Parkland School District

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Parkland School District


REVIEW TITLE I MONITORING DOCUMENT  Parent Involvement (See Handout)  Information was reviewed and discussed. Our program meets all requirements.

REVIEW SURVEY RESULTS Surveys were reviewed. Parent Surveys  Parent Surveys were emailed to Parents in the April and May Monthly Connect- Ed message  Parent Surveys were distributed by Reading Specialists in May to all parents. Teacher Surveys  Teacher surveys were emailed to Title I Assistants, Reading Specialists and Principals in April Student Surveys  Student surveys were shared with students in May

REVIEW 2016-2017 Preliminary BUDGET $709,134  Parent Involvement –No edits were made to the plan for 2016-17. 1% to Parent and Family Involvement Preliminary Budget for 2016-2017 is $7,092. This funding supports salaries, materials and dinner for orientation and four parent workshops. Workshops are intended to educate parents on how to improve their child’s academic performance. Attendance by parents is a priority.

 Camp Discover $70,000 for Salaries and Benefits  Conferences $1200 PAFPC and $700 SPAC  Staff Development $1500  Homeless $500  Salaries/Benefits Remainder of the Budget divided proportionally to each school based on grant formula and ranking


Parents suggested a list of phrases teachers can use when communicating with parents.

Georgia will submit her ideas to Marge.

D:\Docs\2018-04-23\080ac01bb6062c1727e50bc649189be3.doc 2016 STATE PARENT ADVISORY COUNCIL CONFERENCE

 Dates: July 18-20, 2016

 Location: Seven Springs, PA

 Andrea Hernandez is attending Camp with her 2 children.

 Possible presentation at November 16, 2016 meeting


 District and Schoolwide Parent Involvement Policy 5.1 o The content of the document was reviewed and will stay the same, but the look of the document and requirement language will change slightly to match the language in PDE’s monitoring document. Marge will revise the layout and send to members then post to the Title I Website.  Each School’s Parent Participation Policies were reviewed and/or revised and posted to the website.


Go Math Workshop –November 15, 2016 -This workshop is intended to educate parents on ideas for assisting their child’s learning with Go Math. Ironton @ 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

Reading /Writing January 10, 2017- This workshop is intended to educate parents on ideas for assisting their child’s learning with Reading and Writing. Kratzer @ 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. An author visit with Felicia Chernesky will be held at Barnes and Noble.

Raising Readers- March 2017- This workshop is for Parents of Preschool Children who will be attending Kindergarten in the Fall of 2017. It will focus on early literacy skills and is open to all parents regardless of Title I status. @ Troxell 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

Summer Adventures Workshop –May 14, 2017 -This workshop is intended to educate parents on ideas for continuing their child’s learning during the summertime. Parkway Manor Kratzer @ 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Next year parents would like to have a list of free or inexpensive ideas Investigate Hawk Mountain, and Newspaper Ideas

LOCAL ACADEMIC ASSESSMENTS  STAR K-5 Testing o BOY, MOY, EOY o Brief Screener of Literacy Skills

D:\Docs\2018-04-23\080ac01bb6062c1727e50bc649189be3.doc o Progress Monitoring Piece o Shows Growth o Diagnostic Piece  LEAD 21 Placement Test  LEAD 21Quarterly Benchmark Testing  LEAD 21 Writing Assessments  Math Benchmark Testing  STATE/STUDENT ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT STANDARDS  SAS Website o . PA Common Standards

 STATE ACADEMIC ASSESSMENTS  PSSA Testing o The School Performance Profile o Grades 3 - 8 Students take PSSA Tests in ELA and Math o Grade 4 and 8 Students take Science Test o Aligned to the PA Core Standards

HOW TO MONITOR A CHILD’S PROGRESS Use the Data o Conversations with Classroom Teacher o Homework o Test scores o Report cards-New Report Card Standard Based


The information sent home with LLI activities is vague, perhaps more instructions could be included.

Parents were very thankful for the opportunity to participate in this advisory council and said it was a great experience and that our Parkland Title I students are lucky to have such a quality program.

Parents on the council would like an opportunity to share with other Title I Parents. It was suggested that they could provide a testimonial to next year’s parents during the October Orientation meeting.

Reading Specialists were appreciative of their parents’ involvement and are sad to say good bye to them as reps.

Many parents will return next year- Thank you!. Andrea H is redistricting to Schnecksville and has agreed to represent her new building next year. Thank you! Jennifer S is redistrict to Parkway Manor and has agreed to represent her new building next year. Thank you!

D:\Docs\2018-04-23\080ac01bb6062c1727e50bc649189be3.doc Thank you for your time and energy this year! Have a wonderful summer!

Next Meeting November 16, 2016 10:00 a.m. -11:15 a.m.


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