Minutes of Knowlton Parish Council Meeting s1

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Minutes of Knowlton Parish Council Meeting s1

Minutes of Knowlton Parish Council Meeting

16 th September 2009 Woodlands Village Hall 7:30pm

Item Page 1182 Action By

Public Participation

Mr Sugden of Heythorne Nurseries advised he will trim the hedge that overhangs the highway PC shortly and suggested moving the hedge back if it would be useful.

Resident of ‘Brackendene’, Woodlands suggested a ‘slow down concealed entrances’ sign on PC the approach to the bend at the top of Jubilee Hill at ‘Silver Trees’.

Public Participation Closed

63 Attendance

1. Cllr Sue Maunder (Chairman) 2. Cllr Jerry Laker (Vice Chairman) 3. Cllr Morgan Antell 4. Cllr Graham Ball 5. Cllr Chris Carrigan 6. Cllr Patricia Hoddy 7. Cllr David Horwood 8. Cllr Sonny Keet 9. Mrs Sheila Maycock 10. Cllr David Shand 11. Cllr Trevor Brown 12. Cllr Tony Keet Lisa Goodwin (Clerk)

Public: 6

Apologies received from;

13. Cllr Spencer Flower (Parish, County & District Councillor) Cllr Tim Palmer (County & District Councillor)

64 Declarations of Interest

(Cllr Flower declares an interest in all Planning Applications when in attendance and leaves the Noted meeting for that item.) There were no further declarations.

65 Any Amendments to the Register of Members Interests


66 Minutes

The minutes of the AGM held on 3rd June 2009, having been previously circulated, were confirmed as correct and signed by the Chairman

67 County Councillors Report – Cllr Tim Palmer

Total Place Project. The government have designated Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole as one of thirteen pilot areas in England where they wish to work with local authorities and others to explore how we can work across the public sector more effectively. Preliminary work done by Pricewaterhouse Coopers (funded by the government's grant for the project) finds that the totality of public expenditure in Dorset in 2008/9 was some £5.5 billion. This includes central government expenditure, a very major part of which is benefit paid to various sorts to individuals. Some 66% of this total is spent on health and social protection. So there appears to be some 1183

£3.5 billion public expenditure per year on health and social protection, across Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole. The project will be looking to see how this enormous sum of money could be spent more effectively, in the context of the public services as a whole serving individuals and communities. Dorset Strategic Partnership. One of the means of drawing together the various parts of the public sector working in Dorset is through the Dorset Strategic Partnership. The DSP Board met on 9 September, in Dorchester with representatives from five of the six Districts, the Fire & Rescue Service, the Police, NHS Dorset, the private sector, the voluntary sector, the DAPTC and the County Council. Among the items addressed were how the public service generally can exercise greater leverage to achieve better high speed broadband connections in Dorset and progress on advancing a green knowledge economy in Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole, both subjects vital to the economic well-being of our rural communities. Fit for the Future Programme aims amongst other things to save money through more efficient procurement and small percentage savings in procurement costs can realise substantial sums of money. I am pleased to say that the procurement financial savings targets we set for 2008/9 of £447,000 were exceeded and indications are that we will also exceed our target for 2009/10 of £1.016m. Joint telephony strategy. Not many people know which council to ring for what service. Nothing is more annoying than being bounced from desk to desk only to be told that you must ring a different organisation. Dorset councils have therefore established a joint telephony protocol. Any call made to the County Council, for instance, regarding a District service is either dealt with there and then or if this is not possible immediately, the call is 'warm' transferred to the appropriate partner by a customer service officer. 'Warm' means that the caller is transferred with an introduction to the receiving council and the caller is not asked to simply call another number. The same courtesy is extended by District Councils who receive a call regarding a County service. Sadly the current telephony technology at East Dorset District Council does not allow for 'warm' transfers, but EDDC are anxious to improve this as soon as possible. The costs of this approach are minimal, and the customer experience is greatly improved. Bailiwick footpath, Woodlands. I have been in regular contact with DCC Rights of Way as we try to resolve this issue. Meetings are taking place and there appears to be a reasonable prospect of a solution by following ‘the old-fashioned route’ ie the legal and administrative processes of the County Council. This may, however, take time and I would ask for patience on all sides.

