For the Installation of a Breeze Single Motor Boathouse Vertical Cradle Lift
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A. Check all parts with the packing list.
B. Assembly of motor and gear plate: 1. Unpack motor and gear plate. You should have 2 motors with rotating switches and cable attached, 2 gear plates, 2 10" pulleys, and 2 36"drive belts. 2. Attach motor to gear plate with hardware provided, do not tighten at this time. 3. Mount large pulley on gear shaft with the Allen set screw towards the main gear. Install belt. 4. Align the pulleys and tighten both pulley set screws. 5. Adjust tension of drive belt and tighten the 2 bolts nearest the main gear. 6. Adjust bottom pin plate so the edge of the plate is 3" from the bottom of the gear plate and tighten the mounting bolts. Repeat for other motor.
C. Measure the width of the boat house, find and mark the center on the crossheader. Measure the length of the bottom beams and divide by 2. Using this measurement, from the center mark, measure towards the outside of the boathouse and mark the headers, this will be the center of the ride pipes. Select the 4 doubled headers that you want to mount the strap hangar bearings and drill 9/16" holes and mount the 4 strap hanger bearings. Mount the strap hanger bearings so the drive pipe will hang square to the gear plate and level with the water. Note - The cable must have a minimum of 18” and a maximum of 22” in between the bearings/headers to allow space for winding. Mount the motor/gear plate using ½" galv. bolts, square washers, lockwashers, and nuts. IMPORTANT - Never install bolts with the heads, lockwashers, or nuts directly against the wood; always use a flat washer of some type. Note: The gear plate is normally mounted with the motor hanging down. The side mounting holes may be used, if necessary, for clearance on a low boat house. IMPORTANT - - Your Breeze Boat House Lift will work best if friction and binding are at an absolute minimum. This is best accomplished by ensuring the drive pipe is perfectly square to the motor/gear plate in both the vertical and horizontal.
D. Check each 2" drive pipe strap hangar bearing to ensure the grease fitting is not protruding inside the drive pipe sleeve, this could make the drive pipe hard to grease and cause it to bind.
E. Insert the drive pipe through the strap hangar bearings and the gear plate, aligning the motor hole on the pipe and the gear hub. Insert the drive pipe/gear hub bolt and finger tighten. Check the drive pipe for alignment and binding. Align the strap bearings so the drive pipe is level to the water and square to the motor/gear plate; tighten strap hangar bolts.
F. On the side header, align the 12" angle bracket with the center of the cable winding space and mark the holes. Drill 9/16" holes and mount the brackets with the hardware provided, using square washers on the wood side. This is the cable “dead man”.
G. Lay out the 4 stainless steel cables on the dock and pull taut. Place a mark on the shortest cable at 4” from the cut end. Mark a second cable at the same point, regardless of the distance from the cut end. These two cables will be used on the end of the lift towards the boat’s stern. Mark the other two cables 6” further away from the cut end than the mark on the first two cables. These two cables will go on the end of the lift towards the boat’s bow. IMPORTANT: Care must be taken to execute this step with precision. If marks are improperly aligned, the cables will be uneven, causing the boat to not be level.
1 Jan 1999 1 H. Drill a 9/16" hole half way through the drive pipe next to the strap hangar where the cable will start and then will wrap towards the motor. Repeat for the other three cable starting points. Insert the cables in the holes and run them out of the closest end of the pipe (this may require removing the drive pipe/gear hub bolt). IMPORTANT: Ensure that the cables are used in the sets as marked earlier. Insert each cable into and then back through the crush sleeve so the cable end protrudes approximately 1/4” from the crush sleeve. Align the index mark with the end of the crush sleeve, then hammer flat. CAUTION: Failure to adequately secure the crush sleeve may allow the cable to pull free from the drive pipe. Pull the cables back into the drive pipes so the crush sleeves are against the hole. IMPORTANT: All cables must wrap in the same direction (for example, either towards the motor or away from the motor).
I. Insert the shackle in the eye end of the cables and insert the shackle bolt through the bottom hole on the cable dead man. CAUTION: Shackle pins must be securely installed.
J. Lay out the bottom beams on the dock. Measure the beams, find and mark the exact center. Measure the width of the boat at the widest point. Divide the width of the boat by 2. Add 2” to this measurement and mark the beams either side of the center mark. Install the guide pipe brackets using the supplied hardware, centering the brackets on the marks.
K. Lay the cable through the snatch block in the proper direction and install the sheave with the 3/4”x3” Stainless Steel bolt, lockwasher, and nut.
L. J. Connect the motor to electrical power. Keeping slight downward pressure on the cables, run the motors and carefully wind the cables up with no spaces or overwraps in the cables, until the bottom beams are at a convenient level to install the bunk boards. IMPORTANT: All cables must wrap in the same direction (for example, either towards the motor or away from the motor). Attach the bunk boards to the bottom beams with the hardware provided. The measurement between the bunk boards will depend upon the shape of the boat and they must be the same distance from the center mark. A good starting distance is 12-14” from centerline. There should be between 1" and 2" of clearance between the bottom of the boat and the bottom beam when the bunk boards are properly installed.
M. Insert the 1½"x4’ galvanized pipes in the guide pipe stands. Install the caps on the PVC guide pipes and slide over the galvanized pipe.
N. Install the motor switch in a convenient location. Check the operation of the switch and ensure it operates in the correct direction. If it does not, disconnect power and have a qualified electrician open the switch box and reverse the wires on terminal T8 and T9. WARNING: Make sure the motor is disconnected from electrical power prior to opening switch.
O. Grease the 3 grease fittings on the gear plate, one behind the big gear and 2 below the big gear and the grease fitting on each of the 4 strap hangars. Run the lift up and down several times and grease the gears again. It is very important to get plenty of grease on the gears and the fitting behind the big gear. Once the boat is on the lift, the gears may need to be greased again as the system is put under load.
1 Jan 1999 2