I. General Project Data
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Please submit this Activity Report together with the Payment Claim for the same six-month Phase. Please enclose all supporting documents listed as annexes in your Activity Report.
ESPACE Project Number: CB023
Project Title: ESPACE: European Spatial Planning: Adapting to Climate Events
Partner Name: West Sussex County Council
Country: UK
ESPACE Start Date: 2/10/01
ESPACE End Date: 31/06/07
Activity Report Number: 3
Total Number of Phases in ESPACE Project : 10
Date of Submission to Lead 30/11/04 Partner:
Reference Date (reporting 01/05/04 – 31/10/04 phase):
Partner Activity Report December 2004 1 III. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Boxes can be expanded, but please do not use more than two pages for the Executive Summary.
Summary of the main activities and outcomes. This section should also be used to report on the experience and added-value of working transnationally. It should also include problems encountered and the ways they were overcome.
Main Activities/Outcomes: 1. Image and branding of the project was completed and publicity materials for the project, which include leaflets and mobile display boards, were produced. 2. Both the Countywide project and the project Case Study were launched at public events on Saturday 5th June 2004 and the 8th June 2004 respectively. 3. The website for the project was completed and is online at www.climateforchange.org.uk 4. Consultants, Rosslyn Research completed the survey work to establish current levels of knowledge about climate change within the West Sussex population. A final report on the results is expected by the end of November 2004. 5. The ESPACE Project Officers attended the ESPACE workshop in the Netherlands in June. As lead partner for the Key Action on Raising Awareness, the team led the workshop session on raising awareness which included a presentation of their work undertaken to date, sharing of problems with trans-national partners and learning from other partners experiences of stakeholder engagement. Important connections were made with the project partner Regionaal Landschap Zenne, Zuun en Zoniën at the conference. 6. To develop the transnational links of the ESPACE project, The Countywide project officer has made two visits to Belgium to meet with officers from the project partner RLZZZ. From these meetings it was decided to extend the survey work to include a study in Belgium. The survey work is now complete and results are currently being analysed. 7. The first three Case Study workshops in a programme of five have been held on the Manhood Peninsula. These covered the Built Environment, Leisure & Recreation, and Economy. The 4th topic workshop on the Natural Environment and the final Planning & Integration workshop will be held in November 2004. 8. Both the Project Manager and the Countywide Project Officer attended the trans-national workshop on “Vulnerability” in Wurzburg to present the work that has been undertaken in West Sussex. Links were made with the Technische Universität München who are undertaking similar work in Bayreuth. The Countywide project officer is in contact with him regarding sharing of information. 9. The West Sussex ESPACE officers have been responsible for the co-ordination of reporting from each of the transnational partners on the key action of Raising Awareness for the ESPACE Newsletter.
Partner Activity Report December 2004 2 IV. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ACTION PLAN Please fill in one box per action as listed in your Action Plan. Copy and paste the boxes for as many actions as you have to report on. Please fill in the Action Number from the Annex 1 Action Plan in the ESPACE Bid that your action relates to. Boxes can be expanded, but please do not use more than 2 pages per action.
Before you report on any changes made, you must have already discussed with the Lead Partner any deviations in the implementation of your action plan within the current reporting phase.
Action Action Action Title Planned Results/Outcome Number Number(s) it (according to your (according to your action plan) according to relates to action plan) your action according to plan Annex 1 Action Plan in ESPACE Bid WSCC Action Project management, Project management supervision Plan – Action input and . Project management & delivery @ 0.3 No. 1 administration man years / year over 4 years (Grade 11, SCP 40) Financial & project administration . Report claims to ESPACE co-ordinator (Grade 7, SCP 24) Management of transnational working . Meet NWE partners (RLZZZ) (2 days, Travel £200, Accom £60, Food £40 per person) Appointment of project co-ordinator . Advertisement for post . Selection process / interview . Full time project co-ordinator appointed for 4 years (Grade 10, SCP 35) Purchase of materials . Computer purchase . Computer maintenance Description of how the action was implemented
Project Management activities and financial reporting activities will be ongoing throughout the project.
