Review for the Exam

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Review for the Exam

History & Citizenship 304 Name: ______

Review for the Term 2 HISTORY Exam

The secondary three history exam will take place on ______. My course/section number is: ______. My teacher is: ______.

FORMAT OF EXAM: STUDENT BOOKLET All questions appear in the student booklet.

Part A: SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS Part 1: 11 Short Answer Questions about Native Peoples to 1608 Part 2: 12 Short Answer Questions about New France (1608-1700’S)


Graphic Organizer Included in the exam is a graphic organizer that requires you fill in boxes to plan out your essay question. Use the document booklet to find answers. YOU MUST FILL OUT THE GRAPHIC ORGANIZER. There are marks associated with doing so. This will also really help you to structure your essay.

Essay Sheet The essay is written on one sheet, and requires about 200 words. If there is not enough space, you may write on the back of the paper that is given. ** Use the essay preparation sheets to be ready for this portion of the test. The topic is the changes associated with the creation of Royal Government in 1663

DOCUMENT BOOKLET This collection of documents is used to answer the short answer questions that appear in the student booklet. YOU MUST USE THESE DOCUMENTS.

*** ON YOUR EXAM, YOU MUST: 1. USE THE DOCUMENTS PROVIDED TO SUPPORT YOUR ANSWERS. 2. PLAN YOUR ESSAY BY USING THE GRAPHIC ORGANIZER IN THE Other EXAM information: The content on the exam covers the following general subjects: The role of the natives in Canadian history, the explorers, the fur trade, the significance of Royal Government and the people of New France. REVIEW : 1. THE REVIEW PACKAGE FOR ESSAY ON ROYAL GOVERNMENT 2. “ACE THE EXAM” QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER 1 & 2 3. YOUR CLASSWORK/NOTES 4. THE REVIEW QUESTIONS FOUND HERE   SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS TO REVIEW

1. How did the first Native people arrive in North America? 2. What were characteristics of the Algonquian way of life? 3. What were characteristics of the Iroquois way of life? 4. In which physiographic regions of Quebec did the Iroquois, Algonquian and Inuit live? 5. What are two qualities needed to be a Native chief? 6. What was the role did the elders play in Native society? 7. What subsistence activity enabled the Iroquois to provide themselves with food? 8. What were two purposes of Jacques Cartier’s missions? 9. What were the two main reasons that explorers began their voyages to the North America? 10. What was the first economic activity that led to a relationship between the natives and the Europeans? What was the second? (Hint: They came for the ______, stayed for the ______). 11. What geographical feature enabled the fur trade to begin to develop in North America? 12. Why did Montreal become an important fur trading centre? 13. What did the Europeans introduced to the Natives? 14. How did the natives influence the Europeans?

15. What is the difference between a trading colony and a settlement colony? 16. How did the church influence the life of the people in New France? 17. What was the purpose of the seigneurial system? 18. What were the responsibilities of the seigneur? 19. What were the responsibilities of the censitaire/tenant/habitant? 20. Why did fur trading companies bring over very few settlers? 21. How did the missionaries negatively affect the native population? 22. Who was Jean Talon? Why was he so important? What did he do? 23. What was the main difference between New France and the colonies established by England? (13 colonies) 24. Why was the Company of 100 Associates unsuccessful at populating New France? 25. Why was the presence of soldiers necessary in New France? 26. What is Mercantilism? Explain the term in the context of the history of New France. 27. What is acculturation? 28. What alliances exist in New France? Why were they important? 29. Why was Royal Government created? 30. How did Royal Government change life in New France?


Do you know what these terms mean? Make notes for every word that you are unfamiliar with. Review these words to ensure that you understand what they mean in the context of what we learned in class this year.

THE FIRST OCCUPANTS : Algonkian Iroquois Inuit Métis elders shaman three sisters sedentary nomadic longhouse palisade wigwam matriarchy patriarchy confederacy subsistence economy barter Canadian shield

EXPLORATION: Jacques Cartier Samuel de Champlain

NEW FRANCE: Mercantilism Colony Company of 100 Associates Trading post colony Settlement colony Royal Government (1663) Intendant Jean Talon Carignan-Salieres Regiment (soldiers) Jeanne Mance Engages Filles du Roi Seigneur Seigneurial System or Seigneury Censitaire/ Habitant Mission & Missionairies Tithe Trois-Rivieres Ville Marie The Great Peace of Montreal


Cartier’s voyages = 1534, 1535-36, 1541-42 Champlain – First Permanent Settlement in Quebec City = 1608 Founding of Trois Rivieres = 1634 Founding of Montreal = 1642 Creation of Royal Government = 1663

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