I Started This on the 4 July and Got Side Tracked Until Today

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I Started This on the 4 July and Got Side Tracked Until Today


10 July 2011

I started this on the 4 July and got side tracked until today.

Happy Independence Day

Celebrating Independence Day, Just what is Independence Day?

Sent to me by a friend.


Here we are celebrating another Independence Day/4th of July. The traditional fireworks stands are in place, the sounds of firecrackers, the fireworks displays, and the frolicking and romping in the swimming pools and on the beaches will soon be upon us. And we can’t forget about the camping, the picnics, the barbecues, the boating, baseball, softball, volleyball and hiking, and all of the traditional activities for the long 4th of July weekends. Have I forgotten anything?

Of course, what is Independence Day really all about? In 1776, 56 men from the 13 original colonies penned and signed the Declaration of Independence, pledging to each other their Lives, their Fortunes and their honor in support of the Declaration.

I am not proposing in any way that we give up the traditional fun activities of Independence day, after all, we are celebrating our independence and the freedoms bestowed upon us by the Founding Fathers. But I think it would be appropriate, especially since our country is on the brink of disaster to at least crack open the Declaration of Independence and read through it. It is only about 6 or 7 pages long.

Here is one passage from the declaration that most citizens will recall: “We hold these truths to be self- evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”. While sitting around the camp fire some evening, why not crack open the Declaration and explain to your children what “Unalienable Rights” are along with other critical points in this document.

Another passage in the Declaration not to be overlooked: “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it,” I am not advocating overthrowing our Constitution, it does not need revision, it needs enforcement. Our Constitution has been ignored and abused by the Washington Elitists for far too long.

One last quote from the Declaration: “But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Objet, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government.” Is it time for such action? You will have to be the judge of that, however, consider the following: Christians and Jews in this country are being chastised and silenced in favor of Muslims who want Sharia Law to be the law of the Land. Our traditions are no longer the norm, i.e., Christmas is now the Holiday Season, Christmas Trees have been replaced with Holiday Trees, Easter Break is now referred to as Spring Break. After all we do not want to offend foreigners who come to this country, so we must conform to their desires. Our Department of State has been bringing Muslim refugees from Somalia to this country for years. Oh well, just that many more un-American foreigners that must not be offended. Is there anyone else out there that is offended that our freedoms are being infringed upon by foreigners with the aid of our own government?

Why is it that Muslims are allowed to conduct terrorist training camps right here in America while our American unorganized Militia have been driven underground? After all, the only thing our unorganized militia is attempting to do is to protect our Constitution.

So, let us celebrate the 4th of July in the traditional way, hopefully it won’t offend anyone, but along with that let us at least look at our Declaration of Independence.

Socialist Party of America Releases The Names of 70 Democrat Members Of Congress Who Are Members Of Their Caucus

Q: How many of the DSA members sit on the Judiciary Committee?

A: Eleven: John Conyers [Chairman of the Judiciary Committee], Tammy Baldwin, Jerrold Nadler, Luis Gutierrez, Melvin Watt, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Steve Cohen, Barbara Lee, Robert Wexler, Linda Sanchez [there are 23 Democrats on the Judiciary Committee of which eleven, almost half, are now members of the DSA].

Q: Who are these members of 111th Congress?

A: See the listing below


Hon. Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07) Hon. Lynn Woolsey (CA-06)

Vice Chairs Hon. Diane Watson (CA-33) Hon. Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX-18) Hon. Mazie Hirono (HI-02) Hon. Dennis Kucinich (OH-10)

Senate Members

Hon. Bernie Sanders (VT)

House Members

Hon. Neil Abercrombie (HI-01)

Hon. Tammy Baldwin (WI-02)

Hon. Xavier Becerra (CA-31)

Hon. Madeleine Bordallo (GU-AL)

Hon. Robert Brady (PA-01)

Hon. Corrine Brown (FL-03)

Hon. Michael Capuano (MA-08)

Hon. André Carson (IN-07)

Hon. Donna Christensen (VI-AL)

Hon. Yvette Clarke (NY-11)

Hon. William “Lacy” Clay (MO-01)

Hon. Emanuel Cleaver (MO-05)

Hon. Steve Cohen (TN-09)

Hon. John Conyers (MI-14)

Hon. Elijah Cummings (MD-07)

Hon. Danny Davis (IL-07)

Hon. Peter DeFazio (OR-04)

Hon. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03)

Rep. Donna F. Edwards (MD-04)

Hon. Keith Ellison (MN-05)

Hon. Sam Farr (CA-17)

Hon. Chaka Fattah (PA-02)

Hon. Bob Filner (CA-51)

Hon. Barney Frank (MA-04)

Hon. Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11) Hon. Alan Grayson (FL-08)

Hon. Luis Gutierrez (IL-04)

Hon. John Hall (NY-19)

Hon. Phil Hare (IL-17)

Hon. Maurice Hinchey (NY-22)

Hon. Michael Honda (CA-15)

Hon. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL-02)

Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30)

Hon. Hank Johnson (GA-04)

Hon. Marcy Kaptur (OH-09)

Hon. Carolyn Kilpatrick (MI-13)

Hon. Barbara Lee (CA-09)

Hon. John Lewis (GA-05)

Hon. David Loebsack (IA-02)

Hon. Ben R. Lujan (NM-3)

Hon. Carolyn Maloney (NY-14)

Hon. Ed Markey (MA-07)

Hon. Jim McDermott (WA-07)

Hon. James McGovern (MA-03)

Hon. George Miller (CA-07)

Hon. Gwen Moore (WI-04)

Hon. Jerrold Nadler (NY-08)

Hon. Eleanor Holmes-Norton (DC-AL)

Hon. John Olver (MA-01)

Hon. Ed Pastor (AZ-04)

Hon. Donald Payne (NJ-10)

Hon. Chellie Pingree (ME-01)

Hon. Charles Rangel (NY-15)

Hon. Laura Richardson (CA-37)

Hon. Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34) Hon. Bobby Rush (IL-01)

Hon. Linda Sánchez (CA-47)

Hon. Jan Schakowsky (IL-09)

Hon. José Serrano (NY-16)

Hon. Louise Slaughter (NY-28)

Hon. Pete Stark (CA-13)

Hon. Bennie Thompson (MS-02)

Hon. John Tierney (MA-06)

Hon. Nydia Velazquez (NY-12)

Hon. Maxine Waters (CA-35)

Hon. Mel Watt (NC-12)

Hon. Henry Waxman (CA-30)

Hon. Peter Welch (VT-AL)

Hon. Robert Wexler (FL-19)

24 June 2011

Weekly Roundup

Lawsuit Abuse News - June 20 - June 24, 2011

Here's a quick rundown of the latest news on lawsuit abuse from around the country.

Do as the Texans do! Some interesting information came our way today: this year alone, at least 18 states have passed legislation to improve the business climates in states. According to UPI, these changes range from class- action filing to property liability. Here at Project Lawsuit Abuse, we've been following and advocating for the reform movements in states such as Wisconsin and Alabama. To read more on this story, follow our link. - Project Lawsuit Abuse A Win for Wal-Mart Remember the class action case against Wal-Mart a few months ago that made headlines? That's the one that saw trial lawyers setting a new "low bar" for certifying a class. This was the case that, if allowed to move forward, would have broadened the circumstances vastly where classes can be certified. Well, a decision has been made. To read more on this story, follow our link. - Project Lawsuit Abuse

Don't Give up on Malpractice Reform "Lawyers for states challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare must privately think that with friends like House Republicans, they need not worry about enemies in the Justice Department. House Republicans hope to nationalize medical malpractice law, which is traditionally a matter of state tort law, by passing H.R. 5, a bill that would wipe out all state medical malpractice laws and complete the nationalization of healthcare." - The Daily Caller

Can a fall lead to a lawsuit? "It's Sunday afternoon and you're on your weekly grocery store trip. A few seconds before you make the turn into the condiment aisle, a clumsy shopper knocks a jar of pickles onto the floor. You turn the corner, don't see the juice, step in it and land flat on your back. Did you just fall into a lawsuit?" - The Beaumont Enterprise

This Ones a Good Trend "At least 18 states have passed legislation this year tipping the civil justice system to favor business, a U.S. group that lobbies for such changes said. The American Tort Reform Association said the changes run the gamut from how class-action suits can be filed to new rules freeing property owners from liability for accidents and injuries suffered by trespassers, Stateline.org reported Wednesday." - UPI

Now's the Time "As usual, New York gets it wrong! Right now, lawmakers there are considering a bill that would abolish the right to informally interview the plaintiff's physician during the discovery process in medical malpractice cases. This bill is estimated to raise insurance premiums by $80 million dollars per year and is part of a larger package to extend the statute of limitations and increase lawyer fees in medical malpractice cases." - Southeast Texas Record

1 July 2011

Weekly Roundup

Lawsuit Abuse News - June 27 - July 1, 2011

Here's a quick rundown of the latest news on lawsuit abuse from around the country.

Guest Blogger: Lesley Smith, Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry Project Lawsuit Abuse regularly highlights lawsuit abuse news from across the country. Today, Lesley Smith, communications executive at the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry is contributing a guest post on the recently passed Fair Share Act and how it will begin to restore balance to Pennsylvania's legal system. To read Smith's post, follow our link. - Project Lawsuit Abuse

Google Gets off the Hook You may remember the case against Google last year over the alleged dangers of using Google Maps. A Utah woman filed suit against the internet giant after the map service allegedly gave her walking directions that "caused her to walk across and then along a highway, where she was allegedly hit by a car that Google had not warned her was coming." To read more on this story, follow our link. - Project Lawsuit Abuse

More States are Doing It "Winning a lawsuit will become more difficult in Florida and Pennsylvania under measures recently approved by both states. The measures are the latest in a string of business-friendly changes to the civil justice system to become law in Republican-led states around the country." - Stateline

The New Lawsuit Rules "As a small business owner and chairman of Alabama Voters Against Lawsuit Abuse, I am proud of the new tort reform enactments recently signed into law by Gov. Robert Bentley. There has been some pushback regarding the laws, and normally keen reasoning seems to have temporarily departed faster than justice leaving the notorious Sonny Hornsby/Terry Butts kangaroo State Supreme Court, which trial lawyers rode like a horse and milked like a cow from 1987 until 2000." - Montgomery Advertiser

The Myths Continue "By now, readers of The West Virginia Record likely are numb to personal injury spokesman Michael Romano's outrageous hyperbole. However, his continued misstatements call for a correction. In his latest piece, Romano again weaves personal attacks with blatant inaccuracies in an attempt to preserve the broken status quo of West Virginia's court system." - The West Virginia Record

Book Authors Beware: The Class Action Lawsuit May be Coming Your Way. "It seems that writing a bestselling memoir is only half the battle for authors nowadays; the other half lies in successfully fending off lawsuits from upset readers who claim to have been swindled. Until this year, only two major class action suits against publishers had taken place and been settled, a Boston Globe column reports."- Wall Street Journal

Legacy lawsuits more about making green than being green? "So in the end, a few lawyers and their clients pocket millions of dollars while nothing gets done to address any actual environmental damages until years after the case has settled. This abusive environmental litigation practice almost seems to be something approaching blackmail - or in these cases, 'greenmail.'" - The Hayride

8 July 2011

Weekly Roundup

Lawsuit Abuse News - July 4 - July 8, 2011

Here's a quick rundown of the latest news on lawsuit abuse from around the country.

