Vocabulary Practice 1 #17-36 Practice
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Name: ______Date: ______Period: _____ Vocabulary Practice 1 #17-36 Practice
Directions: Place the letter of the matching vocabulary definition next to its corresponding word. _____ 1.Town Meeting- _____ 2.Transatlantic Slave Trade- A. From Salem, Massachusetts; found guilty of preaching _____ 3.Treaty of Paris 1763- new & dangerous opinions and was exiled; Founded _____ 4.Triangular Trade- Rhode Island the next year An early form of representative government in the New _____ 5.Virginia House of Burgesses- B. England colonies where citizens of a town came together _____ 6.Pilgrims- to discuss important issues _____7. 1607- C. First representative assembly in the new world _____ 8.1620- D. Jamestown; First Permanent English Settlement in _____ 9.Anne Hutchinson- America _____10.Eliza Pinckney- E. Settled the colony of Georgia; hoped to resettle England’s _____ 11.James Oglethorpe- poor _____ 12.John Rolfe- F. Quaker leader, helped develop self-government in _____ 13.John Smith- America, founded Pennsylvania G. Signing of the Mayflower Compact by the Pilgrims at _____ 14.Lord Baltimore- Plymouth _____ 15.Puritans- H. Forever change the economy of the South when he _____ 16.Quakers- introduced tobacco as a cash crop in Jamestown _____ 17.Roger Williams- I. Saved the colony Jamestown from starvation by bringing _____ 18.Thomas Hooker- stability and creating peace with the Natives _____19.William Blackstone- J. Founded the colony of Maryland as a haven for Catholics _____20.William Penn- immigrating from England K. Immigrated the colonies to reform (purify) the Church of England; did not want to separate L. A person who believed all people should live in peace and harmony; accepted different religions and ethnic groups M. Voyage of slave ships from Africa to the Americas N. Ended the French and Indian War and effectively kicked the French out of North America O. Believed a person could worship without help of a church, minister, or bible; Preached secretly in her home; Forced to leave Massachusetts; Moved to Rhode Island P. A system of trade in which goods, including slaves, were traded between Europe, Africa, and the colonies Q. Founded the colony of Connecticut; advanced a more democratic view, favoring the vote for all men, regardless of any religious or property qualifications R. His work influenced the Founding Fathers of the U.S. such as James Madison and Thomas Jefferson. More copies of his work were sold in America than in England. It was a basic textbook for America’s early lawyers S. Changed agriculture in colonial South Carolina, where she developed indigo as one of its most important cash crops T. A group of English Separatists who moved to Plymouth, Massachusetts to escape persecution from the Church of England
Across 13. wanted to reform not separate 4. founded Georgia 14. developed indigo in S. Carolina 5. early form of representative government 16. first representative government 9. female exiled from Massachusetts Down 10. founded Connecticut 1. influential English lawyer 11. trade segment from Africa to Americas 2. believed in peace and harmony 12. wanted to separate from the Church 3. brought stability to Jamestown 5. trade system in the New World 8. brought tobacco to Jamestown 6. Quaker, founded Pennsylvania 15. founded Maryland 7. ended French and Indian War 17. founded Rhode Island
Believed a person From Salem, could worship without A group of English Massachusetts; found Quaker leader, helped help of a church, Separatists who guilty of preaching Signed in 1215, was develop self- minister, or bible; moved to Plymouth, new & dangerous the first English government in Preached secretly in Massachusetts to opinions and was document that limited America, founded her home; Forced to escape persecution exiled; Founded power of the ruler Pennsylvania leave Massachusetts; from the Church of Rhode Island the next Moved to Rhode England year Island
Changed agriculture A system of in colonial South Signing of the Ended the French and First representative government in which Carolina, where she Mayflower Compact Indian War and assembly in the new voters elect developed indigo as by the Pilgrims at effectively kicked the world representatives to one of its most Plymouth French out of North make laws for them important cash crops America
His work influenced the Founding Fathers Agreement signed in of the U.S. such as 1620 by the Pilgrims James Madison and Forever change the in Plymouth, to Thomas Jefferson. Settled the colony of economy of the South consult each other More copies of his Georgia; hoped to Voyage of slave ships when he introduced about laws for the work were sold in resettle England’s from Africa to the tobacco as a cash crop colony and a promise America than in poor Americas in Jamestown to work together to England. It was a make it succeed; basic textbook for “Civil body politic” America’s early lawyers
An economic theory that a country’s Founded the colony of strength is measured A person who Connecticut; Saved the colony by the amount of gold believed all people advanced a more Jamestown from Jamestown; First it has, that a country should live in peace democratic view, starvation by bringing Permanent English should sell more than and harmony; favoring the vote for stability and creating Settlement in America it buys and that the accepted different all men, regardless of peace with the Natives colonies exist for the religions and ethnic any religious or benefit of the Mother groups property qualifications Country
An early form of representative A system of trade in Founded the colony of government in the Immigrated the which goods, Maryland as a haven 1st written New England colonies colonies to reform including slaves, were for Catholics Constitution in where citizens of a (purify) the Church of traded between immigrating from America town came together to England; did not want Europe, Africa, and England discuss important to separate the colonies issues
1. William Blackstone 4. Representative 7. Thomas Hooker 11. Mercantilism 2. William Penn Government 8. 1620 12. Treaty of Paris 1763 3. 1607 5. Puritans 9. Fundamental Orders 13. Triangular Trade 6. Anne Hutchinson 10. James Oglethorpe 14. John Rolfe 15. Roger Williams 18. Trans-Atlantic Slave 20. John Smith 23. Magna Carta 16. House of Burgesses Trade 21. Lord Baltimore 24. Quakers 17. Town Meeting 19. Pilgrims 22. Mayflower Compact 25. Eliza Pinckney