS” 2. You must complete a reflection form while sitting until the work is completed. in the center. 3. Remain quietly in the center until the teacher Class Heading conferences with you. 1. The proper heading should appear on the top right hand corner of all work turned in for credit. Voluntary refocus 2. Papers turned in without proper headings will 1. Students needing time to refocus may choose to Receive a loss of –10 points. use the center if it is unoccupied. 3. The proper heading should appear on the top right 2. You may choose to sit quietly thinking or draw or corner of your paper and include: doodle on scratch paper while sitting in the center. 3. Rejoin the class when you are ready. First Name and Last Name Class Period Teacher assigned detention Date 1. Report to Mrs. Huerta in room 327 or Mrs. Zimmerman in 512 before going to lunch. No Name 2. Complete the assignment. Please check the no name board if you have a MSG in 3. Lunch detention is 10 minutes. No shows double the grade book. their detention.

3 number. You can opt out at any time by replying to the same class phone number with the text Late Work “unsubscribe@the class code”. 1. Work not completed and turned in on the day it is due is considered “late work”. This includes Theatre Arts classes use the same number. assignments turned in on time without a name. 512-961-8135 2. Students may turn in “late work” until the posted deadlines. Theatre Arts Classes 3. Late assignments will be accepted for a penalty Text this code @gmstheatre of -20 points. 4. If the assignment is late due to absence, the Theatre Production student can make up the work without penalty. Text this code @gmstap 5. Scheduled performances will not be accepted late unless due to an excused absence. Gorzycki Musical Text this code @gmsmusical Late work/Makeup work/Incomplete deadlines NYC Trip 1st six weeks Sept. 30 Text this code @gmsnyc 2nd six weeks Nov. 4 3rd six weeks Dec. 16 CLASSROOM PROCEDURES 4h six weeks February 17 5th six weeks April 13 Entering Procedures 6th six weeks May 31 1. Line up quietly in the hall until invited into the room by the teacher. Requesting Makeup Work/Tutoring 2. Go straight to your assigned seat and sit down. 1. Students or parents may request makeup work if a 3. Read the instructions for the bell ringer and begin student is absent for any reason (field trip, illness, the assignment before the tardy bell etc.). rings. 2. Please make the request in writing (e-mail is 4. Sharpen your pencil before the bell rings. appropriate and appreciated). 5. Tardy students enter quietly, sign in and join in. 3. Return makeup work before the deadline at the end of the 6 weeks for credit. Materials Needed for Class 4. Both theatre directors conduct after school 1. School is a place for learning and you are expected rehearsals, therefore tutoring is available by to bring the tools appropriate for appointment. learning to class. 2. You are expected to bring your planner, a pencil Tracking Student Progress & Learning and a positive attitude to class every Please subscribe to your child’s class via the teacher day. website to be updated on what we are doing in class. 3. Your neighbor is not expected to supply you with materials. Teacher Webpage 4. Students coming to class without required All forms, handouts, and information can be located materials will lose points on their participation grade. on the webpage. Please check the webpage before asking Mrs. Huerta or Mrs. Zimmerman for general Tardy Procedures information. 1. Come in the room quietly so as not to interrupt the class. Huerta 2. Sign the tardy book whether you are excused or unexcused and put your tardy pass in the pocket Zimmerman that is labeled "Place Tardy Pass Here" and be seated. 3. Consequences for an unexcused tardy are: Remind 1st-Warning, 2nd-Teacher Assigned Detention, 3rd- Mrs. Huerta and Mrs. Zimmerman will keep students Parent contact, 4th Parent contact, 5th Office referral and parents updated via their website. In addition, Mrs. Huerta and Mrs. Zimmerman will send time sensitive reminders about field trips, drama club meetings, and musical auditions by text. If you or your student would like to be included, please subscribe to the GMS Theatre Arts Remind message service. In order to join and receive text reminders, you must text the class code to the class phone 4 Closing Procedures Leaving Class 1. Return all borrowed materials to their proper 1. If you are leaving class for any reason, you must place. ask permission of your teacher first. 2. Pick up and dispose of any trash under your table 2. You must have your agenda and a restroom pass or chair, around your chair and the and your agenda signed to leave the surrounding floor. classroom. 3. Say thank you to someone for their help today. 3. Sign out in the binder located at the front of the 4. Push your chair under the table. room. 5. Update planner. 4. Sign in when you return. 6. Mrs. Huerta’s 7th period- and Mrs. Zimmerman’s 3. If the office gives you a pass or permit to leave, 8th period stack chairs. please quietly give it to your teacher at the beginning of class or before you Asking Questions or Getting the Teacher’s Attention leave. 1. Raise your hand to get the teacher’s attention. 2. Hands raised during a performance will not be Phones & Electronic Devices recognized. School is a place for learning and you are expected not to bring items that disrupt the learning Restroom Procedures environment. 1. Leaving the classroom is for emergencies. Students must have teacher permission to have their 2. If you absolutely cannot wait, you may ask the device on and out in the classroom. teacher for permission. Texting is not allowed! 3. Students are given two restroom passes a six Photos are never to be taken without permission weeks. from the teacher. 4. After the teacher gives you permission and signs You are responsible for your own device. your planner, sign out in the sign out If a student is using the device without permission or binder by the door. using the device inappropriately, the device will be 5. The restroom is closed during the first ten minutes confiscated! or the last ten minutes of class or when another student is using the facility. Get Out of Class Free 6. The nearest student restroom to 327 is located off Students are given two stickers in their agenda each of the commons. The nearest restroom to 512 is in six weeks that allow them to leave class the middle of the 500 hall. for the restroom. If they choose not to use them, they receive 1 drama dollar Pencil sharpening for each pass unused at the end of the 1. Sharpen your pencil before the tardy bell rings. six weeks. 2. If your lead breaks, raise your hand and wait until your teacher gives you permission to Emergencies sharpen your pencil. 1. If you feel sick enough to vomit or you are 3. When given permission, go directly to the pencil bleeding heavily, move quickly to the sharpener. restroom without asking permission. 4. Return promptly to your seat without disturbing 2. When a student exits suddenly, the teacher will others. send a caring student to ensure the student’s well being. Disposing of trash 1. Please dispose of all trash before you leave the Guests at the door or when the telephone rings room. 1. The teacher answers the door or the phone. 2. If you must dispose of trash during a performance, 2. If you notice someone at the door politely let the wait until the speaker or performer is teacher know. finished. 3. Remain silent until the guest is gone or the teacher 3. Raise your hand and wait until your teacher gives hangs up the telephone. you permission to get out of your seat. 4. When given permission, go directly to the Announcements trashcan. All talking and movement stops! Immediately! 5. Return promptly to your seat without disturbing others.