H.R. 966: One to Watch The Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act lives to see another day. Yesterday, H.R. 966 passed out of the House Judiciary Committee. It's a big step for reformers - the tort reform bill, aimed at reducing frivolous lawsuits, hasn't made this much movement in years. To read more on this story, follow our link! - Project Lawsuit Abuse

Exposing America's Lawsuit Crisis "Nothing is more powerful than real life stories. At the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform, we believe that the state of America's lawsuit system, and the impact it has on everyday people, is most effectively illustrated through real stories." - Townhall

Legislation is Necessary "The New Jersey Supreme Court recently issued a decision allowing a motorcyclist to sue a restaurant that served him alcohol after he was injured when he crashed into a car while driving drunk. The case stems from a 2006 incident in which 46-year-old Brick resident Fredrick Voss decided to drive home after drinking at Tiffany's restaurant in Toms River. He pleaded guilty to a DUI charge after he rode the motorcycle through a red light and into a car." - The Star Ledger Hot Coffee Should Be Put on Ice "Earlier this year a documentary movie titled Hot Coffee was released to little fanfare. The other day it premiered on HBO to even less fanfare. So instead of wasting your time watching this trial lawyer public relations piece, I thought I might cut to the chase and give you my review." - Fox and Hounds Daily

Another Lawsuit-Friendly Illinois County "Illinois' reputation as a lawsuit magnet was not made overnight. It took time as hotspots such as Madison, St. Clair and Cook counties became destination jurisdictions for personal injury lawyers looking to hit the "Lawsuit Lottery." Madison, St. Clair and Cook counties have long been fixtures in the annual "Judicial Hellhole" report and for years these three counties have appeared to be unwilling to share the spotlight for being some of the worst jurisdictions in the country for legal fairness." - Southern Illinoisan Love to Hate Him "He's the trial lawyer Republican Gov. Rick Perry loves to hate: Steve Mostyn, from the small East Texas town of Whitehouse, founder of one of the state's largest plaintiffs' firms, single biggest political donor in the 2010 state elections, top financier of lost Democratic causes." - The Texas Tribune

24 June 2011

We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Feature Article: Uniting Our America

You’ll see the same articles each election year: A family with opposing campaign signs in their yard or a couple barely on speaking terms because of their political differences.

But the problem goes deeper than that, doesn't it?

Americans divided into hostile party camps cannot force real reforms and unite to oppose the special interests who’s lobbyists empower each side of the aisle. Year after year, the will of the people to clean up Washington is conquered and pushed aside.

Enter the FairTax - something every American can rally around!

It doesn’t matter if you lean Republican or Democratic, want a better job, more privacy, a chance to move up, simpler taxes, a booming economy or would just prefer to keep your paycheck instead of the IRS - the FairTax is the answer our nation is searching to find!

Remember, the FairTax is not just a political slogan. Unlike almost every other movement, our efforts are non-partisan with volunteers setting aside differences to focus on what we all can agree on. It means Conservatives sign up supporters at the Netroots Nation conference and Liberals educate activists at tea parties.

Our broken tax system hurts every American, and it will take citizens from all parts of the political spectrum to fix it.

So find the person you most often disagree with over politics, shake their hand and explain the transformation the FairTax would bring to our nation.

Show them the FairTax is truly uniting the right, left and center against the self-interests of Congress.

Thank you!

Grassroots Spotlight: Jerry Nielsen

Jerry is the kind of American this nation needs to see more - a FairTax advocate and grassroots hero.

He continues to go to difficult venues to educate all Americans on the benefits of the FairTax. This month Jerry worked the Right Online conference then was prepared to go solo at Netroots Nation to reach people on the other side of the aisle until more volunteers were found. He is at every local meeting, helps staffs booths at events and educates more through motorcycle rides.

Jerry’s also been known to attract the ire of GOP and Democratic party leaders in Wisconsin for dogging candidates from both parties during elections and at public attractions. He is truly tireless when it comes to advancing the FairTax.

Many thanks for your efforts and example Jerry!

Is someone your FairTax inspiration? Email [email protected] to nominate them for the spotlight!

Special Event Report - Netroots Nation

The following are excerpts from a report by Jerry Nielsen.

First and foremost the FairTax and its representatives were treated with respect. As for the discussions that took place at the convention, they mainly dealt with the progressivity of the FairTax. The common misconception stands that the rich still will not be paying “their fair share”, and businesses still won’t pay “their fair share.”

A blogger from the WSJ asked how we were being treated. I answered him that I have been treated much harsher from a lot of tea party groups that I have been invited to speak at, which he was surprised to hear. Also most people agreed with me that if the leaders of both parties can agree that they don’t like the FairTax, then it is worth a look.

In summary it was well worth the time and effort. We have numerous supporters in the progressive movement.

FairTax In the News

Cain Is Right About Repealing Income Tax – MoneyNews.com

Presidential candidate Herman Cain is right on target advocating the revocation of the income tax law, repealing the 16th Amendment, and substituting for it a tax on consumption. All the other candidates and President Barack Obama talk about "raising taxes" or "reforming" the tax law. Neither is possible. There have been an endless amount of tax-reforming legislation passed into law going back for decades. All that happens is the opposite. More tax law, more special-interest group provisions, more pork, more lobbyists, more regulation, more penalties, more destruction of the U.S. trade relations, more incentive for business to move jobs or the company itself out of America, more loss of liberties of the taxpayers, and more corruption of the Congress and the President. That's just the short list...

Governor Gary Johnson Talks Reform Platform for Presidential Run – San Francisco Chronicle

..."I would also be advocating eliminating the income tax, eliminating the IRS, and replacing that with a fair tax, which by all accounts free-market economists believe a fair tax would be just that, a fair tax. Everyone would pay their fair share and it would absolutely promote savings by doing that."..

Understanding the FairTax Webinar

With Special Topic: Is the 23% rate enough, given Washington spending habits?

When: Thursday, July 28, 2011

Time: 8 pm Eastern, 7 pm Central, 6 pm Mountain, 5 pm Pacific

Where: At your personal computer

Why: To provide an interactive forum for people who cannot get to local meetings to learn about the FairTax and to present special topics that are frequently misunderstood or not generally discussed.

Who: Join Marc Manieri, Americans for Fair Taxation Community Coordinator in the Greater Orlando, Florida area. In their third year now, Marc’s webinars draw national participation from seasoned FairTax supporters as well as those just getting introduced to the FairTax.

Join: To participate, register here. For more information contact Larry Walters at [email protected].

1 July 2011 If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools." - Plato

Feature Article: Skin in the Game

Last Thursday, FairTax sponsor, Congressman Rob Woodall, gave an inspiring speech on the House floor that tied the FairTax to the need for all Americans to have a personal stake in our nation. Excerpts are below but please watch the whole speech here.

"I thank you Mr. Speaker and I am pleased to rise today after the former Chairman of the Ways and Means committee. I want to talk about taxes today but I want to associate myself with the previous speaker’s comments about how we make different decisions when we have skin in the game. Because that is absolutely something that we are losing in this country. We are losing what used to be that common value that we rise and we fall together...

We have fewer Americans paying income tax today than at any time since the 1950s, since the expansion of the income tax that happened there during World War Two...

And I say to you Mr. Speaker that much like we make bad decisions about foreign policy when we don’t all have skin in the game, we make bad decisions about economic policy when we don’t have skin in the game...

Now I’ve introduced a bill that I believe is going to make a dramatic, dramatic impact in that direction. It’s called the FairTax. Its HR 25 in the House. It’s S 13 in the Senate.

And Mr. Speaker, as you know, it is the most broadly co-sponsored piece of tax reform legislation in either body. In fact, it’s the most widely co-sponsored piece of legislation on tax reform in both bodies.

And what the FairTax does is this... It simply goes into the American tax code and erases it. And says, if you could start with a blank sheet of paper, what would you do? And Mr. Speaker, we can. We can start with a blank sheet of paper. We can choose our own destiny. We can make sure we’re making the best decisions for jobs and the economy in this country...

Now this is a radical idea, I won’t kid you. And by radical I mean it’s the same one Thomas Jefferson had. By radical I mean it’s the same one Alexander Hamilton had. By radical I mean we haven’t done it in the last hundred years but we can do it today, Mr Speaker, with HR 25 and S 13 and I yield back the balance of time.”

- Representative Rob Woodall, 6-23-2011 (Video)

Grassroots Spotlight

As the next election closes in, we need all FairTax hands on deck. As the candidates know, the media looks for political messages and notices motivated supporters. This is our time to redouble efforts and take advantage of the season. An active grassroots campaign also inspires candidates to look at the FairTax themselves and more Presidential hopefuls are coming on board even now.

So please forward these emails to your friends, like FairTax.org on Facebook and become more familiar with the FairTax to spread the word. Also, contact your local volunteer leader and look to the right for many other ways to engage.

Next, find out who represents you in Congress and sign up for their email list to know when they'll be in your area. Easily send Congress a quick message on our website and mail it to their local office too.

Thousands of volunteers nationwide are making a difference for our future and we thank you all!

Is someone your FairTax inspiration? Email [email protected] to nominate them for the spotlight!

FairTax In the News

Recovery Fix 3: Tax Everyone Fairly – Fox Business

Neil Cavuto, host: Continuing our special "Recovery: Reality Check" with the most startling reality check of all, our fix number three. Get everyone, everyone in the game by making sure everyone has skin in the game. I said it before, I will say it again. We can bicker over who pays and how much but, we can't proceed until everyone pays something. I don't care how much...

Radio talk show host Neal Boortz agrees. He joins me on the phone. Neil, good to have you. I think before we can even move past things like your great fair tax and some other things, we have to agree that half the country can't be in and half out...

How to Encourage Manufacturing Innovation – IdealTaxes.com

The obvious solution is to lower the corporate income tax rate. The PCAST report recommends lowering it from the current 35% to about 25%, the level of most European countries and of Rep. Paul Ryan's House Budget Plan. But many countries have corporate income tax rates below that. For example, Ireland’s corporate income tax rate is just 12.5%. Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty has recommended that the U.S. Corporate Income Tax rate be reduced to 15%. He thinks that lowering the corporate income tax that far would jumpstart American economic growth.

During the 2008 presidential elections, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee went even further. He recommended reducing the corporate income tax to zero by substituting the FairTax (a sales tax) for the payroll taxes as well as both the personal and corporate income taxes. The FairTax is border adjustable, which means that it is paid on imports but excluded from exports, so it doesn't prevent domestic investment decisions.

Understanding the FairTax Webinar

With Special Topic: Is the 23% rate enough, given Washington spending habits?

When: Thursday, July 28, 2011

Time: 8 pm Eastern, 7 pm Central, 6 pm Mountain, 5 pm Pacific

Where: At your personal computer

Why: To provide an interactive forum for people who cannot get to local meetings to learn about the FairTax and to present special topics that are frequently misunderstood or not generally discussed.

Who: Join Marc Manieri, Americans for Fair Taxation Community Coordinator in the Greater Orlando, Florida area. In their third year now, Marc’s webinars draw national participation from seasoned FairTax supporters as well as those just getting introduced to the FairTax.

Join: To participate, register here. For more information contact Larry Walters at [email protected]. 7 July 2011

Every four years, candidates for President spend millions of dollars crisscrossing Iowa, county by county, trying to make their name and ideas stand out.

They know if they can stand out in Iowa, it can carry them into the White House.

As FairTaxers, we know our plan is the best tax reform proposal in history, and Iowa gives us the chance for the media coverage and momentum needed to carry us to victory. Presidential candidates are going to the Iowa Straw Poll, and so is the FairTax.

In 2007, our presence at the Straw Poll made a huge impact on how our movement was viewed. Candidates saw the FairTax everywhere they went, Iowans showed up by the thousands for a Straw Poll rally, and the media couldn’t help but notice the attention we received. Even The National Review was amazed at our campaign’s “omnipresence!”

We need to be “omnipresent” again! We have a focused plan of action, but our volunteer leaders need $25,000 to make it happen.

We need your help.

- A $1,000 Platinum Sponsor helps pay for the site rental

- A $500 Gold Sponsor purchases 100 hats so the FairTax stands out

- A $250 Silver Sponsor covers 200 needed FairTax water bottles

- A $100 Bronze Sponsor buys 150 FairTax fans for the Iowa heat

- A $50 Donor helps with new displays and handouts

Help us turn the 2011 Presidential Straw Poll into a FairTax event that will carry us through Congress and into the White House.

Your donation will put the FairTax in front of the 10,000 attendees and 250 media outlets expected to converge on the campus of Iowa State University for the 2011 Iowa Straw Poll.

You can make the FairTax a highlight of the 2012 election - something the media cannot ignore!

Thank you!

The FairTax Grassroots Team

FairTax: Once you understand it, you’ll demand it!

8 July 2010 Energy and persistence conquer all things.”

- Benjamin Franklin

Feature Article: The first Ways and Means FairTax hearing!

We did it!

We are thrilled to anounce that for the first time, the Committee on Ways and Means will hold a full hearing on the FairTax legislation on Tuesday, July 26!

For years, FairTaxers have worked diligently toward passage of HR 25. We’ve seen new supporters, more co-sponsors and national recognition of our efforts.

