Rodrigo Murataya, Ph.D., MPA, Mcnair Scholar s1
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Curriculum Vitae Rodrigo Murataya, Ph.D., MPA, McNair Scholar
OFFICE: Central Washington University Department of Law and Justice 1000 South 12th Avenue, Yakima Center, MS-7599 P.O. Box 22520 Yakima, WA 98907-2520 Office: Deccio Higher Education Center Phone: (509) 963-3720 Fax: (509) 963-3703
HOME: 1609 Morrier Lane Yakima, WA 98901 (509) 728-3914
ELECTRONIC: [email protected]
2006 Ph.D. Interdisciplinary Leadership Program, Gonzaga University. Dissertation Title was: A case study of efforts between 2002 and 2005 to reform the state police in Michoacán, México. Dissertation Chair was James Beebe, Ph.D.
1997 M.P.A. Public Administration, International/Comparative Criminal Justice Systems focus, Graduate School of Public Affairs, University of Washington. Degree Project Title: “A Critical Analysis of the Mexican Federal Judicial Police”. I was specifically interested in the treatment of US citizens by the Mexican Criminal Justice System. The project emphasized the application of public administrative theory towards the administration of police departments. Degree Project Chair was Ernie Miller, Ph.D.
1993 B.A. Law and Justice, Psychology Minor: Department of Law and Justice, Central Washington University. I am familiar with the police science tracks in Law and Justice and feel capable of instructing in these areas. My documents 2/6/13
Teaching Experience
2012 to Present Professor and Chair: Department of Law and Justice, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA. As Chair, I managed department of one in person Bachelor’s degree, one Online degree and one master’s degree. There were nine tenure/tenure track faculty, four lecturer and 25 part time lecturers delivering undergraduate and graduate programs to six locations with about 650 majors/minors. I evaluated faculty for promotion, tenure, post tenure and lecturers. I advocated for department faculty and programs in interactions with the Dean, Provost and other administrators. I worked with new policies, procedures since implementation of the collective bargaining agreement which involved workload plans and workload reports. I created and prepared annual workload plan and schedules for 45 quarterly classes at six locations, prepared annual departmental budget and doubled Ledger II departmental discretionary funds through innovative summer scheduling involving delivery of online courses, guided implementation of first departmental assessment of student learning, handled complex student advising issues and managed 150 student holds quarterly, implemented standardization of policies regarding handling of substitutions, teaching assistants, processing of SEOI’s, tracking of faculty professional development funds, review of co-ops, uniform orientation documents. I supervised office staff of two including preparation of senior secretary professional development plan. I developed and prepared a strategic development plan for our department. Subjects taught: Police Personnel Administration; Introduction to the Administration of Justice; Criminal Investigation; Criminal Law; Senior Seminar; Ethics Diversity and Conflict; Police Community Relations; Comparative Criminal Justice Systems; Research Methods in Criminal Justice; Report Writing; Crime in America and Introduction to Law and Justice.
2013 Instructor: Yakima County Police Department’s Reserve Police Officer Academy, February 2013, Union Gap, Washington. Subjects taught: Ethics, Diversity, and Moral Reasoning.
2012 Visiting Instructor: Colegio de estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos del estado de Michoacán, December 2012, Peribán, Michoacán. Subjects taught: The English language and its application worldwide. University entrance requirements and the benefits of a university degree.
2012 to 2012 Professor/Chair/Program Director: Department of Law and Justice, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA. As Chair, I managed department of one in person Bachelor’s degree, one Online degree and one master’s degree. There were nine tenure/tenure track faculty, four lecturer and 25 part time lecturers delivering undergraduate and graduate programs to six locations with about 650 majors/minors. I evaluated faculty for promotion, tenure, post tenure and lecturers. I advocated for department faculty and programs in interactions with the Dean, Provost and other administrators. I worked with new policies, procedures since implementation of the collective bargaining agreement which involved workload plans and workload reports. I created and prepared annual workload plan and schedules for 45 quarterly classes at six locations, prepared annual departmental budget and doubled Ledger II departmental discretionary funds through innovative summer scheduling involving delivery of online courses, My documents 2/6/13 guided implementation of first departmental assessment of student learning, handled complex student advising issues and managed 150 student holds quarterly, implemented standardization of policies regarding handling of substitutions, teaching assistants, processing of SEOI’s, tracking of faculty professional development funds, review of co-ops, uniform orientation documents. I supervised office staff of two including preparation of senior secretary professional development plan. I developed and prepared a strategic development plan for our department As Program Director of Yakima, I am the advisor to all of our LAJ students at the Yakima center; for the co-op and independent studies; for collecting and forwarding adjunct outlines to the department chair; for developing appropriate mentor relationships with the students; for fostering our honor society, our student government, our student club, and getting items from the students for our quarterly newsletter. I am responsible for getting each of the courses at my center evaluated and for getting the book orders in to our center director; for being aware of and familiar with the catalog and its requirements, including the general education requirements and student rights and responsibilities. Subjects taught: Police Personnel Administration; Introduction to the Administration of Justice; Criminal Investigation; Criminal Law; Senior Seminar; Ethics Diversity and Conflict; Police Community Relations; Comparative Criminal Justice Systems; Research Methods in Criminal Justice; Report Writing; Crime in America and Introduction to Law and Justice.