Project management supervision a) Informal Project Team meetings have been ongoing on a weekly basis (no formal records are kept) as well as regular more formal meetings to develop and monitor the work programme (Annex 1). The Project Team reports on progress against budget and programme to the ESPACE Project Officers Group and the ESPACE Steering Group. b) The ESPACE Project Officers Group has met 4 times in the period (Annexes 2-5). c) The ESPACE Steering Group met on 7th September (Annexes 6-11).
Financial and Project administration a) The Finance officer continues to attend the ESPACE Project Officers Group to provide financial updates. David Thomas has replaced Kin Fermor as finance officer to the project.
Partner Activity Report December 2004 3 Management of Trans-national Working a) The WSCC ESPACE team led the session on Raising Awareness at the trans-national conference in June 2004. All of the officers made presentations and the consultant Rosslyn Research made a presentation on the outline results of the West Sussex survey. Important links were made with other partners, in particular Regionaal Landschap Zenne, Zuun en Zoniën. (Annexes 12-17) b) Meetings have since taken place in Belgium between Tim Yair (West Sussex Project Officer), and Ann Gaeremynck and An Rekkers (officers from RLZZZ). This was to establish possible ways of working together regarding the raising awareness element of their project and the work in West Sussex (see WSCC Action Plan – Action No. 4). (Annexes 18-19)
Appointment of project co-ordinator(s) a) Action completed in February 2004 (Claim Period 2)
Purchase of materials a) Action completed in February 2004 (Claim Period 2)
Description of the concrete results/outcomes achieved
. ESPACE Steering Group 2nd meeting held on 7 September 2004 . Presentations made to ESPACE Trans-national workshop (June 2004) . Trans-national working has been enhanced through the development of joint working between Regionaal Landschap Zenne, Zuun en Zoniën and West Sussex County Council.
Justification for any deviation from the original Action Plan
Supporting annexes (submitted with this report) No. Title/Label Comment 1 Minutes of ESPACE project team meeting (27/10/04) Hard copy + E copy 2 Minutes of ESPACE Project Officers Group (20/04/04) Hard copy + E copy 3 Minutes of ESPACE Project Officers Group (01/06/04) Hard copy + E copy 4 Minutes of ESPACE Project Officers Group (30/06/04) Hard copy + E copy 5 Minutes of ESPACE Project Officers Group (04/08/04) Hard copy + E copy 6 Invitation to ESPACE Steering Group meeting Hard copy + E copy 7 Agenda for ESPACE Steering Group meeting (07/09/04) Hard copy + E copy 8 Finalised Terms of Reference for ESPACE Steering Group Hard copy + E copy 9 Report on Activities to ESG Hard copy + E copy 10 Presentation of Publicity & Media Hard copy + E copy 11 Minutes of ESPACE Steering Group Hard copy + E copy 12 Agenda for transnational workshop (June 2004) Hard copy + E copy 13 Presentation by Tim Yair Hard copy + E copy 14 Presentation by Fran Wallingotn Hard copy + E copy 15 Presentation by Joe Seydel of Rosslyn Research Hard copy + E copy 16 Discussion presentation Hard copy + E copy 17 Photo of workshop in progress Hard copy + E copy 18 Notes of Meeting with RLZZZ Hard copy + E copy 19 Draft proposal for survey work in Belgium Hard copy + E copy
Partner Activity Report December 2004 4 Action Action Action Title Planned Results/Outcome Number Number(s) it (according to your (according to your action plan) According to relates to action plan) your action According to plan Annex 1 Action Plan in ESPACE Bid WSCC Action 3a.1b Seminars and Organise project launch Plan – Action Workshops . Project Launch event and workshop No. 2 Description of how the action was implemented
. The Countywide project was launched on 5 June 2004, to coincide with World Environment Day, in Worthing Town Centre. A trailer was hired for the day and information boards and banners were on display. (Annex 20) . A number of companies had been contacted to gain sponsorship in the form of promotional goods (Annexes 21-22) . ESPACE branded promotional items including sunhats and stickers (Annexes & ) were handed out in addition to sponsored materials that included sunscreens and energy and water saving equipment. . Members of the public were encouraged to make climate change pledges (Annex 23). . The event attracted a large number of people to the stands including local media. WSCC Member Steven Waight gave press interviews and posed for photographs with project officer Fran Wallington. A number of articles were published in the local press. (Annex 24)
Description of the concrete results/outcomes achieved
. The ESPACE Countywide project launch was held in Worthing on 5th June 2004.