But for a full House vote on any legislation it needs to pass out of committee first – and the FairTax has been in the most powerful: Ways and Means. It’s the ‘Santa Claus’ committee where tax loopholes and lobbyists are the name of the costly game.

We’ll pass along more details about the July 26 hearing as they come to us. We are working to line up experts and leaders to testify now.

In the meantime, we need your help to take full advantage of this exciting opportunity:

First, politely ask CSPAN to broadcast the FairTax Ways and Means hearing by emailing [email protected], posting on Facebook and tweeting. CSPAN coverage would reach thousands of people immediately and even more viewers over time.

Then check if your Congressman is a member of the Ways and Means committee.

- If so, contact him or her and firmly state the FairTax is a priority for many voting constituents like yourself and that you expect to be well represented at the July 26th hearing.

- If not, tell them how important the FairTax is to you and ask them to not just be on the co-sponsor list of the FairTax legislation, HR 25, but as your Representative to actively promote it.

Your request will have the most effect if you call the local and Washington office and also ask to be sent a summary of the hearing.

Confucius said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” but a Ways and Means hearing is 'one giant leap' for FairTax. These steps were made possible by the actions of thousands of dedicated activists, volunteer leaders and true believers in Congress.

Thank you!

Grassroots Spotlight: Michigan Efforts

The following is an edited portion of a report from Michigan State Director, Roger Buchholtz. It demonstrates how persistent constituents and volunteer leaders’ efforts move Washington.

For many years our members have discussed the FairTax with Representative Dave Camp who represents Michigan’s 4th Congressional district and is chairman of the powerful Ways and Means (W&M) Committee. Continued efforts - in particular, those of a 4th district resident, Randy Bishop - had no apparent effect.

Adding to constituents’ efforts and official AFFT answers to stated concerns, our District Director for MI-04, Doug Strock, contacted Camp’s Washington office numerous times requesting a face-to- face meeting with the Representative.

After offers to have us meet with his staff were rejected by us unless the Representative was present, a meeting was finally scheduled in his home district on May 19.

The meeting was very cordial, although frank, and was attended by the Congressman, his staff and Michigan FairTax leaders. Because Representative Camp had earlier stated that, due to his position as Chairman of W&M, he should not cosponsor any particular proposal, we did not request him to cosponsor the FairTax Act.

Instead we asked him to hold a full W&M Committee hearing on the proposal. We also mentioned that a significant effort was building to support another candidate in his next primary race if he did not provide a full, open and fair hearing on the FairTax in July, before the August congressional recess.

The Congressman said that he would try to do so and we have since been notified the hearing is scheduled for July 26.

Is someone your FairTax inspiration? Email [email protected] to nominate them for the spotlight!

FairTax In the News

Rep. Steve King Visits West Bend - Emmetsburg Reporter

...King continued, "I support going to a national sales tax. A fair tax fixes a lot of this because it shifts this balance onto our industry. You would get 28-percent marketing advantage for an American- made product over a foreign-made product if we just take the tax component out of our pricing mechanism."

Fair tax is our only solution – Wausau Daily Herald

...The fair tax offers these positives: simplicity; fairness -- everyone pays the same rate; neutrality -- it does not pick winners or losers; visibility -- it's printed on every receipt; stability -- sales tax is the most stable source for government revenue; efficiency -- it reduces tax filers by 90 percent. It also fosters economic growth by ridding us of the massive costs and paper chase every year caused by our 72,000-page tax code.

Since the recession began Texas has created one third of all new jobs in the U.S. Texas does not have an income tax. If you think a flat income tax is good, you really should compare it to the flat sales tax, the fair tax.

- Al Ose

Understanding the FairTax Webinar

With Special Topic: Is the 23% rate enough, given Washington spending habits?

When: Thursday, July 28, 2011

Time: 8 pm Eastern, 7 pm Central, 6 pm Mountain, 5 pm Pacific

Where: At your personal computer

Why: To provide an interactive forum for people who cannot get to local meetings to learn about the FairTax and to present special topics that are frequently misunderstood or not generally discussed.

Who: Join Marc Manieri, Americans for Fair Taxation Community Coordinator in the Greater Orlando, Florida area. In their third year now, Marc’s webinars draw national participation from seasoned FairTax supporters as well as those just getting introduced to the FairTax.

Join: To participate, register here. For more information contact Larry Walters at [email protected].

Check out the blog post 'Generals Paul E Vallely and Thomas G McInerney contemplate run for the White House!'

When we launched our free online activism tool FreedomConnector earlier this year, I was overwhelmed by the amazing response I received from FreedomWorks members like you. Immediately, thousands of activists started using our system to join local groups, find local events and connect with activists right in their own communities. Check it out.

Since then, we've been listening to feedback from the over 100,000 active users on FreedomConnector and rolling out updates to improve the user experience. The feedback has been great—pushing us to make the best online Tea Party activism tool even better. See what's new now!

Our latest features on FreedomConnector include:

 Ability to share groups and events on Facebook and Twitter  Access to interactive maps that sort through the events, groups and activists in your area  Exclusive weekly email updates letting you know what's happening on FreedomConnector  Personal invites you can send to Facebook friends and easy ways to locate your Facebook friends already using FreedomConnector

But that's only the beginning. Upcoming features include:

 Points and badges you can earn for your FreedomConnector profile  Blog and website import capability, giving you a chance to make your voice heard  Online petitions you can create to rally other activists to your cause  FreedomConnector mobile apps for iPhone and Droid  Statewide calendars to give you an at-a-glance look of events in your state Don't miss this opportunity to join the future of the online conservative activism. Sign up for FreedomConnector here.

And if you created a FreedomConnector profile and haven't been back in a while, I urge you to click here and check out the new FreedomConnector.

In Liberty,

Matt Kibbe President and CEO, FreedomWorks

Sign The Cut, Cap, Balance Pledge Now!

Dear J Neil,

Earlier today at FreedomWorks headquarters two Tea Party Senators, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Mike Lee of Utah, urged 150 grassroots activists from across America to sign the Cut, Cap, Balance Pledge. This pledge would immediately cut the deficit, cap future spending and ensure that government has to balance its budget. Stand with them and sign the pledge!

When you take the Cut, Cap, Balance Pledge today, you do NOT stand alone.

Over 100 conservative, grassroots organizations and principled lawmakers like Senators Jim DeMint, Marco Rubio, Pat Toomey and Representatives Ron Paul, Jason Chaffetz and Tom Graves have already signed the pledge. Join them here.


Because as our nation stands on the brink of economic peril and President Obama meets with Congressional leaders in private debt ceiling negotiations, we must stand together and let Washington know what the American people demand:

1. Cut -- We demand that Congress makes immediate, dramatic cuts across the board to reduce the deficit;

2. Cap -- We demand that Congress caps future spending at pre-Obama levels, 18-20% of GDP; and

3. Balance -- We demand that Congress passes a Balanced Budget Amendment with teeth that enforces spending limitations and not new tax burdens. President Obama and his political allies continue to ignore the danger of our $14 trillion debt and now want to raise the debt ceiling without any major budget reforms. Tell him NO, sign the pledge.

We don't trust the political establishment to do the right thing, that's why we've decided to use the Cut, Cap, Balance Pledge to force Washington to live within its means. After you've taken the pledge, you'll be able to contact your legislators directly to demand that they do the same!

In Liberty,

Matt Kibbe President and CEO, FreedomWorks

21 June 2011

How Many Canadians Seek Medical Care outside of Canada?

An estimated 44,794 Canadians in total received treatment outside Canada in 2010...


Harrisburg Works to Prevent Bankruptcy

Harrisburg, Penn., faces $300 million in debt after a failed incinerator project whose funding the city guaranteed...


Waivers of Restrictions on Annual Limits on Health Benefits

Applications waivers on annual limits to health plans that projected a premium increase of 10 percent or more tended to be approved while applications with a projected premium increase of 6 percent or less tended to be denied...


The Alternative Minimum Tax's Ever-Expanding Reach

According to the Congressional Budget Office, last tax season 4.5 million taxpayers were affected by the alternative minimum tax, an increase of over 4 million taxpayers since 1970... REASON MAGAZINE

FDA Should Not Mandate Comparative-Effectiveness Trials

Safer and more cost-effective drugs require innovation in clinical trial design, not a congressional mandate...


23 June 2011

Nation's Debt Continues to Grow

Public debt will be equal to 101 percent of the economy in 2021, rising to 187 percent by 2035 unless dramatic changes are made...


Economic Benefits Outweigh Environmental Impacts of Shale Drilling

The environmental impacts of unconventional oil and natural gas development are far smaller than the economic benefits of the activities...


Medicaid Paying More for Medications than Necessary

Medicaid is likely paying far more than necessary for medications and not offering patients the most effective ones available...


Laws and Regulations Prevent Extraction of Hydrocarbon Energy

Gulf of Mexico oil production is projected to drop 240,000 barrels a day this year, meaning America will have to spend $9 billion to import replacement oil...


Politicians Can't Control Health Costs

In Massachusetts, the 2006 health reform led to draconian limits on premium hikes, but health spending still spiraled upwards... FORBES

24 June 2011

How Much Would a Fully Funded Pension System Cost?

If states and local governments are going to pay pensions under current policies, contributions would have to immediately increase by a factor of 2.5, which represents a tax increase of $1,398 per U.S. household per year...


Does the Bankruptcy Code Provide a Fresh Start to Entrepreneurs?

A bankruptcy on a business' credit record means it has a nearly 24 percentage point higher likelihood of being denied a loan...


Long Waits Cost Canadians Millions

Nearly 1.13 million weeks were "lost" while Canadian patients waited for treatment -- that is roughly $912 million in lost productivity and leisure time...


Athletic Departments See Surge Financially in Down Economy

Subsidies to Division I college athletics over the past five years have grown by 28 percent since 2006 and account for $1 of every $3 spent on athletics...


Delay Rule Bumps up Flight Cancellations

While it's true that long ground delays have disappeared, canceled flights have gone up significantly...


28 June 2011

Federal Health Reform and Stock Market Returns of Health Insurers

Stock prices of for-profit health plans have significantly outperformed the broader stock market since President Obama's election in 2008, but also since the Republican "wave" of 2010... PACIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE

Switching to Federal Employment Pays Off

Private-sector workers who switch to federal jobs receive an average real wage increase of 9 percent...


Ten Questions State Legislators Should Ask About Higher Education

Knowing the leading issues, what questions to ask and where to find the answers are the first steps in crafting effective higher education policy...


States Try to Close Budget Gap without Raising Taxes

Thirteen governors and 1,262 state legislators have signed a pledge not to raise taxes...


Cable Boxes and DVRs Are Energy Hogs

One high-definition digital video recorder and one high-definition cable box use an average of 446 kilowatt hours a year, about 10 percent more than a 21-cubic-foot energy-efficient refrigerator...


29 June 2011

Myths about Transportation Spending Dispelled

At least 25 percent of federal gas tax funds are diverted to non-highway uses including maintaining sidewalks, funding bike paths and creating scenic trails...


Biofuels Responsible for Surge in Food Prices

Since 2004 biofuels from crops have almost doubled the rate of growth in global demand for grain and sugar and pushed up the yearly growth in demand for vegetable oil by around 40 percent...

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Does Inequality Matter?

Focusing on income inequality rather than drivers of poverty, obstacles to economic opportunity and systematic injustice ultimately harms the poor and the vulnerable...


Reducing Oil Dependency More Difficult than Commonly Thought

Since petroleum replaced whale oil as a main fuel source, chemical companies have found a startling range of uses for it, from asphalt to vanilla flavoring in ice cream...


Administration Looks to Increase Fuel Economy Standards

New fuel economy standards outlined by the White House would effectively require most new vehicles in the United States to be battery-powered by 2025, adding thousands of dollars to a car's price...


30 June 2011

Five Percent of Population Responsible for Half of U.S. Health Spending

About 5 percent of the population is responsible for almost half of all health care spending in the United States...


Recovery for the 21st Century

The United States will need to create 20 million jobs in this decade to recover from the 7 million lost in the Great Recession...


How the Federal Drug Administration Impedes Innovation

Is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration unintentionally choking off cost-saving medical innovation?...


Tuition and fees at American universities have increased at twice the rate of inflation...


Exchange Traded Funds Cause Tax Headache for Investors

Commodities are hot, but exchange-traded funds and other vehicles that hold them are causing massive tax headaches for investors...


