Welcome to the 37Th District 105M Convention
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DISTRICT CONVENTION WELCOME LETTER MARCH 2012 Welcome to the 37th District 105M Convention
I would like to welcome you to this District Convention. I have one objective to put a SMILE on your face as WE SERVE. I have planned the day to make it interesting, informative and enjoyable. As this is the Annual General meeting of the District I intend to keep the official business to a minimum. I believe that it is important to keep you informed of what is happening and to celebrate our achievements. I would like to encourage Lions who have not been to Convention before to attend and bring along their Presidents. There will be a chance to meet the International Director for tea or coffee directly after Convention at 4.30pm.This invite is only open to Club Presidents and First Time Conventioneers because of the numbers involved. My International Guest is 2Ndyear International Director Per Kaerager Christensen who will be accompanied by his wife Anita Olsson. The picture above was taken when I meet Per at the International Convention in Seattle. Per does have strong views on the future of Lions and is a very interesting speaker. On Sunday morning there will an opportunity to question the International Director which open to all. I would like to thank the Convention Committee for all the hard work they have put into organising this Convention and all the Social Events. And finally, my thanks to my Cabinet and all the District Officers for their hard work during this year. I will finish with my usual motto: SMILE WE SERVE. Neil Chisholm Neil Chisholm District Governor 105M 2011-12
Per K. Christensen, from Aalborg, Denmark, was elected to serve a two-year term as a director of The International Association of Lions Clubs at the association’s 93rd International Convention, held in Sydney, Australia, June 28 to July 2, 2010.
Director Christensen previously served in the military and is currently the owner of a wine import company.
A member of the Gug Lions Club since 1992, he has held many offices within the association, including district governor and council chairperson. He also served as Leo club charter president, Leo chairperson, youth exchange chairperson, MERL chairperson, membership chairperson, Leadership Institute faculty member, Leadership chairperson and Lions Nordic coordinator. In addition, he founded 19 Lions clubs made up of women members, organized several Leadership institutes and participated in many meetings and conventions locally and internationally.
In recognition of his service to the association, he has received numerous awards, including the Club Lion of the Year, 100% District Governor Award, two District Governor Appreciation Awards, the District 106 B Medal of Honor, a District Extension Award, four International President’s Certificates of Appreciation, the International President’s Leadership Award and three International President’s Medals. He also received a Lions International Academy Award in 2006. He is also a Melvin Jones Fellow.
Director Christensen’s wife, Anita Olsson, is also a Lion.
Lion Paul Anstice Candidate for District Governor 105M 2012 – 2013
Another year on and I find myself reviewing and revising my CV as I offer my candidature to be District Governor 105M for 2011 - 2012. Yet again most of the basic facts remain unchanged. I was born and raised in Bristol, graduated as a BSc. at the University of Bath and later received a doctorate from the same University. I am also a Chartered Engineer. Most of my professional career has been spent in the aerospace industry or academia and currently work for one of Europe’s leading innovation and consultancy companies responsible for the delivery of innovative technology for clients across the whole of the company’s sites in the UK and Europe.
I became a Lion in 1983 when I joined Hemel Hempstead Lions Club in District 105A. As my career dictated moves I belonged to three other clubs within 105A and I transferred to my current club of Northampton Eighty through the Brixworth branch in 2004. As a club member, I have been privileged to hold all positions within a club, President twice (one as a Charter President), Secretary, Treasurer and Chairman of each club committee. I have also served as a District Officer on Cabinets in both 105A and 105M in a range of roles, most recently as 2nd and 1st Vice District Governor.
I am currently 1st Vice District Governor with all the duties and responsibilities that entails. As 1st Vice District Governor I am part of the management team with the District and 2nd Vice District Governors that meets on a monthly basis to ensure the smooth running of the District. I chair the Finance and Administration Committee and sit on the Long Range Planning, Global Leadership Team and Global Membership team Committees. I have continued to meet many Lions in 105M as I have made Club visits and attended Club Charter celebrations across the District.
Since last year, my training in readiness to become a District Governor has continued and I have already completed the Vice District Governor Elect course with my counterparts and partners from around the Multiple District and further courses are scheduled through this year. As a team of 1st Vice District Governors, we have now met on a number of occasions for business reasons and socially. We also communicate regularly to share ideas and experiences and have gelled into a good team which supports each other.
To be District Governor requires teamwork and in my case the most important member of the team is my wife Jackie who is a dedicated Lion in her own right, closely followed by the members of my club Northampton Eighty. Despite having to overcome serious health problems last year, throughout all her treatment Jackie continued to support me and be by my side as I performed my duties as 2nd Vice District Governor. This unselfish dedication, together with the support of my club has proved to me that together we can fulfil all the duties required of a District Governor and partner.
Lion Simon Moss – Curriculum Vitae
My name is Simon Moss and I am 53 years old, married with two grown up daughters and one grandson so far. I work as an IT Technical Architect within The Insolvency Service, an agency of the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills. I have been a member of Marston Green and District Lions Club since 1992 serving as President twice, Secretary and Fund Raising Chairman as well as maintaining the Club’s website since its creation in 1997. I am currently serving as social chairman. At District level I was elected Zone Chairman of Zone D in 1999-2000 and 2000-01. The following year I was appointed as Region Chairman (although it was entitled Zone Chairmen’s Advisor). In 2003-4 I was the then DG, Heather Lee’s, transport coordinator ensuring that she got to where she needed to be and back again. Last year I was once again Region Chairman for Region 2. In 2007 I took over from Paul Teclaff as District Webmaster and IT Coordinator a role I have continued to fulfil to this date. This year I am also serving the district as Communication Chairman. During this year I have been gradually handing over my IT responsibilities to Lion Joy Haffner. Following my election last year as 2nd Vice District Governor, I have chaired the Long Range Planning Committee as well as being a member of the Finance and Admin, Membership and Leadership committees. Additionally I am chairing a sub-committee responsible for organising the Host Night for MD Convention 2012. As 2nd VDG I have attended MD training and have two more sessions to attend during the coming year. This, together with working alongside Neil and Paul as part of the DG Team, has consolidated my understanding of the role of district governor. It is no longer the case that a district governor works in isolation and is then replaced by a new regime at the end of his term. The DG Team and a working five year plan mean that there is support for the DG and consistent planned approach to the work of the district. If elected as 1st VDG I will continue as part of that team and of the long range planning and finance and admin committees to help the district progress and strengthen. As well as my experience in Lions and at work, I bring with me the full support of my Club and in particular of my wife Christine, herself an experienced Lion currently serving as Region Chairman. I also bring a lot of enthusiasm and energy which my experience so far suggests I’m going to need.
Lion George Billingham Candidate for 2nd VDG 2012 / 2013
Lion George is a Member of Evesham Vale Lions Club having joined in 1980. Born in the Black Country in 1940 and married to Eleanor for 50 years with four children. Long time employment in the Electricity Supply Industry from an apprentice with MEB at Tipton with Further Education at Dudley Technical College and Birmingham CAT obtained a Degree in Electrical Engineering in 1962. Worked at West Bromwich before getting a job at Evesham in 1964. With reorganisation of Midlands Electricity in 1982 George moved to Gloucester Office as Head of Energy Metering for Gloucestershire and Herefordshire. George developed managerial skills to train and supervise staff to install and test the evolving new electronic metering equipment and to work with the Health and Safety Acts. The family moved home to Tewkesbury in late 1981 but George remained with Evesham Lions and has done most jobs including Treasurer President and is the Secretary again this year. George has been Zone and Region Chairman - District Officer for International – Medic Alert – Disabilities – Young Ambassadors – Young Leaders in Service. George together with Evesham Vale Lions Club has been involved with Evesham Riverside Shopmobility since set up in 2000 and is the Chair of Trustees. From 2001 Eleanor and George have been involved with Event Mobility Charitable Trust which provides electric scooters and wheel chairs for hire by people with mobility problems to help them access country show sites such as Hampton Court Flower Show and the CLA Game Fairs running about 20 shows per year. At many shows we have help from local Lions to issue the mobility equipment.. For the last two years George has organised the Young Ambassadors District Final and assisted the MD Officer with Young Ambassadors MD Final at the Village Hotel Dudley. George enjoys swimming at the early morning sessions at Tewkesbury Leisure Centre and then taking the dog for a walk. George is a member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology – serve on the Gloucestershire Committee – and is the Schools Liaison Officer for the IET Educational 5-19 Section. The time is now right to use my experience and join the DG’s Management Team as 2nd VDG to work with the 5 year plan to develop a secure future for Lions in District 105 M. George is nominated by Evesham Vale Lions Club and supported by wife Eleanor. CV for post of 2nd VDG 2012-13 Candidate Lion Ian Haffner
Ian was born in Dudley in 1958, the same year and town as Lenny Henry, although their paths crossed from time to time in their teens, their careers took a slightly different path!
While Lenny Henry was carving out a career as a comedian, Ian was studying to become a Chartered Company Secretary and working for Midlands Electricity from 1974. He continued to work in the Energy Industry through the period of privatisation and the later separation of the distribution and supply businesses. This was a period of great change and continual re-organisation.
Ian continues to work in the energy industry for npower having now completed 38 years continuous service.
He works in the Finance Department, forecasting the profit in both, the short term, current year and medium term 4 years forward. That’s one eye on the present and one eye on the future!!! He is used to communicating with all levels in the company and regularly chairs meetings. Ian believes his 38 years’ experience and managing through continual change serves him well in his Lions activities.
Ian joined Worcester Lions in 2005 and in these 7 years he has been President twice, in 2007/8 and 2010/11. In addition he has served on Projects, Membership Committees and as Tail Twister. He has served as District Sight Officer for the last 3 years and currently Zone E Chairman. Ian also served on the Convention Committee in 2008/09.
His wife Joy is also a Lion and is a great support to him in his Lions activities (less support at home due to Deputy Webmaster and Midland News duties!) Ian and Joy have one son Adam, who follows his passion for writing music and performing.
Ian has attended the last 5 District Conventions, Leeds Multiple District Convention and looks forward to this years’ MD Convention in Birmingham.
Outside of Lions and his working life, Ian enjoys golf and cycling, completing Land’s End to John O’Groats twice in the last 5 years helping to raise over £10k in the process.
“I believe the strength of Lions lies in the network of Lions Clubs, the personal networks and friendships made. We all share a common purpose “to serve”.
I would like the opportunity to work alongside the DG and 1st Vice DG to fully support the implementation of the current 5 year plan and continue to look forward and adapt to the challenges ahead. As well as looking forward I believe there is much to be gained from clubs sharing their ideas and knowledge with each other.
Above all Lions business should be fun and effective with a culture of sharing our best ideas to take all our clubs forward together, attracting new members as we go.” CONVENTION AGENDA
9.20am Call to Order 9.30 – 10.30 Opening Ceremony 10.30 – 10.50 Address by DG candidate – VDG Lion Paul Anstice Address by 1st VDG Candidate – Lion Simon Moss Address by 2nd VDG Candidates - Lion George Billingham Lion Ian Haffner 10.50 – 11.05 Voting and Partners Trip Departure 11.05 – 11.15 Resolutions 1, 2 & 3 11.15 – 12.15 District Convention Reports 12.15 – 12.45 Presentations on Measles, LCIF & GLT 12.45 Lunch Break 1.55 Call to Order 2.00 – 2.15 Election Results 2.15 – 2.25 Presentation on Membership 2.25 – 2.35 Presentation on Multiple District Convention 2.35 – 2.55 Competition Winners 2.55 – 3.00 Host Club for District Convention 2013 3.00 – 3.10 Presentation on Signature Projects 3.10 – 3.55 International Director Presentation 3.55 – 4.10 Convention Committee 2012 4.10 – 4.20 Closing Remarks & Closing Ceremony 4.20 Land of Hope & Glory 4.30 Convention Closes
Note 4.30 -5.30 Presidents and First time Conventioneers meet the International Director and the District Governor for Coffee / Tea. Sunday Morning 10am to 11.30am Question and Answer session with the International Director. Open to all.
Call to Order. Sergeant at Arms, Lion Ron Cross, called the District 105m Convention to order at 09.30 hrs.
Opening Ceremony. District Governor, Lion Marin Bye, and his guests Lion Gaye Bye, Past International Director Lion Scott Rennels and Lion Debbie, the Mayor of Warwick, Councillor Michael Kinson OBE, Warwick Lions Club President Lion Lettis and Mrs.Ann Lettis were formally received by Convention. The flag ceremony was conducted by Lions John Dodds, Paul Brown and Geoff Wiskin of Warwick Lions Club. The national anthems of the United States of America and the United Kingdom were played and the Flag Party were thanked for their participation by District Governor Lion Martin Bye.
The Lions Code of Ethics were read by Zone Chairman Lion Terry White of Kidderminster Lions Club.
The Invocation and In Memoriam were read by Convention Chairman, Lion Pauline Fanti who then lit the candle of remembrance. The following Lions have passed away since the previous District Convention and a minutes silence was held in their memory.
Lion Frank Fowler Birmingham Moseley & Kings Heath Lion Bill Dennis Southam Lion Haydn Thomas Kenilworth Lion Bill Humphries Solihull Lion John Law Solihull Lion Mike Smart Kidderminster & District Lion Clifford Metcalfe Redditch Lion Yvonne Roan Nuneaton Lion David Wright Warwick Lion William Masters Kingswinford & Stourbridge Lion Geoff Thompson Rugby Rokeby Lion Werner Brauchli Malvern Hills Lion Kenneth Graham Southam
Sergeant at Arms, Lion Ron Cross, introduced the following guests and visitors to Convention, His Worship the Mayor of Warwick Councillor Michael Kinson OBE, Past International Director Lion Scott Rennels and Lion Debbie, Council Chairman Past District Governor Lion Jacquie and Lion Bob Prebble, District Governor, District 105A, Lion Martin Morgan and Jill, Immediate Past District Governor Lion Femi Onabolu, 1st Vice District Governor Lion Neil Chisholm and Beryl, 2nd Vice District Governor Lion Paul Anstice and Lion Jackie, District Secretary Past Council Chairman Lion Mike Cooke and Past District Governor Lion Mavis, District Treasurer Past District Governor Lion Brian Burgess and Jean, Warwick Lions Club President Lion Alan Lettis and Ann who were warmly welcomed and thanked for their presence by District Governor Lion Martin Bye and Convention.
District Governor Lion Martin Bye invited His Worship the Mayor to formally open Convention. The Mayor welcomed everyone to Warwick and hoped that as many as possible would be able to find time to visit the town. He admitted that prior to becoming Mayor he now realised how little he had known of Lions Clubs International. However since then he has come to know us very well and is extremely impressed by all that we do and particularly enjoyed the Warwick Lions Clubs’ 50th Charter celebration. He also felt that we already fulfilled the current “Big Society” philosophy and encouraged us to consider nominations for the “Queens Award for Voluntary Service”
He closed by wishing us good fortune in all that we do and formally opened Convention.
A vote of thanks to His Worship the Mayor was proposed by Warwick Lions Club President, Lion Alan Letts.
Sergeant at Arms Lion Ron Cross confirmed that at this time 35 Lions Clubs were represented and that 64 Delegates had registered. He then read out greetings from Her Majesty the Queen, Council Chairman Lion Jacquie Prebble, District Governors from Districts A, BN, BS, C, EA, SE and SW .
At this time it was necessary for the Mayor to leave Convention and District Governor Lion Martin Bye thanked him for being here this morning and looked forward to seeing him and the Mayoress at the Banquet and Ball that evening.
Apologies. Apologies have been received from PDG Lion Harry Hunjan and Lion Charanjit, PDG Lion Mike Jobbins and Pearl, PDG Lion John Poole and Ann, Zone Chairman Lion Jenny and Lion Peter Wells, Lion David Roberts, Lion Bill Ranautta.
Minutes of the last District Convention. The Minutes from the 34th District Convention held on the 27th March 2011 at the Holiday Inn Hotel Birmingham were proposed by District Secretary PCC Lion Mike Cooke, seconded by Lion Pauline Hoogerwerf and carried.
Matters Arising. None.
Voting Procedures and Standing Orders. PDG Lion Wim Hoogerwerf explained the voting procedures and Standing Orders as required.
Address by District Governor Candidate. There was only one candidate for this position and 1st VDG Lion Neil Chisholm of Warwick Lions Club addressed Convention. He introduced his logo for his year, if elected, a smiling Lion with his motto “Smile We Serve”. S for Sevice M for Membership I for International L for Leadership E for Enjoy And his mission statement of “I want to put a smile on all the Lions faces in the District as We Serve”. Address by First Vice District Candidate. There was only one candidate for this position and 2nd VDG Lion Paul Anstice of Northampton 80 / Brixworth Club Branch addressed Convention.
Address by Second Vice District Governor Candidate. There was only one candidate for this position and Lion Simon Moss of Marston Green and District Lions Club addressed Convention.
Sergeant at Arms Lion Ron Cross announced that there would now be a short break for voting
Sergeant at Arms called Convention to order.
District Treasurer. Prior to proposing the Dues Resolution PDG Lion Brian Burgess presented his Report with no update this was seconded by Lion Chris Haynes and duly carried.