Justification for any deviation from the original Action Plan
Supporting annexes (submitted with this report) No. Title/Label Comment 20 Photograph of stand on the launch day Hard copy + E copy 21 Letter to Boots the Chemist Hard copy + E copy 22 Letter to Portsmouth Water Hard copy + E copy 23 Blank sample pledge form Hard copy + E copy 24 Press articles Hard copy only
Partner Activity Report December 2004 5 Action Action Action Title Planned Results/Outcome Number Number(s) it (according to your (according to your action plan) According to relates to action plan) your action According to plan Annex 1 Action Plan in ESPACE Bid WSCC Action 3a.1c; 3a.1d; 3a Project Development Promote project Plan – Action 1f; 3a.1h . Develop image & brand project No. 3 Produce publicity materials . Publish a leaflet . Develop web page on WSCC site . Engage press & media Description of how the action was implemented
Promote project a) The project branding was completed in Claim period 2. Actions to produce publicity materials have been undertaken in CP3.
Produce publicity materials a) The leaflet “A Climate for Change in West Sussex” has been produced and circulated widely at events and through mail shots. Partner organisations in West Sussex have also been provided with copies to circulate themselves to help spread the message. (Annex 25) b) Three mobile display boards were produced for “Effect”, “Impacts” and “Adaptation”. They are used in conjunction with a large banner showing the “Climate for Change” strapline (Annex 26). c) The website, developed by ShockwaveUK and the project officer, has been completed and is now on- line at www.climateforchange.org.uk. Dreamweaver software was purchased to enable in-house updating of the West Sussex project website. (Annexes 27-28) d) A short DVD was produced to promote the project. It features real media footage of ‘local climate events’ and is presented by Nigel Burwood, a reporter on the local television station Meridian. The DVD features a high profile TV presenter, Chris Packham, to maximise its impact on audiences. (Annex 29) e) Promotional materials including branded sunhats (Annexes 30-31) and stickers (Annex 32-33) have been produced. f) Internal publicity has been extensive, from presentations to internal departments (Environment & Development Group lunchtime seminar event, Environment Group, Rural Strategy & Property Services – Annexes 34-37) and articles in internal publications such as The Edge, Staff Connections and on the Intranet (web pages only accessible to WSCC staff) (Annex 38-39). A number of briefings have been given and specific information requests have been dealt with during the period. g) External publicity has been guided by the release of ESPACE press releases from the team to contacts at appropriate news/media companies accompanied by notes to Editors explaining the ESPACE project overall in more detail. (Annex 40-41). h) The ESPACE project officers have given a number of radio interviews during the period to Spirit FM, Splash FM and others. (Annexes not available) i) Presentations have been given at a number of events including, the Planning Policy Officers Group, the Rotary Club, Chichester District Council’s Climate Change Workshop for Council Members, the Environment Agency’s staff lunchtime seminar, and the Sustainability Network. (Annexes 42-46) j) Specific external media has included and awareness raising copy for local children’s magazine, UWI WGI (Annexes 47-48)
Partner Activity Report December 2004 6 Description of the concrete results/outcomes achieved
. Leaflet:, “A Climate for Change in West Sussex” published . Mobile display boards produced . Website, www.climateforchange.org.uk, completed and on-line. . Promotional DVD produced featuring TV celebrity to maximise impact. . Internal WSCC and external new items
Justification for any deviation from the original Action Plan
