Minutes of April 18, 2013

The regular meeting of the Grand Blanc Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 5.35 pm by F. Millstead at the Grand Blanc Parks and Recreation Office, 360 E. Grand Blanc Road, Grand Blanc,Michigan.

Commission Present: Frankie Millstead Chairman Michael Wolfgram Vice Chairman Brad Hester Secretary Tom Pettit Treasurer Tom Gisewhite Commissioner

Staff Present: Kae Eidson Director Andy Taylor Maintenance Supervisor Misty Moen Senior Center Coordinator Rob McRae Recreation Programmer

Absent Jude Rariden Commissioner Carol Neumann Office Manager Jamie Weasel Assistant Director

Agenda T. Gisewhite made a motion to approve the March agenda T. Pettit provided support. K. Eidson asked discussion of June meeting date be added to New Business. Vote taken 5 yeas–0 Nays. Agenda approved as amended.

Minutes F. Millstead requested a motion to approve the March minutes. T. Gisewhite made the motion to approve the March minutes and support was provided by T. Pettit. Vote taken 5 yeas – 0 Nays. Motion carried.

Directors Report F. Millstead inquired about pavilion fundraising. Eidson responded we are still having conversation with J. Serra about setting up a meeting. Have also met with N. Evans of Genesys. Everyone is indicating support, just need commitments.

T. Pettit inquired about AYSO relationship. Eidson responded there is new leadership in AYSO and have been extremely cooperative, especially with the bad weather and wet conditions. Eidson also mentioned she has had discussion with Township Attorney D. Lattie about dissolving current contract with AYSO, as it has not been the relationship GBPR had hoped for regarding use and scheduling of fields. Eidson stated she has been told AYSO has some financial problems and may not have the funds to pay GBPR what the contract states.

Assistant Directors Report No questions were directed to J. Weasel. Eidson commented J. Weasel has completed the summer booklet which is a big job—booklet going in the mail tomorrow.

Recreation Programmer No questions were directed to R. McRae.

Maintenance Supervisor No questions were directed to A. Taylor.

Senior Center Coordinator No questions were directed to M. Moen. Correspondence F. Millstead noted each of the correspondence pieces. Eidson noted the letter of request from the GBHS Post Grad Committee. Eidson stated normally we donate two Cedar Point tickets to the event, however MRPA has discontinued the amusement park ticket program and GBPR will not be selling tickets this year. Eidson proposed purchasing two $25.00 gift cards for donation to the event. Motion by M. Wolfgram to purchase two $25.00 gift cards for donation, support by T. Pettit. Vote taken—5 yeas – 0 nays. Motion carried.

Administration & Policy Did not meet / No report

Budget & Finance Committee Did not meet / No report

Senior Committee Did not meet / No report

Area & Facilities Committee Did not meet / No report

Old Business None

New Business K. Eidson stated there is currently not a date set for the June commission meeting because the regular meeting date falls on the first day of the Grand Blanc Family Fun Fest. Options are to pick an alternate date or cancel the June meeting. Motion by T. Pettit to cancel June 2013 Commission meeting, support by B. Hester. Vote taken 5 yeas – 0 nays. Motion carried.

Financial T. Pettit made a motion to accept the March 2013 Financial reports as submitted. T. Gisewhite provided support. No additional discussion. Vote taken 5 yeas – 0 Nays.

F. Millstead requested a motion to adjourn the meeting as there was nothing further to discuss. M. Wolfgram made a motion to adjourn, support provided by T. Pettit. Vote taken 5 yeas – 0 nays. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 5:47 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Brad Hester, Secretary BH/CN