Resolution Number 1. Submitted by District 105M Cabinet and proposed by PDG Lion Brian Burgess, seconded by Ist VDG Lion Neil Chisholm.
“This Convention resolves that in order to ensure the approved administration expenses of District 105M for the fiscal year 2011/12, the Annual Subscription remains at £8.75 pa per Lion Member. The Subscription to be payable in two (2) instalments of $4.40 on 1st August 2011, based upon membership at 30th June 2011, and £4.35 on 1st February 2012, based upon membership at 31st December 2011”.
The Resolution was voted upon and having received the simple majority required was duly carried.
Presentation of Reports. District Secretary. PCC Lion Mike Cooke presented his Report with no updates this was seconded by Lion Phil White and duly carried.
Region & Zone Chairmen. Region 1, Zones A, B and C No updates Region 2, Zones D, E and F No updates Region 3, Zones G, H and I No updates The adoption of these Reports proposed by Lion Simon Moss, seconded by Lion Joy Haffner were duly carried.
District Governor thanked all Region and Zone Chairmen for their hard work and the support given to their Clubs.
MERL Committee. Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Membership Officers Regions 1a, 3, 3a, 3b, Registrar, no updates. Regions 1 and 2 no Reports submitted. Leadership Development update, Lion Phil White confirmed the dates for the following Workshops : New members, Club Presidents, Club Secretaries and Treasurers. The adoption of these Reports proposed by PCC Lion Andy Pemberton, seconded by Lion Eric Hughes were duly carried.
District Governor thanked the MERL team for their efforts to increase membership in the District and for the successful training workshops.
Communications Committee. Public Relations, Almoner, Events/Lion Tamer, IT/Webmaster, Midland News, no updates.
Chairman update, bad news, at the start of the Lions year only 30 Clubs had a website. Good news 47 Clubs now have a website. Bad news is that 12 Clubs still do not have a website but the good news is that 15 Clubs have made use of the e-clubs web site to assist in their preparations.
PDG Lion Lewis Williams stressed the importance of keeping your web site up to date, it is just as bad to have an out of date site than none at all.
The adoption of these Reports was proposed by Lion Ken Barker, seconded by Lion Paul Anstice and duly carried.
District Governor congratulated the team on their success in increasing and improving Club websites and the lions corporate image.
International Committee. Chairman, Europa Forum, International Relations, North Sea Lions reports as submitted.
LCIF, Lion Richard Wilson confirmed that the Japanese Disaster Appeal will be MJF eligible if submitted by the end of June. Lion Pauline Hoogerwerf confirmed that she was still awaiting the condition survey report on the Niger water wells which was started in January and is expected to be complete by the end of the fiscal year.
Lion John Barnes recorded the apologies of the North Sea Lions representatives.
The adoption of these Reports was proposed by Lion Femi Onabolu, seconded by Lion Richard Wilson and duly carried.
IPDG Lion Femi Onabolu expressed concern that a section of his Report was missing in the Convention papers. District Secretary apologised for this and promised to investigate the matter and confirmed that he did not “edit” any submitted Reports.
The following items are the ones missing from the report ;
Collated and circulated dates for International Events for the year 2010-2011. Attended, represented the committee at Cabinet meetings and reported back to members. Published two well received Newsletters. Promoted twinning programme.
Long Range Planning Committee. Chairman Lion Paul Anstice confirmed that a report from the Committee will be presented at the next Cabinet Meeting and that his Report was as submitted.
PDG Lion Mavis Cooke expressed her upset at not being acknowledged by the District Governor as a member of this Committee which she has served on for four years.
The adoption of the report was proposed by Lion Paul Anstice, seconded by Lion Suresh Gohil and duly carried.
District Governor congratulated Committee on their work and looked forward to receiving the report in due course.
Finance & Administration Committee. Chairman 1st VDG Lion Neil Chisholm, Constitutions, Nominations & Resolutions PDG Lion Wim Hoogerwerf, Health & Safety Lion Phil Jones, District Treasurer PDG Lion Brian Burgess, Convention Chairman Lion Pauline Fanti, Events Officer Lion John Barnes. No updates.
The adoption of the Reports was proposed by DGE Lion Neil Chisholm, seconded by Lion Phil White and duly carried.
District Governor congratulated the Committee on the careful management and increasing transparency in the District finances.
Health Committee. Chairman and Speech & Hearing PDG Lion Roger Handcock, Diabetes Lion Rajnikant Hindocha, Sight & LEHP Lion Ian Haffner, no updates.
Learning Difficulties Lion Sue Davies, Medic Alert and Message in a Bottle Lion Shabir Ibrahim no reports submitted.
Chairman Report as submitted and confirmed that hard copies of the latest “Now Hear This” Newsletter were available.
Environment Officer Lion Brian Hornsby Report as submitted but was pleased to report that there are now 11 Clubs who have signed up to his Environment Scheme but that if the District Governors’, 1st VDG, 2nd VDG and 2nd VDG Candidate Clubs had signed up the total would now be 15. He recognised that we all recycle materials through our Local Authority collections but it is the important everyday small items that can really make a difference.
The adoption of the Reports was proposed by PDG Lion Roger Handcock, seconded by Lion Brian Hornsby and duly carried. District Governor recognised the hard work being carried out by the active members of the Committee in these hard times.
Youth Committee. Chairman Lion Harry Fry, Competitions Lion Helen White, Cultural Lion Elizabeth Jones, Life Skills & TACADE PDG Lion Linda Cross, Football Lion Carl Kings, Special Olympics Lion Gregory Hessian, Vulnerable Persons Lion Eric Hughes, Young Ambassador Lion George Billingham, Reports as submitted. Leo Coordinator Lion Rani Saund, Youth Camp Lion John Barnes, Youth Exchange Lion David Jackson no Reports submitted.
The following updates were presented :
Chairman Congratulations to Lion John Barnes and all Lion helpers for making a success of the International Youth Camp and hosts for Youth Exchange are needed. He also encouraged all clubs to participate in the “Adopt a Youth Club” scheme.
Football having difficulties in arranging Final.
Competitions Web site competition judge will be issuing a critique of the sites which will be circulated. Vulnerable Persons The legislation is once again being reconsidered and the Protection of Freedom Act is due to be passed soon, further information will be circulated as and when available.
PCC Lion Mike Cooke informed Convention that he had been assisting MDHQ in independently checking the Multiple District Travelling Lion Competition submissions and was surprised to see how differently the individual Districts applied their rules which then reflects on the positions of Clubs in the Multiple District competition and confirmed that he will be raising this issue prior to the next fiscal year.
The adoption of the Reports was proposed by Lion Harry Fry, seconded by Lion Carl Kings and duly carried.
District Governor congratulated the Committee on their tenacity in encouraging Clubs’ participation in the various schemes and added his own encouragement particularly for the Young Ambassador scheme.
Immediate Past and Vice District Governors. All Reports as submitted with no updates.
The adoption of the Reports was proposed by Immediate Past District Governor Lion Femi Onabolu, seconded by Lion Gregory Hession and duly carried.
District Governor thanked them for all their advice and support particularly for taking on additional work when he was unable to carry out his duties.
Membership Presentation. PCC Lion Andy Pemberton, Chairman of the MERL Committee gave a presentation on membership in the District.
He was pleased to see how the Long Range Planning Committee and the MERL Committee are working together to push for increased District membership.
There will be a change next year with a new Global Membership Team and a separate Global Leadership Team which will be reflected at District level with congratulations to Lion Phil White in her role as District Leadership Officer.
He also noted that only 35 Clubs out of 59 in the District were represented at Convention and felt that those missing Clubs were probably the ones most in need of help.
Retention of members is still a key problem of the 60 members lost this past year only 7 were as a result of members dying. There are successes with the new Coventry Phoenix and Daventry Lions Clubs and Shirley Lions Club who have 7 new members, plus 1 transfer member and 2 prospective members.
This has not happened overnight but is as a result of persistence.
Of big concern is the fact that 50% of the loss is of members of less than 4 years, are we giving them the right information about who we are and what is expected of them ? Currently there are 14 Clubs with 10 or less members and 10 Clubs with between 11 and 15 members.
Monies will still be made available to assist with membership drives but will be used wisely
He strongly recommended the “My Ideal Programme” to all Clubs In conclusion he asked all future District Governors to support the Membership Team.
Presentation on behalf of Past International Director Lion Phil Nathan. PCC Lion Mike Cooke gave a short presentation on the current situation with regard to the wish of PID Lion Phil Nathan to be the successful candidate for 2nd International Vice President.
His further endorsement at the Multiple District Convention in Leeds is one step in this journey.
Lion Phil has continued to do what he does best, meeting, talking and most importantly listening to his fellow Lions at all levels of the Association.
His skills, enthusiasm and experience are constantly being recognised with him being asked to serve as Board Members for Special Olympics UK and Medic Alert. He is also working with Music and the Deaf to put them on a more sound footing. He has attended once again the USA / Canada Leadership Forum and the Scandinavian Lions Forum in Finland.
The Lions of Europe recognised his talents when he was asked to Chair a Pan European Working Party which prevented a major split in the members of the Europa Forum and he has been asked to represent this Multiple District on a new Steering Committee under the Chairmanship of IPIP Eberhard Werfs.
His Campaign Committee are working hard to ensure that the Lions of the world recognise and know Lion Phil as we do.
For all his latest news visit his web site www.lionphilnathan
Convention broke for Lunch.
The second session of the District Convention was called to order at 14.00hrs by Sergeant at Arms PDG Lion Ron Cross.
The Lions Purposes were read by Lion Mark Andrews of Warwick Lion Club.
Announcement of Election Results for District Governor, First and Second Vice District Governors.
District Governor Elect 2011/12 Lion Neil Chisholm. First Vice District Governor Elect 2011/12 Lion Paul Anstice. Second Vice District Governor Elect 2011/12 Lion Simon Moss.
All candidates briefly addressed Convention expressing their thanks for the confidence shown by the voting delegates.
District Governor congratulated the candidates and wished them future success and sought Conventions approval to destroy the voting papers which was duly given.
Presentation on behalf of St.Dunstans. Convention was addressed by Mr. Eric Sayce a former member of 35th Squadron Bomber Command on the history and work of St.Dunstans which was founded in 1915 to help serving and ex-servicemen and women who have suffered sight related problems including complete blindness.
He spoke movingly about his own experiences and all the things that St. Dunstans had done for him with training and provision of equipment which has enabled him to lead a more independent life.
The new centre in Llandudno will be a world leader in research and development and he thanked the Lions of Multiple District 105 for their support for this most worthwhile project.
Lion Ian Haffner proposed a vote of thanks to Mr.Sayce for his informative presentation which was warmly endorsed by Convention. District Governor then confirmed to Convention that the family of Past International President, Lion Bert Mason, are honoured to have one of the rooms dedicated to his name. If their are sufficient funds for the second room then this will be dedicated to Lion Melvin Jones founder of Lions Clubs International.
Competition Results. District Governor Lion Martin Bye and Past International Director Lion Scott Rennels left the stage to present the competition awards which were announced by Sergeant at Arms Lion Ron Cross Peace Poster Christy Hornby sponsored by Malvern Hills Lions Club Youth Exchange Individual PDG Lion Alan James Youth Exchange Club Rushden Lions Club Website Knowle & Dorridge Lions Club PR Shirley Lions Club Travelling Lion Shirley Lions Club Golf Lion Stuart Richmond, Bilston & Willenhall Lions Club Skittles Worcester Lions Club Environmental Photo Lion Martin Wright Scrapbook Castle Bromwich & District Lions Club First Timers Lion Adrian Harris Knowle & Dorridge Lions Club
Guiding Lion CertificatesLion Chris Haynes Lion Peter Wells Lion Paul Anstice Lion Simon Moss Lion Andy Pemberton Music Competition Hannah Tyler sponsored by Coventry Leofric Lions Club Young Ambassador Bethany Albright sponsored by Malvern Hills Lions Club
Bethany Albright was unable to attend Convention due to ill health but she sent a word of thanks to Convention which was read by Lion Heather Jeavons and confirmed that her bursary monies will be spent on respite care for severely disabled children.
District Governor congratulated Bethany in her absence for what, as a 17 year she had achieved in her short life. He encouraged more Lions from non participating Clubs to attend the District Final.
Immediate Past District Governor. District Governor presented Immediate Past District Governor, Lion Femi Onabolu with his gift from the Lions of the District in recognition of his Year of service to the District.
District Convention 2012. Lion John Barnes called on Lion Joshna Ramji to give details of the forthcoming Convention.
This will be held at the Holiday Inn, Corby, to be hosted by Zone I over the weekend of 23rd to 25th March 2012. The theme for the host night will be “Music Hall” and all costs will be kept as low as possible.
District Governor Awards. District Governor assisted by PID Lion Scott Rennells made his following presentations :
Lion Chris Haynes International President’s Medal Lion Jackie Anstice International President’s Leadership Medal Lion Phil Corbin DG Certificate of Appreciation Lion Helen White DG Certificate of Appreciation Lion Elizabeth Jones DG Certificate of Appreciation Lion Linda Cross DG Certificate of Appreciation Lion Terry White DG Certificate of Appreciation Lion Ian Haffner DG Certificate of Appreciation Lion Joy Haffner DG Certificate of Appreciation
International Guest. District Governor introduced Past International Director Lion Scott Rennels to address Convention.
Lion Scott thanked everyone for the warmth of the welcome he and Debbie had received and confirmed that he has family ancestory from the area.
He also confirmed his friendship with PID Lion Phil Nathan as they had served as Directors together.
Before getting in to his address proper he was privileged to present two International Presidents Letter of Commendation (Certificates of Appreciation) to Lions Jackie Anstice and Pauline Fanti which were warmly applauded.
He believes that wherever there is a need then the Lions Logo should be in the forefront, that we should be the “lobbyists” for people with no voice.
Lions Clubs International were the first NGO in Japan following the devastating earthquake and tsunami with a £5 million donation. The Japanese Lions are the greatest contributers to LCIF and this was the time to show our appreciation.
Our name LIONS dates from the time of the first world war and Lions In Our Nations Service could perhaps be more up to date if it was Loving Individuals Offering Needed Services.
In reference to the International Presidents theme “Beacon of Hope” he agrees that Hope is hard to define but we can define it through action. Having illustrated many versions of what Hope can mean or be he concluded by asking us to “seize the day to make a difference” and thanked us all for being “Beacons of Hope” and heroes in our own communities.
Lion Paul Anstice proposed a vote of thanks on behalf of Convention saying that Lion Scott has shown himself to be a great leader in our Association, willing to serve with enthusiasm and Convention showed its’ appreciation in the usual way. District Governor presented a cheque for LCIF in appreciation of his attendance and in return Lion Scott presented District Governor with a Arkansas “Razor Back” hat.
Any other Business. In response to a question from the floor Lion Mike Cooke gave an update on the progress of the National Memorial Arboretum Project.
District Governor thanked the Convention Committee on all their hard work in making the convention a success.
Past District Governor Lion Henry Woodgate proposed a vote of thanks to the District Governor for the manner in which he had conducted Convention which was warmly endorsed by Convention.
Convention Close. District Governor Lion Martin bye declared the 36th Convention of Lions Clubs District 105M formally closed at 16.15 hrs.
Convention Reports :
Section 1. District Secretary Mike Cooke Attached District Treasurer Brian Burgess Attached Sergeant at Arms Ron Cross Attached PDG Liason Douglas Cross Attached
Section 2. Region 1 Chairman Gregg Hessian Attached Zone A Chairman Robert Owen Attached Zone B Chairman Praful Modi Attached Zone C Chairman Terry Smith Attached Region 2 Chairman Christine Moss Attached Zone D Chairman Ray Stephens Attached Zone E Chairman Ian Haffner Attached Zone F Chairman Terry White Attached Region 3 Chairman Chris Haynes Attached Zone G Chairman Davinder Mankoo Attached Zone H Chairman Phil Corbin Attached Zone I Chairman Martin Hill Attached
Section 3. Membership Chairman Heather Lee Attached Extension Officer Douglas Cross Attached Retention Officer Andy Pemberton Attached Registrar Ann Pemberton Attached Membership Region 1 Dave Roberts No Report Membership Region 1a Peter Wells No Report Membership Region 2 Heather Jeavons No Report Membership Region 3 Bill Ranutta No Report Section 4. District Leadership Officer Pauline Fanti Attached Training Officer Phil White Attached Leadership Officer Heather Jeavons No Report
Section 5. Finance & Admin Chairman Paul Anstice Attached CNRO Officer Wim Hoogerwerf Attached Convention Host Chairman Joshna Ramji Attached Events / Lion Tamer John Barnes Attached Health & Safety Officer Phil Jones Attached Insurance Officer Suresh Gohil Attached Section 6. Long Range Planning Simon Moss Attached
Section 7. PR Chairman / Webmaster Simon Moss Attached Deputy Webmaster / Midland News Officer Joy Haffner Attached Public Relations Officer Ken Barker Attached District Almoner Mavis Cooke Attached
Section 8. Youth Chairman Harry Fry Attached Competitions Officer Terrie Knibb Attached Life Skills Officer Linda Cross Attached Football Officer Carl Kings Attached Leo Co-ordinator Randhir Sahota Attached Special Olympics Officer Greg Hessian Attached Vulnerable Persons Officer Eric Hughes Attached Young Ambassador Officer George Billingham Attached Youth Exchange Officer Jackie Williams Attached
Section 9. Health & Environment Committee Chairman Roger Handcock Attached Speech & Hearing Officer Roger Handcock Attached Diabetes Officer Rajnikant Hindocha Attached Environment Officer Bob Dutton Attached Learning Difficulties Officer Wim Hoogerwerf Attached MIAB / Medic Alert Officer Chris Haynes Attached Sight Awareness Officer Ian Haffner Attached Section 10. International Relations Chairman / Europa Forum Femi Onabolu Attached LCIF Officer Richard Wilson Attached North Sea Lions Officer John Barnes Attached Water Projects / Street Children Officer Pauline Hoogerwerf Attached Cultural Officer Kevin Birch Attached
Section 11. I P District Governor Martin Bye Attached 1st Vice District Governor Paul Anstice Attached 2nd Vice District Governor Simon Moss Attached District Governor Neil Chisholm Attached SECTION 1 : DISTRICT OFFICERS
NAME : Mike Cooke OFFICE : District Secretary CONVENTION REPORT 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST DISTRICT CONVENTION I thank District Governor, Lion Neil Chisholm, for asking me to continue as District Secretary for this Lionistic year. I have carried out the necessary administrative duties required of my office including working with the District Governor in the preparation of agenda and papers for Cabinet Meetings and for this District Convention. I would like to thank District Officers for their co-operation and understanding when carrying out my duties. I have attended District Finance & Administration and Long Range Planning Committee meetings.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR To continue to carry out my administrative duties to the best of my ability.