Supporting annexes (submitted with this report) No. Title/Label Comment 25 A climate for change in West Sussex” leaflet Hard copy 26 Mobile display boards Photo of display in location at Case Stud launch event. Hard copy + E copy 27 Correspondence with website design consultants Hard copy + E copy Shockwave 28 Website, www.climateforchange.org.uk Link to website only 29 “A Climate for Change” DVD Hard copy only 30 Specification drawings for sunhats Hard copy + E copy 31 Photo of sunhats as worn by ESPACE officers at Hard copy + E copy the launch 32 Specification details for stickers Hard copy + E copy 33 Sample sticker as distributed at publicity events Hard copy only 34 Presentation to Environment and Development Hard copy + E copy Lunchtime Seminar 35 Presentation to Environment Group Hard copy + E copy 36 Presentation to Rural Strategy Group Hard copy + E copy 37 Presentation to Property Services Group Hard copy + E copy 38 Articles in WSCC internal publications Hard Copy only 39 WSCC intranet screenshots Hard copy + E copy 40 WSCC press releases Hard Copy only 41 Copy of notes to Editors (which accompanies all Hard copy + E copy press releases) 42 Copy of PPOG minutes Hard copy + E copy 43 Presentation to the Rotary Club Hard copy + E copy 44 Presentation to Chichester District Council Hard copy + E copy Member’s Climate Change workshop 45 Presentation to the Environment Agency Hard copy + E copy 46 Presentation to the Sustainability network Hard copy + E copy 47 Copy of letter from UWIGWI Hard Copy only 48 Copy of article from UWIGWI Hard Copy only
Partner Activity Report December 2004 7 Action Action Action Title Planned Results/Outcome Number Number(s) it (according to (according to your action plan) According to relates to your action plan) your action According to plan Annex 1 Action Plan in ESPACE Bid WSCC Action 3a.1a; 3b.1d Understand 1. Development of research specification for Plan – Action current levels of the project No. 4 awareness within . Climate Change & Community Knowledge the community Research Specification produced 2. Tender for consultant . Tender Advertisement & appoint 3. Consultant to research current levels of awareness within the community of West Sussex, identifying information needs, barriers to communicating messages and preferred methods of delivery. . Knowledge base identifying priority audience, information needs, preferred message & media, barriers to effective communication and base line information for monitoring. Description of how the action was implemented
Development of research specification for the project a) Action completed in Period 2
Tender for consultant a) Action completed in Period 2. Consultant Rosslyn Research appointed.
Consultant to research current levels of awareness within the community of West Sussex, identifying information needs, barriers to communicating messages and preferred methods of delivery. a) All survey work within West Sussex was completed and the consultants presented their initial findings to the trans-national workshop in June (Annex 15). The project officers have subsequently received a full presentation of findings from the consultant. The full report is expected during November 2004. b) After a number of meetings with the project partner RLZZZ, the work was extended to include survey work within Belgium. The implementation of this extension has delayed the final report, however it was felt that the importance of this trans-national working justified this short delay (Annexes 18-19)
Description of the concrete results/outcomes achieved
. Quantitative survey works in West Sussex completed. . Results presented at the June Trans-national workshop. . Additional survey work in Belgium carried out. . Trans-national working enhanced by an addition to the survey work to include research in Belgium.
Justification for any deviation from the original Action Plan
Supporting annexes (submitted with this report) No. Title/Label Comment 49 Final quantitative survey questionnaire
Partner Activity Report December 2004 8 Action Action Action Title Planned Results/Outcome Number Number(s) it (according to your (according to your action plan) according to relates to action plan) your action according to plan Annex 1 Action Plan in ESPACE Bid Case Study 1.1 Project Management Partner staff input Action Plan - and Staff Input . Development & implementation of Action No. 1 project Appointment of part-time Project co- ordinator . Development of job description and person specification & interview . Appointment of part time project co- ordinator Description of how the action was implemented Appointment of part-time Project co-ordinator a) Action completed in Claim Period 2.