68 District Councillors Report – Cllr Spencer Flower

Re-instatement of road surfaces –The installation of first time mains drainage in parts of Holt and Gaunts Commons has left the road surfaces in an unacceptable state and far short of the required legal standard for re-instatement. Your County Councillor and the writer are working together through County Highways to get matters resolved as soon as possible, as some of the surfaces are positively dangerous. This state of affairs is a disappointing outcome given the significant community benefit resulting from the installation of the drainage schemes.

Financial Outlook 2010/11 –The dire state of the national finances will have a significant impact on the budget setting for the next council year and possible for the next decade. Joint working with other local authorities, coupled with a major efficiency drive will be needed if the District Council is to maintain front line services to the level and quality currently achieved. Things will become clearer in the coming months, leading up to the setting of the budget in February 2010.

Regional Spatial Strategy [RSS] –The future of the RSS is very uncertain. The Government has again put off an announcement, claiming the legal challenge from the South East Region claiming the lack of a proper environmental assessment, needs to be investigated before any decision is made on the soundness of the South West Regional RSS. It seems very unlikely that the Government will make an announcement until after the General Election, which has to take place on or before June 2010. This is a most unsatisfactory state of affairs and a significant cause for concern locally as the District Council works to keep speculative development from gaining permission on appeal to develop on the Green Belt.

69 Wimborne St Giles Ward Plan

A meeting with Dorset Community Action is currently being arranged. WSG Cllrs

70 Correspondence Noted

1. Housing Sub-Committee Meeting for Parish & Town Councils – 24th September 2009 7pm Council Offices, Furzehill. 2. Dorset County Council Environment Directorate Open Day -21st September 2009. 1184

3. Dorset Waste Forum – 9:30am Thursday 26th November 2009 at Bournemouth Sports Club. 4. EDDC – Licensing Act 2003 – Revision of Statement of Licensing Policy. 5. EDDC – Gambling Act 2005 – Consultation on Draft Policy.

71 Planning Matters & Applications 3/09/0572 FUL Horton & Chalbury Village Hall. Proposal: Construct access to village hall under construction (revised scheme). Parish Council Comments: No objection. 3/09/0476 HOU Kranly, Whitmore Lane, Woodlands. Proposal: Erect garage (amended roof design) part retrospective. Parish Council Comment: No objection. 3/09/0576 HOU Sutton House, Cranborne Road, Woodlands. Proposal: Ground and first floor extension. Parish Council Comments: No objection. 3/09/0727 HOU Hartfield, Verwood Road, Woodlands. Proposal: Two storey extension to existing house and addition of Conservatory. Parish Council Comment: No objection. 3/09/0782 HOU 2 Old Down Cottages, Matterley Drove, Horton. Proposal: Erect single storey rear extension and boundary wall. (demolish existing side extension and rear porch). Parish Council Comment: No objection. 3/09/0715 CLU Silverwood Farm, Horton Road, Three Legged Cross. Claim: Stationing of caravan for use for residential purposes. Parish Council Comments: No comment.