2007 to 2012 Associate Professor/Program Director: Department of Law and Justice, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA. As Program Director, I am the advisor to all of our LAJ students at the Yakima center; for the co-op and independent studies; for collecting and forwarding adjunct outlines to the department chair; for developing appropriate mentor relationships with the students; for fostering our honor society, our student government, our student club, and getting items from the students for our quarterly newsletter. I am responsible for getting each of the courses at my center evaluated and for getting the book orders in to our center director; for being aware of and familiar with the catalog and its requirements, including the general education requirements and student rights and responsibilities. Subjects taught: Police Personnel Administration; Introduction to the Administration of Justice; Criminal Investigation; Criminal Law; Senior Seminar; Ethics Diversity and Conflict; Police Community Relations; Comparative Criminal Justice Systems; Research Methods in Criminal Justice; Report Writing; Crime in America and Introduction to Law and Justice.
2011 Instructor: Union Gap Police Department’s Reserve Police Officer Academy, February 2011, Union gap, Washington. Subjects taught: Ethics, Diversity, and Moral Reasoning.
2003 to 2005 Open Adjunct teaching position: Department of Criminal Justice, Washington State University, Tri-Cities, WA. In the open adjunct position located in Yakima, I was to advise and teach in the criminal justice program.
2001 to 2007 My documents 2/6/13
Assistant Professor/Program Director: Department of Law and Justice, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA. As Program Director, I am the advisor to all of our LAJ students at the Yakima center; for the co-op and independent studies; for collecting and forwarding adjunct outlines to the department chair; for developing appropriate mentor relationships with the students; for fostering our honor society, our student government, our student club, and getting items from the students for our quarterly newsletter. I am responsible for getting each of the courses at my center evaluated and for getting the book orders in to our center director; for being aware of and familiar with the catalog and its requirements, including the general education requirements and student rights and responsibilities. Subjects taught: Police Personnel Administration; Introduction to the Administration of Justice; Criminal Investigation; Criminal Law; Senior Seminar; Ethics Diversity and Conflict; Police Community Relations; Comparative Criminal Justice Systems; Research Methods in Criminal Justice; Report Writing; Crime in America and Introduction to Law and Justice.
2001 Instructor: High School Equivalency program, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA. Subjects taught: Science and math and mentored the students.
2001 Instructor: Youth Citizens Academy, 2001, Ellensburg, WA. Subjects taught: Ethics Diversity and Moral Reasoning.
2001 Visiting Lecturer: Eisenhower High School, Yakima, WA. Subjects taught: U.S. and Mexican Courts.
2001 Visiting Lecturer: Prosser High School, Prosser, WA. Subjects taught: Comparative Criminal Justice.
2000 to 2001 Lecturer/Program Director: Department of Law and Justice, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA. As Program Director, I am the advisor to all of our LAJ students at the Yakima Center; for the co-op and independent studies; for collecting and forwarding adjunct outlines to the department chair; for developing appropriate mentor relationships with the students; for fostering our honor society, our student government, our student club, and getting items from the students for our quarterly newsletter. I am responsible for getting each of the courses at my center evaluated and for getting the book orders in to our center director; for being aware of and familiar with the catalog and its requirements, including the general education requirements and student rights and responsibilities. Subjects taught: Police Personnel Administration; Introduction to the Administration of Justice; Criminal Investigation; Criminal Law; Senior Seminar; Ethics Diversity and Conflict; Police Community Relations; and Comparative Criminal Justice Systems.
1997 to 2000 My documents 2/6/13
Lecturer: Department of Law and Justice, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA. Subjects taught: Police Personnel Administration; Introduction to the Administration of Justice; Criminal Investigation; Criminal Law; Senior Seminar; Ethics Diversity and Conflict; Police Community Relations; and Comparative Criminal Justice Systems.
1996-1997 Research Assistant: Graduate School of Public Affairs, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Worked at the Sunnyside Housing Authority as a Fraud Investigator. My position entailed enforcing public housing regulations and monitoring for compliance.
1995-1996 Research Assistant: Graduate School of Public Affairs, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Worked at the Zillah Police Department as the Community Development Officer; Made presentations and held meetings with members of the Parents Association and the parents of migrant children (I am Hispanic and fluent in Spanish); Worked with Dr. Ryan (Chair of Department of Urban Design and Planning) in presenting the findings of Community Development to his class (University of Washington, Seattle, Washington); Developed an emergency response manual for the police department.
1992-1993 Teaching/Research Assistant: Department of Law and Justice, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA. Assisted Dr. J. Michael Olivero in research on the Mexican criminal justice system, with an emphasis on Mexican prisons; Toured prisons throughout México with Dr. Olivero; Translation of Spanish literature and review of Mexican research in criminal justice; Presented our findings at national conferences, etc.; Developed lectures and presented observations to his class on Comparative Correctional Systems in Morelia, Michoacán, México.