Partner staff input a) The Project Manager and Project Officer have attended Manhood Peninsula Partnership meetings and ensured ongoing commitment to the project from the partnership’s members (Annex 50 & 51). b) Chichester District Council provided support from staff at the launch event in June and have been represented at all of the topic workshops to date. c) Ongoing meetings have taken place between the Project Officer and Chichester District staff to develop further links, with particular focus on the forthcoming Local Development Framework (LDF). The project officer was invited to give a presentation to Chichester District members on the LDF review committee to identify links between the ESPACE work and the LDF process, and also to meet the Deputy CE (Annex 52). d) Chichester District Economic Development team undertook a mail-shot of all local businesses to publicise the launch. Further planning has taken place to deliver a targeted business event, to be held during Claim Period 4 (Annex 53).
Description of the concrete results/outcomes achieved . Need for separate business event identified and progressed . Wider involvement of CDC staff and members Justification for any deviation from the original Action Plan
Supporting annexes (submitted with this report) No. Title/Label Comment 50 Minutes of Manhood Peninsula Partnership Hard copy & E copy meeting 010604 51 Minutes of Manhood Peninsula Partnership Hard copy & E copy meeting 170804 52 Presentation to LDF review panel 130704 Hard copy & E copy 53 Proposal for Business Event Hard copy & E copy
Partner Activity Report December 2004 9 Action Action Action Title Planned Results/Outcome Number Number(s) it (according to your (according to your action plan) According to relates to action plan) your action according to plan Annex 1 Action Plan in ESPACE Bid Case Study 3a.1c; 3a 1d; Prepare for Project Develop publicity materials, arrange Action Plan - 3a.1f; 3a.1h Launch workshops and meetings Action No. 2 . Website, leaflets, letters, media
Description of how the action was implemented a) The leaflet “A Climate for Change on the Manhood Peninsula” has been published. (Annex 54) b) The website for the case study has been developed as part of the overall West Sussex website. It is online at http://www.climateforchange.org.uk/manhood_home.asp (Annex 55) c) A local reporter for the Chichester Observer has been engaged voluntarily through the Manhood Peninsula Partnership to work closely with the project to ensure maximum publicity. A number of media articles have been produced promoting the work of the project and highlighting the issue of climate change locally. (Annex 56) d) Posters for the launch event and the workshops produced, using brand image (Annex 57 & 58) e) Interview with the Project Officer broadcast on Spirit FM on 28th Oct 2004 (Annex not available)
Description of the concrete results/outcomes achieved
. Leaflet: “A climate for change on the Manhood Peninsula” published . Website online at http://www.climateforchange.org.uk/manhood_home.asp . Local media effectively engaged and producing press releases and publicity articles . Local radio interview promoting the project broadcast (281004)
Justification for any deviation from the original Action Plan
Supporting annexes (submitted with this report) No. Title/Label Comment 54 “A climate for change on the Manhood Peninsula” Hard copy only & .pdf file leaflet 55 Link to Manhood Case Study web page Link to webpage only http://www.climateforchange.org.uk/manhood_ho me.asp 56 Copies of local media articles Hard copy only 57 Poster for launch event Hard copy only 58 Poster for topic workshops Hard copy only
Partner Activity Report December 2004 10 Action Action Action Title (according Planned Results/Outcome Number Number(s) it to your action plan) (according to your action plan) according to relates to your action according to plan Annex 1 Action Plan in ESPACE Bid Case Study 3a.1a; 3a.1b Project Launch Initial open day meeting to inform the Action Plan - community and stakeholders about the Action No. 3 Partnership, the ESPACE project and to engage the community in a dialogue about the problems facing the Peninsula as a result of climate change. Description of how the action was implemented a) The project was launched at an evening open workshop event at Earnley Concourse, on the Manhood Peninsula on the 8th June 2004. Specific invitations and an agenda were sent out (Annex 59&61) as well as publicity through the local media (Annex 56) and locally placed posters for the event (Annex 57&60). A total of 63 people attended the workshop, representing a wide variety of interests on the Peninsula. b) Mark Goldthorpe of the South East Climate Change Partnership (ESPACE Project partner) was the guest speaker at the event. (Annex 62) presenting the current climate scenarios for the South East of England. The project officer gave a presentation on the specifics of the ESPACE project on the Manhood Peninsula (Annex 63) c) Participants were actively involved in small groups to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Peninsula and the opportunities and threats posed by climate change on the area. The project officer produced a full report of the results of this SWOT analysis (Annex 64).