Planning Decisions/Matters

3/08/1025 FUL Riverside, Horton Way, Verwood BH31 6JJ- Appeal dismissed. 3/09/0028 FUL Temporary stationing of two mobile homes to house applicant whilst replacement dwelling is erected – Refused. Appeal submitted. EDDC Enforcement Notice on Land at The Pound, Horton Road, Woodlands BH21 8NE for an un-authorised open sided structure. 3/09/0362 FUL & 3/09/0375 LBC Remove existing entrance gates and demolish lengths of existing boundary wall, replace wall in lime rendered blockwork and new oak gates at The Rectory, Wimborne St Giles BH21 5LZ– Refused. 3/09/0379 FUL Two storey side and rear extension and single storey front extension at Fernbank, Haythorne BH21 7JG– Refused. 3/09/0392 FUL Erect building for commercial/industrial use at Clump Farm, Burts Lane, Mannington – Refused. 3/09/0439 HOU First Floor extension at Oxleaze, ChalburyBH21 7HJ – permitted. 3/09/0476 HOU Erect Garage at Kranly, Whitmore Lane, Woodlands – permitted. 3/09/0495 CLU Storage of caravans at Verwood Campsite Sutton Hill – granted. 3/09/0541 CLP 2 Old Down Cottages, Matterley Drove, Horton for demolition of side extension and rear porch and construction of single storey rear extension and boundary walls and fence – Refused. 3/09/0572 FUL Construct Access to Horton Village Hall BH21 7JA – Permitted. 3/09/0576 HOU Ground and first floor extensions at Sutton House, Cranborne Road, Woodlands. – Permitted. EDDC Enforcement Notice served on Land at Riverside Farm, Slough Lane, Horton for persons occupying a dwelling that do not comply with the agricultural occupancy condition. Appeal by Mr Perkins, Riverside Farm, Slough Lane to remove condition 2, agricultural occupancy condition. Public Inquiry against the enforcement by EDDC to retain a mobile home, decking and greenhouse for residential purposes at Silverwood Farm, Horton Road, Three Legged Cross. BH21 6SD

72 Highways

1. Councillors agreed the Clerk is to take advice from DCC Highways regarding the Clerk overhanging hedge at Heythorne Nurseries and the possibility of moving it back. 2. Councillors agreed the Clerk will inquire about a ‘concealed entrances’ sign at Jubilee Hill, Woodlands. 3. A resident of Woodlands has requested the HGV sign at Sutton Hill is removed as soon Clerk as possible as HGV traffic has caused damage to the Remedy Oak and requested a 1185

review of the road is carried out to prevent recurring damage. The removal of the sign has already been requested and Councillors agreed that a review of the road would not be necessary at the present time – Clerk to chase up. 4. Letter received from Mark Schofield of 1 Remedy Gate requesting improved road Clerk safety measures to prevent accidents. Council agreed the Clerk will write to DCC Traffic Management and copy Cllr Tim Palmer. Clerk will respond to Mr Schofield. Noted 5. DCC Notification that French Farm Bridge, Wimborne St Giles closure for repairs has been postponed. Noted 6. DCC notification of proposal to provide a Town/Parish Council Highway Lengthsman Scheme – more information will become available. Clerk 7. Clerk to inquire about the removal of the ‘brown’ signs for Cranborne Forge which has relocated. Clerk 8. Clerk to find out road sweeping schedule from EDDC. Clerk 9. Clerk to inquire with Dorset Police on their policy for training vehicles on rural roads. 10. Clerk to report manhole covers need repairing on C2 outside ‘Twin Oaks. Clerk 11. Water flowing onto Horton Road, Woodlands at entrance to Bagmans Lane. Cllr Brown

73 Rights of Way/Public Spaces

1. DCC notification of change to definitive map at for BR38 Wimborne St Giles. Clerk to Noted request up to date Rights of Way maps for all wards. 2. Horton Pump Upkeep – Cllr Tony Keet to inspect and report next month. Cllr Keet 3. Clerk to report BW 16 from C2 Horton Road through Queens Copse needs clearing to Clerk the Forestry Commission. 4. Clerk to report to DCC ROW again; FP1 and 19 Woodlands need clearing - broken Clerk stile no.3 on FP 18 and BW 15 Remedy Oak slippery surface. 5. Clerk to report fly-tipping at Bagmans Lane and lay-by at Three Legged Cross. Clerk 6. Clerk to request New Road Play Area is cut. EDDC has advised that contractor has Clerk been asked to improve level of service of grounds maintenance. Also, the play area is due to be refurbished and updated, consultation will be carried out by EDDC/DCA.

74 Tree Matters

1. EDDC notification of tree works at Chase View, Chalbury Common to remove leylandii Noted and replace with evergreen trees. Cllr Chris Carrigan declared an interest in this item.