5 1. Talk quietly using an inside voice. Student Concerns cannot always be addressed during 2. Create and cooperate with your group. class or in between classes because of 3. Start right away. teaching responsibilities. If you have a 4. Focus and stay on task. concern about anything in class, please 5. Remain with your group until the task is write a note and leave it on the completed. teacher’s desk. She will schedule an 6. Share the work! appointment with you to talk or answer you on paper if that is what you prefer. Working outside the classroom For rehearsal purposes, the teacher may assign Chewing Gum groups to work in the hallway. 1. Is not allowed in the school or in fine arts 1. Talk quietly using an inside voice so as not to classroom. disturb other classes. 2. Gum interferes with articulation in the theatre. 2. Stay in your assigned space until the teacher calls 3. Please show respect by politely spitting it into the you back into the classroom. Do not leave your trash when walking into the classroom. assigned space for any reason other than to report an 4. Students found chewing gum after being asked to emergency to the teacher. spit it out will be assigned detention. 3. Start right away. 4. Work in your assigned space until task is Turning in money completed. Money for various fees and field trips is turned in to a 5. Need help? Send one person into the classroom or metal safe hanging on the wall INSIDE wait for the teacher to check on your group. room 327 and room 512 near the door. All fees must go in an envelope marked Theatre Jobs with your name, amount, and activity Students are assigned to fulfill theatre jobs for each name. week at both their table and in the classroom. Students are given a Audience Etiquette participation grade for performing their Students of theatre should learn and practice job responsibly for their assigned week. appropriate audience behavior or audience etiquette. Stage Manager makes sure everyone is working It is important to show performers our respect. when the bell rings. Leads warm ups with the help of Realize performers are live not recorded and they the assistant director and substitutes for missing deserve as few distractions as possible. As a class students, if the understudy cannot substitute for audience member you are expected to practice them. audience etiquette by giving the performer respect. Assistant Director leads warm ups with the help of 1. Face the speaker or performer. the stage manager. Films performances on the class 2. Keep comments to yourself. iPad. 3. Keep your body still. Refrain from raising your House Manager runs the house lights and picks up hand during presentations or performances. trash at the end of the class. Ensures all chairs are 4. Stay in your seat. pushed in before leaving or are stacked at the end of 5. Applaud after every performance. the day. Prompter puts up sign on the door reminding people Direct Teach Procedures entering that a performance is going on or letting 1. Show the teacher appropriate audience behavior. others know where the class has gone (outside or 2. Need help or clarification? Raise your hand after cafeteria) and writes on the board for the teacher. she stops talking or explaining. Props passes out any new handouts and collects completed work. Organizes and checks class materials Seat Work/Independent Procedures in and out. 1. Voice off. Techie runs performance lights, sound and 2. Remain at your seat. audiovisual equipment (innovation station). 3. Start right away. Understudy hands back graded assignments and 4. Stay on task until completed. substitutes for missing students. Collects handouts 5. Need help? Raise your hand and I will get to you for absent students and puts them on the board with as soon as I can. their name written on the front. 6. When you are finished with an assignment or task you may choose to—read a book, draw or color, work on homework or help the teacher. You cannot choose to cause problems or disrupt the learning of others.