Professional Experience
2006 - 2008 Youth Services Counselor, Research and Evaluation: EPIC Youth Services, Yakima, WA. Work with adolescents. Some of whom are state dependent, deemed to be at risk, including gang involvement and substance dependence. Group and individual therapy, treatment plans, casework and casework planning, working with families and youth, working with collateral treatment providers, testing, assessment and treatment.
2007 -2008 Correctional Officer, state work release facility in Yakima, WA. Work with state work release adults.
1994-1998 Community Development Police Officer: Zillah Police Department. Law enforcement including the municipal codes and the Revised Code of Washington, responding to reports of crime and the management of emergencies, traffic control, report writing for the court and the prosecutor’s My documents 2/6/13 office and patrol procedures. I also implemented community-policing techniques designed to improve police-community relations, and worked as a Community Development Police Officer.
1994-1995 Housing Officer: Sunnyside Housing Authority. Assisted low-income clients apply for low- income housing. Signed contracts representing the office of Housing and Urban Development, and monitored client eligibility for continued public housing and vouchers.
1992-1993 Paraprofessional: Office of Financial Aid, Central Washington University. Assisted students with the financial aid process.
1991 Computer Lab technician: Yakima Valley Community College. Programmed computers, maintained work stations, resolved difficulties, assisted instructors, monitored lab use, and instructed students. Taught small groups of students Lotus 123, WP51, Data Base 3-4, Dos and basic hardware installations. My documents 2/6/13
2011-2012 Research Director, Department of Law and Justice, Central Washington University (Ellensburg, Washington). Supervised Jose Gonzalez, as he conducted a survey in Ellensburg and the university community designed to measure respondent’s satisfaction with the local police.
2010-2011 Research Director, Department of Law and Justice, Central Washington University (Ellensburg, Washington). Supervised a Heritage University McNair Scholar, Zerafín Gonzalez, as he conducted a survey in Guadalajara, Jalisco designed to measure respondent’s satisfaction with the local police.
2009-2010 Research Director, Department of Law and Justice, Central Washington University (Ellensburg, Washington). Supervised a former student, Saul Chacon, as he conducted research in the Yakima County Jail designed to measure the training given to personnel in response to client mental health issues.
2009-2010 Research Director, Department of Law and Justice, Central Washington University (Ellensburg, Washington). Supervised a student, Angela Holeman, as she conducted a survey in Zillah, Washington designed to measure respondent’s satisfaction with the local police.
2008-2009 Research Director, Department of Law and Justice, Central Washington University (Ellensburg, Washington). Supervised a McNair Scholar recipient, Maria Barajas, as she conducted a survey in Zillah, Washington designed to measure respondent’s satisfaction with the local police.
2007-2008 Research Director, Department of Law and Justice, Central Washington University (Ellensburg, Washington). Supervised a McNair Scholar recipient, Julie Lopez, as she conducted a survey in the Yakima Valley, Washington designed to measure respondent’s satisfaction with the local police.
2004-2005 Researcher, Doctoral Program in leadership Studies, Gonzaga University (Spokane, Washington). Duties: conducted open-ended interviews with Spanish-speaking Law Enforcement administrators, newspaper reporters, and news anchors in Morelia, Michoacán; conducted library research, went on ride-along, and collected artifacts. The purpose of this research was to understand the changes leading to professionalism since 2002 and when Lázaro Cárdenas became governor.
2002-2003 Research Director, Department of Law and Justice, Central Washington University (Ellensburg, Washington). Supervised a McNair Scholar recipient, Laura Ceballos, as she conducted a survey in the Yakima Valley designed to measure respondent’s satisfaction with the local police.
2000-2001 Research Director, Department of Law and Justice, Central Washington University (Ellensburg, Washington). Supervised a McNair Scholar recipient, Delfina My documents 2/6/13
Muratalla, as she conducted a survey in Morelia, Michaocan designed to measure respondent’s treatment by United States police and Immigration and naturalization Service.
1998-1999 Research Director, Department of Law and Justice, Central Washington University (Ellensburg, Washington). Supervised a McNair Scholar recipient, Tammy Burrier-Green, as she conducted a survey in Morelia, Michaocan designed to measure respondent’s satisfaction with the local police.
1997-1998 Researcher, Department of Law and Justice, Central Washington University (Ellensburg, Washington). Conducted a survey in Guadalajara, Jalisco designed to measure respondent’s satisfaction with the local police.
1992-1993 Interviewer, Department of Law and Justice, Central Washington University (Ellensburg, Washington). Research Director: Dr. J. Michael Olivero. Duties: conducting open-ended interviews with Spanish-speaking prison administrators and US citizens incarcerated in México City, Oaxaca, and Morelia, Michoacán; Library research.