Description of the concrete results/outcomes achieved
. Launch event held . SWOT analysis completed. Data to be used to develop topic workshops. . Involvement of ESPACE partners in the event . Positive press/media reports
Justification for any deviation from the original Action Plan
Supporting annexes (submitted with this report) No. Title/Label Comment 59 Invite to the Launch Hard copy & E copy 60 Distribution of Launch posters Hard copy & E copy 61 Agenda for Launch Hard copy & E copy 62 SECCP presentation Hard copy & E copy 63 Project officer presentation Hard copy & E copy 64 Results of SWOT (record of workshop) Hard copy & E copy
Partner Activity Report December 2004 11 Action Action Action Title (according to Planned Results/Outcome Number Number(s) it your action plan) (according to your action plan) according to relates to your action according to plan Annex 1 Action Plan in ESPACE Bid Case Study 3a.1a; 3a.1b; Implementation of pilot . Series of one-day workshops Action Plan - 3a.1g; 3b.1d; project involving stakeholders, amenity Action No. 4 3b.1e groups, local government, agencies, community members and other relevant bodies. To discuss a series of topics and how they will be effected by climate change and opportunities this presents to explore option for adapting to change. To cover topics including; Water management (coastal and fluvial); Built Environment; Economy; Recreation and Landscape; Planning and Development; Natural Environment . Management of transnational working Description of how the action was implemented a) The SWOT analysis undertaken at the Launch was used to determine topic workshop themes that were locally relevant. These were Leisure & Recreation, Built Environment, Natural Environment and Economy. The theme of Water Management was seen as integral to all 4 topics. A final Planning and Integration workshop will bring the results of these 4 workshops together. All participants in the workshops were written to explaining that this would be the way forward. (Annex 64) b) Consultants (RPS) were appointed to produce background briefing papers for each of the topics to ensure all participants have the same baseline level of knowledge of the topic (Annex 65) c) To avoid bias, facilitators (Futerra) have been appointed to run the workshop events (Annex 66). For each event the project officer and the consultant have developed the workshop design together (Annex 67-68) d) Posters advertising the events have been displayed locally (Annex 58) and there has been considerable local media interest (Annex 56). In addition, specific invitations have been sent out for each of the 3 events (Annexes 69-72) where appropriate enclosing fliers (Annex 73) and background briefing papers (Annexes 74-76). e) Presentations have been given at each of the workshops (Annexes 77-78) f) Three workshops have been undertaken to date; Leisure & Recreation, Built Environment and Economy. The Economy workshop in particular has generated a ‘future-basing’ vision (Annex 79) g) So far there have been 54 participants in the events. All participants have been encouraged to complete feedback forms following the event to allow for ongoing improvement to the design and running of the workshops. (Annexes 80-84) h) The final 2 workshops will take place in November. The Natural Environment Background Paper has already been drafted. (Annex 85) i) Participants are beginning to identify the need to learn from others in particular the Netherlands. They are keen to learn more about multi-functional land-use issues in terms of water storage which
Partner Activity Report December 2004 12 is something that the Netherlands have experience of. A visit by the Manhood Project Officer and a representative of the Manhood Peninsula Partner to the Netherlands is being considered for Claim Period 4. It is felt this trans-national working within the ESPACE partnership would provide added- value to the local project and added-value to other partners in terms of providing a case study base.
