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Name Title Representing Arnold, Chuck Director Montecito Sanitary District Azoury, Kamil General Manager Goleta Sanitary District Barnard, Kevin General Manager Los Alamos CSD Bernstein, Mitch General Manager Santa Barbara Vector Control District Blair, Charles Director Vandenberg Village CSD Braitman, Bob Guest Speaker Santa Barbara County LAFCO Campbell, Tim Director Cachuma Resource Conservation District Clark, Candyce Staff Los Alamos CSD Gabriel, Diane Staff Montecito Sanitary District Kurilla, Laurie Director/Guest Speaker Goleta Water District McKenzie, Jim Director Montecito Sanitary District Nation, Mark Staff Goleta West Sanitary District Nix, Bruce Director Mission Hills CSD Penniman, Steve Director Embarcadero Muni. Improvement District Raggio, Jim Administrator Lompoc Healthcare District Rogers, Carey Director Goleta Water District Schlottmann, Cathy Director Mission Hills CSD Schwartz, S. David, & Susan Director Embarcadero Muni. Improvement District Signorelli, Frank Director Lompoc Healthcare District Tosti, Raymond Director Los Alamos CSD Wilson, Larry Director Montecito Water District
Call to Order: Vice-President Schwartz called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. It was noted John Fox is out of town. The attendees were introduced.
Approval of Minutes: Motion, second, to approve the Minutes of the March 25, 2002 meeting. Unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Chuck Arnold reported the checking account has $3,072.45 and savings has $8,651.36. All bills are paid except for this evening’s.
Committee Reports: Location of Next Chapter Meeting: After discussion, it was moved and seconded that the May chapter meeting be held at this same location. The motion passed with two dissenting votes.
Ad hoc LAFCO Budget Committee: Jim Raggio reported on the committee’s work on the LAFCO budget. Bob Braitman stated LAFCO will adopt their budget at their June meeting. There was reference to the action at our last meeting on the LAFCO budget. It was consensus this be brought back at the next chapter meeting, which will be prior to LAFCO’s action. Santa Barbara County Special Districts Association Minutes April 22, 2002
Bob Braitman reported that LAFCO is forming a technical committee comprised of key staff from cities and the county. He requested participation of a special district manager. This committee will study our county’s municipal service review process.
Old Business: None.
Guest Speaker: Laurie Kurilla, Santa Barbara County Information Systems Manager and GIS Coordinator: Ms. Kurilla said this position is within the office of the County Clerk-Recorder-Assessor. GIS is a geographic information system (database) with geographically referenced data. It is not a mapping system, but rather an analysis tool. The County’s system has the ability to do spatial queries. There are two systems, one for County staff and a simpler version available on the web. We as special districts can utilize the web GIS system to print address labels for mailings to property owners or for importing data into Access or Excel. The web system is updated nightly with property recordings and utilized by title companies. To access the web GIS system, go to the web site Click the “data” button, then select “GIS data.” There is a user ID and password required; to obtain these, telephone Laurie Kurilla at (805) 568- 3371. The County’s GIS system does have features that are not available on the web. District staff can contact Laurie to utilize the full GIS system. It was noted that the full GIS system includes information from the Clerk-Recorder-Assessor, the Agricultural Commissioner, the Water Agency, Planning and Development, and other county departments. During May the County will be flown and photographed to update the GIS system, the flight will be done in 2-foot resolution. The Assessor will give to each special district quarterly their base map, which includes the Assessors Parcel Numbers. Districts were encouraged to either begin their own GIS systems or to discuss with the County utilizing their system. Software used is ESRI. ESRI offers grants to state and local governments. Visit their website at for further information. The County’s GIS system was started with $.5 million from FEMA for hardware and software and 2 temporary positions.
Adjournment: David Schwartz adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m. The next chapter meeting will be held on Monday, May 20, 2002 at the Royal Scandinavian Inn in Solvang.
s/ Cathy Schlottmann Cathy Schlottmann Secretary, SBCSDA