1 July 2011

Health Care Costs Vary Widely

Patients pay as much as 683 percent more for the same medical procedures in the same town, depending on which doctor they choose...


Another Unintended Consequence of Health Reform

Older adults of the same age and income with similar medical histories would pay sharply different amounts for private health insurance due to a glitch in the new health care law...


The Resurgence of Intercity Buses

Intercity buses carry at least 50 percent more passengers than Amtrak in Amtrak's showcase Northeast Corridor...


Excise Taxes in the States

In 2010, states collected $344 billion or nearly 49 percent of their total tax revenue from sales taxes...


Carmakers Do Away with Spare Tire to Increase Fuel Efficiency The Department of Transportation is floating 62 miles per gallon as a possible fuel efficiency standard for 2025; this could cost $10,000 extra per new vehicle...


5 July 2011

Housing Market Hasn't Hit Rock Bottom Yet

New home sales fell 2.1 percent in May and existing home sales also continued to fall, sliding 3.8 percent last month...


The Texas Taxpayer Savings Grant Program

The Texas Taxpayer Savings Grant Program could save the state $3,429 per participating student...


Americans Open to Natural Gas-Powered Vehicles

Seventy percent of Americans said that they are familiar with natural gas as a motor fuel and nearly half of those who are aware would consider buying a vehicle that runs on natural gas...


Replacing the Independent Payment Advisory Board with Better Solutions

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act raising the bar in a way that will make it difficult for Congress to intervene in the Independent Payment Advisory Board's recommendations...


The Role of Public Transportation in the Lives of Elderly and Disabled Riders

Despite receiving the largest subsidies per passenger mile of any mode of transportation, less than 1 percent of all passenger miles traveled by Americans is by public transit...


7 July 2011

Past Recessions Offer Perspective on the Federal Government's Deficit and Debt Problems From 2007 to 2011, federal government debt held by the public will have doubled, from 36.2 percent of gross domestic product to an estimated 72 percent...


University Business Officers Upbeat about Financial State of American Colleges

About one in six business officers at both public and private nonprofit colleges described the financial health of their respective institutions as "excellent" in a new survey...


Export-Import Bank of the United States Picks Winners and Losers in U.S. Economy

The Export-Import Bank of the United States claims to correct market failure, but it introduces distortions into the economy and inserts politics into what should be purely commercial decisions...


How Effective Was the 2009 Stimulus Program?

In order to bring broadband access to rural areas, the 2009 stimulus spent $349,234 per unserved household...


Foreign Buyers Lifting U.S. Home Sales

For the 12 months ending in March, 31 percent of Florida's home sales were to foreign buyers, up from 10 percent in 2007...


8 July 2011

Price Competition Can Lead to Quality Competition

In our third-party-payer health insurance system providers rarely compete on quality, says John C. Goodman, president and CEO of the National Center for Policy Analysis...


Automatic 401(k) Enrollment Not Boosting Savings About 40 percent of new hires at companies with automatic 401(k) enrollments are socking away less money than they would if left to enroll voluntarily...


Why Does Medicaid Spending Vary Across States?

Per capita spending in the 10 highest Medicaid-spending states was $1,650 above the average national per capita spending...


Mexican Truckers Can Now Carry Goods into United States

As part of a deal signed Wednesday to allow Mexican trucks to carry goods into the United States, Mexico will eliminate tariffs on $2.3 billion of American goods and agricultural products...


The Oregon Health Insurance Experiment

Medical consumption under Oregon's Health Insurance Experiment was no higher in the first half of the year, suggesting there was no "pent-up demand" for medical care...

NATIONAL REVIEW Armed Mexican Convoy Invades United States Near Laredo, TX (Bridge #2)?

Posted by Jared Law

Back in 2008 around the time that one of our border agents was detained by Mexican military members ON AMERICAN SOIL, in a similar incident, it was stated in the news coverage of another incident that:

In August, the Border Patrol said Mexican troops had crossed the border illegally 42 times since October 2007.

That was just that one year. Extrapolating this, and assuming the number of incidents did NOT increase (which is ridiculous and insulting to the intelligence of the average American), Mexican troops can assume to have crossed the border over 150 times since October 2007, at this point.

But I wouldn't be surprised if it is double or quadruple that number. We've even discussed past incidents on this network.

And remember, entering a foreign nation with armed troops is, in fact, an invasion; an act of war.

And let's not forget that not only have Mexican drug cartels fired on American police, but Mexican drug cartels have allied with Hezb'allah, the terrorist group financed by Iran. Oh, yeah, and Slain Border Agent Terry was FORCED To Use Beanbags Against Mexican Invaders in Arizona. And illegal aliens continually murder American police officers.

Oh, yeah, and Hezb'allah has invaded America through our unsecured border with Mexico. Is it time for some more pressure on our so-called 'public servants' to defend America's sovereignty? The story about the latest violation of America's sovereignty by Mexico's military near Laredo, TX at Bridge #2 is below...how many times will they claim they were 'lost,' and it was 'a mistake,' before we start opposing these invasions of our nation? Here's the story: from The Blaze:



Posted on June 24, 2011 at 10:26am by Jonathon M. Seidl

A convoy of three Mexican military trucks loaded down with soldiers and weapons may have violated territorial sovereignty near Laredo, TX on Thursday, driving through a border checkpoint and crossing into the United States.

KGNS-TV reports the crossing happened at a section known as Bridge Number Two:

According to the station, which interviewed Customs and Border Protection, officers at the crossing were baffled when they heard the trucks were on their way and called Mexican authorities:

A CBP spokesperson says they got on the phone with Mexican authorities after being alerted that the military trucks were heading their direction loaded down with soldiers and weapons.

Mexican leaders say the soldiers, who had just been deployed to Nuevo Laredo, didn’t know the area, got lost and then made their way through Bridge Two.

It’s unclear if the U.S. border agents tried to stop the troops or let them through. This isn’t the first time Mexican troops have crossed the border recently. In 2008, controversy ensued after Mexican troops crossed into the U.S. and detained a border agent:


Dick Armey: 3 Ways to End our Debt

The coming debt limit debate represents our BEST CHANCE EVER to fundamentally change the way Washington works.

I’m sure you know that Barack Obama has piled TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS onto our already staggering National Debt. And I’m sure you’ve heard he wants to ram through a debt hike of another $2 TRILLION – without a single spending cut or reform! I hope you agree that you and I CANNOT allow this to happen.

We MUST NOT raise the debt limit – for an appalling 78th time, above an appalling $14.3 trillion – without permanently changing how Washington works and significantly reducing spending.

We must demand serious reforms to CUT, CAP and BALANCE our spending!

That means, before so much as CONSIDERING an increase in the debt limit, Congress must:

 Cut short-term spending to the bone with immediate and substantial reductions.  Cap federal spending at historic (pre-Obama) levels of 18% of GDP.  Balance the budget by law with an iron-clad Balanced Budget Amendment, requiring a super- majority vote to raise ANY taxes.

That is why FreedomWorks – one of the premier grassroots Tea Party groups in the nation – has joined over 100 other groups in support of the CUT, CAP and BALANCE PLEDGE.

I hope you will join this crucial fight by signing FreedomWorks’ pledge today .

Your pledge puts you firmly on the record DEMANDING your Congressman and Senators do the right thing and REFUSE to raise the debt limit until spending is cut, capped and balanced!

If real reforms to CUT, CAP and BALANCE our nation’s spending are not imposed BEFORE the debt limit is voted upon, you can rest assured that not only will Barack Obama get his way by exploding our debt by SEVERAL TRILLION DOLLARS MORE . . .

. . . but we will likely never again see such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to permanently change the way Washington works.

We must not squander this golden opportunity! Our nation simply cannot afford for us to let this slip through our fingers! Please, put your name on this pledge right now .

As you may recall, I was House Majority Leader the last time our Congress balanced its budget. Believe me, I know about the hard choices needed to do what is right.

Which is why I hope you’ll join with me – and FreedomWorks, the Tea Party group I head up – to make sure today’s Congress makes the hard decisions they simply must make, for the sake of our Nation’s future.

So I ask you, please, will you sign our CUT, CAP and BALANCE PLEDGE today?

You may have seen such Tea Party leaders as Jim DeMint, Rand Paul, Mike Lee and others championing this pledge. Or maybe you’ve heard Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity or Erick Erickson endorsing the pledge on the radio. True Constitutional Conservatives across the nation are quickly jumping on the CUT, CAP and BALANCE bandwagon. Won’t you join them ?

Think about it for a second: if you were so deeply in debt that you owed as much as you make in an ENTIRE YEAR, would you think it was “responsible” to request a “no questions asked” increase of your credit limit?

Of course not! You’d slash your spending right away, cap your future spending, and balance your checkbook as soon as possible!

Well, that’s exactly what this CUT, CAP and BALANCE PLEDGE demands that Congress do about their own spending addiction.

And that’s why it’s so critical you sign the PLEDGE this very minute .

I know you do not support Barack Obama’s business-as-usual, tax-and-spend agenda. And I know you do not support his plan to add trillions to our National Debt to continue down that path.

If that’s the case, I must ask you to support the CUT, CAP and BALANCE plan by signing your pledge today.

This plan is the firmest one in place to fix Washington once and for all – and that’s why it is supported by the most ardently conservative Tea Party Senators, including Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Jim DeMint.

I hope FreedomWorks can report that it is supported by grassroots activists like you, too.

Please, sign your CUT, CAP and BALANCE PLEDGE today .


Dick Armey Chairman, FreedomWorks Gun rights activists have a true champion in Senator Rand Paul!

BUT, if we're going to succeed in killing this radical treaty, we need at least 20-30 more pledges just like this.

To do that I need to be able to turn up the heat on targeted senators.

What do you say, Senators Pat Roberts and Jerry Moran ??? Prosperity Alert: July 2011

Take Action

Tell Congress NO debt limit increase! Despite our nation’s staggering $14.4 trillion debt, many in Washington including President Obama want to raise our nation’s debt limit without making permanent reforms in our fiscal policies. Join Senators Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and many more and demand Washington Cut, Cap, and Balance the federal budget! It’s time to get serious about cutting spending … our children’s future depends on it. Take action today.

Tell Congress to Vote NO on Natural Gas Subsidies! Republicans rightly rejected President Obama's pet project to subsidize electric vehicles, but now Democrats and Republicans are dangerously close to subsidizing natural gas vehicles. Urge your legislators to reject the special tax treatment for natural gas vehicles in the NAT GAS Act, H.R. 1380! Click here to sign the petition now.

AFP Foundation partners with Leadership Institute to launch Online Training. Americans for Prosperity Foundation is committed to mobilizing citizens as advocates in the public policy process in the name of limited government and free markets on the local, state and federal levels. By participating in this FREE, on-demand, online training program provided by the Leadership Institute, you will learn tried and true methods and be provided with cutting-edge materials that will help us win for our shared values on all levels of government and take back this country.

Sign up to receive additional policy updates from AFP. Like what AFP is doing? Can't get enough legislative information and in-depth policy analysis? Sign up to receive additional updates from AFP on specific policy issues and pieces of legislation. Click here to sign up now!

Save the Date - National Defending the American Dream Summit - November 4-5

AFP Foundation will be hosting its national Defending the American Dream Summit in Washington, D.C., this November 4th-5th. Join America’s foremost free-market voices, top experts on grassroots mobilization, and the nation’s largest gathering of grassroots leaders from across the country in a massive show of force for our shared belief in limited government and free enterprise.

Click here to learn more about the Defending the American Dream Summit.

Click here to register now.

National RightOnline Conference Wrap-up

On June 17th and 18th, Americans for Prosperity Foundation hosted it's National RightOnline Conference. Over 1,600 citizen activists from across the country were in attendance, and the conference was an overwhelming success. If you were not able to attend, you may see video, photos, and news coverage via the links below, or by visiting www.rightonline.com.

Click here to watch video of the public policy panels and the keynote speakers from RightOnline 2011.

Click here to view photos from RightOnline 2011.

Click here to view New York Times coverage of RightOnline 2011.