Murataya, R., Chacon, S., and González, Z., (2013). The relationship between Mexican drug trafficking organizations and corruption in the Mexican criminal justice and political systems: A review essay. International Journal of Comparative And Applied Criminal Ju stice, 00(00), 1-17.
Olivero, Michael, Murataya, R., Francis, Teresa (2012). Homophobic behavior and law enforcement majors: A case for sexual minority studies. Police Forum, 21(1), 9-18
Murataya, R., Chacon, S. (2011). A review of ramifications and implications associated with the involvement of people with mental illnesses in the correctional system. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(19), 258-265.
Murataya, R., Chacon, S., and González, Z., (2011). Power with impunity: Michoacán Mexico. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(16), 84-91.
Murataya, R. (2006). An examination of the leadership style of the chief of police of a small town in central Washington. Police Forum, 15(2), 4-13.
Murataya, R. & Olivero. J. M. (2004). Medical atrocities, legal and ethic mandates and the application to cross-cultural research in criminal justice: Research on México and Mexicans. European & International Research Group on Crime, Ethics and Social Philosophy, 1(3), 1-11.
Olivero, J. M., Treviño, C., Murataya, R., and Capetillo, D. (2003, December). Transitions in Mexican migration policies post the September 11 Attacks: Surveillance funding for the border has quadrupled on the border. Currents, 12-13. My documents 2/6/13
Olivero, J. M. and Murataya, R. (2001). Homophobia and university law enforcement students. Journal of Criminal Justice education, 12(2), 271-281.
Olivero, J. M. and Murataya, R. (1998). Citizen satisfaction with police services in Guadalajara. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 22(2), 303-310.
Olivero, J. M., Roberts, J., Murataya, R., and Rubenser, L. (1994). The treatment of U.S. citizens by Mexican law enforcement officials: An obstacle to trade relations between the U.S. and México. National Social Science Perspectives Journal, 5(3), 202-210.
Professional Meetings
2013, March Attended the: Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting. Dallas Texas.
2013, January Murataya, Rodrigo, Beneficiary “Ace Leadership Academy for Department Chairs.” Long Beach, California.
2007, December Murataya, Rodrigo. “Immigration Issues relating to Michoacanos” Tenth Meeting, State of Michoacán’s Government Cabinet. Morelia, Michoacán, México.
2007, June Murataya, Rodrigo. “Immigration Issues relating to Michoacanos” Ninth Meeting, State of Michoacán’s Government Cabinet. Morelia, Michoacán, México.
2007, February Murataya, Rodrigo, Presenter. “Los Michoacanos y el derecho de votar.” Meeting of migrant leaders. Morelia, Michoacán, México.
2006, November Murataya, R., Presenter. “Las complicaciones enfrentadas por indocumentados en Estados Unidos para ingresar a la universidad” XVIII Encuentro Nacional de la Investigación Educativa: La Educación a Debate” Morelia, Michoacán.
2006, September Murataya, Rodrigo. “Immigration Issues relating to Michoacanos” Eighth Meeting, State of Michoacán’s Government Cabinet. Morelia, Michoacán, México. 2005, February Murataya, R. and Olivero, J. M. “Why do kids join gangs?” Gang Awareness Night, GEAR UP Program. Quincy Washington. My documents 2/6/13
2005, December Murataya, Rodrigo. “Immigration Issues relating to Michoacanos” Seventh Meeting, State of Michoacán’s Government Cabinet. Morelia, Michoacán, México.
2005, August Murataya, Rodrigo. “Immigration Issues relating to Michoacanos” Sixth Meeting, State of Michoacán’s Government Cabinet. Morelia, Michoacán, México.
2004, May Murataya, Rodrigo. “La construcción de la Nueva Universidad en Sahuayo Michoacán” Second meeting of the committee to construct a new university in the State of Michoacán. Sahuayo, Michoacán, México.
2004, May Murataya, Rodrigo. “Immigration Issues relating to Michoacanos” Fifth Meeting, State of Michoacán’s Government Cabinet. Morelia, Michoacán, México.
2003, December Murataya, Rodrigo. “La construcción de la Nueva Universidad en Sahuayo Michoacán” Fourth Meeting, State of Michoacán’s Government Cabinet. Morelia, Michoacán, México.
2003, December Murataya, Rodrigo. “Immigration Issues relating to Michoacanos” Third Meeting, State of Michoacán’s Government Cabinet. Morelia, Michoacán, México.
2003, November Murataya R. “Social Justice Panel on Immigration” International Programs Office in the Sub Pit. Ellensburg, Washington.
2003, October Murataya, R., Presenter. “El Fenómeno Migratorio” Conferencia Nacional de Gobernadores. Durango, México.
2003, October Murataya, R., Presenter. “El Derecho de Votar” Michoacán Congress and Senate. Morelia, Michoacán, México.
2003, May Murataya, Rodrigo. Third Bi-national Forum of the Michoacano Migrant. Secretary, for the third section relating to “The interrelation of the state government of Michoacán with its migrants.” Ciudad Hidalgo, Michoacán, México. 2003, May Murataya, Rodrigo. “Immigration Issues relating to Michoacános” Second Meeting, State of Michoacán’s Government Cabinet. Morelia, Michoacán, México.
