Town of Menomonie s1

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Town of Menomonie s1


Frank called the meeting to order. All board members were present. Leslie read the minutes from last month’s meeting. Neil made a motion to approve May’s minutes with one correction, Ed 2nd Carried.


 First pass of mowing is completed.  Grader patch- Sol’s  Vehicle maintenance  Power washed the west side of the shop. They will be painting it. Ed commented that the entrance to the town hall needs a coat of paint too.  Fixed a bad spot on 550th – they used pea gravel to fill, looks good. Moved the rip rock back under the abutment.  Neil asked for the guys to look at an erosion problem on 520th. The sand bank is eroding and going into the culvert. Cody will address it.  Minor Accident: May 24th Jeff was working on 430th Ave with the single axle putting blacktop down. He backed into an Intrepid. The owner didn’t want it reported. There was no damage to the town’s truck but damage to the car. Jeff wanted to call the police officers but the owner did not and he left the scene.  Frank signed a contract for lime rock with Kraemer. $6.50 per ton for lime rock (we haul). If they haul it is $9.40 per ton.  Wash out: Justin Merritt’s on 390th Street needs to be graded and fixed. Frank felt there is a low spot in the field. CR Bryan will check the grade to see if the water can be diverted to the South towards HWY 29. The width of the road right of way will be checked at this location.  Cody ordered signs from Lange. Total ordered $1,711.09


Exempt from $100.00 fee Parcel is located on County road BB (north side)

He is dividing the buildings 6.8 acres from the rest of the land.

The remaining land will stay as AG

Neil made a motion to approve Hintzman’s CSM located in the SW ¼ of the NW ¼ , SEC11, T28N, R13W, Town of Menomonie, Dunn County, Ed 2nd Carried.


Neil made a motion to approve Resolution 2017-04 effective 6/8/17 the Town of Menomonie will contract with Weber Inspections for building inspection for the Town of Menomonie, Ed 2nd Carried. BUILDING INSPECTOR CONTRACT & FEE SCHEDULE

The board looked over the Fee schedule and agreed with the terms.

Neil made a motion to accept the Town of Menomonie’s Building Permit Fee’s and Permit Fee’s by Weber Inspections, Ed 2nd Carried

 Frank signed a contract for Weber Inspections Professional Services and signed an Act 211 form authorizing Weber Inspections to submit all permits electronically to the State on the towns behalf.


The board disused the roads that have been requested to be added as designated routes. Frank’s only concern is 370 th Ave./HWY 25(shared with the Town of Dunn) -- The traffic count is high and could be potentially dangerous. Ed spoke with the 2 side board members with the Town of Dunn and they felt it does have good visibility, Ed agreed. The Town of Dunn will have to also approve 370th as a designated route- it is on their agenda for their meeting next week.

Lauren said they would add extra signage on the East side of HWY 25 stating caution- dead end for 370 th Ave (west side)

Ed made a motion to approve the amended ATV Ordinance as printed, Neil 2nd Carried.

Discussion: the board wanted to add a 1 year trial for 370th Ave. to the motion. Ed made a motion to withdraw the previous motion, Neil 2nd Carried.

Ed made a motion to approve the ATV additional designation routes with a contingent of a 1 year trial on 370 th Ave & Town of Dunn’s approval for 370th Ave, Neil 2nd, Carried.


The board looked over the agreement and made a correction to the contribution. The township will contribute $5,000.00 for 2017 & $5,000.00 for 2018. It was listed as $2,500.00 for each year.

Jim gave an update to board

 Hoping the 15 million grant will get approved when they pass the State’s budget  Dead line to apply for the grant is June 30, 2017  Agreement is based on the grant approval, If the grant is denied, the agreement will be terminated.

The board looked at the map of the area identified that will get the services. The location is Bongey to County Road D into Irvington. 40 homes will be affected. Ed’s concern is the township is spending money on only a certain section of the township. He questioned if we have future Fiber Optic projects would be able to fund them? Frank said we cannot predict what the future holds.

Ed made a motion to approve the Fiber Optic agreement between the Town of Menomonie and 24/7 Telcom, Neil 2 nd Carried. CLASS B LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS

1. Menomonie Masonic Temple 2. Veterans Center of Menomonie 3. Trail Side Bar 4. Twin Springs Resort Campground 5. Vision Quest 6. Pinewood Golf Club & Restaurant

Ed made a motion to approve the Class B Liquor licenses, Neil 2nd Carried


Daniel Rockwood, Lisa Hoff, Faith Cook, Terry Miland, Don Clark, Patti Britton, Cheyene Kilfian, Victoria Blodgett, Ericka Hovland, Julie Williams, Julie Schultz, Audry Deleon and Kathy Brown.

Ed made a motion to approve the above Operator License renewals, Neil 2nd Carried.


Total for the end loader with a bucket grapple is $106,800.00

5 year loan, 3% interest, first payment due June, 2018.

Yearly payment - $23,000.00

Ed made a motion to approve purchasing a 2016 end loader with detachable grapple bucket for $106,800.00 from Nortrax, Neil 2nd Carried


Chris Langlois 476th Ave - No culvert needed $75.00 fee paid

Neil made a motion to approve Chris Langlois’ driveway permit, Ed 2nd Carried


1. 420TH Street 1.93 miles $29,364.00 2. 350th Street .76 miles $11,713.00 3. 378th Ave .13 miles $1,938.00 4. 380th Ave .54 miles $8,260.00 5. 450th Ave .35 miles $4,678.00 6. 449th Street .12 miles $2,650.00 7. 455th St./459th St .54 miles $8,495.00 8. 410th Ave .56 miles $8,545.00

Total contract $75,643.00

Ed made a motion to approve Scott Construction road maintenance contract for $75,643.00 Neil 2 nd Carried JUNK COMPLAINT FOLLOW-UPS

LeRoy Thibado- he was sent a 2nd junk letter certified mail. He accepted the letter and has until June 26, 2017 to respond. The board will have the towns attorney summons him to court.

Frank Hermeyer- he has not contacted the Town Board. He will be sent a 2nd letter -certified mail.

Peter Vanderhoff- he is in compliance.


The board looked over the bid proposal. Frank contacted the City of Menomonie about their portion. They will either do an overlay or pulverize it. This will be placed in the Dunn County News Wednesday June 14, 2017. Bid opening will be held Monday June 26th at 2:00 pm at the town hall.

Senn, Dunn County HWY & Monarch will be sent the bid via email or fax


Kent Jackson- Chairman & Lisa Pelnar

Term April 2017-April 2020

Ed made a motion to approve Kent Jackson & Lisa Pelar Plan Commission Appointment term April 2017-April 2020, Neil 2nd Carried.


1 CSM Hintzman was recommended to the town board for approval

They will have a June meeting


The board looked over the summer newsletter. A few grammar corrections were made. It will be mailed out in the next couple of weeks.


DNR permit renewal is $165.00



He thought the township should contact the WTA attorney and see if the town’s contributions to the fiber optic project is legal. Frank will contact them.


Park CD: the park CD came due June 7th. This will be rolled over into a savings account. The check from ESW will also be added. Bridge Petition: this is due the end of July, Leslie and Frank will complete the forms.

Meadowlark: Lisa submitted a contract. Frank signed and Leslie sent it back to Meadowlark.


The board looked over the charges made by Jeff and Cody.

Ed made a motion to approve vouchers #17880-17917 & prewritten 1718-1720, Neil 2nd Carried.

Ed made a motion to adjourn at 8:10 pm, Neil 2nd Carried

Next meeting will be held July 13, 2017 at 6:00 pm

Leslie Hulbert, Clerk

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