NAME : Brian Burgess OFFICE : District Treasurer CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
The Lions 105M Charity Trust certified Accounts for the year ended 30th June 2010 are enclosed with these papers. There is also a Trustees Report to summarise the results and this Report should be read with the Accounts. Clubs donated a total of £76370 (£49351) during the year and £79287 (£56690) was expended.
During the current year District Cabinet approved increasing the Charity Trustees from 3 to 5 recognising changes to the International Constitution and enhancing continuity between years
I would like to thank Lion John Bush, District Treasurer for many years and Berry & Co for preparing the accounts and detail supporting the accounts. This year Berry & Co have not charged a fee. If any Lion is able to arrange future accounts examinations without charge they should contact me.
The Administration Account has also been prepared by Berry & Co and signed by the DG for 2009/10 IPDG Lion Femi Onabolu and John Bush as Treasurer. These accounts show a deficit of £ 813 (£81) for the year bringing total Reserves to £9193 (£10007). Membership Recruitment costs (£2921) are difficult to assess, it has been a policy to allow these costs to be incurred as necessary because Membership continues to be a priority. Membership grants have been claimed in recent years from Lions Clubs International (Oakbrook). District Cabinet in December 2010 approved the establishment of a membership account to fund necessary costs of recruitment to clubs with 15 and under members.
In accepting this Report you will be approving both the Administration and the Charity Accounts as presented.
For the year 2011/2012 it is recommended that members Subscriptions should not increase. With the receipt of membership grant from LCI Oakbrook, a balanced budget has been achieved and Reserves matching annual spend enable dues to be unchanged, however costs will be carefully monitored. In concluding this report, may I place on record on behalf of members our grateful thanks to PDG Lion John Bush for his stewardship of this District for the past 10 years It only remains for me to thank DG Neil for entrusting me with this role and congratulate IPDG Martin as DG last year. My thanks to all of the Lions, and especially the Club Treasurers, for their co-operation during the past year.
105 M Lions Clubs International District Administration Account
Administration account draft outturn 2010-2011. Including adjustment to balances for year ended 30 th June 2010.
1. Annual 2010-2011 Administration account report. A balanced budget of £10425 was approved by Convention. District Cabinet in December 2010 approved an amendment to the budget following receipt of grant monies from Oakbrook to finance membership activity. A separate membership account has been established with a two year budget of £6045. The main purpose of the “membership” account is to fund help to Clubs with membership of 15 and below. 2. Detail comments on the Administration account are as follows. Membership is about 40 below the forecast level of 1100. There has been no need to levy Club fines due to late payment of dues. Following the “credit crunch” bank rate has dropped significantly and so no interest has accrued on present accounts. M.B.N.A royalties are continuing to fall below previous levels. All the above detail comments mean that receipts are about £1000 below budget. 3. Payments Detail comments on payments are as follows. Officer’s expenses are once again down against budget, maybe the smaller Cabinet having an impact. Convention costs are shown as £323 overspends; a decision is yet to be made on how this is to be funded. I have not received at this stage the final comments of the events officer following his detail examination of the accounts .However in principle my advice is that District should fund the shortfall. At the last Cabinet meeting members asked for details from other Districts Convention. Several Districts have responded confirming their numbers were also down and so have MD. The donation to LCIF on behalf of PID attending Convention is shown separately. Membership reduced costs, that’s for the membership team, reflects the creation of the new account as a result of Oakbrook grant. The balance on administration account last year was £9193.However in addition “deferred income has now been brought into account to create the Membership account. 4. Membership Account The membership accounts payments are shown against the membership planned spend. Leaving about £ 3,200 for financing spend on small clubs in 2011-2012. Assuming no further grant monies are forthcoming decision will need to be made on funding future spend on membership following the budget setting exercise to be considered at the next Cabinet meeting. When considering the 2011-2012 budgets the replacement of the “District Projector “was considered but excluded. The Projector has indeed broken down and quotes are currently being sought for a replacement 5. Adjustments re prior years. In addition to grant income received in prior years, the provision for audit fees foregone by Berry accountants together with club dues has been brought into account together with writing off unrecoverable “message in a bottle” club debtors. C District 105M Charity Appendi Account 2011-2012 x Report on receipts & payments to December 2011 2011 2011 clubs 2012 donatin balance Fund Name donati Receipt Total Paymen Balance comments g ng s ts clubs £ no £ £ £ to date no District 105M Funds
1 2633 General Fund 2633 2633 £2500 committed to " Niger " 3300 Alcester 3300 3300 3012 105M Youth Camp 3012 3012
Partners 23 6605 2010-11 Music & the 3 665 7270 7270 0 deaf 2011-2012 Partners 10 10 10 project Click 11 11 11 166 105M District Leos (in 166 166 Trust)
1914 District Youth Trust 1914 1914 Youth Trust resolution District Young 2 50 50 50 held Ambassador 14 District Youth Activities 8 400 400 400 Youth Football medals 0 0 Music Competition 0 0 Music Competition 0 entries Peace Poster 0 Tacade Symposium 0 held 500
Niger water wells 17 2805 2805 2805 874 Drug Awareness/Tacade 874 874 Linda has a plan 1000 Flood Appeal 1000 1000 4450 Humanitarian 4450 4450 Emergency Fund 30 4413 NSL 2010-2011 Receipts £4590 payments in year 2011 £ 3906 NSL 2011/12 16 1760 6173 3940 2233
938 Roy White 938 938 29306 Total for District Appeals 5701 35007 11210 23797 29306 35007 0 23797 Other Appeals 2012 20 St Dunstans 5 2168 2168 2168 0 Disability Sports 2 200 200 200 0 3 EDUKITS 8 1170 1170 830 340 9 Eye camps 9 1000 1000 800 200 9 Eye Health 0 0 15 Gift for Living 5 250 250 150 100
20 650 LCIF 8 1450 2100 1900 200 East Africa 13 3860 3860 3860 0 12 Australian Floods 0 0 1 LCIF Haiti 0 0 25 Japanese disaster 0 0 16 Korle Bu 0 0 11 New Zealand earthquake 0 0 23 Pakistan Flood relief 0 0 1 U.S Tornado 1 100 100 100 0 2 SightFirst 11 0 0
10 LIBRA 0 0 40 MD Youth Prog 0 0 11 Medic Alert 5 250 250 200 50 M.D.2011-12 Music & 8 400 400 400 the deaf 21 Special Olympics 8 400 400 300 100 4 Railway Children 7 350 350 250 100 2 TACADE 6 350 350 300 50 1 Wateraid 0 0
650 Total Other Appeals 11948 12598 11058 1540 cleared at qtr end
29956 Grand Total 17649 47606 22269 25337 47606 25337
NAME : Ron Cross OFFICE : Sergeant-at-Arms CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. Have assisted with District Changeover July 2011, Autumn Forum 2011, 3 Cabinet meetings 2011; Young Ambassadors District Final 2011. Have attended both Long Range Planning and Finance and Admin Committees. Have liaised with the District 2012 Convention Officers.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR To continue to assist DG and VDGs with co-ordination of events. To extend the assistance to any other District Event that requires some.
NAME : Douglas Cross OFFICE : PDG Liason CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012 Following the meeting/ seminar held at The Arden Hotel in the Autumn of 2011 on
“DO YOU WANT TO BE THE DISTRICT GOVERNOR” VDG Paul Antice has requested we rerun this seminar during his year in conjunction with the Leadership Team. This will probably be in August / September 2012.
Should any Lion be interested please let me know, we could arrange it at a place & time to suit interested parties.
We will outline costs, time involved, Partners involment. Who knows one day in the future you may want this information.
105M is one of the few Districts in the MD who have an organised Past District Governors Association, the continuing activity of Past Governors is of course a big help both to the District and the current Governor.
It assists greatly in keeping experienced Lions active in the District when their year as Governor is over
105M GOLF COMPETITION is set up as a joint event with PDG’s and this year will be played at Bromsgrove Golf Club during 16th August 2012
We are very anxious for other Club Lions who wish to play in the 105M Golf Competition from all of the clubs in the District. This year both the Men’s and Ladies cups will be played for on the same day.
If you are interested in playing please contact PDG Brian Burgess on 01564 777600
We certainly hope that more club members will take part this year; these help cooperation between clubs and certainly assist with the overall membership programme.
See future details in Midland News.
PDG’s Social events this year will be The Summer Lunch on 17th June 2012 at Kings Hill Nursery, Coventry. Organised by PDG Henry Woodgate
The annual Christmas Lunch at Grounds Farm, Middleton, Sutton Coldfield. on December 2nd 2012. Organised by PDG Linda Cross.
SECTION 2. REGION & ZONE CHAIRMEN NAME: Gregory Hession OFFICE: Region 1 Chairman CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012 PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION: New Members Meeting at K.H.H.Q. Attended Incoming Zone Chairman Meeting at K.H.H.Q. Attended Incoming Region Chairman Meeting at K.H.H.Q. Attended the Incoming Presidents Meetings at K.H.H.Q. with Lion Phil White Attended two Zones meetings and will further attend two after Cabinet has taken place. Attended the Youth Symposium at St Johns Hotel, Solihull. Attended the MERL meeting, I will furnish Membership Chairman Heather with an outline of what was achieved at the Region 1 Membership meeting held in January, and how it was put together. This was for Club Membership Chairmen and/or Club representatives to form a Region 1 Membership Committee. I have submitted my reports and attended the Cabinet meetings throughout the year. Attended three meetings with the Directors of The Black Country Living Museum with a view to our District being offered the opportunity to host a District fundraising project on their site biannually. The outcome of these meetings was that we as a District could not underwrite the asking cost of £7,000.00 on the proviso that we the Lion’s would sell the tickets for the event. Attended nine Zone Meeting Attended two Zone Chairman review meetings To-date I have received Cub Visit Reports from ZC Rob, Terri and PrafuI. To-date I have received Cabinet Reports from ZC Rob, Terri and PrafuI. I have attended two District 105M Membership meetings. I have attended twelve Club Meetings by invitation. I have submitted my report for Cabinet. Zone’s A, B and C Skittles have taken place Zone A Finalist Bilston and Willenhall Zone B Finalist Handsworth Zone C Finalist Knowle and Dorridge UPDATE Region 1 Skittles Final details as follows: - Bilston and Willenhall became the finalist for Region 1 Lion Stuart Richmond has kindly volunteered to organise the District 105M Final at a time and date to suit Region 2 and 3 TBC prior to convention, his contact details as follows - Stuart Richmond 07973 963 069 [email protected] and/or [email protected] Time 7.30pm Venue Springvale Social Club Address Millfields Road, Bilston WV14 0QR Cost including food and skittles £6.00
Attended 47 functions, fundraisers, meetings and/or community service activities, to numerous to mention them individually from tree planting to Christmas Grotto’s to Charters Organised and attended on 14th January 2012, 32 volunteer Lion Members to support our third Cerebral Palsy (BOCCIA) Disability Games in partnership and under the umbrella of English Federation of Disability Sports. All those who volunteered their time had a great day and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. The true winners of course are the children who competed, who without support from people like the Lion’s, then events like this simply would not take place, my personal thanks must go to all those who volunteered on the day, they are the silent hero’s who can move mountains and make things happen, Thank you all for your dedication and commitment. It was mentioned by Chairman Dennis at these games that these games are the only outlet for Children suffering from Cerebral Palsy to compete in a competitive sport; this sporting game was created specifically for children suffering with cerebral palsy. There will be a shortfall of £700.00 of the total £1,100.00 for next years event if a sponsor is not forthcoming, at the end of the day with District Governor’s blessing, I asked those Lion’s present to go back to their respective Clubs and if they could see their way to supporting next years event by way of a donation of £100.00 per Lion’s Club to ensure next years event will take place, this was met very favourable by those present. The next Disability Games 15th May 2012; two big changes to this years event are the Games will be held midweek on a Tuesday and the venue has changed to the Ryeland Centre, Bromsgrove this will be the biggest of the year that we have been asked to support and it requires 75/80 volunteers to man this event successfully. Please let me know of your availability at your earliest convenience. The children need you, please support them in their efforts.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR: To support, motivate, liase and work closely with Zone (A) Chairmen Rob Zone (B) Praful and Zone (C) Terri throughout the remaining fiscal year. To ensure District Governor Lion Neil’s aims, objectives and targets are met To attend regular team meetings with Zone Chairmen throughout this fiscal year. To continue working with PDG Lion Heather’s District Membership Chairman and the District 105M MERL Team in the rebuilding of current LC’s and the formation of new LC’s within Region 1.
This Fiscal Year will see me completing three years serving as Region 1 Chairman. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all three District Governor’s Femi, Martin and Neil for placing their faith in me and entrusting the Chairmanship of Region 1 with me. Equally I have always said “I never did any District role without enjoying fantastic support from my fellow Lion’s within our great District”, and these past three years have been without exception. I would never achieve a fraction of what I do achieve without that vital support from a dedicated and committed group of Lion’s who I am so proud to call my friends, so to all those Lion’s I offer my heartfelt thanks for making this past three years such a wonderful and pleasurable time and the Region 1 Chairmanship role all that more easier for your involvement, thank you all.
NAME: Rob Owen OFFICE: Zone “A” Chairman CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012 PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. Membership. Membership Reported at Convention Clubs in Zone A 2011 Membership at date of this report
Aldridge & District 14 14 Bilston & Willenhall 11 8 Dudley 8 9 Kingswinford & Stourbridge 25 26 Walsall 15 13 Wolverhampton 9 9 82 79
It is disappointing to report that this Zone as seen a further reduction in Membership over the past 12 months however this is no reflection on the effort that the Clubs have made to increase their Membership. Currently Clubs report 5 prospective members following various Membership drives and if these are converted into Members then the Zone could report a small gain over the period. Recruitment remains a challenge for some of the smaller Clubs where they have a limited number of activities and events. It is encouraging that most of the Clubs in the Zone invite other Clubs to help with their activities where possible, allowing Clubs a much greater scope of activities to which prospective members can be encouraged to attend. Actions. The first round of Club visits has been completed. The majority of the second round of Club visits will be completed in February. As a Zone we choose not to hold formal business meetings, but to actively encourage as many Lions as possible we hold a social meeting. Guests have been invited to these meetings and have spoken on a variety of issues that are of particular interest to the organising Club or to Clubs within the Zone. This approach has been positively received by the increased number Lions attending. These meetings have also provided an environment where Lions have been able to informally discuss and exchange many ideas. Each Club is kept fully informed of all relevant matters via email and requested to circulate this information to all Club members. The Zone Skittles competition was retained by Bilston & Willenhall Club who are representing us in the Region finals which they are also organising. Since taking office I have hosted a meeting of club Presidents to decide on the year’s activities, attended Cabinet meetings & Autumn Forum, and after each of these have fully reported information back to all clubs. All Clubs within the Zone have been encouraged to consider the My Ideal Club programme. Whilst all the Clubs in the Zone have shown considerable successes in a wide variety of activities I should particularly congratulate: Aldridge – Tree Planting. Bilston & Willenhall – Recent Membership drive. Kingswinford & Stourbridge – Prostate Cancer Screening. OVERVIEW To continue representing all Zone A Clubs in all matters @ District level, and provide support to the clubs when requested. I hope that a Zone project will also be successfully completed – a first for this Zone in many years. Several Clubs will also be working together on the following projects: Plans for further Tree Planting. Bedding Plant Sales.