2002, November My documents 2/6/13
Murataya, Rodrigo. “Discussed and Voted for the Eastside representative of Mexicans living abroad for President Fox’s Advisory Committee” Hispanic Leaders of Washington Meeting. Seattle, Washington.
2002, October Murataya, Rodrigo. “Immigration Issues relating to Michoacános” First Meeting, State of Michoacán’s Government Cabinet. Morelia, Michoacán, México. 2002, October Murataya, Rodrigo. Attended the Washington State Faculty and Staff of Color in Higher Education Seventh Annual Conference 2002. Spokane, Washington.
2002, February Murataya, Rodrigo. Attended the 2002 Washington Center for Improving the Quality of Undergraduate Education. Tacoma, Washington.
Professional Associations
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Alpha Phi Sigma, Honor Society American Society of Criminology La Universidad de la Ciénaga de Chapala in Michoacán National Social Science Association Western Society of Criminology Vise-President of the Zillah Police Officers Association (1996-1998)
2011, November Murataya R., Presenter, Olivero, J. M. and Francis, Teresa. “Homophobic behavior and law enforcement majors: A case for sexual minority studies.” Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. Washington DC.
2011, October Murataya, R., Gonzalez, Presenter. “Police Corruption in Michoacán México” Meeting of Mellon Mays and undergrad scholars. Wyoming
2011, September Murataya, R., Gonzalez, Presenter. “Police Corruption in Michoacán México” Annual Meeting of Mellon Mays and undergrad scholars. Toppenish, Washington
2011, May My documents 2/6/13
Murataya, R., Gonzalez, Presenter. “Police Corruption in Michoacán México” Annual Meeting of McNair Scholars. Seattle, Washington.
2010, February Murataya, R., Presenter, Olivero, J. M., Noga, K., and Roberts, J. “Runaway Youth contained in Crisis Residential Centers” Annual Meeting of the Western Society of Criminology. Honolulu, Hawaii.
2009, February Murataya, R., Presenter, Olivero, J. M., Noga, K., and Roberts, J. “Runaway Youth contained in Crisis Residential Centers” Annual Meeting of the Western Society of Criminology. San Diego, California.
2008, February Murataya, R. and Olivero, J. M., Presenter. “Runaway Youth: Delinquents or Status Offenders?” Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Association. Seattle, Washington.
2007, March Olivero, J. M. and Murataya, R., Presenter. “The development of the state police in Michoacán, México” Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Association. Seattle, Washington.
2007, March Murataya, R., Chair. US./Canadian/Mexican issues panel. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Association. Seattle, Washington.
2007, February Murataya, R., Presenter, and Olivero, J. M. “Domestic Violence or Anger Management: An examination of arrest outcomes for domestic violence” Annual Meeting of the Western Society of Criminology. Scottsdale, Arizona.
2006, October Murataya, R., Presenter. “Law and Justice at Central Washington University” Annual Meeting of the Latino Educational Achievement Project. Ellensburg, Washington.
2006, October Murataya, R., Presenter. “The Mexican Criminal Justice System in the current political context” Annual Meeting of the Latino Educational Achievement Project. Ellensburg, Washington.
2006, March Olivero, J. M. and Murataya, R. “At-risk Youth and Psychopathology” Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Association. Baltimore, Maryland.
2005, March My documents 2/6/13
Murataya, R., Chair. “Risk Factors in Youth at Risk” Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Association. Chicago, Illinois.
2005, February Murataya, R. and Olivero, J. M. “IRB and cross cultural research in criminal justice in México” Annual Meeting of the Western Society of Criminology. Honolulu, Hawaii.
2004, March Murataya, Rodrigo. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Association. Las Vegas, Nevada
2003, October Olivero, J. M., Murataya, R., Trevino, C., and Capetillo, D. “Mexican Citizen Experiences and Perspectives on the US police and Border patrol.” Annual Meeting of the National Social Science Association. San Francisco, California.
2003, March Olivero, J. M., Murataya, R., Carlsen, S., and Vickers, D. “Domestic Violence Perpetrator Resistance and Attitudes towards Treatment and Skill Building: Does Resistance Go Down through Treatment and is there an Accompanying Positive Regard for Skill Building.” Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Association. Boston, Massachusetts.
2000, November Olivero, J. M. and Murataya, R. “Aggression and Assertiveness amongst Law Enforcement Majors.” Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California.
2000, March Olivero, J. M., Murataya, R., Rencher, S., and Anderson, J. “Aggression and Assertiveness amongst Law Enforcement Majors.” Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Association. New Orleans, Louisiana.
1999, November Murataya R., Chair. “International Perspectives on Violence Against Women.” Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Toronto, Canada.
1998, November Murataya, R. and Burrier-Green, T. “Law Enforcement and Crime: Citizens Perceptions in Morelia, México.” Annual Meeting of the National Social Science Association. New Orleans, Louisiana.
