Exemplar Summative Report Statements

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Exemplar Summative Report Statements

Exemplar Summative Report Statements For KS1 and KS2 Children


Y1 Siân has really enjoyed her physical education sessions this year. Siân is able to change into and out of her P.E. kit quickly. Siân is able to use space well and can work on her own and in a small group. Siân’s gross motor skills are developing well and her fine motor skills are also improving. Siân likes the games activities and gymnastic/dance activities equally. Sian needs to develop her catching skills.

Y2 Siân has continued to make good progress in Physical Education. Siân’s work in gymnastics and dance has been particularly pleasing. Her ability to plan her work, perform well and evaluate her work and the work of others is good. Siân understands the importance of exercise and its effects on her body. Sian needs to continue to develop her personal fitness.

Y3 I am a little disappointed with Siân’s progress in Physical Education this year. Her illness and leg injury have obviously made improvement difficult for Siân, but she remains enthusiastic and interested in all aspects of the subject. It is important for Sian to regain the strength and flexibility in her injured leg.

Y4 An excellent year’s work from Siân. The standards achieved by her in games (short tennis, dragon rugby) gymnastics, dance and swimming have really been first class. Siân is able to plan effectively, perform with high levels of skill and evaluate thoughtfully. Siân is an excellent swimmer and enjoys both the school swimming sessions and the extra-curricular club activities. Sian needs to continue to work hard and enjoy her activities.

Y5 Due to the remodelling of the school hall this year and non-use of the school fields the opportunities for Physical Education have been limited. However Siân’s progress in swimming has been excellent and her County representation was deserved. Siân did reasonably well during the Outdoor and Adventurous Activities week in Pendine this term. She mastered the orienteering exercises, but needed a little more practice at the absailing and canoeing activities.

Y6 Siân has continued to produce work of the highest standards in all aspects of Physical Education. Siân is very good at all aspects of the games curriculum. Siân is also a fine athlete and performs exceptionally well in all athletic events. Siân a has a very good understanding of Physical Education and evaluates her work, and the work of others well. She makes a very positive contribution in discussing the health related aspects of the subjects. It has been a pleasure to teach Siân. I hope Sian continues to make excellent progress in the Secondary School. Tomos

Y1 Tomos has settled down reasonably well in his physical education session. His lack of co- ordination has hindered his progress in getting changed into and out of his P.E. kit. At first Tomos was a little frightened in the large hall space but now he is happy to participate. Tomos prefers to work on his own, but he is gradually starting to think about other children.

Y2 Tomos has continued to make steady if slow progress. Tomos finds it difficult to plan his work but if given clear instructions he will perform with care. Tomos likes gymnastic activities and also shows some interest in movement to music. Tomos finds games skills difficult but he tries very hard to practice and master shown techniques. Tomos needs to develop his throwing and catching skills.

Y3 Tomos has shown a real interest in swimming this term. He certainly has good ability in all strokes on his front and his back. Tomos’s gymnastics and dance continues to show steady improvement and his evaluation of others performance is most encouraging. Tomos needs to work hard on his strength and flexibility.

Y4 Tomos has shown substantial improvements in his physical education work throughout the year. His gross and fine motor skills have improved, his general fitness levels have risen and his self confidence has increased. Tomos can now plan perform and evaluate well in all areas of the P.E. curriculum. Tomos needs to continue his good progress and enjoy his work.

Y5 Tomos has continued to make a very good progress in physical education. In the two new activities for this year, athletics and outdoor and adventurous activities, Tomos performed very well indeed. I think Tomos prefers a team approach to his activities and I know he really enjoyed the week spent at the adventure camp. His problem solving skills were demonstrated to good effect during the challenges set by his friends.

Y6 Tomos plans, performs and evaluates in all aspect of physical education to an excellent standard. His international cap was well deserved and the school is extremely proud of Tomos’s achievement. Tomos continues to be a lovely boy to teach and I hope he enjoys continued success in all his chosen activities. I will make sure my secondary colleagues receive all the necessary information regarding Tomos’s achievements. Examplar End of Key Stage Description

Siân (KS2)

Siân enjoys physical education and has made significant progress in all aspects of her work. Siân demonstrates a good ability to plan her work individually and she co-operates well with others. Through practice and refining her skills Siân has reached an excellent standard of practical performance. Siân has developed her ability to analyse and judge her own work and the work of other pupils.

Siân fully understands the basis and importance of exercise and its effects on her body and health.

Siân has performed particularly well in athletics netball and swimming.

* Sian is exceeding the standard expected for her age.

Tomos (KS1)

Tomos has developed his interest in physical education and now participates fully.

Tomos has tried hard to plan his work and he now does this reasonably well. With the help of others Tomos can contribute to group planning.

Continued practice has enabled Tomos to reach a satisfactory standard of physical performance. The evaluation of his work and the work of others has proved difficult for Tomos but he can, and does, make contributions, particularly in gymnastics.

Tomos observes all the safety features involved in physical education very well. Tomos is also developing his understanding of the benefits of exercise.

* Tomos is achieving the standard expected for his age.

* FOUR CATEGORIES  Working Towards the expected standard  Has Achieved the expected standard  Working Beyond the expected standard  Exceptional Performance

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