NAME: Praful Modi OFFICE: Zone B Chairman CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012 PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST DISTRICT CONVENTION Some great clubs make up Zone B (China Town, Edgbaston, Handsworth, Handsworth Ladies, Moseley and Sandwell.) The amount of work put in by the members, both in terms of various fundraising and community activities is so heart warming. This they do this with a smile and have fun and fellowship. I was made very welcome at all the Clubs I visited and dinners and functions that I had attended. Zone Meetings Held First 11.08.2011 (host – Sandwell) Well attended, good exchange of Interclub ideas and information. Interesting presentation by second VDG Simon Moss Ref: Long range planning Good useful information regarding district matters and DG’s wife Beryl’s appeal delivered by regional chairman Gregory Hassion. Second 17.11.11 (host – Moseley) Well supported Good Interclub discussion Zone project (possibly some help to Ronald McDonald House) discussed. District officer Pauline Hoggerwert gave an excellent presentation on Niger Water Well Project Forthcoming Zone Meetings… 29.03.12 (host Handsworth) 17.05.12 (host China Town) Zone Skittles competition held on 29.11.11 – Kindly organised by Lion Darren Blenkiron (Moseley Lions) Over the months, I have attended different Club meetings and events as well as District events and Cabinet meetings
NAME : Terry Smith OFFICE : Zone C Chairman CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012 PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. Having unexpectedly taken over the role I draw together the excellent work done by Andy Luckett (ZC 2009/2010, 2010/2011) and my own contributions. Zone diary is continually updated and distributed. The Zone Skittles Event (2010/2011) was won by Knowle & Dorridge Lions Club, a new format was introduced 2011/2012 which consisted of 5 pub type games where club teams play continuous rounds. This type of evening produced more inter-club interaction and helped to develop a greater fellowship feeling to the evening. All things being equal Knowle & Dorridge snatched victory again and will go forward to the next round supported by myself and Region Chair Gregory Hession. All clubs were visited twice during 2010/2011 and this cycle is almost complete for 2011/2012. 2 clubs have been visited twice, 3 visited once and dates have been confirmed for the second visits. A new venue organised for meetings at The Westley Arms Hotel in Acocks Green, meeting on a Monday at 7.30. As a new Zone Chair I attended excellent training provided by Phil White and joined a session related to becoming District Governor to increase my understanding of the wider picture of Lions Clubs International. I have also taken part in a Zone Chair review session at Headquarters again provided by Phil White. Lion Pauline Hoogerwerf (Water Projects) and 2nd VDG Simon Moss attended our first zone meeting. I have attended cabinet meetings and submitted reports. I supported Birmingham Sheldon Club by attending their Comedy Night at the Ivy Leaf club, joining Knowle & Dorridge with their bid to sporting domination at the District skittles competition, attended Solihull Charter evening and continue to work with my own club. I have booked to attend Shirley Charter weekend and am joining them on a Youth Awards Evening at Solihull Library Theatre, there is a place booked for me on the Acocks Green team taking part in Knowle & Dorridge’s Master Team Quiz. I also am planning to attend the Charter events of Birmingham Acocks Green, Knowle & Dorridge and Birmingham Sheldon. I have attended a carol concert in Solihull’s Ward 8 Acute Stroke Unit with a view to making this our Zone Project as this unit covers all areas in my zone and is a specialist ward needing help with specialist equipment. We are working towards raising £2000 towards the cost of a specialist bed costing £4750, Shirley Lions have already provided £400 and I have £94 from Zone Competition Evening and donations made by myself and Birmingham Acocks Green President. I have plans to organise a fun medical quiz evening (June/July) when I hope to be able to hand over a cheque to Sister Rachael Ward 8. I have volunteered to help with the group looking at the reinstatement of Hall Green Lions Club. I would like to thank the District Team for the specific help and encouragement they have given me as well as all the Lions, family and friends in and out of my Zone who help and support without a thought and have welcomed me with open hearts. Membership Club Members Members Prospective June Current Members Birmingham 19 18 2 Acocks Green Birmingham 18 16 2 Sheldon Knowle & Dorridge 31 28 10 Shirley 21 24 1 Solihull 26 22 4
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR Successfully complete the year, the zone meetings and attend all of the events and evening planned. Encourage fun and fellowship and exchange of new fundraising activities within the Zone and build upon the success of the ‘Games Evening’ leading up to the District Skittles competition. Help as much as I can to resurrect Hall Green Lions increasing the number of clubs in Zone C. To support clubs in the Zone with any specific issues they identify as needing support including membership and PR. Attend Autumn Forum.
NAME : Christine Moss OFFICE : Region 2 CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012 PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. I would like to start by thanking my Zone Chairman Ray Stephens and Terry White for doing such a wonderful job that they have made being Region Chair so much easier for me. I am particularly appreciative of their support at the beginning of my year as I was a zone chairman down and was looking after Zone E until a new zone chairman could be found. At this time I would also like to say how wonderful it was to visit all the clubs in Zone E and how welcome I was made by all the members of those clubs. In October I was able to successfully hand over Zone E to Ian Haffner, after having completed all the club visits for that Zone. As well as acting as temporary Zone Chair and being region chair I have also been a member of the membership committee and I have under taken the Guiding Lions Training. OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR Now that I can concentrate on being Region Chair I want to spend more time attending club visits and activities in both Zone D and F as well as continuing to support Ian in Zone E. I have also been invited to become a trainer as part of the Global Leadership team
NAME: Lion Ray Stephens OFFICE: Zone Chairman (D) CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012 PROGRESS SINCE LAST CONVENTION The clubs in the Zone have all arranged fund raising events and the funds raised are very encouraging considering the present economic situation. Fellowship activities have been arranged and further activities are scheduled for the remainder of this year.
We started the year with 99 members and currently we have 97. Sadly we have lost LP Lion Pat Wooldridge who recently passed away. Pat will be greatly missed by Castle Bromwich & District and the Zone. The clubs are however working hard to increase their membership and have 12 potential new members.
The Zone Project this year has been arranged for the 28th April 2012. This will be a “Race Night with a Difference” including a light supper, to be held at St. Peter’s Hall, Balsall Common. The clubs are all working together to arrange the event with each club having a role in the organisation. The event shall be in aid of Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Retinoblastomer (eye cancer) Unit, to supply tablet PC’s and Nintendo games which are required to ease children into their treatment and assist in their recovery post-operative.
There Zone skittles was hosted by Castle Bromwich and resulted in Marston Green going through to the Regional Finals.
Two visits have been made to each of the clubs in the Zone with the exception of Sutton Coldfield & Erdington who I have only visited once due to family commitments.
Zone Chairmen - Additional Information Club Members Members Members June Current Potential Balsall Common 34 34 10 Birmingham Exhibition 17 15 0 Castle Bromwich 24 23 2 Marston Green 17 17 0 Sutton Coldfield & Erdington 7 8 0 Total 99 97 12
Zone Meeting Dates and Venues 1st Meeting – 24th August 2011 – Marston Green 2ndMeeting – 6th December 2011 – Birmingham Exhib: 3rd Meeting – 16 February 2012 – Castle Bromwich 4th Meeting – 28th May 2012 – Balsall Common
NAME : Ian Haffner OFFICE : Zone E Chairman CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012 PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. Having come into the role a little late in the Lions year, met with Region Chair Christine Moss and Immediate past Zone E Chairman Pauline Fanti for a handover of Zone E Chair. I would like to thank them both for their help and support. So far I have completed club visits to 5 of the 8, with the remaining 3 planned in the next few weeks with all visits to be completed prior to Convention. I should acknowledge here that Region Chair Lion Christine Moss, has completed the first round of visits to all Zone E Clubs having started prior to my appointment. I should also acknowledge the warm welcome that I’ve received on each of the club visits.
I have prepared an action plan for the year and attended the ZC Review Meetings. Held the first Zone Meeting which was successfully combined with the Zone E Skittles Competition, won by Kenilworth Lions Club. This event was well attended and proved to be a successful social evening. The next Zone Meeting planned for the 8th February immediately planned after the District Cabinet Meeting, again to be combined with a social evening and hosted by Wellesbourne Lions Club, a further Zone Meeting is planned later in the year again with the emphasis being on the social side. The clubs in Zone E vary in size from 8 members to over 30 but all clubs are very active and successful within their communities. Membership remains a focus for most of the clubs. OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR To continue my club visits to complete the second round with Region Chair Lion Christine Moss having completed the first round of visits. Continue to establish a format for Zone Meetings that proves attractive to all clubs within the Zone. Support other District Officers and accommodate requests to speak at the Zone Meetings. Plan to attend as many Zone E Charters as possible as well as other events in the Zone. Plan for a Zone wide group to attend the Arboretum. Continue with visits to other clubs and Zones as well District Convention and MD Convention. Ensure that the incoming Zone Chairman has a good handover and enjoys their year ahead.
NAME : Terry White OFFICE : Zone F Chairman CONVENTION REPORT 2012 This report covers the final quarter of Lions year 2010-11 and year to date 2011-12. I have held the ZC position throughout. The clubs in Zone F generally share good relationships with each other and are supportive of each others’ activities. Zone Chairman’s role has been to maintain and build on this foundation. Last Year saw the Zone progress to achieve a Zone-wide project for the first time for several years; and that is being consolidated this year. Zone meetings: These have been well-attended throughout the period. At only one meeting was a club not represented and this was notified in advance due to a clash of dates. Visiting District Officers have talked about Insurance through Lions, Membership and My Ideal Club, and Street Children and the Niger Wells Project. Membership: At current 118 has a net decrease of 7 over the past 12 months. Clubs recently reported a total of 10 potential members. All clubs have active membership plans. Social Activities: These have included a Zone Luncheon, (well-supported), Zone Skittles match (3 out of 6 clubs), and recently Droitwich club organised a Burns Night Supper that attracted over 90 attendees, almost exclusively Lions and their friends, and included representatives from all the Zone clubs. Charters in the Zone were well supported by the other Zone clubs. Another Zone Luncheon is being planned for later this year. Zone Project: A Junior Girls’ Rugby tournament was successfully organised in conjunction with the community Rugby Officer at Sixways (Worcester Warriors home) in March 2011 and involved some 240 participants from all over Worcestershire. It is being repeated this year. All clubs in the Zone made a financial and service commitment to support the event. Zone Chairman’s Club Visits: June 2011 saw the completion of all the planned visits for that year. All clubs have been visited once this year. Second visits to either club meetings or events will take place between now and June 2012. I would like to thank all the clubs for all the warm welcomes I have received everywhere. Finally thank you to the other district officers who have provided support and information through training and review sessions, attendance at our meetings, Autumn Forum, etc.
NAME : Chris Haynes OFFICE : Region 3 Chairman CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012 I am pleased to report that the Clubs in Region 3 continue to work extremely hard supporting their local communities and those abroad I would like to thank my Zone Chairman, Lions Davinder Mankoo (G), Lion Phil Corbin (H), and Martin Hill (I) for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. I have attended Zone meetings in each Zone to date and will endeavour to continue to support them until the end of my term as Region 3 Chairman. The region Skittles final will be between Northampton 80 and Bushby, and the Region heat will be completed by the end February. During the last year Zone G have lost 1 member In Zone H the Brixworth branch has closed with the loss of 6 members 2 having transferred to Northampton 80, giving an overall loss to the Zone of 4 members Zone I has ended up with a gain over the year of 6 members, which means we have ended up as a Region with a gain of 1 member. During the forthcoming year we hope to convert the Market Harborough Branch Club into a full club. I have attended the membership committee meetings held this year. On the social side I have attended some of the Charter nights OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR To help and support those clubs which are having new members meetings To help plan the rebuilding campaign for the Rushden.Club And to have successful hand over to next years Region Chairman I would like to take this opportunity to thank District Governor Neil for giving me the chance to serve on his Cabinet as Region 3 Chairman NAME : Davinder Mankoo OFFICE : Zone Chairman G Convention Report March 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. I have visited all clubs in my Zone last year and am pleased with their progress and activities. They are all aware of membership both as new and retention as some clubs are ageing and losing members. This is a worry with at least three clubs in my Zone. The new club formed Phoenix Lions is doing well and learning fast. They still need to recruit new members.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR This year again I will visit all clubs. The Queens Jubilee is one event which I will try to organise as a Zone social so that all clubs are involved. My President from Godiva Lions Club has agreed to take the role of the Zone G Chairman and I will help her and guide her.
NAME : Phil Corbin OFFICE : Zone H Chairman CONVENTION REPORT 2012
Membership: The changes to membership within the zone since last Convention are as follows showing a net loss of 2 Lions List of Clubs in Zone Membership @ Convention Membership @ report date 2011 Northampton 10 8 Northampton 80 16 18 Brixworth Branch 6 0 Rushden 5 6 Towcester 21 20 Wellingborough 10 14
The most significant loss of 6 members was due to the closure of the Brixworth Branch at the end of June. Two of the members transferred to Northampton 80 Two of the other clubs have lost the odd members. On a positive side, Wellingborough have managed to gain 4 new members.
The Northampton, Northampton 80 and Wellingborough Clubs will be having recruitment drives in the spring, and we are hoping to try and rebuild Rushden during the next year.
All the clubs have been involved in a good mix of Social, Fund Raising and Community projects during the last year.
The Zone has agreed to drop the Lions Life Line Bottles scheme and to move forward promoting the Message in a Bottle scheme.
The Zones has taken part in the District Skittles Competition with the winners being Northampton 80, who will fight it out Bushby for the Region3 title
And I look forward to have successful hand over to next years Zone Chairman
I would like to take this opportunity to thank District Governor Neil for giving me the chance to serve on his Cabinet as Zone H Chairman and I thank all the clubs for their support
NAME : Martin Hill. OFFICE : Zone I Chairman CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012 PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION : Club Visits and Zone Meetings have taken place as programmed.
Summary Report on Clubs in the Zone attached
OBJECTIVES : See out the remainder of the Lions year in office. Hand over to successor in an orderly and supportive way.
Zone Chairmen - Additional Information – Zone I
Club Members Members Members Membership Actions Name June Current Potential Done and to do Bushby 17 19 2 No plans Corby 11 13 0 Membership recruitment in Feb ‘12 Kettering 32 33 2 Attracting membership enquiries through publicity for community services Lutterworth 10 10 0 District has given this club priority; ZC & RC to meet with President/club Market 15 15 3 Direct invitations to known Harborough prospectives Market 14 17 2 Further yellow card/car park flyer to be Harborough arranged for spring and autumn; Branch ongoing Rowell 11 11 0 Despondent; no current plans Thurnby 18 19 0 No plans
Club Name Bushby Community Donations to school in India (£3,000) and Eye camps (£750); supporting Services Jubilee celebration in Bushby 3.6.12 Fundraising Golf day 18th May 2012 Activities Fellowship Charter 19th February. Planning social events to take place in the months after Activities Convention
Club Name Corby Community Donations to Salvation Army (for children’s toys), Exeter Childrens Services Centre & Accommodation Concern; Old folks and disabled tea party in March 2012; MIAB Fundraising Rope light sales at Corby bonfire - £1200; Christmas collections £1500; Activities Ferret racing planned for May 2012; Golf day for September in early planning Fellowship Late Xmas meal in January; Indian meal in February; Peterborough dog Activities racing
Club Name Kettering Community 400 parcels to the needy at Christmas; Christmas party (199 attended); young Services folks party – 150 attended. Fundraising Prize Draw - £2,500; split 50/50 with Air Ambulance; August fun day - £600; Activities September race night - £600 Fellowship Charter Dinner 23.1.12; Club Christmas party; Blue Badge guided walk; Activities questionnaire being circulated in the Club on what future events would be supported. Comments
Club Name Lutterworth Community Mulled wine at Christmas fair; Christmas post (14000 cards); 50 Hampers Services delivered; donations made to Mayors Flower Festival appeal; special chair for local elderly person; MIAB Fundraising £260 from mulled wine; £1,890 from Xmas post; planning trolley dash, Easter Activities egg raffle (£700 last year) and Easter egg hunt Fellowship None specific Activities
Club Name Market Harborough Community Christmas post - building on last year; free handbell-ringers concert; Services Harborough Carnival Fundraising Illustrated talk by “Walking with the Wounded” sound engineer - £1,000 for Activities WWTW, further £127 for Air Ambulance; Annual golf day May 2012 (£2,500 last year); Golf Texas Scramble - £500 Fellowship Varied and active social calendar Activities
Club Name Market Harborough Branch Community Planning Foxton Family Fun day again; organising an inter-schools sports and Services fun day in Market Harborough, potentially 3,300 children; 1948 Olympic torch in attendance; MIAB; stewarding Blaston Show Fundraising Quiz, Girls Morning In and other small-scale events; acoustic music concert Activities being arranged 25.2.12; Foxton Fun day is also a fund-raiser - £3,848 in 2011, split with school; Fellowship Very social club; cocktail evening; Christmas craft evening including gift box Activities decorating/sweet making/sausage stuffing. Fireworks party.