1998, March Murataya, R. and Burrier-Green, T. “Law Enforcement and Crime: Citizens Perceptions in Morelia, México.” Ellensburg, Washington.
1994, November My documents 2/6/13
Olivero, J. M., Murataya, R., and Rubenser, L. “The Treatment of U.S. Citizens by Mexican Law Enforcement Officials: An Obstacle to Trade Relations between the U.S. and México.” 1994 Annual Meeting of the National Social Science Association. Las Vegas, Nevada.
1994, November Olivero, J. M., Murataya, R., Rubenser, L., and Roberts, J. “The Mexican Federal Judicial Police.” 1994 Annual Meeting of the National Social Science Association. Las Vegas, Nevada. My documents 2/6/13
Other Professional Activities
2013: Regular member of the graduate faculty: Central Washington University. 2013 Co-Advisor of Alpha Phi Sigma, Honor Society 2013: Chair: Search Committee for Tenure Track position at main campus for the undergrad degree, Central Washington University. We hired: Danielle Neal 2012: Member: Search Committee for one year, Adjunct at main campus for the online degree, Central Washington University. We hired: Robert W. Clogston 2012 Co-Advisor of Alpha Phi Sigma, Honor Society 2012: Member: Personnel Committee for Law and justice Department at Central Washington University. 2012-2011: Member: Equity Committee for Law and justice Department at Central Washington University. 2011: Member: Committee on the ABA certified paralegal program. With Cathy Busha and Krystal Noga 2011: Keynote Speaker: National Hispanic Heritage Month at the Drug Enforcement Administration Service in Seattle, Washington. 2011: helped organize and participated in student visit to state prison facility. 2011: Member: Search Committee for Kent site Director Central Washington University. We hired: Trina Ballard. 2011 Co-Advisor of Alpha Phi Sigma, Honor Society 2011: Senate representative to the Law and justice Department at the faculty senate 2011: Advisor: Law and Justice Club-Yakima at Central Washington University 2011: helped organize and participated in New Student Orientation at CWU-Yakima 2011: Member: Search Committee for Adjunct faculty in the Department of Law and justice at Central Washington University. We hired Simeon P. Sungi. 2010: Member: Search Committee for senior secretary in the Department of Law and justice at Central Washington University. We hired Darlene Reinbold. 2010: Member: Personnel Committee for Law and justice Department at Central Washington University. 2010 Co-Advisor of Alpha Phi Sigma, Honor Society 2010: Senate representative to the Law and justice Department at the faculty senate 2010: helped organize and participated in student visit to state prison facility. 2010: Member: Search Committee for Assistant Professor in the Department of Law and justice at Central Washington University. We hired Cody Stoddard. 2010: helped organize and participated in New Student Orientation at CWU-Yakima 2010: Advisor: Law and Justice Club-Yakima at Central Washington University. 2009: Member: Committee to create the Hispanic Alumni Association at Central Washington University. 2009 Co-Advisor of Alpha Phi Sigma, Honor Society 2009: Advisor: Law and Justice Club-Yakima at Central Washington University. 2009: Member: Personnel Committee for Law and justice Department at Central Washington University. My documents 2/6/13
2009: helped organize and participated in student visit to state prison facility. 2009: Sponsor: La Semana Cultural de Michoacán in the Yakima Valley. 2009: helped organize and participated in New Student Orientation at CWU-Yakima 2009: Consultant: Union Gap Police Department regarding 2008 murder case (#08-3058) that involved the Yakima police department and police departments in Colima and Michoacán, México. 2009: Alternate representative to the Law and justice Department at the faculty senate for Sarah Britto 2009: President: La Federación de Michoacanos en Washington in Seattle, Washington. 2009: President: Michoacanos Unidos in Yakima, Washington. 2008: : Primary Committee Member: Looked at curriculum and Syllabi of all LAJ/CJ classes taught throughout the state to compare with our curriculum and made suggestions about what classes were actually comparable to ours. As a result, we greatly reduced the classes we accepted as equivalents 2008: Member: Personnel Committee for Law and justice Department at Central Washington University. 2008: Associate Graduate faculty member of the graduate faculty: Central Washington University. 2008 Co-Advisor of Alpha Phi Sigma, Honor Society 2008: Advisor: Law and Justice Club-Yakima at Central Washington University. 2008: helped organize and participated in New Student Orientation at CWU-Yakima 2008: helped organize and participated in student visit to state prison facility. 2008: President: La Federación de Michoacanos en Washington in Seattle, Washington. 2008: President: Michoacanos Unidos in Yakima, Washington. 2008: Member: Search Committee for COTS Dean at Central Washington University. We were not able to hire anyone. 2007: Elected President: Michoacanos Unidos in Yakima, Washington. 2007: Elected President: La Federación de Michoacanos en Washington in Seattle, Washington. 2007: Member: Personnel Committee for Law and justice Department at Central Washington University. 