Description of the concrete results/outcomes achieved
. Topic briefing papers produced for each of the workshop events held to date. . Consultants were appointed to design and facilitate the workshop . Three Workshops of a programme of five have been held. . Media report of the first workshop, radio interview broadcast . Identification of areas to develop further effective transnational working
Justification for any deviation from the original Action Plan
Supporting annexes (submitted with this report) No. Title/Label Comment 65 Letter outlining the way forward In folder - Also available on website 66 Contract with RPS In folder 67 Contract with Futerra In folder 68 Workshop design – Economy In folder 69 Workshop Design – Built Environment In folder 70 Invite to topic workshop series In folder 71 Cover letter for L&R In folder 72 Cover letter for Economy In folder 73 Cover letter for Built Environment In folder 74 Flier for Economy workshop In folder 75 Background Paper – Leisure & Recreation In folder 76 Background Paper – Economy In folder 77 Background Paper – Built Environment In folder 78 Economy presentation In folder 79 Built environment presentation In folder 80 ‘Future–basing’ vision generated at Workshop 2 In folder (Economy) 81 Blank feedback form In folder 82 Additional written feedback – L&R In folder 83 Additional written feedback – Economy In folder 84 Additional written feedback – Built Environment In folder 85 Figures and graphs showing feedback to date In folder 86 Revised Natural Environment Background Paper In folder
Please note: this section is only to report on changes to your action plan in the next six month reporting phase. You must still contact the Lead Partner before reporting on these changes to ensure that they do not cause a major change to the ESPACE Project.
If you had to depart from your action plan as submitted to the Lead Partner, you must submit a revised version of your action plan with your Activity Report. Please also submit your original action plan and indicate the changes on it.
Revised Action Plan submitted (yes/no) Comment/Justification:
No changes are forecast for action delivery in claim period 4.
Partner Activity Report December 2004 14 VI. PLANNED MILESTONES FOR THE FOLLOWING PHASE
Provide detailed planning for the next phase of your actions.
Strategic Focus The focus for the next period will be: 1) Receipt of final report of the survey results (including the survey results in Belgium). 2) Based on the final survey report, further development of the communications strategy and awareness raising events will be developed. This will include a pilot business workshop on the Manhood peninsula early in 2005. 3) Communications Strategy published 4) Completion of the final 2 workshops for the Manhood Peninsula Case Study. 5) Analysis of these results and production of a report of key issue and options for adaptation on the Manhood Peninsula
Actions involved 1) WSCC Action Plan – No 4 and numbered as in 2) WSCC Action Plan – No. 4 your action plan 3) Case Study Action Plan - No. 4
Number(s) of the 3a.1a; 3a.1b; 3a.1g; 3b.1d; 3b.1e action in the overall Action Plan (Annex 1 ESPACE Application) that your action relates to
Describe the major activities and main outputs of each month Month 1 Case Study: 4th Workshop on Natural Environment held (9 Nov 2004). November Case Study: Final Mapping and Integration workshop held (27th Nov 2004 2004) ESPACE Technical Conference in Brussels (28-30 November 2004) Countywide: Final survey report (30 Nov 2004) Month 2 Case Study: Report on workshops received from consultants December West Sussex ESPACE Steering Group Meeting (check minutes) 2004 Month 3 Case Study: Preparation for business workshop January 2005 Countywide: “Formula Sun” event preparation starts Month 4 Case Study: Business Workshop held (10th February 2005) February 2005 Month 5 Countywide: Publish Communications Strategy March 2005 Case Study: Publication of full report and summary leaflet of issues and options for climate change adaptation on the Peninsula Month 6 Countywide: Newsletter published April 2005
Partner Activity Report December 2004 15 Partner Activity Report December 2004 16 VIII. CONTACT DETAILS
Contact Details of the person responsible for this report: Name: Abby Pulham
Institution: West Sussex County Council
Address: The Grange, Tower Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1RH
Country: UK
Phone Number: 01243 753 844
Fax Number: 01243 777 232
E-mail: [email protected]
The information and documentation in this report and its attachments give a fair and correct description of the present implementation status of the project.
Name (in capitals): ABBY PULHAM
Position in the organisation of the Partner: COASTAL & FLOODING STRATEGIST
Partner Activity Report December 2004 17 Partner Activity Report December 2004 18