Activist of the Month - Carol Ann Parisi

Carol Ann Parisi first became active in 2009, inspired by the health care debate. She wanted to get involved, and started by simply signing petitions and distributing them to her friends, family, and fellow activists. Then, in early 2010, Carol was introduced to Joe Calomino, AFP’s Illinois State Director, and she began to help coordinate volunteers and pass out literature. Carol says that her proudest moments with AFP include her work on local pension reform, and her coordination of phone banks for the Freedom Phone program. Carol has been happily married for 25 years and currently hosts and produces a local talk show and also works as a personal trainer and life coach. Thank you, Carol, for everything you do, and congratulations on being AFP’s Activist of the Month!

AFP Upcoming Events and Local Highlights

Upcoming Events:

AFP Foundation's Running on Empty Tour will be rolling into Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania in the month of July. Click here to find a Running on Empty Event near you!

Local Highlights:

AFP Foundation's Running on Empty Tour hits Nebraska and Kansas.

AFP Oklahoma State Director Stuart Jolly is featured in a three part Capitol Beat Oklahoma discussion of Gov. Fallin's reappointments.

AFP Pennsylvania opposes a new $2 billion stimulus coming from the state government.

AFP welcomes Slade O'Brien as Florida State Director.

AFP welcomes Patrick Werner as Missouri State Director.

AFP welcomes Karla Kay Edwards as Oregon State Director.

NRA-ILA GRASSROOTS ALERT Vol. 18, No. 26 06/24/11


Both chambers of the Wisconsin state legislature have voted to approve one of the nation's strongest Right-to- Carry bills, by solid bipartisan margins. Senate Bill 93, which was strongly backed by NRA, now goes to Governor Scott Walker (R) for his expected signature. When signed, it will leave Illinois as the only state that provides no way for citizens to carry concealed firearms for self-protection outside their homes or places of business.

"For more than a decade, NRA has fought for Right-to-Carry in Wisconsin. That perseverance and determination has paid off. Now, Wisconsinites are one step closer to being able to defend themselves outside their homes," said NRA- ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox. "Thanks to the actions of a bipartisan majority of state legislators, honest people who choose to get a permit will be less vulnerable to criminal attacks outside their homes. NRA is grateful for the unwavering leadership of Senators Pam Galloway, Rich Zipperer and Neal Kedzie, Assembly Majority Leader Scott Suder and Representative Jeffrey Mursau who fought for the passage of Right-to-Carry in Wisconsin."

GIVING UP THE HELMKE -- Brady President to Step Down: Back in 2006, we reported that "transition" seemed like a good word to describe the Brady Campaign's trials and tribulations over the years. Based upon focus group polls, the group changed its moniker from Handgun Control, Inc., to the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, but that change in semantics didn't achieve the desired results. The group then hired former Maryland Democratic U.S. Rep. Mike Barnes as its President, which again turned out to be a big flop, as during Barnes' tenure, the group suffered a series of legislative and political losses. The group then tried to "right the ship" and appear "mainstream" by hiring former Ft. Wayne, Ind. mayor, Paul Helmke -- a Republican -- as its new president (though at the time of Helmke's hiring, it was reported that 93 percent of the Brady campaign's previous donations to political candidates went to Democrats). FAST AND FURIOUS UPDATE: Congressional hearings on BATFE's Fast and Furious program paused last week, after revealing how straw purchasers were allowed to buy up to 2,500 guns for Mexican drug cartels and walk away freely, over the objections of BATFE agents in the field. The pause may be brief, however. A spokesman for Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which conducted the hearings, said early this week that "The investigations are far from over."

OUTRAGE OF THE WEEK -- "Impartial" Journalist Turns Activist: A recent article by Chad D. Baus featured on the Buckeye Firearms Association website examined the biased, unethical, and unprofessional practice of "advocacy journalism" as it relates to the gun debate. Bias in the media -- especially when it concerns the Second Amendment and "gun control" -- is certainly not a new concept, but the article describes one of the most blatant cases we've seen to date.

URGE YOUR U.S. SENATOR TO SIGN SEN. MORAN'S LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OPPOSING THE UN ARMS TRADE TREATY: NRA will be in full attendance at the UN's Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) "Preparatory Committee" meeting in New York, July 11-15. The so-called "Prep. Com." will be laying the ground work for a final negotiation session in 2012. NRA's message will be simple and strong – an ATT which in any way, shape or form affects the constitutional rights of American gun owners is simply unacceptable. Civilian firearms must not be within the scope of an ATT. There will be no compromise on this crucial point.

SEEKING NOMINATIONS FOR 2010 NRA-ILA VOLUNTEER AWARDS: The NRA-ILA "Jay M. Littlefield Memorial Volunteer of the Year Award" is an annual honor that recognizes an NRA member who demonstrates exceptionally meritorious activism in defense of our Second Amendment rights. Similarly, the "NRA-ILA Volunteer Organization of the Year Award" is bestowed upon a group that has gone above and beyond in defending and promoting our rights over the past year. Nominations for these honors for last year (2010) should be submitted to: NRA-ILA Volunteer Awards, c/o Krista Cupp, NRA-ILA Grassroots Division, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA, 22030. Nominations may also be faxed to Krista at (703) 267-3918, or e-mailed to [email protected]. All nominations must be submitted by NRA members in good standing and be accompanied by a one-page description of why the nominee is deserving. Winners will be selected by NRA-ILA staff and will be acknowledged at this Fall's NRA Board of Directors Meeting. The deadline for submissions is July 1, 2011.

URGE YOUR REPRESENTATIVE TO COSPONSOR H.R. 822, THE NATIONAL RIGHT-TO-CARRY RECIPROCITY ACT : Congressmen Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) and Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) have introduced vital legislation that will enable millions of permit holders to exercise their right to self-defense while traveling outside their home states.

NRA JOINS AMERICA IN THANKING OUR NAVY SEALS!!! There are certain points in American history when time stops and everyone remembers where they were. Some of these are due to tragic event; others to extraordinary achievements.

ANOTHER WAY TO GET INVOLVED--JOIN NRA'S FACEBOOK AND TWITTER GROUPS: Internet social networking has exploded in recent years, and websites such as Facebook and Twitter attract millions of users. This on-line community fosters a connection between its users, and allows distribution of user-generated content (like pictures, profiles, music, video, and text).

GRASSROOTS NEWS MINUTE VIDEO: To view this week's "Grassroots News Minute" video, please click here: STATE ROUNDUP (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action. For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at www.NRAILA.org, and check each week's issue of the Grassroots Alert.)

For additional information, please click on the links provided.

CALIFORNIA: Anti-Gun Bills Still Alive The state Senate and Assembly Public Safety Committees passed several anti-gun bills that now go to the state Senate and Assembly Appropriations Committees. Senate Bill 427 is an ammunition sales registration extension bill; Senate Bill 819 would further raid the background check fund (DROS); and Assembly Bill 809 is a long gun sales registration bill. Pro-gun Senate Bill 610 is a concealed weapons reform bill. Please contact your state legislators to oppose SB 427, SB 819 and AB 809 and support SB 610.

DELAWARE: House Committee Tables Gun "Buy-Back" Legislation On June 22, the House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee voted to table Senate Bill 25, essentially defeating it for this session. SB 25 sought to create the Community Firearm Recovery Program, a pilot program that would use state appropriated funds to purchase surrendered firearms for police. Senate Bill 25 lacks fiscal accountability and opens the door to potential misappropriation of funds, while in no way deterring crime.

GEORGIA: Jackson County Board of Commissioners Vote Against Discharge Ban On June 20, the Jackson County Board of Commissioners unanimously voted down a poorly written proposed ordinance that would have prohibited the discharge of any type of firearm by private land owners on less than ten acres in Jackson County, except in defense of life or property.

ILLINOIS: Senate Passes Firearm Owners Identification Card FOIA Exemption Bill! On May 20, the state Senate passed House Bill 3500, which would ensure that the personal information of those who have applied for or received a Firearm Owners Identification Card shall not be disclosed. Governor Pat Quinn's (D) approval is still needed on this legislation so please continue to contact the Governor and urge him to sign HB 3500 into law.

IOWA: Make Plans To Attend The Second Annual "Second Amendment Rally" hosted by Iowa Firearms Coalition and NRA. This event will take place on July 23, 9 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., at Big Springs Range Complex, 4945 Hwy 146, in Searsboro. The event will feature an NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop, shooting, training, pro-Second Amendment lawmakers and speakers, and more! The event is free to attend and range fees will be waived with IFC or NRA membership. For more information or to RSVP, please visit www.iowafc.org/2arally.

LOUISIANA: Two More Pro-Gun Bills Head to Governor Senate Bill 39 and House Bill 489 are currently awaiting Governor Bobby Jindal's (R) signature. SB 39 would clarify that Louisianans may purchase long guns in any state, and allow citizens of other states to purchase long guns in Louisiana, so long as both states allow such purchases. HB 489 would also remove the requirement that an individual must wait six months to acquire "resident" status to apply for a concealed handgun permit. Please contact Governor Jindal and urge him to sign SB 39 and HB 489 into law.

Draft Plan for Bogue Chitto National Wildlife Refuge Supports Hunting The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released a draft plan to manage the Bogue Chitto National Wildlife Refuge for the next 15 years. The refuge was established in 1980 and is one of eight refuges managed as part of the Southeast Louisiana National Wildlife Refuge System complex. The headquarters for managing the 36,000-acre refuge is near Slidell, Louisiana.

The refuge offers whitetail deer, squirrel, turkey, waterfowl and hog hunting, as well as fishing. The draft plan presents two management options that differ from the current approach (described as Alternative A). Resource management is the focus of Alternative B and public use activities is the focus of Alternative C. All alternatives would continue hunting programs, but Alternative C would put greater staff time and efforts toward public uses like hunting and fishing.

The draft plan can be found at http://southeast.fws.gov/planning under "Draft Documents." This site gives you the opportunity to comment by e-mail. The Service is inviting comments on the plan until June 27. If you have any questions, you may contact the Service at (731) 432-0981.

If the Bogue Chitto is a place where you go to hunt or fish, please take the time to send the Service an e-mail in support of continuing, and even expanding, hunting and fishing on the refuge.

MAINE: Governor Signs Three Self-Defense Firearm Bills into Law On June 21, Governor Paul LePage (R) signed three NRA-backed bills into law. Legislative Document 35 is worker protection legislation, Legislative Document 446 allows current or retired law enforcement officers who are residents of other states to carry firearms in Maine without concealed carry permits, and Legislative Document 1347 allows concealed carry permit holders to carry a concealed firearm in state parks and historic sites.

MISSOURI: Governor Jay Nixon Still Needs to Take Action on Omnibus Pro-Gun Bill! On May 13, House Bill 294 was passed in the Missouri General Assembly and sent to Governor Jay Nixon (D) for his signature. House Bill 294 is a comprehensive firearm reform bill that would address a number of Right-to-Carry issues important to Missouri's law-abiding gun owners. Please contact Governor Nixon and ask him to sign HB 294 into law!

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Self-Defense Bill Heads to Governor On June 22, the Conference Committee report for Senate Bill 88 was adopted in the state House and Senate. SB 88, which will strengthen an individual's right to self-defense, is now headed to Governor John Lynch (D) for consideration. Please contact Governor Lynch and urge him to sign SB 88 into law.

NORTH CAROLINA: Governor Signs NRA-Backed Omnibus Gun Bill On June 23, Governor Bev Perdue (D) signed into law House Bill 650. HB 650 contains "Castle Doctrine" language, Fraudulent Firearms Purchase language, allows Right-to-Carry permit holders to store firearms in their vehicles when parked on the grounds of certain state properties and courthouses, allows for the purchase of rifles and shotguns by North Carolina residents in other states, and makes other improvements.

OREGON: Senate Democrats are Trying to Avoid Voting on Concealed Firearm Bill House Bill 2797 B-Engrossed, which was intended to clarify the definition of "readily accessible" for the purpose of the prohibition on possessing a readily accessible, concealed handgun within a vehicle, such as a snowmobile, motorcycle, or all-terrain vehicle, passed in the Senate Judiciary Committee bearing no resemblance to the original bill. In response, a minority report has been prepared that includes language very supportive of our Second Amendment rights. Please contact your state Senator and ask him or her to support the pro-gun Senate minority report amendments to HB 2797.

OHIO: Concealed Carry Reform Bill Goes to Governor Senate Bill 17, which would eliminate the current confusing standards for carrying a firearm in a motor vehicle and allow permit holders to carry firearms for self-defense in restaurants, has been sent to Governor John Kasich (R) for his approval.