Club Name Rowell Community £500 presented to a school in Uganda they’ve worked with before. Tea party Services for 80 – local school entertained; providing mobility scooters locally; drivers for meals on wheels Fundraising Annual can shake - £360; Christmas tombola £125; car boot £90; 20th April – Activities “All things English” party Fellowship Nothing specific Activities Other Inviting local reporter to their next meeting, thinking about raising profile to Comments assist membership; considering a website Club Name Thurnby Community Supporting Wishes for Kids; Rainbows; Eye camps; supporting the Services Cardiovascular Research Appeal fundraiser in March 2012 Fundraising Cricket event in August 2012; golf day (jointly with Rothley & Charnwood Activities clubs); Valentines event for Eye camps - £1250 pledged already Fellowship Social meeting with Market Harborough club in November.
NAME: Heather Lee OFFICE: Membership Committee Chairman CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
The M in SMILE It has been an exciting year for membership and its programs. The Membership Committee have been working with the Leadership Team to help you as club Lions gain and retain members and to give you a better understanding of Lionism and how it works.
With the help of the Webmaster, the web page has been revamped and projects and information are easier to find with quick links.
We had a successful Forum where presentations were given with leadership and communications team.
Members of the committee have been working with individual clubs and we have been looking closely at all clubs under 10 and put together a plan of action where we can help clubs grow. We have gained some funding from Multiple District and this will be to help those clubs in particular.
Yellow Card drops have been successful across the District. Clubs that have given the process a go in the past with no success, persevered planned another drop and been very successful – 8/10 new members in some instances. Try it; it does work My ideal Club, again a successful program. It is not the Districts idea of an ideal club, its not the DG’s or Cabinet idea of an Ideal Club but YOURS. We do things because we have always done it! Times change, members change, our community changes, and so should we. The program is designed to complete from beginning to end or cherry pick your club requirements. By not investigating our own club – is this the reason we loose members? It could save you that member and it already has! Certified Guiding Lion. New clubs, existing clubs, all need help at times and this is where the CGL comes in. We need more CGL’s to help us to help others. Signature Projects. What a membership tool. Low cost projects to help you interact with the public, talk about Lions, gaining PR and members.
We have been having enquiries throughout website and these have been passed to local clubs to contact.
Membership is not just about yellow cards or signature projects. Membership comes from every thing you do be that fundraising, fellowship, service. By being visible, talking to the general public, members can come from everything you do. Thank you to the committee for their hard work, membership is never finished, we always need to grow.
NAME : Douglas Cross OFFICE : Extension Officer CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
I am still reporting under my cabinet title but carry out other membership duties & many club visits as well. Plus dealing with Membership grants from LCI.
EXISTING CLUB BRANCHES I will continue to report on all 3 in the extension report – others will report as well. Market Harbough Hopefully very near being a full Lions Club this summer, I understand will be Market Harborough Jubilee Lions Club. Well done, what a great name. ( See Lion Chris Haynes report) Alcester Major membership problem, but club working hard to overcome it. Tenbury Wells Stuck on 2 members. Must be increased during this summer.
REBUILDING Coventry Phoenix Lions Club Rebuilding success now with 12 members & possibly 2 more in March Sutton Coldfield & Erdington Lions Club Now 9 members with Yellow Card drop planned for spring. Good Hotel location
NEW CLUBS I have said for many years only new clubs will ever give us the total number of new members we require, but this will take considerable time & effort in each case. Atherstone Lions Club Preliminary work started by Lion Bill Rannutta, but stalled until 2012. Support promised by Nuneaton Lions Club, meeting place located. Hall Green Lions Club. Zone Team to be set up, IPDG Martin Bye is going to help in setting up the team Royal Leamington Spa Lions Club Zone Clubs generally in support of a local team to be set up for action this summer. ZC Lion Ian Haffner helping with PDG Henry Woodgate
But we are still short of members, many clubs have increased their numbers using Yellow Card drops and other systems. But unfortunately we still lose too many Lions, if we could keep these our membership problem would mainly solved.
Eventually we will be faced with Lions Clubs International carrying out a redistricting programme in the whole 105MD. So instead of being in Corby today we may be in Reading or Welshpool depends which way the system works out.
It is up to you all, let’s get back to 1250 members.
NAME : Andy Pemberton OFFICE : Membership Retention Officer
As a member of the newly constituted GMT structure I have worked with my fellow GMT Members. Elsewhere you will find the Membership number by Club over the last 12 months. Reporting a loss of 31 members in 12 months is not a great achievement as a RETENTION Officer.
The Closures of two branch club and one club account for 22 of the loss which at 30th June stood at 37, so things have improved slowly in this Lions year.
For every member we gain we still loose the same number so retention is critical to improving numbers to deliver more SERVICE.
There are some excellent programmes to aid Retention “My Ideal Club”, Certified Guiding Lion, and Mentoring. The GLT Team are providing these courses for those interested.
Clubs cannot be forced to take on the Ideal Club programme or appoint a trained Mentor. They should want to ensure the Club grows and use the ideas in these programmes, not slavishly but to suit their needs.
Please all clubs talk to your Zone Chairman about the needs of your club
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR To work with the GMT Team and any club or Zone Chairman that ask for help to ensure we retain as many of the disaffected Lions as possible
NAME : Ann Pemberton OFFICE : District Registrar CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
I have continued to produce monthly reports for other Officers of the membership changes and numbers by Club. .Attached is the twelve month analysis to the date of my report.
I have helped Club Secretaries who have difficulties with the MMR reporting, especially access to passwords, although changes by LCI have made the access to and creation of passwords simpler.,
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR To continue to support the District in preparation of information, to assist Club Secretaries when requested.
NAME : Pauline Fanti OFFICE : District GLT Coordinator CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION Global Leadership Team (GLT) This now being the way forward separated from the MERL who are now the Global Membership Team and will continue to liaise with each other as and when required. Have had an initial meeting with the team although not well attended I have continued to have meetings with bothLlions Phil and Heather to discuss plans for this year. We have now got some funding available for some of the workshops and seminars, so will endeavour to obtain this as and when. Have now recruited several Lions to assist with the Training workshops in the Spring of 2012. They are to attend a train the trainer day on 25th February at MDHQ.
Overview of direction for the forthcoming year You will see from my Convention Report that dates of the forthcoming Spring Workshops have been planned we will also have other workshops in September for New Lions and another Certified Guiding Lions Training in October the dates will be circulated via Our web- master
Have been asked by PCC Lion Andy Pemberton to join the Host Team for this MD Convention to be held in May at the Metropole Hotel in Birmingham and plans are progressing well.
I will continue to look out for Lions who are wanting to progress further in Lions and hope that the Zone and Region Chairmen will communicate with me if they have anyone who they think might benefit from this.
NAME: Phil White OFFICE: Training Officer CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012 PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST DISTRICT CONVENTION The following seminars/workshops were delivered during the year:
Zone Chairman & Region Chairman Workshop - Sunday 29 May 2011 Incoming Club President Workshops – 6 June 2011 at MDHQ & 14 June 2011 at The Angel, Market Harborough Incoming Club Secretaries’ & Treasurers’ Workshop – 20 June 2011 at MDHQ New Members Orientation – 4 April 2011at MDHQ So You Want to be a District Governor – 31 August 2011 at The Greswolde, Knowle
Zone Chairmen’s Review Meetings - arranged and held on 9 October 2011and 10 January 2012 New Members Handbook – continued to provide hard copy on request but it is available on the district website. District & MD Conventions – attended both conventions Autumn Forum – attended and participated 9 October 2011 Global Leadership Team (GLT) At the start of the Lionistic year Leadership was separated from Membership and a Global Leadership District Team was established. As part of this new team, I have participated in the District GLT meetings, attended a Certified Guiding Lion workshop, assisted PCC Lion Andy Pemberton, with delivery of a session of My Ideal Club in this District. Arranged and managed the loan and return of the district laptop, projector and screen when requested. When this equipment is not in use by District, is available on loan, for Lionistic purposes, to any Lion, club, zone etc. However, anyone wishing to borrow the equipment must arrange for collection from and return to me.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR Spring workshops have been arranged at MDHQ for Zone & Region Chairman training on 29 April, Incoming Presidents, Secretaries and Treasurers on 13 May and Incoming District Officers on 20 May. If you are taking up any of these roles next Lions’ year, please ensure that you put these dates in your diary and attend. A New Lions Orientation session is planned for September and Certified Guiding Lion Training for October but dates have still to be finalised.
During the course of the year I have endeavoured to circulate details and promote the benefit of the information sessions/workshops we can deliver for any Lions, clubs or zones. However, we need Lions’ (YOUR) participation and co-operation so please attend and encourage your fellow Lions to attend appropriate events when offered.
In order to assist in developing a meaningful programme of events, for the future, please identify topics of interest to you, as an individual or a club. I am here to help in any way I can so please ask. My contact details are in the District Directory.
NAME: Paul Anstice. OFFICE: Finance and Administration Committee CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION During this year, the Finance and Administration Committee has continued the work started last year in improving the way the finances of the District are managed. The ‘District Officers Recommendation List’ has been introduced this year to replace District Governor’s Shopping List. Projects and amounts have been recommended to the Finance and Administration Committee by the appropriate officers and committees rather than leaving the choices to the District Governor. These recommendations along with justifications for each appeal have been discussed and ratified by the Finance and Administration Committee and approved by cabinet prior to circulation to the Lions in the District. The committee has reviewed and revised the Rules of Audit for District Officers to reflect changes made at the Multiple District level and to reflect changes in roles of some of the District Officers that have been introduced during the last few years. The District Budget for 2012-13 has been approved by the Committee resulting in an increase in the District Subscription, subject to the approval of a resolution (Resolution 1) at Convention. The mechanism to fund Youth activities has also been reviewed and approved by the committee resulting in a resolution being put to Convention (Resolution 3) to raise a levy on clubs to fund Youth activities payable from Club Charity accounts on 1st August each year. During the year the Accounts for 2010-11 have been signed off by the Trustee. As well as Finance this Committee looks at the matters that affect the running of the District. This includes the work of the District Secretary, Sergeant of Arms, Constitution and Resolution Officer, Health and Safety Officer, Insurance Officer and Convention Chairman. There are separate reports from each of these Officers within the Convention papers.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR Looking to the future, two discussion documents have been created for review and debate by the committee, a draft Five Year Financial Plan and a draft Safety Management System for District 105M. Both will be developed during the forthcoming year.
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. There were no changes to the District Constitution following last year’s Convention. I have received one nomination for District Governor 2012/13 Lion Paul Anstice and one nomination for First Vice Governor Lion Simon Moss. I have received two nominations for Second Vice Governor from Lions George Billingham and Ian Haffner. There will be secret ballots and a simple majority will be required.
There will only be two resolutions discussed at this convention. Resolution number 3 will be formally withdrawn following changes to Multiple District Competitions and funding issues. District youth competitions will be funded next year by a request for funds from the District Governor.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR To provide support and advice to the District Governor, Cabinet and Clubs as required during the year.
NAME : Josna Ramji OFFICE : Convention Chair CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. There was no handover from last year therefore trying to make Convention 2012 is going to be an immense task. Zone I are the hosts this year, with seeds having been sown when I was Zone Chairman last Lionistic year. The committee was formed in March 2011 at the last Zone meeting, with each club being represented by 2 members. The venue was chosen as The Holiday Inn Corby, for the convention taking place the from 23rd to 25th March 2012. The hotel is booked and an excellent package has been negotiated. For the first 40 rooms, the rates are £50 per couple per night including breakfast. Package deal of £200 per couple for the convention includes accommodation, host night, banquet and ball and tea/coffee on Saturday morning and afternoon. Partners trip outing to Barnsdale Gardens has been organised. There are some bookings . The Convention Committee’s first meeting took place in May 2011 and consequently every 2 months. At first meeting the secretary and treasurer were chosen Lion John Bush agreed to be both. Every club volunteered for different tasks. At the last meeting on 24th January 2012 Lion DG Neil Chisholm, Lion PDG Ron Cross and Lion PDG Linda Cross attended. At Autumn Forum a presentation was made for the convention .Booking forms and further information were made available.
The response so far has been excellent. All the 40 package bookings have now been sold out. PDG Lion John Bush is trying to negotiate more rooms at the reduced rate. Still time to book. We have had approximately 90 bookings for the host night. There is no theme for the host night on Friday 23rd March 2012. However, several clubs from the zone are presenting individual items on the host night in addition, there will also be dancing to the tunes of DJ Lion Blenkiron. The Mayor of Corby will open the Convention on Saturday 23rd March 2012. There are over 100 bookings for the Banquet & Ball on Saturday, 24th March 2012. There will be a live band, called Karibu. There is an opportunity to meet the international guest Per Kaerager Christensen ,2nd year international Director Europe from Denmark on Sunday 25th March at 10.00am. I would like to thank Lion PDG John Bush and Lion John Barnes for all their support and all the Lions In Zone I for assisting in making our convention a success so far. WELL DONE LIONS. Zone I would like Lion DG Neil Chisholm and Beryl to have a fantastic time at their convention. I would like to thank Lion DG Neil for appointing me as Convention Chair .It is a personal achievement for me as I had recommended hosting the Convention as a zone during my year as Zone Chair
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR I wish Worcester Club every success for next year
NAME : Lion John Barnes OFFICE : District Events & Lion Tamer. CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
During the past year a successful change-over was held, overseen by Lion Ron Cross in my absence, thanks to Ron. We also ran a very good Autumn Forum – for those who did not like all the programme – if they have suggestions for future forums please speak to incoming DG. As this report is for presentation at our Convention – if you are sitting reading it at Convention you will know that it is a success thanks to the hard work of the Convention Committee from Zone I, chaired by Lion Josna. During the past year we have used the Holiday at the Airport for various events and meetings, all charged at a reasonable room hire rate to us. However the Hotel, since the beginning of this year 2012 is asking for virtually the full commercial hire rate plus coffee at their normal hotel price. This offer has been declined by me on behalf of the District and I am Currently in negotiations with other Hotels within the Central area of the District.
FUTURE MD Convention – 4th-6th May – Metropole Hotel, NEC. District Changeover – Sunday 15th July Autumn Forum – Sunday 14th October Convention 2013 – 22nd-24th March - Zone F – Pear Tree Hotel, Worcester. MD Convention 2013 – Torquay – we will be arranging Hotel for District as usual. International Convention 2013 – 5th-9th July, Hamburg – we are trying to arrange a Hotel at reasonable price – also travel arrangements. Details of all the above events, for which you have not already had details, will be sent to all clubs in the usual manner.
NAME : Philip Jones OFFICE : Health & Safety Officer CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST DISTRICT CONVENTION Your District Officer has drafted a Safety Management System in accordance with paragraphs 2.2 and 2.9 of the MD Safety Policy which has been reviewed by the F and A committee and is currently subject to peer review and will be promulgated in the next few months/
Since last Convention your District Officer undertook the following:- Prepared action plan Liaised with F and A Committee Chair and attended committee meetings. Attended MD HSO meeting Drafting the SMS protocol. Liaised with Clubs seeking assistance in the preparation of Risk Assessments
OVERVIEW OF THE DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR Your District Officer continues to see his objectives As ensuring that District complies with statutory requirements and MD policy concerning H and S To establish and maintain contact with Clubs and appointed Safety Officers. To ensure Clubs meet the requirements of H and S policy especially – Maintenance of risk assessment documentation Maintenance of records Reporting requirements To liaise with MD HSO and District Insurance Officer as required.
NAME : Suresh Gohil OFFICE : Insurance Officer CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. Attended the District Convention from 18th March 2011 to 20th March 2011. The MD had appointed CMS Financial Ltd to offer Private Medical Insurance to all the members at competitive rates.
In addition, Barry Grainger Ltd was appointed to provide service on General insurance of personal motor and household for the Lions. However, Barry Grainger discontinued their association as they felt that they did not receive immediate response from the members. A new personal scheme has been set up through Warner, details of which can be found in the latest Lions Magazine.
Presentation was made on 24th May 2011 at Zone F meeting in Bromwich. Issues of Redditch Lions Club were discussed at length at the meeting. Further, attended meeting on 13th June 2011 at Zone C providing full details of liability cover, personal insurance and PMI through AVIVA. I also attended various Cabinet meetings and Changeover.
Members were requested to contact CMS for PMI which offer very competitive benefits.
NAME : Simon Moss. OFFICE : Long Range Planning Chairman CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. At last year’s convention both Paul and I drew convention’s attention to the progress that was being made towards the development of a five year plan for the district. In May 2011 a first draft encompassing, membership, the three service committees and the DG team was finished by Paul and released to the wild via the website.
Since taking over as chairman of the committee I have overseen the addition of sections on leadership and communications have started work on sections for zone and region chairmen and cabinet structure and have set the ball rolling towards a section on finance. The first draft was formally presented to cabinet in November and then updated to reflect where we are.
I am pleased to report that membership and leadership are already well into the first year of their plan and steps are being taken to ensure that the plan is implemented fully for next year.
I would like to thank all the members of the committee for their contributions during the year. It has truly been a team effort. Incidentally we are leading the way within the MD and are being hailed as an example to other districts
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR In July I will hand over the reins to my successor although I will continue to be a member of the committee.
NAME : Simon Moss. OFFICE : Communication & PR Chairman (including webmaster and IT Coordinator) CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. This has been a year of transition as far as the district website and mailing list are concerned. With a view to next year I have been gradually handing over webmaster duties to Joy Haffner, who has been doing an excellent job.