2007 Co-Advisor of Alpha Phi Sigma, Honor Society 2007: helped organize and participated in New Student Orientation at CWU-Yakima 2007-2011: Member: of Graduate Studies at Central Washington University. 2007: helped organize and participated in student visit to state prison facility. 2007: Advisor: Law and Justice Club-Yakima at Central Washington University. 2007: Organized trip for Members of Central Washington University’s Law and Justice Club-Yakima traveled to Morelia and visited the State Police Academy, the University of Michoacán Law School, the Reclusorio Oriente Prison, and attended a government meeting at the Federal Palace in Michoacán, México. 2006: Member: Personnel Committee for Law and justice Department at Central Washington University. 2006: Advisor: Law and Justice Club-Yakima at Central Washington University. 2006: helped organize and participated in student visit to state prison facility. 2006 Co-Advisor of Alpha Phi Sigma, Honor Society My documents 2/6/13
2006: helped organize and participated in New Student Orientation at CWU-Yakima 2006: Organized the visit of Michoacán’s Governor, Lázaro Cárdenas Batel, for Cinco de Mayo in Yakima, Washington. 2005-2010: Elected Board Member: La Universidad de La Cienega, in Sahuayo, Michoacán, México. 2005 Co-Advisor of Alpha Phi Sigma, Honor Society 2005: Member: Search Committee for Assistant Professor of the Department of Law and justice at Central Washington University. We hired Krystal Noga. 2005: helped organize and participated in student visit to state prison facility. 2005: Advisor: Law and Justice Club-Yakima at Central Washington University. 2005: helped organize and participated in New Student Orientation at CWU-Yakima 2005: Chairman of the Board: La Universidad de La Cienega, in Sahuayo, Michoacán México. 2004: Elected Chairman of the Board: La Universidad de La Cienega, in Sahuayo, Michoacán, México. 2004: Member: Search Committee for Assistant Professor of the Department of Law and justice at Central Washington University. We hired Teresa Francis. 2004: Organized the development of a Law and Justice Club for Yakima students at Central Washington University. 2004: helped organize and participated in New Student Orientation at CWU-Yakima 2004: Instructor: GEAR UP program at Central Washington University. 2004: Chair: Diversity Council at Central Washington University. 2003: President: Committee to construct a new university in Sahuayo, Michoacán, México. 2003: Organizer: Fiestas Patrias and Hispanic Heritage Month in Yakima. 2003: Organized visit of Michoacán’s Governor, Lázaro Cárdenas Batel, to Yakima, Washington. 2003: Participant: Recruitment meeting with Hispanic parents of Wapato High School students, in Wapato, Washington. 2003: helped organize and participated in New Student Orientation at CWU-Yakima 2003: Set up Michoacáno Booth at the Central Washington State Fair in Yakima, Washington. 2003: Sponsor: La Semana Cultural de Michoacán in the Yakima Valley. 2003: Appointed Member: Diversity Council at Central Washington University. 2003: Chair: Diversity Council at Central Washington University. 2003: Member: Search Committee for Assistant Professor of the Department of Law and justice at Central Washington University. We hired Sarah Britto. 2003: Appointed Member: Legislative Team at Central Washington University. 2002-2010: Member: Grupo México Association. 2002-2008: Appointed to the Advisory Board of Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacán’s Governor, regarding Michoacáno immigrant issues. 2002-2003: member of the Law and justice Distance education committee. 2002-: Chair-Elect: Diversity Council at Central Washington University. 2002: Vice President: Yakima-Morelia Sister City Association. My documents 2/6/13
2002: Attended the 1st Mexican Independence Day Fair, on behalf of the Office of Strategic Planning for the Governor of Michoacán, in Yakima, Washington. 2002: Keynote Speaker: National Hispanic Awareness Month at the Immigration and Naturalization Service in Yakima, Washington. 2002: Keynote speaker for Annual Heritage Dinner and Azteca Awards, Yakima, Washington. 2002: Appointed Member: Diversity Council at Central Washington University. 2002: Appointed Member: Legislative Team at Central Washington University. 2001-2010: Member of the State of Washington, National Council of La Raza. 2001-2007: Member of the Yakima-Morelia Sister City Association. 2001-2005: President: Washington State Chapter of Michoacános. 2001: Appointed Member: Diversity Council at Central Washington University. 2001: Appointed Member: Legislative Team at Central Washington University. 2001: Member: Search Committee for Assistant Professor of the Department of Law and justice at Central Washington University. We hired Elvira White. 2001: Panel Member: Opportunities Industrialization Center in Yakima, Washington. 2001: Panel Member: Opportunities Industrialization Center in Yakima, Washington. 2001: Served as facilitator for the Upper Yakima Students leadership Conference, Yakima, Washington. 2000-2003: Committee member of the REACH program. 2000: Consultant on the Spokane case regarding prostitute killings by Detective Major Gambino of the Washington State Patrol. 1999-2008: Advisor: MECHA organization at Central Washington University. 1999: Expert Witness for the Defense regarding the Carlos Bautista murder (Case #:99-5680) in Kittitas County, Washington. 