PENNSYLVANIA: "Castle Doctrine" Bill Passes State Senate On June 20, House Bill 40, NRA-backed "Castle Doctrine" legislation, passed in the state Senate and will now go to Governor Tom Corbett (R) for his consideration. Please thank both state Representative Scott Perry (R-92) and Senator Richard Alloway (R-33) for sponsoring this important self-defense legislation. Also, please contact Governor Corbett and urge him to sign HB 40 into law.

Urge Your State Representative to Cosponsor Sunday Hunting State Representative John Evans (R-5) is currently circulating a cosponsorship memorandum for Sunday hunting legislation. The prohibition on Sunday hunting is an old blue law left on the books in just a handful of states. Please contact your state Representative and urge him or her to sign on to this important legislation.

TENNESSEE: White County Board of Commissioners Chooses Not to Adopt Firing Range Restrictions On June 20, the White County Commission met to discuss and vote on an anti-gun resolution regarding the future of new firing ranges within the county. Since no one offered a motion to vote on the resolution restricting gun ranges, this proposal is now considered dead.

TEXAS: Governor Perry Signs Important Pro-Gun Measures into Law Governor Rick Perry (R) has signed into law Senate Bill 321, worker protection/parking lot legislation. The Governor also signed legislation to extend the right to carry to your boat or personal watercraft (House Bill 25); to allow properly-permitted landowners or helicopter owners to contract with third parties to ride on helicopters and take depredating feral hogs and coyotes (House Bill 716); to prevent rules restricting a foster parent's ability to transport a foster child in a private vehicle if a handgun is present (House Bill 2560); and to limit the ability of local governments to sue owners or operators of sport shooting ranges (Senate Bill 766). Please contact Governor Perry's office to thank him for supporting the Second Amendment this session.

WISCONSIN: State Legislature Passes Landmark Right-to-Carry Legislation Both chambers of the Wisconsin Legislature have voted to approve one of the nation's strongest Right-to-Carry license bills, by solid bipartisan margins. Senate Bill 93 now goes to Governor Scott Walker (R) for his announced signature. When signed into law, it will leave Illinois as the only state that provides no way for citizens to carry concealed firearms for self-protection outside their homes or places of business.

REASON #1 We absolutely will not default if we prioritize our spending. President Obama and politicians of both parties in DC want us to believe that America will default on our obligations if we do not raise the debt ceiling again. They think that we don't understand the situation well enough, so we should just allow them to do what they want to do. They believe that we are so naïve that we will believe them when they promise to make spending cuts... someday. If their big reason for raising the debt ceiling is the claim that we will default, then we've got good news for the politicians!

 Tax revenues for this year are projected to be around $2.2 trillion.  Interest payments for this year amount to approximately $300 billion.  If we pay the interest first, that leaves us with about $1.9 trillion to spend on our most important priorities, and we avoid default.  If we enact Senator Toomey's Full Faith and Credit Act (S. 163) directing the Treasury to pay principal and interest on the debt held by the public before all other obligations it would ensure that the nation does not default.

Think of it this way: Your annual income is $44,000. Your annual interest payment on your debt is $6,000. This would leave you with $38,000. Now if you had been living beyond your means for a while it might be hard to go back to living on that $38,000. But you would make it work. And that's the difference between you and a bunch of spend-aholic politicians. You would cut out the unnecessary expenditures, the things you'd like but just can't afford, and you would probably work to get out of debt. If America defaults on her obligations, make no mistake about it... IT WOULD BE DELIBERATE. Mr. Timothy Geithner says that we need to consider tax increases along with raising the debt ceiling. The truth is that the power to prioritize our spending is in his hands. It is no wonder that Mr. Geithner of all people would be the one to say that we must borrow more money to pay our debt obligations. He is no stranger to skipping out on paying his debt obligations. Mr. Geithner, this time it is not your money... this time it is the American people's money! Tell Congress that you want them to pass the Full Faith and Credit Act (S 163 in the Senate and HR 421 in the House) so that America's credit doesn't hang in the balance while politicians do their familiar dance with each other. The President, the Secretary of Treasury, and Congress all have the ability to secure our credit. Our states prioritize their spending by applying the first portion of their revenue to their debt. The federal government can, and MUST, do the same.

REASON #2 If they raise it, they will spend it. Politicians in both parties want us to see the concern in their eyes and hear the emotion in their voices as they speak of an "unsustainable path" of spending that we are on. Unfortunately for them, we know the difference between words and actions. And we know, from experience, that if they get their hands on more money, they will spend it. Therefore, if we raise the debt ceiling by $2 trillion, as they want to do, all we can say for sure is that we will be $16.3 trillion in debt instead of $14.3 trillion. How exactly does that remove us from the unsustainable path?  The debt ceiling has been raised 10 times in 11 years. In fact, since Congress enacted the first debt limit, they have never failed to raise it.  Since World War II, government spending, on average, accounted for around one-fifth, or 19.6 percent, of GDP. Today, federal spending accounts for over one quarter, or 25 percent, of GDP.  The national debt in 2006 stood at approximately $8.5 trillion. The debt is now over $14 trillion.(It's actually over $100 trillion if we count unfunded liabilities.)

The federal government spends over $114,000 per second. The median household annual income is approximately $49,777. Think about this. If your annual family income were $50,000, you would spend about one-sixth of one cent per second. It would take your family around six seconds to spend one penny! In the same time it takes your family to spend one measly cent, the federal government will spend over $700,000. And in the politicians' eyes, it is your family that should fork over even more money every year. (Just for fun, how much do the "wealthy" spend per second? You know, those greedy people that need to "pay their fair share" that earn $250,000 annually? Yeah, they spend four-fifths of one penny per second - not even one whole cent per second. And keep in mind that most families don't even spend their entire salaries. Our estimations don't take into account taxes or money not spent due to savings and retirement accounts, etc. So our numbers here only reflect a hypothetical family that could spend every penny they earn.) Doesn't this make you wonder what they're spending all that money on? Wouldn't you like to know if all of that spending is legitimate? When the government spends $699,999.99 more than your family every six seconds, you have a right to ask questions and to know if they are spending your family's money wisely. And you most definitely have the right to demand that the spending spree be stopped. NOW.

REASON #3 We've been warned to stop the reckless spending. The spending addicts in Washington DC would have you believe that our debt is unconnected to spending. They would like you to think that with some fancy pledges and gimmicks they can control the debt and keep it from spiraling into oblivion. They want you to ignore that overspending is the driver behind the debt. Why would they want you to believe this? Because if you do, then they can continue to spend, spend, spend, spend. Sadly, most of our elected officials care more about their own power than the fate of this nation. In fact, a CBS poll recently found that 80% of Americans believe that members of Congress work to satisfy special interests rather than their constituents. The reason so many Americans feel this way is because the politicians' actions leave no room for any other possibility. And American constituents are not the only ones that have come to this conclusion.

 Moody's and Standard & Poor's have warned us that our credit rating will be downgraded if we do not control our debt.  If the nation's credit rating goes down, borrowing money becomes more expensive, making our existing debt crisis even worse.  China issued a statement, as our primary lender, saying that the US must rein in spending now, or will likely face abrupt and severe austerity measures.

Here's a doozy of a fact that no one in DC is acknowledging: When the abnormally low interest rates normalize (i.e. increase to normal rates), our annual interest expenses will skyrocket - making mincemeat out of any budget deal brokered today! Right now the average cost of borrowing for our Treasury Department is 2.5 percent, while the average over the last couple of decades was 5.7 percent! (Please read the article linked above in its entirety.) Now get this - Our interest expenses, over ten years, will jump to $4.9 trillion once interest rates "normalize," and the Republicans are "pledging" a decrease of $2 trillion in spending over ten years... so that $2 trillion in savings will be swamped by $4.9 trillion in new interest expenses! NO DEAL. We are now at the point where the entities that lend money to us are starting to get nervous because they can see the writing on the wall. The politicians try to scare the American people by using rhetoric like "draconian cuts," but imagine how "draconian" the cuts will be when our creditors decide suddenly to stop lending us money. Forty cents of every federal dollar is borrowed. Either we cut spending our way, or our creditors will force us to do it their way. Which way do you prefer?

REASON #4 We don't have to reinvent the wheel on spending. Some Americans are old enough to remember a time when the federal government was smaller, leaner, and more manageable. Some Americans remember when most of the decisions were made closer to home, either by the individual himself, his family, the local community, or the state. Amazingly, even some younger Americans can recall a more limited government because we used to have one - even in the last fifteen years! This isn't rocket science. It's not like we are asking our elected officials to come up with some totally new and untested budget. We know, for a fact, that the federal government has functioned perfectly fine with a smaller budget and less spending. There are old budgets we can revert back to as well as other actions that would allow us to pay our obligations without raising the debt ceiling or raising taxes.

 It would take about $750 billion in spending cuts by the end of this fiscal year (ending September 30) to get us back to 2003 spending levels, which would allow us to avoid default and pay for the rest of government, all without raising the debt ceiling or increasing taxes.  The Federal Government holds more than $1 trillion in highly liquid assets that should be sold to the private sector, and doing this now would allow the cuts to be phased in more slowly.  If we even rolled spending back to the Clinton-era budget we could make our obligations without raising the debt ceiling or increasing taxes.  America's politicians have a spending problem NOT a revenue problem. There is no reason to raise taxes or the debt ceiling except to grow government.

How can we actually make cuts of this size? Here are just a few examples:  Downsizing Government by the Cato Institute - a department-by-department guide to downsizing the federal government.  Strong America Now - a plan that will save $500 billion a year and balance the budget by 2017 with no new taxes, reducing the debt along the way.  Government Accountability Office (GAO) report - found hundreds of duplicated programs and agencies that could be consolidated, saving taxpayers at least $100 to $200 billion. (Though probably more as we know that when businesses are forced to deal with multiple agencies for the same issue, it costs them a lot of money. Actual report here.) When the politicians try to scream and throw temper tantrums about how spending cuts will damage the economy and throw Grandma to the wolves, just remember that we've always spent less than we spend today, and Grandma was just fine. The question is, would you rather have America be $14.3 trillion in debt or $16.3 trillion in debt. That's the choice they are offering, but don't be fooled. We know there is another choice, and it's called CUT SPENDING and DON'T RAISE THE DEBT CEILING.

REASON #5 Overspending results in a rising national debt, which hinders jobs and the economy. Unemployment recently rose again to 9.1%, leaving 13.9 million Americans out of work. The President would like Americans to believe that blowing through almost one trillion dollars in "stimulus" has increased our economic growth and put people back to work. Well, even the "intellectual authorities" at Harvard and Stanford are saying that the pork-laden stimulus bill did nothing for the economy or for jobs. President Obama is just acting out his part as a left-wing ideologue, where he wildly overspends so that he creates an almost existential debt crisis, leading to class warfare rhetoric and a call to hike taxes. Every rational and reasonable person (as well as those who know the tiniest bit about basic economics) understands that we absolutely cannot raise taxes to pay off the credit card debt that has been racked up by power-hungry politicians. And what is the real reason behind all of that overspending? Bigger, more intrusive government (see Obamacare). When government is too big, it spends too much; when government is too big, its debt grows too large; when government is too big, the economy falters and Americans can't get back to work.

 Once the size of government, and its spending, increases, economic growth falls.  Government spending failed to create economic growth when tried in the 1930's, '60's and '70's.  Every dollar spent by the federal government is money taken from the private sector.  The International Monetary Fund (IMF) cut the US growth forecast and warned of a looming debt crisis. With little growth, unemployment will remain high.  Since February 2009 there are 2.3 million fewer people employed while government spending has increased by 19% since 2008. Raising the debt ceiling means increased spending which means less jobs. Period.

Politicians talk a good game about caring for "the middle class" or "the poor" or "the children," or whatever other part they can cut off of the American body, to pit us against each other. Don't let them do it. We are all Americans and we ALL benefit from a strong, prosperous economy. The politicians are the ones strangling the life out of the economy! If they really cared about the people who make up all of those groups, they would get out of the way and allow Americans to create jobs for other Americans. But that can only happen when we shrink government and cut spending - and that will only happen when we refuse to raise the debt ceiling. This is the final email in the series of reasons not to increase the debt limit. The problem, while difficult for the Washington elite, is really quite simple. We MUST stop the spending and we MUST stop it now! Click below to navigate to our Action Center where you can call your Members of Congress and let your voice be heard on the ceiling. The clock is ticking and Washington elites will soon be done with their posturing and come out from the back room with a charade of a deal that makes it look like both sides fought for the right thing. The RIGHT thing is to stop spending money that we are borrowing from our children and grandchildren.