The communication and PR committee have produced three newsletters since the last convention.
As IT Coordinator I have been encouraging clubs to create and maintain web sites and to start engaging with the public through social media. The number of clubs without web sites is decreasing and by the end of the Lions’ year it is my name to have created an e-clubhouse site for all clubs who do not have a site.
Many thanks to the members of my committee for their hard work during the year, in particular to Joy for her sterling work with Midland News, Ken for some great PR work and Mavis for her efforts as Almoner despite health problems of her own.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR By July the handover of the webmaster and IT coordinator role will have been fully handed over.
NAME : Joy Haffner OFFICE : Deputy Webmaster & Midland News CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. Attended last years’ convention, Autumn Forum, All Cabinet Meetings, Zone Meetings, and Club visits
Continuing to add to my technical knowledge in support of the Webmaster. Now able to support and cover Webmaster Lion Simon Moss.
Good articles have continued to flow in for publication into the ‘New Look’ Midland News. Articles both keeps fellow Lions informed and may help to generate new ideas for some Clubs.
So far since changeover 2011, 55 articles have been published, an increase of more than 20% over last year with more articles expected in the balance of this Lions year. Some articles have subsequently been published in the LION Magazine. Thank you to all Clubs that have contributed articles to the Midland News so far. I look forward to the other Clubs submitting articles in the remaining months of the Lions Year.
I have attended and supported the Communication Committee meetings with the aim of continuing to improve the quality of communications being sent out. I would like to thank the Communications Team for another productive year so far and in particular Lion Simon Moss for his continued help and support.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR To continue to learn and support the Webmaster Lion Simon Moss.
Continue to encourage all Clubs to submit articles informing about their activities, supported where appropriate with good quality photographs (Jpeg) – “A picture paints a thousand words’.
The aim here continues to be to get as many Clubs represented in Midland News as possible with interesting and varied articles. To make an active contribution to the Communications Team
NAME: Ken Barker OFFICE: District Public Relations Officer CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. Attended last Convention, Autumn Forum, all Zone and Cabinet meetings and MD PR meetings. Continued to submit articles for Midland News, Communications Committee newsletter and Lion magazine. Continued to produce District Diary of Events. Organised and hosted District Marketing and PR Workshop. 29 Lions from 16 different clubs attended. Disappointed to think that the remaining 43 clubs obviously believe that they do not need any help with promoting their club. Assisted with Youth Exchange arrivals at Birmingham Airport ensuring visible presence for PR purposes. Assisted Youth Committee with their presentation at Autumn Forum. Arranged PR for District and MD Young Ambassador Finals and Disability Games. Represented Lions at 55+ Retirement Road Show. On behalf of Aldridge and Sandwell Lions submitted press articles regarding their tree planting both before and after the events. Attended inter-generational meeting organised by Solihull Youth Council to speak about Lions. Attended Solihull Business Breakfast Club to speak about Lions. Assisted individual clubs with the preparation and submission of press articles.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR To continue to work as part of the Communications Team to help, support and promote Lions to individual clubs in order for them to promote themselves at every opportunity.
NAME : Mavis Cooke OFFICE : Almoner CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012-02-13
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION I am pleased to report that my request to let me know when a card of commiseration, get well or congratulations is needed is being received as the increase in notifications has shown. I know from the feedback messages how very much appreciated the cards sent have been received showing how we care for each other as well as others. I have had to have a further set of cards printed (with the updated Lions colours) which is an indication of the requests received. I am sure nonetheless that there are others who could have been sent a message if i had been told, so please keep up the good work. OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR To continue to send appropriate cards to my fellow Lions and their families when notified of the need.
NAME : Lion Harry Fry OFFICE : Opportunity for Youth Team Chairman CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
The Goal of Lions Opportunities for Youth is; "To provide the young people of the World with opportunities for achievement, learning, contribution and service, Individually and through sponsorship of activities identified as best practice in the field of youth development."
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION I have conducted team meetings prior to the start of Cabinet meetings and have been in regular contact with members of the team and have been available to answer any questions arising from clubs in the District. I attended Autumn Forum and took part in a workshop where I introduced the Adopt a Youth Club scheme a number of clubs were interested and requested information regarding Youth Clubs structures in the District and some clubs are already involved with their local youth club the response from clubs in the District has been mixed again this year numbers taking part in Young Ambassador of 21" Century is down this year . Congratulations to Marston Green for providing us with this year's winning candidate, also Redditch Club who provided this year's peace poster winner. Does your club have its own youth programme that is in addition to our own disciplines please let me know, as it is good to discuss other ways of involving Youth. Also if you have any other comments about our Lions programmes talk to me or members of the Youth Team at Convention. I have had discussions with the District Treasurer regarding our arrangements for funding the District Youth Projects, this resulted in a request for an appeal in this year's District wish list and a request for a District annual voluntary contribution from the clubs Charity account to a District Youth fund similar to some other Districts in MD105.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR To continue to support members of the youth team to achieve their respective gaols. To continue to help clubs in the District with any youth matters they have. To increase the awareness and participation of all of our youth disciplines within the District. Finally I would like to thank the Youth Team for their support and hard work throughout the year. My thanks to DG Lion Neil for the opportunity to lead a great team.
NAME : Terrie Knibb OFFICE : District Competitions Officer CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. The number of clubs participating in the competitions offered by the District this year has been low. However, where entries have been submitted, the standard has been high and the entrants have expressed how much they have gained from their participation.
In order to raise awareness and to share some of the ways in which clubs are using the competitions to raise their profile in their communities, a newsletter has been launched which it is intended will be issued on a quarterly basis. The first newsletter was published in January and is available to read on the District website. A number of clubs reported that the requirement to post the Travelling Lions Competition reporting forms to the Competitions Officer was a barrier to entry. To overcome this, it is now possible to scan the forms and email them instead. This year’s competition has been particularly interesting with the contest being hotly contested and a number of different clubs heading the league table at different points during the year. I look forward to finding out which club will be the eventual winner.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR During the forthcoming year there will be a focus on raising awareness of the competitions available in the District and how they can be beneficial to clubs achieving their objectives plus how much fun they can be to enter.
I would urge all Lions Clubs to consider entering some of the District Competitions. In many cases, there is very little work involved; it’s merely a case of letting the District Competitions Officer have details of what you’re already doing. I am happy to talk to any club about what is on offer or to give any help and information they require.
NAME : Linda Cross OFFICE : Lifeskills Officer CONVENTION REPORT : MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION After Convention 2011, I continued with presentations to clubs and Zone meetings of Tacade resources. This resulted in more sales, and clubs taking on board the idea and usage of the voucher scheme. Since the start of the new Lion’s year I have helped various clubs with wording for vouchers and continued with club presentations of Tacade materials.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR Unfortunately the writing of this report coincides with the news that Tacade has gone into voluntary liquidation. We are now waiting to hear what the Administrator will do with the company and its remaining resources. I am assured, and pass this on to you, that Lifeskills will continue. It remains to be seen in what format that will be.
NAME: Gregory Hession OFFICE: Special Olympics Chairman CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012.
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION: Some of you will be aware Birmingham City Council sadly had no alternative but to cancel the Disability Games last May of this year, 82 Lion’s from our District had volunteered for this event and no new date was rescheduled, this caused huge disappointment not only for the Lion’s, but also for the Children, their Parents, the Trainers, the Organisers and all the professionals involved.
I attended the MD Special Olympics Meetings at K.H.H.Q. on 18th September 2011 Chaired by MD Chairman PDG Lion John May, this meeting had a number of National Representatives from Special Olympic Committee, The English Federation of Disability Sports and Kids Run Free; John view’s this as an organisation that will pick up the loose ends, especially with young, vulnerable people who may fall between the other two organisations. The meeting was attended by 10 MD and District Officers plus 5 guests. Special Olympics Great Britain
Please find below the minutes of the Physical & Learning Disabilities DO meeting 18th September 2011 held at M.D.H.Q. it will clarify each of the roles of those organisations: - Andy Heffer explained the activities of SOGB. Many Lions were aware of the main event in Leicester in 2009 when 2,300 special athletes competed, but he stressed that SOGB events are year round covering 26 sports and involving athletes from 8 years old and upwards. SOGB operate a Motor Activities Training Programme. At Leicester the Healthy Athletes Programme and the Opening Eyes Programme saw 4,500 athletes screened and 1,500 were referred back to their GPs with the suggestion that treatment was necessary or advisable. SOGB comprises 138 groups in 19 regions. All groups are self-funded. There is a very long way to go in order to reach all of those people who could benefit. There are 1.2 million people in Britain with a recognised learning disability. There are 2,500 registered volunteers, so we need to recruit more volunteers and bolster those that already exist. There are 250 events a year where Lions could get involved as event volunteers. There are many more opportunities for even deeper involvement. English Federation of Disability Sports Lucy Lloyd-Ruck explained the objectives of the EFDS. There are 11 million people in the UK with a registered disability of which 93% do not take part in any sport. Gloomier still was the fact that the numbers are actually dropping. There are 11 regions with events taking place throughout the year with many opportunities for event volunteering. 400 children participated in the annual event, which this year was held in Preston.
Kids Run Free Gail Bider explained the concept of KRF. This is intended to offer one free sports event a month, using facilities at local schools in the main, to children of all ages, from toddler upwards. Events are shaped to match the abilities of the athletes and every participant is rewarded in some way. For the more able the track events cover 50 metres to 1 km. There is particular emphasis on encouraging children who were not able to start young and find themselves below school average standard. Some 27% of the children involved are overweight. The forecast is that will rise to 66% by 2050 if nothing is done. KRF is almost brand new and only began in earnest in April 2011. So far 324 children are registered to participate. The ambitious target is to spread this concept to every county by 2015 and to involve at least 24,000 children on. Tech Ready and Gabriel Swatzell demonstrated the Tech Ready camera reader and translation software. This high-powered camera is multi focusing and can capture a page of script in just one second. The software can then save it in several different formats and will immediately begin to read the script in a voice that does not sound electronic. This is being married to the Newsbridge live recording programe and the Graff Diamond media player. The Graff Diamond is the end result of collaboration work between PDG Patrick Hamlin and John May and pupils who are blind and have other physical problems originally designed it for use in special schools. The use has spread to include all pupils who have severe dexterity problems, plus any listener to a talking newspaper who is afflicted with chronic arthritis. Litchfield Talking Newspaper met development costs with assistance from PID Phil Nathan and Chichester Lions. MD Officers Dave Wells and Penny Tregillus had been invited because of crossover interests and Ready Tech also demonstrated their Ubi Duo concept, which allows profoundly deaf people to communicate with anyone capable of using a laptop computer
Since the meeting, trials of the Diamond media player and the full package have begun at Saxon Hill Special School in Lichfield. The initial reaction is of great excitement. JM has identified 350 special schools that accommodate blind children. At the current £3,000 per package, that would involve £1 million to equip every school with this system. Headmaster John Thickett said “he wants to see it in every classroom”. Three more schools across the country have also expressed an immediate interest and fundraising has begun. It would be hoped that this could become an official Lions project. The BOCCIA Games The BOCCIA Games were purposely created for children who suffer from Cerebral Palsy took place today on 14th January 2012, 54 children benefited by taking part in the games. This is the only outlet for children suffering from Cerebral Palsy to partake in any kind of competitive sport. The Games were supported by 32 Lion Volunteer’s who performed their various duties to the end. The organisers and I are eternally grateful to the Lions of our great District 105M and some of their respective family members who came along to assist. This years BOCCIA Games were funded from remnants of the remaining sponsorship that was left in the kitty from last year. There is approximately £400.00 remaining in this fund. The BOCCIA Games cost £1,100.00 to put on; this amount is for the cost of the venue. There is therefore a shortfall for these games to run next year; I asked those Lion’s who were present at the end of the day if they would take this appeal back to their respective Club’s and present a case for sponsorship of £100.00 per Club, if we can find support from Seven Lion Club’s, then these Games can definitely proceed next year, this plea was very well received from those Lion’s who were present, they provided initial positive feedback prior to their departure. If we receive seven pledges of £100.00 per Club the provisional date for next year will be Saturday 2nd February 2013 at the same venue
For those Club’s who wish to make a donation towards the cost of the event next year, could you please make your cheque payable to DECS. It stands for Disability Events Coordinators of Sport. The Regional Disability Games in May The Regional Disability Games in May will go-a-head this year with two huge differences to previous years; because the Olympic Games are taking place this year and for security reasons the Alexandra Stadium is closed to all other public events, therefore we now have a new venue for this year at The Ryeland’s Centre, Bromsgrove with a midweek fixture on Tuesday 15th May 2012. I shall be placing a circular around the club’s within our District after a meeting with the new coordinator of this event to see if we can generate support for this event on a Tuesday fixture. The National Disability Games, Summer 2012 The National Disability Games, Summer 2012 are to be hosted in our District at Warwick University during this coming summer, again I shall be having a meeting for further updates, and as soon as I have any details, then you shall have the information.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR: To ensure District Governor Lion Neil’s aims, objectives and targets are met To attend regular team meetings with representatives from Special Olympics and The English Federation of Disability Sports To act as a conduit between MD Officer, District 105M, the aforementioned organisations above and the Lion Club’s of District 105M with information of forthcoming events. To support, motivate, liase and work closely with the Club Membership to promote the all things related to the Special Olympics. To ensure District Governor Lion Neil’s aims, objectives and targets are met. To attend the District Youth Team Meetings and any Club/Zone that I may be invited to. To attend the MD Meetings at K.H.H.Q. To further promote our Partnership with the E.F.D.S’s.
I have always said “I never did any District role without enjoying fantastic support from my fellow Lion’s within our great District”, and these past three years have been without exception. I would never achieve a fraction of what I do achieve without that vital support from a dedicated and committed group of Lion’s who I am so proud to call my friends, so to all those Lion’s I offer my heartfelt thanks for making this past three years such a wonderful and pleasurable time and the Special Olympics Chairmanship role all that more easier for your involvement, thank you all.
I would like to conclude by thanking District Governor Lion Neil for placing his faith in me and entrusting the Chairmanship of Special Olympics with me, it is neither a task nor a chore; on the contrary, this role is an absolute privilege.
NAME : Randhir S Sahota OFFICE : Leo Co-ordinator CONVENTION REPORT : MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION Handover from Lion Rani Saund last year’s Leo Co-ordinator. She has worked hard in a difficult programme, so I would like to thank her and Lion Harry Fry for all the advice and support. Have been in contact with some schools and Lion Clubs to obtain their views and feeling in the formation of Leo Clubs. The general impression I obtained was the fear of extra responsibilities of running a Leo’s Club. However there may be success with the formation of one or two Leo’s Club.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR Continue to encourage Lion Clubs to support Leo Clubs, as they may provide our organisation with future Lion members. To pursue those Lion clubs, Schools and Youth organisations who have shown interest in Leo clubs
NAME : George Billingham OFFICE : Young Leaders in Service CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION Since the Young Leaders in Service Awards Programme was revised in lion year 2010 / 11 it was decided to run this Programme with Young Ambassadors under the same District Officer. The Young Leaders in Service Awards recognise young people between the ages of 11 and18 ( school years 7 – 13 ) for their community service within a 12 – month period. 50 hours of community service = Silver Seal Award 100 hours of community service = Gold Seal Award Each young person is probably already involved with community work through School / Youth Club / Scouts / Guides / Church etc or may be a Leo and may be controlled by a Youth Leader. Lions are asked to make contact with these organisations and offer the YLiS Awards to them. On successful completion of either 50 or 100 hours of community service in any 12 month period ( with the service details recorded and verified by the local Lions Club ) on request by the District Officer the official Award Certificate is prepared at LCI HQ - signed by the International President and delivered to the Club President for Presentation. The Young Leaders in Service Awards Programme was presented at Autumn Forum and details sent to Clubs but to date only Castle Bromwich Lions Club have presented a Gold Seal Award. The Documentation for the YLiS Awards Programme can be obtained by down load from MD website or from the District Officer. By getting young people involved with the programme the Award Certificate issued by LCI would be a formal acknowledgement of their community service and also help promote Lions recruitment.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE COMING YEAR From January 2012 the Young Leaders in Service Awards Programme has been accepted as one of the two Lions Signature Projects together with the Lions Eye Health Programme. Better promotion to all Lions should help delivery to many more young people in the District.
NAME : Eric Hughes OFFICE : District Vulnerable Persons Officer
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST DISTRICT CONVENTION You will be aware that the Vetting & Barring Scheme which was due to come into force in 2009 was put on hold following the change in Government. This was brought about by public outcry at the severity of that legislation.
The whole scheme has been examined and many new recommendations have been proposed and are included in the new Protection of Freedoms Bill that is currently passing through Parliament.
Included in the recommendations, is a proposal, which will see the CRB and The Independent Safeguarding authority (ISA) become a new organisation called The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). The new organisation will be responsible for the delivery of the disclosure and barring services currently delivered by CRB and ISA.
The planned date for the new organisation to come into being is November 2012, subject to parliamentary timetabling.