1999: Member: Search Committee for Assistant Professor of the Department of Law and justice at Central Washington University. We hired Mary Ellen Reimund. 1999: Member: Search Committee for Assistant Professor of the Department of Law and justice at Central Washington University. We hired Key Sun. 1999: Keynote Speaker: Academic Achievement Programs at Central Washington University. 1999: Participant: KDNA’s 20th Anniversary Meeting in Yakima, Washington. 1998-2010: Director of Technology Development: Law and Justice Department at Central Washington University. 1998: Member: Search Committee for Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Law and justice at Central Washington University. We hired Chuck reasons. 1998-2002: Board Member: LINK program at Central Washington University. 1998: Committee Member: On behalf of Central Washington University, attended Centro Mexicano Internacional in Morelia, Michoacán, to assess quality of education. 1997-2010: member of the personnel committee. 1997-2010: Chair: Library Committee of Law and Justice Department at Central Washington University. My documents 2/6/13
2013 Special recognition given by Mellon Mays Fellowship program, Spring Convocation, on behalf of Zerafin Gonzalez, Heritage University , Toppenish, Washington 2010-2011 Selected to be mentor for a McNair Scholar (Serafin Gonzalez), Heritage University , Toppenish, Washington ($220) 2010-2011 Selected to be mentor for a McNair Scholar (Serafin Gonzalez), Heritage University , Toppenish, Washington ($2,000) 2008-2009 Selected to be mentor for a McNair Scholar (Maria Barajas), Yakima, Washington. 2007-2008 Selected to be mentor for a McNair Scholar (Julia Lopez), Yakima, Washington. 2006: Awarded $8,500 from Jack Baker S&A committee for the Law and Justice Club- Yakima 2006: Awarded $680 for the Law and Justice Club at Yakima from Yakima County Probation Department. 2006: Awarded $250 for the Law and Justice Club at Yakima from Abeyta Nelson 2006: Awarded $100 for Law the Law and Justice Club at Yakima from Pamela Dekker. 2006: Awarded the Eastside Outstanding Alumni Award (Department of Law and justice), Ellensburg, Washington. 2006: Awarded special recognition for organizing Michoacanos of Washington State (Michoacanos Unidos), Yakima, Washington. 2005-2006: Awarded special recognition for contributions to the organization and establishment of the CWU Law and Justice Association in Yakima, Washington. 2005: Awarded a graduation Certificate of Appreciation (Joy Nickloff), Yakima, Washington. 2005: Nominated for an award for the 8th Annual Evening of Recognition at the Center for Excellence in Leadership award (Roy Davis), Yakima, Washington. 2004: Nominated for the Most Inspirational Educator award (Celia Martinez), Ellensburg, Washington. 2003: Certificate of recognition from the United States Immigration and Naturalization Services, Seattle District, Yakima Sub-office, Yakima, Washington. 2002-2003 Selected to be mentor for a McNair Scholar (Laura Ceballos), Yakima, Washington. 2002: Fellowship, Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington ($3,500). 2002: Certificate of recognition, HEP program, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington. 2001-2003 Selected to be mentor for a McNair Scholar (Delfina Muratalla), Yakima, Washington. 2001: Fellowship, Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington ($3,500). 2000: “Mentor Appreciation Award”, Arizona State University, Arizona. 1999: Fellowship, Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington ($3,500). 1999: Received special recognition from the McNair Scholar’s Program, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington. 1998: Selected as a mentor for Tammy Burrier-Green in the McNair Scholar’s program ($500), Ellensburg, Washington. My documents 2/6/13
1997: Summer research grant, Central Washington University, México ($2,600). 1996: Given a scholarship by, University of Washington, Seattle ($3,000). 1995: Appointed HUD Fellow University of Washington, Seattle ($30,000). 1993: Summer research Stipend, Central Washington University, México ($2,400). 1992: Appointed McNair Scholar, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington ($2,800). 1991: Made the Dean’s list for three quarters, Yakima Valley College, Yakima, Washington. 1991: Given a scholarship by Boces Geneseo, New York ($200), Yakima, Washington. 1985: Given a scholarship by Bern and Margueryte Scholarship Committee, Prosser, Washington ($1000). 1985: Given a scholarship by the Edgar E. Whitehead Foundation, Prosser, Washington ($200).
Volunteer Skills
Consulting for divorce María Britto Lupe Sánchez María Sánchez Anita Sánchez
Consulting for immigrations José Castillo Esbeida Mercado Luis Sanchez
Volunteer for Yakima County Building Department My documents 2/6/13
Special Skills
Fluent in Spanish (Spoken and Written)
Dr. J. Michael Olivero Department of Law and Justice Central Washington University Ellensburg, WA 98926 (509) 963-2398
Dr. Ray Riznyk Graduate Studies Central Washington University Ellensburg, WA 98926 (509) 963-3101
Dr. Dennis Ryan Department of Urban Design and Planning University of Washington Seattle, WA 98915 (206) 685-9597
Dr. James Beebe School of Professional Studies Gonzaga University Spokane, WA 99258 (509) 323-3484