U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) Schools Tim Geithner on the Constitution!

Posted by Jared Law

Utah's Junior Senator, the Tea Party candidate, The 9.12 Project favorite, the victor of the 2010 U.S. Senate Primary Battle in Utah, U.S. Senator Mike Lee, explains how 'Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is MISTAKEN.'

You have got to see this video clip. It's so nice to see Utah's junior senator school the Treasury Secretary and the ignorant press corps about the Constitution. This is yet another reason why I'm glad that I personally endorsed Mike Lee; so far, Mike has absolutely lived up to our expectations. He's a younger, Utah version of the Jim DeMint-type of principled U.S. Senator which is so desperately needed, and is in such incredibly short supply.

GO MIKE! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=xoJ3Zgk8fEU Beginning today, every Friday we will send a "Weekly Update" from the Tea Party Patriots' First Brigade Support Team. If you have any news from your local tea party groups that you would like share with the First Brigade, please feel free to reply to this email.

This week, we will be focusing on the debt ceiling debate:

The American public has said a resounding "No" to raising the debt ceiling. The tea party movement has said an even more resounding "NO!" Yet the politicians, fueled by their insatiable desire for our money, keep on moving towards a "deal" on borrowing more money against the future payments you, your children and grandchildren will make. It has to stop. Sometimes humor is an effective weapon. Click below to view Tea Party Patriots' new video adding a little humor to the debate:

NO Debt Increase.com - "Practice Safe Spending"

26 ratings 1,065 views

Visit NoDebtIncrease.com to sign Tea Party Patriots' petition opposing any increase to the debt ceiling.

Also, check out Mark Meckler's op-ed piece in today's Washington Times: "Tea Party Relies on its Roots" Mark explains how TPP is run and why. He talks about how Tea Party Patriots is different from other organizations and why that is a good thing. Great piece! Please check it out and forward it to a friend.

Don't forget about Tuesday's conference call with Tea Party Patriots Co-Founder and National Coordinator: Mark Meckler. Mark will be explaining the debt ceiling debate and explaining why Tea Party Patriots opposes raising the debt ceiling. "An Explanation of the Debt Ceiling Debate" With Mark Meckler Thursday, June 30th at 8:00PM EDT 1-800-466-8543 Conference Call Code: 622686

Have a great weekend and we look forward to talking with you on Tuesday evening!

For Liberty,

First Brigade Support Team www.FirstBrigade.com [email protected]

IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR FIRST BRIGADE MEMBERS: If you registered for First Brigade in April or May of 2010 through PayPal, your recurring monthly donations have ended. PayPal only registers you for 12 recurring payments. Please visit www.FirstBrigade.com/register to renew your membership. You can reply to this email if you have any questions regarding membership renewal. When you register, please consider increasing your monthly donation amount. Tea Party Patriots relies on the First Brigade, and we sincerely appreciate any donation you can afford. Again, THANK YOU!

Government Mandated Food is Next

CONSTITUTION, HEALTH CARE, POLITICS There is an argument I have heard that we all need health insurance which is why we must mandate it and force people to purchase it. This is also the excuse used to invoke the “General Welfare Clause” of the U.S. Constitution

I won’t argue for or against any particular meaning of the ‘general welfare’ clause, but I want to point something out. If we can make the case that because something is necessary for our citizens then we must mandate it then why stop at healthcare? Let’s touch on the most basic of necessities. Two particular items that aren’t readily available (like oxygen) are food and water. Sure, you can go out and find a stream to get your water or plant a garden but in today’s abundant regulations this may be much harder than you think. Everyone providing their own food and water is unrealistic since we are no longer an agricultural society anymore. We need the big farmers and corporations to provide it for us or our economy would collapse.

If we all need food and water to just survive, why not mandate that all Americans are entitled to 2000 calories of food intake a day and 8 glasses of water? We could go even further and say that one of the reasons healthcare is such a necessity is because of rampant obesity. To cut down on the costs of healthcare we could even mandate a particular style of healthy eating and ban all of the ‘bad’ foods. There’s this campaign to reduce obesity and promote a healthier lifestyle so why not? We could go even further and mandate gym memberships and at least 3 hours of exercise a day.

Post Continues on godfatherpolitics.com

Read more: Government Mandated Food is Next | Vision to America http://visiontoamerica.org/2200/government-mandated- food-is-next/#ixzz1RgMhyH7v

From: Congressman Paul Ryan Subject: America in the Balance

Dear Fellow Conservative,

America is at a tipping point.

Unemployment remains staggeringly high at 9.1%. The national debt has surged to over $14.3 trillion and growing. The price of gas has doubled under President Obama and food prices are soaring. Forty-three cents of every dollar Washington spends is borrowed. And our most cherished freedoms and values are under attack like never before by our own government.

The Republican Party has a plan to put America back on the path to prosperity and we need the support of grassroots leaders like you for it to take hold and succeed.

In 2010, you and millions of Americans put your faith in Republicans to get our nation's fiscal house in order by electing a GOP majority to the U.S. House. These men and women didn't come to Washington for a career -- they came for a cause that's bigger than you or me. It's the cause to get this country on the right track by paying off our spiraling debt, fulfilling the mission of retirement security and getting the economy growing again.

Republicans in the U.S. House are working hard to keep our charge. We've made steady progress by passing a 2012 budget that cuts spending so government lives within its means, reduces the deficit, unleashes the forces of the free market to create jobs, reforms the tax code so it’s fairer and tackles entitlement reform.

Unfortunately, our budget doesn't have a chance of getting a fair shake by Harry Reid in the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate -- let alone of surviving President Obama's veto pen unscathed.

The only way Republicans can right our ship and get America on a sustainable path to economic growth and prosperity is to expand our majority in the U.S. House, recapture the U.S. Senate and elect a Republican president in 2012.

The best way you can help Republicans win the fight for America’s future is by joining the one organization that is doing more than any other conservative group to elect GOP candidates at all levels of government and make Barack Obama a one-term president . . . The Republican National Committee (RNC).

Please make a secure online contribution right now of $25, $50, $100 or more to affirm your commitment to our cause and provide the campaign support Republicans need to end the Obama Democrats’ liberal power grab in Washington that is leading our nation to economic ruin.

America is not down and out. We have a few problems, but we can fix them with the right solutions. This is our moment to advance a commonsense, conservative plan for prosperity and get our nation back on track.

Thank you in advance for your generous support of the RNC and for your commitment to our cause.


Paul Ryan Congressman (WI-1)

P.S. America cannot afford four more years of Barack Obama's never-ending trillion dollar deficits and his tax, borrow and spend big government agenda. We need real leadership in the Oval Office and a Republican-controlled Congress to get our fiscal house in order and our economy turned around. Please support our cause by making a secure online contribution of $25, $50, $100 or more to the RNC today. Your gift is an important investment in helping elect a Republican president, Congress and more GOP governors in 2011-2012. Thank you.

Five Things Wrong with Today’s Republican Party

This is my unofficial list of why the Republicans stink today. It is my own official list so that must count for something. It is in no particular order and is for adults only which I feel is appropriate since voting age is 18. My list isn’t inclusive of all Republicans, but to be honest, the Republican party has some serious issues that need to be dealt with and fixed. I want to see some of that ‘God and Country’ I hear about and in that order.

1. They have no balls. And by that I mean they have no testosterone in their testicles. You might as well say they’ve been lopped off and the Democrats are using them for political ping pong. Get some cojones and take a stand. We need more Republican men and women like Chris Christie, Scott Walker, and Rick Perry (This list isn’t exhaustive). They aren’t perfect, but they are on the right track in most areas. And yes, I did mean to include women in this item. There really is no better way to say you need more backbone and determination than “grow a pair.”

2. They don’t represent anyone but their own interests. They care more about their ‘job’ in D.C. than they do about being a public servant. I’d like to see some of the rich Congressmen and women refuse their salaries. Be an example to the rest of us. Think of it as a bit of philanthropy.

3. They don’t know how to raise money. I mean, come on, the internet has been in full force across America for more than ten years and it’s mostly like watching my grandma use WebTV. Let’s get past the Geocities mentality and start creating a fundraising machine. Get some fresh blood in the ranks of political fundraising.

For the full list, continue on to Godfather Politics.

Post Continues on godfatherpolitics.com

Read more: Five Things Wrong with Today’s Republican Party | Vision to America http://visiontoamerica.org/2126/five-things-wrong-with-todays-republican-party/#ixzz1RgOfsn32

Thomas Paine Speaks Again

Thomas Paine has issued a challenge in this newly released video. I believe it could be the spark that ignites a 2nd American Revolution. The two-minute video is perhaps the most compelling call to action you or I will ever receive. Please ensure that every person on your e-mail list has an opportunity to hear what Mr. Paine has to say.

In 1776, Paine's Common Sense brought the rising revolutionary sentiment into sharp focus by placing blame directly on King George III. Today, the eternal Mr. Paine places the blame squarely on the inept and corrupt politicians in Washington.

Two hundred years ago Mr. Paine called on the nation to act. In 2009, he warned us in this video (which was viewed over 9 million times). Today, in this new video, he suggests a solution.

Most Americans do not grasp the severity of the situation. Make it your mission to get them to watch this video. It is a great way to start the conversation. Let them know that GOOOH is the solution. Ask them to join the nearly 100,000 patriots who are working to fire Congress.

In Liberty, Tim Cox

Founder, GOOOH.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=It4HtPVr7iY&feature=player_detailpage

Bear Witness Waking Up America

S. 952-"Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act of 2011" (DREAM Act) is back! Sponsored by Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) and co-sponsored by 34 other Senators (all Democrats and Independents-one of which is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid), S. 952 is in Committee for deliberation, investigation and revision before going to general debate. In a Congressional hearing on Tuesday, Senator Durbin has been quoted as saying, "When I look around this room, I see America's future, our doctors, our teachers, our nurses, our engineers, our scientists, our soldiers, our congressmen, our senators, and maybe our president," after having asked all young persons in the room to stand if they were currently undocumented aliens who would be eligible to become citizens if the DREAM Act were passed. As a videotape of the hearing shows, a large portion of the audience in the room rose at Durbin's request. The Obama regime was so laughable if the consequences were not so serious. By hook and crook, they are pushing the DREAM act and Amnesty while still denying and yet admitting it! Read more> OBAMA'S INELIGIBILITY: PROOF THAT CONGRESS IS LYING Congress and federal agencies also refuse to investigate Obama's alleged felonies: forged birth documents and Selective Service registration and a stolen Social Security Number For patriotic Americans, this is our Cuban Missile Crisis. Make Congress blink. Congress has always known that Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen and has never been eligible to be President, yet they continue to lie to the American people. They are covering up their disregard for the Constitution and their dereliction of duty. Congress and federal agencies also refuse to investigate Obama's alleged felonies: forged birth documents and Selective Service registration and a stolen Social Security Number. Read more> ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN ASKS FOR SUSPENSION OF CULTURAL EXCHANGE In light of the recent publication of the 2011 Trafficking In Persons Report, once again, Cuba ranks as a Tier 3 country. Cuba has been a Tier 3 country since 2003 as the regime continues to sexually exploit women, children, and oppresses the Cuban people. Due to the fact that the Cuban regime has not shown any progress regarding trafficking of persons, I would urge the administration, within all applicable rules and guidelines, to reverse its current policy and suspend all educational and cultural exchanges with the Cuban regime pursuant to the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000. Read more> AGENDA - GRINDING AMERICA DOWN When Idaho legislator Curtis Bowers wrote a "letter to the editor" about the drastic changes in America's culture, it became the feature story on the evening news, people protested at the capitol, and for weeks the local newspapers were filled with responses. He realized then he would hit on something. Ask almost anyone and you'll hear, "Communism is dead! The Berlin Wall came down." And though the word communism isn't used anymore, this film will show the ideas behind it are alive and well. Join Bowers for a fascinating look at the people and groups that have successfully targeted America's morality and freedom in their effort to grind America down. It's not just another conspiracy theory. It's a well documented agenda. See the video> Billionaire George Soros Trying To Stack the Courts Billionaire George Soros spends tens of millions each year supporting a range of liberal social and political causes, from drug legalization to immigration reform to gay marriage to abolishing the death penalty. But a less well-known Soros priority - replacing elections for judges with selection-by-committee - now has critics accusing him of trying to stack the courts. Read more>


It is difficult for Americans to comprehend a system of governance in which the government is omnipotent and ordinary citizens are subject to whatever whims may be imposed by whomever happens to be in power. Nevertheless, sustainable development requires such a system of governance to manage the affairs of individual citizens to insure that social equity and environmental protection are integrated into all economic activity. America's consumption of natural resources is to be reduced while providing access to the world's resources to the people in the rest of the world. But since no energy use restrictions are imposed on the remaining 137 developing nations, industry will move to China, Mexico, Brazil, and Asia to produce their goods for the people in developing nations. The process will force the redistribution of wealth to achieve "social equity" in the name of protecting the environment. The resulting increased cost of everything that uses energy will force a reduction of consumption in America. The ideas behind Agenda 21 relate to Socialism/Marxism and control of people and resources. It is well documented that similar plans were adopted by Communist countries although in various flavors. For example, in Cuba, it was called the Agrarian and Urban Reforms which gradually removed private property, confiscated all businesses, imposed total control on its citizens and changed every one's standard of living for the worst. On a side note, in all these affected countries a common theme was that guns were not necessary or were harmful, therefore guns and rifles were confiscated, which prevented citizens to rise against their oppressors. The following articles provide more information on AGENDA 21, how it will affect you and how it will affect the American way of live. Please click on the titles to read more.