In the meantime, we continue to act under the terms of the Lions Policy Concerning the Protection of Vulnerable Persons Including Children Policy, version Aug. 2008. Details of this policy can be found on the Lions Web site.
Applications for CRB disclosures continue. I would remind all Clubs that CRB disclosures are valid for 3 years in accordance with the Policy.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR To continue to advise Clubs and individuals of their responsibilities in relation to children and vulnerable adults.
To continue submitting CRB disclosure applications where required NAME : George Billingham OFFICE : Young Ambassadors
I am now in the third year as District Officer for Young Ambassadors and have attempted to inform all the Lions in 105 M of the benefits to the young people in the age range 16 to 19 who are already doing voluntary service in their local community to be encouraged to enter the Young Ambassadors Competition.
Young Ambassadors was promoted at Autumn Forum but I was a little disappointed that only four young people attended the District Final held at the Holiday Inn B’ham Airport on Sunday 20th November 2011.
The panel of 3 Non Lion Judges decided that Liam Barrett supported by Marston Green and District Lions Club was the Winner and will go forward to the Lions 105 MD Final at the Village Hotel Dudley over the week end 17th to 19th February 2012 to compete with the other 12 candidates from the MD. Each District Winner will receive £ 500 for their Projects and the MD Winner will receive an additional £ 1000 - paid from the MD Youth Trust Fund.
The MD Final is organised by the MD Young Ambassadors Officer Lion Graham Venables but requires the assistance of the 13 District Officers to support their District Young Ambassadors. I will stay at the Village Hotel from Friday morning to late afternoon on Sunday. Members of Dudley Lions Club as the Host Club help provide a social event for the Young Ambassadors on the Saturday morning and afternoon such as Ten Pin Bowling as some of the candidates are selected for interview on Saturday morning with the remainder on the afternoon. The Panel of Judges select the winner but the decision is not declared until Sunday morning.
The Presentation Ceremony is at 10.45 am and is Hosted by the President of Dudley Lions Club who invite the Mayor Of Dudley. During the Ceremony each of the 13 candidates present their Projects and then the Lead Judge comments on the candidates voluntary service work and then gives the decision on the MD Winner. All Lions are invited to attend on the Sunday.
The District Young Ambassador is usually invited to attend Convention and this year Liam Barrett is available to attend.
To try harder to promote the Young Ambassadors Programme to all Zones to ensure that we have at least 6 candidates attend next years District Final which should be held by the end of November 2012 (as not to clash with the Christmas Activities) because the MD Officer requires details of the District Winner by mid January 2013 to organise for the MD Final in February 2013.
NAME: Jackie Williams OFFICE: Youth Exchange
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION A host family guide is available from me or on the district website. A Powerpoint presentation is available for use for any one who would like to use it.
Thank you to Lions Mary Aslan, Rob and Mary Metcalfe, Darren Blekiron, Jacque Hart for opening their homes to our international guests in summer 2011
I would like to thank Elizabeth Jones who hosted 2 early arrivals.
There was no winter hosting as we had no applications.
It is that time of year again when I ask for hosts this year. The family hosting dates are Wednesday 25th July to Sat 4th Aug when they go onto youth Centre 2012 in Liverpool. Anyone infested in Hosting should contact me before 22nd April so that I will be able to barter for the exchangee at the MD meeting that you would like
Volunteers are also needed for the airport on Wednesday 25th July and Tuesday13th August. I’m sure that we will be asked to help with them returning home
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR To be the top hosting District in MD 105 so please help we only need to beat District A and SW.
To send out an exchange list of who is coming to the UK so you can have a choice of the exchangee you would like to host.
NAME: Jackie Williams OFFICE: Youth Exchange CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION A host family guide is available from me or on the district website. A Powerpoint presentation is available for use for any one who would like to use it. Thank you to Lions Mary Aslan, Rob and Mary Metcalfe, Darren Blekiron, Jacque Hart for opening their homes to our international guests in summer 2011 I would like to thank Elizabeth Jones who hosted 2 early arrivals.
There was no winter hosting as we had no applications.
It is that time of year again when I ask for hosts this year. The family hosting dates are Wednesday 25th July to Sat 4th Aug when they go onto youth Centre 2012 in Liverpool. Anyone infested in Hosting should contact me before 22nd April so that I will be able to barter for the exchangee at the MD meeting that you would like Volunteers are also needed for the airport on Wednesday 25th July and Tuesday13th August. I’m sure that we will be asked to help with them returning home . OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR To be the top hosting District in MD 105 so please help we only need to beat District A and SW. To send out an exchange list of who is coming to the UK so you can have a choice of the exchangee you would like to host.
NAME : Roger Handcock OFFICE : Health & Environment Committee Chairman CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION Apart from District Forum, the members of the Health Committee have carried out their functions on an individual basis this year. Prior to Forum, members of the committee met together to discuss their plans for the year and their Forum presentations. No further meetings have taken place. The majority of members of our committee had dual roles and were therefore required to attend other meetings before Cabinet meetings. They were therefore unable to be in two places at once ! Five members of the committee participated in a presentation at our last Forum as follows : Sight Preservation Awareness & Action Officer, Lion Ian Haffner – Lions Eye Health Programme (LEHP) Signature Project. Learning Difficulties Officer, Lion Wim Hoogerwerf – Lions involvement with local issues relating to learning difficulties. Message in a Bottle Officer, Lion Chris Haynes – update on the Lions lifesaving scheme to record medical information. Environment Officer, Lion Bob Dutton (and Barbara Tree) – Environment Projects including Lions Clubs International Tree Planting Programme. Speech & Hearing Officer, Lion Roger Handcock – Update on Speech & Hearing issues and production of newsletter – HEAR THIS.
I would like to take this opportunity of thanking the members of the team who have carried out their related tasks and duties and for the hard work they have put into promoting their various activities.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR I know that some of the team will hope to carry on in their roles for the coming year and build on the experience gained during this past year. I am currently working on a “general” presentation that will cover all aspects of our committee activities. Hopefully all future members of the committee will be able to use this for carrying out individual presentations to Clubs and Zone meetings in their vicinity. NAME : Roger Handcock OFFICE : Speech & Hearing Officer CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION Trying to make an impression on the subject of hearing loss often appears to be an uphill struggle. However, I keep telling myself I am going to get there someday and that keeps me soldiering on. I suppose at this stage I have to say I am somewhat surprised at the apparent lack of awareness of issues relating to “hearing loss2 as, according to “Action on Hearing Loss” (the new name for the Royal National Institute for the Deaf), the number of people in the UK with some form of hearing loss has increased from one-in-seven to one-in-six, largely due, I am told, to people living longer. Background noise in television programmes continues to be an emotive subject with many hearing loss sufferers and one I am constantly trying to address. However, whilst many people agree with it being a problem, it would appear that few support the campaign to have something done about it. Although it seems to get its fair share of press coverage it does not seem to filter through to the programme makers ! Three issues of HEAR THIS have been published again this year and are available to view on the District Website The current issue will be available during the District Convention period. Feed-back tells me it is still being read and one club in our District acquired 200 copies of one issue for distribution at a Lions Club event. I have even heard that it is read abroad. I attended the annual Multiple District Speech & Hearing meeting at Lions MD Headquarters on 28th August 2011. I also took the training course in Deaf Awareness. I am still getting some support for the “used postage stamp collection” to raise funds for a “hearing dog for the Deaf”. Please keep them coming as it is an easy way of raising funds – and it costs nothing ! I have also had some support for “Music and the Deaf” charity. I welcomed the opportunity to be part of a presentation to be part of a presentation at our last Autumn Forum which appeared to be well received by all who attended. I am still promoting the “used hearing aids” collection and hoping to get more support for this project over the coming year. It is another project that costs nothing financially, just a little time. Similar to spectacle collections, used hearing aids can be recycled and used in third world countries to assist people with hearing loss, just as spectacles can help with sight loss. Once again may I remind you of the effect of hearing loss. Deafness is not a highly visible disability and many people do not appreciate the difficulties which deafness brings, including feelings of exclusion and the inability to participate fully in activities which people with good hearing take for granted. Only those that have the problem seem to appreciate the frustration of poor hearing. Finally, a heartfelt warm THANK YOU to everyone who has supported my endeavours during the past year (and beyond). I really do appreciate what you do and on behalf of all who have benefited from your support, again THANK YOU.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR To continue in my efforts to make Lions and the public more aware of the problems encountered by people with speech & hearing difficulties and to develop better understanding and tolerance of the problem.
NAME : Rajni Hindocha OFFICE : Diabetes Awareness CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION I am not aware of any District Clubs doing any activity about Diabetes. No request for any support received since last presentation at Zone I meeting in Lionistic year 2010 – 11. OVERVIEW FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR To give necessary support about Diabetes Awareness in line with District Strategy document to the interested Clubs in the District. Please contact me by e-mail : [email protected]
NAME : Bob Dutton OFFICE : Environment Officer CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. Since this is my first year as Environment Officer for the District I have been finding my feet, however I have been rescued by DG Neil who at the International Convention in Seattle last year pledged that this District would plant 1000 trees during his year of office. Thus the main thrust for Environment this year has been Tree Planting. My initial calls for action in this area were disappointing, in fact only a couple of Clubs responded positively to my entreaties, However between them the Sandwell and Aldridge Clubs planted nearly 2400 saplings on one weekend in November thus easily passing our target with more than half of the Lions year remaining. In January I was informed by Kingswinford & Stourbridge Lions that they were negotiating with Dudley MBC to plant trees in Priory Park Dudley, and by the time this convention comes round 280 rhododendron bushes should have been planted. I have attempted to put clubs in touch with organizations like The Woodland Trust who supply quantities of saplings etc at no cost to suitable applicants. There are restrictions applying on where these trees can be planted, but in general there seems to be little problem with finding suitable public spaces that require landscaping in this way, if they are looked for. I would urge clubs to consider planting trees in honour of The Queens Diamond Jubilee, for which the official celebrations will be taking place in June of this year. Other environmental matters such as the 105M Environment Awareness Programme instituted last year by my predecessor have been temporarily held in abeyance and I shall be continuing with this work in due course.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR To continue to keep clubs informed on environmental matters and to encourage them to take participate where they can.
NAME: Wim Hoogerwerf OFFICE: Learning Difficulties Officer CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. I am pleased to report that Clubs are now informing of their activities with people with learning disabilities. Knowing what is being done in the District will allow me to disseminate information to the Clubs.
I was pleased to attend Shakespeare Clubs Panto for People with Learning Disabilities. The theatre was full and tickets were sold for the town panto dress rehearsal at 50% normal concessions. Half the proceeds goes to the panto and half to special needs in the area. Every one wins. Ask Lion Tony Jones of Shakespeare their panto “supremo” for further information if you would like to do this in your own club. email [email protected]
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR I hope to continue encouraging clubs to work with people with Learning disabilities even if they are in private care places as they are again in danger of being isolated because of the financial savings that have to made in care budgets.
NAME : Chris Haynes OFFICE : Message in a Bottle/Medic Alert CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012 PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST DISTRICT CONVENTION Message in a Bottle Since the last our last convention the clubs in Northamptonshire have voted to drop the Lions Life Line scheme and move to the MD MIAB scheme. I have not been able to confirm how many boxes of bottles have been distributed in the district during the last year. If your club has purchased bottles during the last year can you please let me know by email the numbers ordered. (email: [email protected]) this will give me a record of the number of clubs involved in the scheme. All supplies should be ordered through the MDHQ. I would encourage all clubs to support and promote the Lions Message in a Bottle Scheme during
Medic Alert The Medic Alert Foundation has mover to The Medic Alert Foundation Witan Court 327/329 Upper Fourth Street Central Milton Keynes MK9 1EH Office phone numbers Admin 01908 951060 Our contact is James Phillips his direct line is 01908 951026
I do have some Medicalert Literature in an electronic format which I can send to any clubs requiring it. Email [email protected]
NAME : Ian Haffner OFFICE : Sight Preservation Awareness & Action CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. Several clubs took part in World Sight Day, 13th October 2011, which coincided with Lions Awareness Week. Thanks to those clubs that held events and for sending me the details.
Lions Sightsavers Donations for District 105M covering the period to December 2011 total £500.00. Lions Sightsavers has been included on the District Officers Recommendations List and further donations are still to come through. Continue to communicate with the MD Sight Officer on sight related issues and liaise with clubs on sight queries. Attending MD Sight Officers Meetings 2 per year, as well as attending Zone and club meetings.
Attended Autumn Forum delivered a presentation on Lions Eye Health Programme (LEHP), part of the Lions Signature Projects.
Spectacles continue to be recycled with additional clubs setting up collection points for the first time. Clubs have also successfully added new collection points a recent example is local public library who are now successfully acting as a collection point.
Two Sight Newsletters issued so far covering World Sight Day and LEHP and Spectacle Collections.
Attended Health Committee Meetings chaired by Lion Roger Handcock, thanks for your support over the year.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR Plan to attend Membership Meeting on the 19th February. Thanks to Lion Heather Lee for the invitation, the meeting will have a focus on the Lions Signature Project. Continue to keep clubs informed of sight related issues increase the number of clubs taking part in World Sight Day, Spectacle Collections and donating to Lions Sightsavers. Promote all other local and international sight related activities.
NAME : Femi Onabolu OFFICE : Chairman International Committee & International Relations Officer CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. The International Committee team this year, remained the same as last year’s but with the addition of the Cultural and Music Competition officer transferred from Youth committee in line with the MD request for reclassification as an International project. The Committee functioned satisfactorily having held 3 regular quarterly meetings, published 2 Newsletters, brought resolutions to Cabinet which all received approval, members attendance at Zones, Clubs, MD and Northsea Lions meetings relevant to their various positions and enhanced communication of their programmes to Lions in the District. My gratitude as Chairman goes to DG Neil for giving us the opportunity to serve the District in our various positions with hopes that he has not been disappointed with our committee’s achievements. I must also thank each and every member of the committee for the tremendous efforts they have each put in to create a very high profile for their offices; I congratulate John on his appointment as Secretary to the Northsea Lions Board of Directors and Pauline and Richard for moving up to higher positions in services to the District.
Emphasis on International Relations have this year been more on Twinning, UNICEF Edukits, Malawi Education Programme, Gift for Living, Lions/Moorfields Korle Bu projects and the Europa Forum. Information on most of these were sent out through our Newsletters and by e-mail. Much more need to be done on all these for appreciable success to be achieved. It is hoped that next Lions year, more efforts will be put at visits to Clubs for direct contact with Club Lions rather than with the few that attend Zone meetings.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE COMING YEAR It is suggested that the inclusion of the office of Cultural and Music Officer under International be reviewed because it is principally a Youth programme. Twinning is a major part of LCI programme that needs to be encouraged among the Clubs because it will unite Clubs in bonds of friendship, true fellowship and mutual understanding with Lions around the globe and make us truly International. It will also enhance direct charitable contributions to the needy in developing countries through fellow Lions Clubs. UNICEF Edukits and the Malawi Education programmes require a lot more promotional effort in our District and this should be one of our priorities next year. In view of the several International programmes and projects that require constant attention and dissemination of information , it will be necessary to encourage Clubs in the District to appoint an International Relations officer who will be the contact point and promoter of International programmes in their respective Clubs. Thanks to the Lions magazine, members receive a lot of news on what goes on in our MD and the World of Lions; the International Relations officer will need to pick up important messages and bring to the attention of our members through e-mails, Newsletters and reports because fewer members actually read the magazine.
Long Live International Association of Lions Clubs, Long Live MD 105 and Long Live District 105M NAME : Richard Wilson OFFICE : LCIF District Coordinator CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. Manned a stand at District Convention and Autumn Forum selling LCIF Contributing Members Pins and showed the latest DVD’s from LCIF.
Attending a briefing at Heathrow Airport on the launch of the European Measles campaign.
Responded to requests from clubs for information regarding MJF’s. Responded to requests for information from both clubs and Cabinet Officers on all aspects of the work of LCIF
Forwarded information when received on new appeals via District Mailing and International Committee District Newsletters.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR To encourage clubs to donate to LCIF and respond to all requests from clubs for information. To forward all information on LCIF appeals. To man information point at District Convention showing the latest DVD’s and selling Contributing Members pins and the new Measles appeal pins.
To hand over to the new LCIF District Coordinator.