Partner or Group Work Procedures 6 Substitute Procedures A substitute is a guest in our school and should be treated with the utmost respect. 1. Be courteous and helpful. 2. Voice concerns when I return, not with the substitute. 3. Be prepared to write an essay if the class treats a sub unfairly. 4. Be prepared for a reward if the sub leaves your name as being helpful and polite.

Fire Drill Procedures 1. Quietly and orderly line up at the front door. 2. At the teacher’s request, follow her out the door. The last person out the door closes the door. 3. Remain in a single file line until the teacher stops. 4. Stay together and wait for the teacher to take a head count. 5. Do not talk--fire drills are for your safety and to be taken very seriously. 6. When the teacher instructs you it is safe to return, walk into the building quietly and return to your seat.

7 Student Name______

Theatre Teacher: Huerta Zimmerman



SIGNATURE SHEET (Please sign and return by 9-9-15)


WE HAVE READ THE GORZYCKI MIDDLE SCHOOL THEATRE HANDBOOK AND UNDERSTAND THE INFORMATION IT CONTAINS. These policies and procedures have been developed to promote your student's success in the classroom. Your signature means you and your student understands and accepts these policies and procedures. Please keep this handbook for your records. WE KNOW WE MAY CALL MRS. HUERTA or MRS. ZIMMERMAN IF WE HAVE ANY QUESTIONS or CONCERNS ABOUT THEATRE ARTS AT GORZYCKI MIDDLE SCHOOL.


Michelle Huerta Leslie Zimmerman 841-8643 841-8657 [email protected] [email protected]


Please fill out for one or both guardians.

______(Please Print) Parent/Guardian name (Please Print) Parent/Guardian name

______/______/______Parent/Guardian signature Date Parent/Guardian signature Date

(_____)______-______(_____)______-______Daytime phone number Daytime phone number

______E-mail address E-mail address


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