Americans are so focused on Congress and Obama at the federal level of government right now that most are overlooking the socialism creeping in at the local level through Agenda 21. It is easy to overlook local government since people are saturated with too much information in the internet age. Compounding this is the fact that Agenda 21 is a dull topic, and it becomes understandable how it has been able to fly mostly under the radar since 1992, slowly working its way into our cities and counties. Agenda 21, which reportedly means an agenda for the 21st century, is a United Nations program launched in 1992 for the vague purpose of achieving global "sustainable development." Congress never approved Agenda 21,


White House Rural Council WARNING - Agenda 21 and Obama's Rural Council [Read Cuba Warns America - A Lesson from History, read how government control developed into a Socialist/Marxist dictatorship. Agenda 21 is similar to the Agrarian and Rural Reform in Cuba] On June 9, 2011, an Executive Order established the White House Rural Council with 25 executive branch departments including Defense, Justice, Homeland Security, National Drug Control, Environmental Quality, Labor, Commerce, Interior, EPA, Housing, Health, Education to name just a few. The order covers 16% of the American population who lives in rural counties because they "supply our food, fiber, and energy, safeguard our natural resources, and are essential in the development of science and innovation. ...


FL HB 879 became effective in July 2012. the bill makes enterprise zone incentives available to the two pilot communities, Sarasota and Miami. Fiscal incentives such as corporate tax credits, sales tax credits and refunds, discount on utility tariffs, and other incentives similar to those currently offered to enterprise zones are subject to cap. One of the organizations handling the enterprise zone is Enterprise Florida, Inc. (EFI), which is a public-private partnership that serves as Florida's statewide economic development organization. Public-Private-Partnerships is a way in which corporations through a new inception called public-private partnership (PPP) take control of government assests. As a solution to governments that are broke, UN Global will


In a report entitled "Your Hometown & the United Nations' Agenda 21" published in The New American's online edition for February 10, journalist William F. Jasper warned: The UN's Agenda 21 is definitely comprehensive and global - breathtakingly so. Agenda 21 proposes a global regime that will monitor, oversee, and strictly regulate our planet's oceans, lakes, streams, rivers, aquifers, sea beds, coastlands, wetlands, forests, jungles, grasslands, farmland, deserts, tundra, and mountains. It even has a whole section on regulating and "protecting" the atmosphere. It proposes plans for cities, towns, suburbs, villages, and rural areas. It envisions a global scheme for healthcare, education, nutrition, agriculture, labor, ...


A series of speakers provide simple information on what Agenda 21 is. Every American should listen to the video. ...

AGENDA 21 Equals National Suicide

As you read this article, keep these words in mind: "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto law, or Law impairing the obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility." -Article 1, Section 10, The United States Constitution. That Section of the Constitution prevents membership of states, cities and counties in an organization called International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)... but I'll bet many readers of this article live in a city, town, or county that belongs to ICLEI because ICLEI has more than 600 active members throughout the United States. Those members are cities, counties, and states, not individuals.

"It will not be denied that power is of an encroaching nature and that it ought to be effectually restrained from passing the limits assigned to it. After discriminating, therefore, in theory, the several classes of power, as they may in their nature be legislative, executive, or judiciary, the next and most difficult task is to provide some practical security for each, against the invasion of the others." --James Madison, Federalist No. 48, 1788

"The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one, and thus to create whatever the form of government, a real despotism. A just estimate of that love of power, and proneness to abuse it, which predominates in the human heart is sufficient to satisfy us of the truth of this position." --George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796

This balance between the National and State governments ought to be dwelt on with peculiar attention, as it is of the utmost importance. It forms a double security to the people. If one encroaches on their rights they will find a powerful protection in the other. Indeed, they will both be prevented from overpassing their constitutional limits by a certain rivalship, which will ever subsist between them." --Alexander Hamilton, speech to the New York Ratifying Convention, 1788 Florida Senator Marco Rubio: “We Don't Need New Taxes. We Need New Taxpayers.”

Posted by Dr. Rich Swier

On July 6, 2011, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) to speak on the Senate floor about jobs and the debt. In his remarks, Rubio stressed the importance of taking bad job-destroying ideas off the table in ongoing debt reduction negotiations.

During his speech Senator Rubio said, "We don't need new taxes. We need new taxpayers, people that are gainfully employed, making money and paying into the tax system. Then we need a government that has the discipline to take that additional revenue and use it to pay down the debt and never grow it again. That's what we should be focused on, and that's what we're not focused on."

See below for excerpts from the speech, and watch his speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate.

SENATOR RUBIO: “Here's the bottom line: These tax increases they're talking about. These so-called revenue enhancers, they don't solve the problem. So what do we do then? Because clearly we have to do two things.

"One, we have to hold the line on spending, if you keep digging yourself in the hole, the hole is going to bury you, the other thing is how do you start generating revenue for government so you can start paying down this debt? That’s what the debate should be about.

“We already know these taxes don't work. Here is what I suggest works in a balanced approach, using the President's terminology. Let's stop talking about new taxes and start talking about creating new taxpayers, which basically means jobs.

“Here in Washington, this debt is the number-one issue on everyone's mind, and rightfully so. It is a major issue. But everywhere else in the real world, the number one issue on everyone's minds is jobs. “We don't need new taxes. We need new taxpayers, people that are gainfully employed, making money and paying into the tax system. Then we need a government that has the discipline to take that additional revenue and use it to pay down the debt and never grow it again. That's what we should be focused on, and that's what we're not focused on.

“You look at all these taxes being proposed, and here's what I say. I say we should analyze every single one of them through the lens of job creation, issue number one in America. I want to know which one of these taxes they're proposing will create jobs. I want to know how many jobs are going to be created by the plane tax. How many jobs are going to be created by the oil company tax I heard so much about. How many jobs are created by going after the millionaires and billionaires the president talks about? I want to know: How many jobs do they create?

“Because I'll tell you, and I'm going to turn it over to Senator Ayotte in a second. I'm interested in her perspective as a job creator, as the spouse of a job creator, as someone like me who came off the campaign trail. I traveled the state of Florida for two years campaigning. I have never met a job creator who told me that they were waiting for the next tax increase before they started growing their business. I've never met a single job creator who's ever said to me I can't wait until government raises taxes again so I can go out and create a job.

“The other great phrase here, you know, both Senator Ayotte and I have only been here a few months so I think we're still learning the language of Washington. I hope it never becomes part of my permanent vocabulary, but one of the things I've been hearing recently is this notion everything should be on the table, which is funny because everything is not on the table, according to the President and others.

“For example, there is no serious discussion of a spending cap. I'd love to have a vote -- why don't we have a vote on the balanced budget amendment? Why is that not on the table? Why is a balanced budget amendment not on the table? Why aren’t we voting on that tomorrow?

“Because a balanced budget amendment basically says you can't spend money you don't have which makes all the sense in the world to the rest of the people that live in the real world, but apparently that doesn't apply here and the result is these problems we face.

“But I actually think some things should be off the table. Let me tell you what should be off the table: bad ideas. If something is a bad idea, it shouldn't be on the table. And I think it is a bad idea to pass things to make it harder to hire people.

“How much higher do they want unemployment to be? So here is what I think we have to ask ourselves. These tax increases that Senator Ayotte pointed out along with the regulations kill job creation in America. These tax increases don't do anything about the debt. They don't raise enough money to do anything significant about the debt. They don't create jobs. In fact, they kill them. So how could tax increases that they're outlining be part of a solution? Why is it being offered?

“Ultimately these are smart people. They know the math. I think the answer lies in the politics of all of this. The politics of all of this is pretty clear. This appears to be an effort to save face. …

“There's got to be spending reductions and it appears to me that the President and others in his party are positioning and are looking for a pound of flesh in return for these cuts so they can go to their political base and say, ‘Look what we’ve got, we got something out of this. We went after the people who made all this money, we went after the greedy millionaires and billionaires. We went after this oil companies, even though this has nothing to do with the debt.’ That’s the only explanation for why this is even on the table.

“I think all bad ideas should be off the table. I think anything that kills jobs should be off the table. I think anything that hurts the ability of job creators to grow their business should be off the table. I think anything that helps increase the unemployment rate should be off the table. I think that's what should be off the table. I think anything that hurts our ability to grow our economy should be off the table. And I hope what should be on the table are things that force this government once and for all to put itself back on the path of sanity.

“Sanity basically means that we stop having a government that spends money it does not have. And I'll turn it over to Senator Ayotte to close but I want thank you for the opportunity to do this because I thought it was important to bring these points to the floor here today.” "Warning: The Unprepared May NOT Survive The Next Natural Disaster, Terrorist Attack, or Pandemic... Claim Your FREE Urban Survival Mini-Course and Be Prepared Right In Your Own Home..."

In light of recent global unrest and natural disasters, we want to bring you this urgent letter from David Morris, author of the acclaimed Urban Survival Course and founder of SurviveInPlace.com.

From: David Morris RE: How to survive in crazy times (right where you are)

Dear Friend,

Don't ignore the very real and growing dangers reported in the news today.

Too many people mistakenly believe that being prepared means escaping to a fully stocked retreat far away from civilization.

Because in the real world we have families to raise, jobs to do, and lives to live, there isn't the time, money or desire to build the proverbial 'fall out shelter'.

This myth leads most people to resign themselves to do nothing. Worse, far too many believe the government will take care of them.

That's NOT a survival strategy.

That's gambling with your life and the lives of your loved ones.

The price is too high.

I know, once upon a time I was unprepared.

But I couldn't ignore the growing threats and I knew there had to be a better plan than 'hoping for the best'.

Here's the thing...

You need to have a WORKABLE plan.

If you pin your survival on getting to a far away retreat I have bad news for you...

In times of crisis you may not even be able to GET THERE. So unless you plan on living like a hermit off in the middle of nowhere and spend a gazillion dollars on supplies and equipment, you're going to want to read every word of this urgent letter right now.

The good news is that I did all the research for you and created a FREE mini-course that more than 4,000 military, law enforcement, and preparedness minded people have gone through to get their families prepared to survive disasters and breakdowns in civil order.

My course shows people how to survive short, medium, and long term disasters in their current location when relocating to a fully-stocked rural retreat isn't an option.

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Urban Survival Mini Course

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* Common sense steps you can take to protect your family from out-of-control inflation like what Argentina, Zimbabwe, and the Weimar Republic experienced.

* Why you don't have to be rich, have a full arsenal, or a fully stocked rural retreat to survive disasters (you don't have to leave where you currently live!).

* And much more...

Claim your access to my 7 part Urban Survival Mini-Course here:

Urban Survival Mini Course

Don't delay...

In the last year alone people just like you have been ambushed by natural disasters, riots in the streets, power outages, financial crisis and terrorist attacks.

Act now while you still have time to prepare – it's way easier than you think.

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Enough talk... act now while there is still time and while it's FREE!

Best regards, David Morris

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