75 Actions Pending

04/06 Finial at end of Drove joining B3078 – has been made expected shortly. Clerk 01/0 Finial for finger post and adding Haythorne at C2 Haythorne Junction – has been made Clerk 7 expected shortly. 06/07 By-way sign at Bull Bridge, WSG needs fixing. Reported to DCC Highways by J Williamson. Clerk 01/08 B3078 junction with Drove difficult to exit, possible re-site telegraph pole. Clerk Mike Westwood at DCC has chased up BT. 07/08 Proposed Building for Woodlands Village Green – to make inquiries about temporary unit/toilet facilities and grants available. Woodlands Cllrs 07/08 Road Surface at junction B3081/B3078. DCC to include in planned localised resurfacing. Clerk has contacted Mr Rymer Shaftesbury Estate regarding cutting overhanging trees. Clerk 01/09 Road surface at Nine Yews. Clerk 01/09 Water draining onto road by Walnut Tree Farm. (Julie Miles) Clerk 02/09 Cats eyes/edge white lines for C2 Horton Village to Horton Inn. Clerk emailed Tim Westwood at Clerk DCC 12/02/09 03/09 Grit Bin WSG location Glebe Farm – approach landowner. Cllr Laker Grit Bin Woodlands opposite Church agreed. 03/09 Laurel Hedge at EDHA properties Chalbury Common Cllr Flower 04/09 Ash Leah Cottages WSG – drainage issues to resolve. DCC Legal 06/09 Sutton Holms – double white lines and improve sight lines at junction. Clerk 07/09 Overhanging hedgerows; Mr & Mrs Coll, Sunlea Verwood Road, Woodlands – DONE Ms A Osmond-Jones, Badgers Keep, Verwood Road, Woodlands – NEEDS CHECKING Mr R Antell, (ref Kings Lane), Knowle Hill Farm, Woodlands – CLERK TO CONTACT Clerk Mr Sugden, Heythorne Nurseries – CLERK TO DISCUSS MOVING HEDGE WITH DCC. Clerk Hillbrook Nurseries, Horton Road, Horton – DONE. Mr Lowe, Hedgerow, Verwood Road, Woodlands – DONE Sonny’s Turf, Verwood Road, Woodlands – DONE Obscured Sign at Haythorne – NEEDS CHECKING 1186

76 Financial Matters

1. Account Balances – The Clerk provided Councillors with up to date balances on both accounts. 2. Audited Accounts - Council unanimously approved and accepted the audited accounts for the year ending 31 March 2009. RESOLVED 3. Pitch Fees 2009-2010 – Council unanimously agreed to increase the pitch fees to Clerk £35.00 per match. RESOLVED 4. Wimborne St Giles Notice board – Quotations received; Richard Foulkes £745 / Granton Joinery £760.00 / Otto Kampf £975 / Matt Thorne £400. Council unanimously agreed to accept Matt Thorne’s quotation and an additional spend of £100 for Cllr Laker modifications to doors if deemed necessary by Cllr Jerry Laker. RESOLVED 5. Donation toward Wimborne Citizens Advice – Council unanimously agreed to donate £100.00. RESOLVED. 6. Donation toward Dorset Cruse Bereavement – Council unanimously agreed not to support on this occasion. RESOLVED.

The Council agreed to pay: 001092 R Cutler Ltd Path Maint’/Green Maint’/Turf £1259.25 001093 Holt Parish Council Clerks CiLCA registration fee £75.00 001094 SEC Contracting 6 months Lighting Maint’ £42.03 001095 BDO Stoy Hayward Audit Completion £155.25 001096 L Goodwin Salary due 010909 £292.53 001097 HM Revenue & Customs Payment due 190909 £42.80 001098 R Cutler Ltd Green Maintenance July £80.50

77 Items for Next Meetings Agenda; to the Clerk 10 days prior to the meeting please. Clerk

1. Complaints Procedure. 2. Website alterations to increase communication with residents.

78 Next Meeting

Wimborne St Giles Village Hall 7:30pm Wednesday 14th October 2009. The Meeting closed at 9:05pm

These minutes are to be signed by the Chairman after approval at the next meeting of the Parish Council.

Signed;………………………………………………………………………………………… 14th October 2009

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