NAME : John Barnes OFFICE : North Sea Lions Officer Convention Report March 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST DISTRICT CONVENTION At our Annual Board meeting in September 2011, held in Lubeck we were updated on the current projects. Our project for 2008/09, (110AZ) Malaika Kids Village in Tanzania has now been completed at a total cost of 153,601 Euros of which 61510 was from NSL. A complete home for forty children and a school were built including financial support for forty children secured by the Lions Club Voorburg for the next five years, Final report for (Project 1) 2009/10 (111NB) was given – this was the refurbishment of the Baltjos Gymnasium,Klaipeda,Lthuania, to make them usable for disabled children – ramps, lift and sanitary facilities were installed plus physiotherapy equipment at as total cost of 131,000 Euros, of which 30000 euros was from NSL.This project was realised in a short time scale. The final report for (Project 2) 2009/10 (110CW) was for school facilities in Kroboda, Burkino Faso, it comprises of complete school building, with furnishings, plus three houses for Teachers, toilet & water facilities. The total cost of this project was 46140 Euros – 31640m euros from NSL. Once again this project was completed in a short time. Progress report was received on the 2010/11 (110CO) project, Himalaya Eye Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal, this for major repairs to the roof at a total cost of 139247 euros of which 66030 was from NSL. At the time of writing this report the project is almost completed. An up to date situation was given on the current year 2011/12 for a permanent eye clinic in Djibo, Burkino Faso, in September District 106C Denmark was awaiting confirmation from LCIF re matching grant before commencing work, however they pledged that the shortfall of 50% would be met from their District funds. Project 2012/13.(105M) I put forward the proposed project for the construction/upgrade of facilities at the Amala Childrens Home, Tamil Nadu, India, the total cost of this project would be 99200 euros. At the time an application was being made for a grant from LCIF of 38940 euros which has subsequently been rejected by LCIF board – one of the reasons given was that there was insufficient financial imput from this District. The project at this stage is £30K short although we have now been pledged a private donation of £10K we are still looking at obtaining other financial support. However the situation has now changed at Amala, earlier this year they were hit by a typhoon which has virtually demolished the buildings we were seeking to replace, this has now meant a slight change of plan by this District, already £7K has been sent by the trust in this country to start the rebuilding of the Kitchen/Dining facilities in order that the school can continue functioning – it has been agreed that this rebuilding will be done in accordance with the plans submitted to NSL, as a District we have now re-evaluated what we would be left to do and on the current calculations we are approx £5K short of our target. Although achieving our original target would enable us to replace equipment and furnishings.
From the Past to the Future – Over the past thirty-one years the ten NSL districts have carried out meaningful international projects in the Third World and lately in the Eastern European block – all these projects, with the exception of only a few, are still working effectively. The long term activities of NSL are still unique in the Lions world. Apart from our dedication to improving the quality of life for thousands of people who in the main have not had any facilities provide by their Governments, we have built up a unique bond of friendship between ten districts in Europe and the members within them. On behalf of NSL board I attended Europa Forum in October to give a presentation about NSL,for the first time in our history - the objective was to preach the gospel of what we do and have done and also to invite other Districts to join us. We as a District ask for a donation of £80 per club, annually, to NSL funds, during the year 2010/11 only 50% of the Clubs in the District donated, I am grateful to those clubs who give more, thus subsidising those who do not donate. We as a District (by Convention Resolution) have committed/pledged to NSL to give 80 euros per club annually. Over the years we have always been able to meet this commitment, when there has been a shortfall we have always been able to make it up from surplus funds in our Charity Account. Unfortunately given the lack of any surplus funds within the District Charity account, due to no interest being earned, if there is a shortfall from Clubs, District would no longer be able to carry out its obligation and therefore we would reluctantly have to pull out of the NSL, an organisation of which this District was the founding father. Our fellow Districts mostly achieve 100% contribution. WHY CAN’T WE
NAME: Pauline Hoogerwerf OFFICE: Water Projects & Street Children CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. Water Projects: Since Convention last year, we received the results of the survey that was carried out on our ten wells in Niger. The survey showed that all wells are in need of repair and refurbishment and that it will cost approximately £2,000 for each well to be brought to a satisfactory condition where the water level is sufficient to meet the needs of the communities they serve. It is also planned that each well will have a cover over it, to prevent future sanding up.
At the start of the new Lions year in July, I launched my appeal to raise the necessary funding. The appeal has been very positively received and, at the time of writing this report, over £3,000 has already been received from 18 Lions Clubs, 1 Rotary Club and 5 individuals.
Special mention must be given to Kenilworth Lions Club which has pledged £2,000 and Lion Bob Stear from Kenilworth is running the Stockholm Marathon in June and hoping to raise enough money to sponsor a whole well. I have also been contacted by a Zone Chairman to say that his Zone is considering sponsoring a well. In addition, £2,500 has been set aside from the District Charity reserves and Knowle & Dorridge Lions Club is considering a donation from their Fun Run proceeds in the next Lions year.
WORLD WATER DAY IS 22ND MARCH. If we could between us raise £10,000 by the time of District Convention, that would be a fantastic achievement, and I urge those Clubs who have not already sent their donations for this year, to do so as soon as possible.
Once again, we are hearing on the news about famine and great need in Niger. These ten Lions wells provide a clean water supply to over 25,000 people, plus all their animals and are vital to the communities they serve. Having a fresh water supply gives dignity to people who are surviving in extremely harsh conditions. By providing fresh water to people in one of the poorest countries in the world, Lions can help to prevent many of the diseases associated with poverty, such as dysentery, bilharzia, river blindness and trachoma.
Street Children “Tonight millions of children around the world will sleep on the streets.” This year, donations for street children have, once again, been directed to the Railway Children Project. Since their inception in 1995, Railway Children has helped many thousands of children and young people living alone and at risk on the streets. They believe that early intervention is a crucial aspect of preventing children living on the streets coming to harm, and reaching street children before an abuser can is a vital element of their work.
Railway Children has projects in the UK and is constantly expanding its programme to provide support to vulnerable youngsters. For further information visit their website at: http://www.railwaychildren.org.uk
At the time of writing, £400 has been donated by 8 Lions Clubs
Edukits/School in a Box Working in conjunction with UNICEF, Lions continue to provide Edukits for children around the world, in areas where conflict or natural disasters have disrupted their lives. Each kit contains enough teaching materials for 40 pupils and now includes a wind-up radio, so they can keep in touch with the outside world.
Each kit costs £170. To date, £1,170 has been received by the District Treasurer, from 8 Lions Clubs – sufficient to purchase almost 7 complete kits.
OVERVIEW OF DIRECTION FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR Continue promoting Water and Street Children projects to the best of my ability. Encourage Clubs to donate to the recommended projects. Start work on repairing our wells in Niger.
NAME : Martin Bye. OFFICE : Immediate Past District Governor CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
Well since last Convention I have finished my year as District Governor. It was again disappointing that the outflow of members exceeded the inflow of new members. If we are able to stem these losses to a more realistic level then the District would find itself in a much better position and our finances would be a lot better. It is the duty of each and every Lion Member to ensure that no matter what size their club that they regularly bring in new members. We all get older and if we want the Lions organisation to be around in 50 years time then each of us must take ownership for ensuring that our Lions Clubs remain active with new members and new ideas. This is a big challenge and I feel sure that it is one that we all will get to grips with.
The F & A Committee last year managed to put in place controls for any expenditure and that no money is spent unless it has been authorised by them. Where a committee has its own budget then they have to work within the set budget. You will see from the District Treasurer’s report that our income has fallen due not only to reduced membership but also no interest from the banks.
Since July the new District Governor’s membership team have been hard at work with the smaller clubs in the District, those under 10 members of which we have 16. And they also have in the pipeline 4 new clubs to be started this year. They need members to volunteer to help so if any member has the time please contact the membership team.
Further information may be seen from previous Cabinet reports.
I wish you all a good year and look forward to seeing some of you at both the District Convention and the Multiple District Convention.
OBJECTIVES : To give my support to the District and the District Governor throughout the remainder of the Lions year.
NAME: Paul Anstice. OFFICE: 1st Vice District Governor CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. Work this year as 1st Vice District Governor has very much continued from where I left off last year as 2nd Vice District Governor, one of hard work, learning, planning for the future and finding time to have fun. Being part of the Governors team, I have met with the District Governor and the 2nd Vice District Governor on a monthly basis to discuss and make decisions in the governance of the District. Like last year, this has been invaluable in learning experience as I move towards being District Governor. This year is the first year in the planned change to shared Club visits by the Governors Team and by the time of Convention I will have almost completed my visits for the year. This District has been one of the last in the Multiple District to introduce the shared visit concept and it was with a degree of uncertainty of how this would be received by clubs that I began my visits this year. I am pleased to report that this concept has been received well by the clubs I have visited and many Lions in the District feel that it may make it easier for Lions to put themselves forward to be Governor in the future. I have enjoyed each and every club visit and amazed and heartened at how much service in the various communities is carried out the Lions of this District. As reported elsewhere as 1st Vice District Governor I have chaired the Finance and Administration Committee. I have also sat on the Long Range Planning, GMT and GLT committees and have attended most meeting this year. Training to be District Governor has continued this year and I have attended weekends in September 2011 and January 2012 at St Johns Hotel Solihull with my 1st Vice District Governors and partners from the other Districts in the Multiple District. I have also my first Council meeting as an observer at the end of January 2012 and with my counterparts elected our Chairman of Council for 2012-2013. Plans and arrangements are well advanced for attending Multiple District Convention in Birmingham in May and International Convention at Busan in South Korea from the middle of June. Socially, by Convention Lion Jackie and I will have attended or plan to attend eight charters either deputising for District Governor Neil and Beryl as official guests or to celebrate with our friends in Lions. We have also had a weekend away in Exeter with the other Multiple District 1st Vice District Governors and partners and attended the 50th Charter celebration of Exeter Lions Club, the mother club of 1st Vice District Governor SW, Lion Julian Chadwick.
NAME : Simon Moss. OFFICE : 2nd Vice District Governor CONVENTION REPORT MARCH 2012
PROGRESS ACHIEVED SINCE LAST CONVENTION. Since being elected at last year’s convention I have had a busy year. By the time this year’s convention arrives I will have visited a zone meeting in every zone and will be well into a series of 15 club visits as 2nd VDG.
During the year I have chaired the long range planning committee (see separate report) and been a member of the finance and administration committee, the global membership team and the global leadership team. As a member of the DG’s team I
NAME: Lion Neil Chisholm OFFICE: District Governor Convention Report March 2012
It can be difficult to know where to start, but I will try and update you from where my last Convention report finished. One of the hardest jobs that the incoming District Governor has to do is to form the District Cabinet. You think you have got all the jobs covered and then someone changes their mind and you have to start again. At the same time you are completing six assignments before going to District Governor Training School in Seattle which takes place just before the International Convention. However before that I will never forget the coming in ceremony at the MD Convention in Belfast. Back to the International Convention which is very slickly presented and the Parade through Downtown Seattle was enjoyable as were the Receptions which had been arranged by various countries. It was great to get away to tour round the Rockies before flying back in to Birmingham Airport. There I was greeted by Lions at the Airport, who were there to meet the Youth Exchange Students and not me, but at least I had a chance to speak to the students before they moved off to various parts of the country. To date I have attended three Council of Governors meeting with my fellow District Governors from across the Multiple District. Over a long weekend we would spend over 17 hours on Lions business. Our last meeting is just before the MD Convention in May. As the District Governors team I am having monthly meetings with the Vice District Governors to discuss the way forward. The most interesting part of the job are the club visits. I have managed to visit 48 clubs to date with only a few more to do. It has amazed me how diverse they all are and how much Community work is undertaken as well as the Fund Raising. We do need to try and get the message across to the general public as this is the best way of attracting members. It is pleasing to see that the majority of the club have web sites, but not all are up to date. A few that I have visited are also on facebook and twitter. I was pleased with the positive response I have had about the Autumn Forum from those who attended. We are also ahead of the game in promoting the Signature Projects, Lions Eye Health Programme (LEHP) and Young Leaders in Service (YLIS) which have been launched at the beginning of this year. A highlight in September was the opening of the Shelter at the National Arboretum by our patron Sophie HRH the Countess of Wessex. I was able to give her one of my postcards and remind her of the conversation that we had in Leeds when I was a DG in waiting. World Sight week saw Beryl and myself visiting the Coventry Centre for the Blind which has been supported by Coventry Leofric both practically and financially since it became a Charitable Trust 18 months ago. On World Sight day we were in Kenilworth where the Mayor, Mayoress and the President of Kenilworth Lions were blindfolded and were lead through the town on Coffee Bar crawl. I would say that both experiences were eye opening! “It’s a Knockout” takes place at the Three Counties Showground. The involves adults who have Learning Difficulties and is organised by Malvern Hill Lions with help from neighbouring clubs. The games are designed by the participants and they also have a picture competition based upon the theme. What is good about this project is the amount of work which untaken before the day of the competition. The highlight of the year to date was the chance to march passed the Cenotaph in London on Remembrance Sunday on behalf of the Lions in the District. Again I have been pleased by the response to plant as many trees as we have members a challenge set by the International President. In November I helped plant 420 trees in Aldridge and 987 trees in Sandwell this of course was with an army of Lions. In Sandwell we were faced with being up to our knees in manure. An unexpected treat!! Following this there was a quick change of clothes and it was off to the District Young Ambassador Final in Birmingham. There were four exceptionally good candidates and you will hear from our winner at this Convention. In January I was at the Boccia Games for people with Cerebral Palsy in Wolverhampton. It was good to see 32 Lions from 8 different clubs helping on the day. The enjoyment that the kids get by just taking part was immeasurable. It was a moving experience. By the time you read this report the International President Wing – Kun Tam will have come and gone. He is this area on Monday 12th March and will be planting a tree outside the Lions Shelter at the National Arboretum in the afternoon and in the evening he will be speaking at Kegworth. Both events are open to all Lions to attend. I am fully aware that I have missed out some of the functions and activities which I have been involved in with Clubs over this year. If you want to know more have a look at the District Governors Newsletter which on the District Web site. I would like to thank clubs for making me very welcome on my visits.
And Finally - all I can say is “SMILE WE SERVE”.
Lions Clubs International District 105M Nominations and Resolutions for Convention 2012
There is one nomination for District Governor 2012/13 Lion Paul Anstice and one nomination for First Vice Governor Lion Simon Moss. There are two nominations for Second Vice Governor from Lions George Billingham and Ian Haffner.
The Resolutions are:- Resolution Number 1
Submitted By District 105M Cabinet Proposed by: PDG Lion Brian Burgess Seconded by: VDG Lion Paul Anstice
“This Convention resolves that, in order to ensure the approved administrative expenses of District 105M for the fiscal year 2012/13, the Annual Subscription be increased by £1.25 to £10.00pa per Lion Member. The Subscription to be payable in two (2) instalments of £5.00 on 1st August 2012, based upon membership at 30th June 2012, and £5.00 on 1st February 2013, based upon membership at 31st December 2012.”
District Budget Budget 2011/12 Audit 2009/10
Income Dues 1000 @ £10.00 10000 9301 Club/Cabinet Fines 100 115 Interest 0 6 MBNA Royalties 150 222 Total Income 10250 9644
Expenses Officers Expenses 3000 2536 Convention 2013 2500 1599 Convention 2013 PID gift 100 DG’s Allowance 500 500 NSL Allowance 450 450 Incoming Officers 100 -14 Forum 2012 250 241 Room Hire 500 501 Printing/Stationery 150 711 Equipment Replacement 100 Internet 113 Regalia/Supplies 150 0 Membership/Leadership 1600 2921 Membership small clubs 900 Audit 350 0 Reserves -175 0
Total Expenses 10650 10457
Surplus/Deficit -400
Explanation for the increase in District dues.
In line with the current economic climate, the District Administration budget for 2012- 2013 has been set that is lean but will still allow the efficient management of the District. Some items of expenditure have been deferred until 2013-2014 or later. Last year District dues were held at the 2010-2011 level and were calculated against a predicted District membership of 1,100. In reality, District membership began 2011- 2012 at 1,039 and therefore the actual income from dues has not the predicted level. For 2012-2013, dues have been based upon a more conservative District membership of 1,000 which results in an annual District subscription of £10 per annum which will be collected as £5 each half year. Income at this level will still result in a small deficit in the budget but this will be absorbed in order to limit the increase in subscriptions this year and the burden on Lions within the District.
Resolution Number 2
Submitted By District 105M Cabinet Proposed by: VDG Lion Simon Moss Seconded by: PCC Lion Mike Cooke
This Convention agrees that where clubs are required to be notified in writing that this may be done by email to the Club President and Secretary. Clubs may also notify in writing by email to District Secretary and District Officers.
District 105M District Constitution
Any Delegate wishing to speak on any Resolution or any other matter of business shall stand, must use a microphone, when available, announce his / her name and Club and address the District Governor (Chair). On the District Governor (Chair) standing any speaker shall yield to the Chair and immediately resume his / her seat. Resolutions and amendments shall only be moved and seconded by either nominees on behalf of the Cabinet or registered Delegates on behalf of a Club. The Mover of a Resolution shall be entitled to the right of reply except where the original Resolution has been displaced by an amendment. The Seconder of a Resolution shall formally second the Resolution and may reserve his / her right to speak later. Delegates may only speak once on the subject being debated. The election of candidates for office shall be by written secret ballot and any candidate must receive a majority of 50% plus one vote of the votes cast by those delegates present to be declared elected. The voting on any Resolution / amendment on general business shall be by show of Delegate Cards of those present and voting and the District Governor (Chair) shall declare the result or order a count. Any Resolution on a Constitutional matter requires the approval of at least 2/3 rds of the registered delegates present and voting. Time limits on Speakers : District Governor & Vice District Governor Candidates 5mins Proposers of Resolutions 3mins Seconders of Resolutions 2mins Host Club Presentations 3mins All other speakers from the floor 2mins The District Governor (Chair) shall have the absolute discretion to the length of time allowed to all categories of speakers.